MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 209 I'm in charge!

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A plesiosaurs as huge as a hill stretched out a huge mouth from the magma river in the sky and attacked the pterosaurs.

Its body size is more than double that of a pterosaur, and its body is more sturdy. Its body is covered with black scales and looks extremely mighty.

However, the body of the pterosaur is extremely soft, and they can constantly change shape with the wings of the pterosaur.

The plesiosaur opened its huge mouth and swallowed a smaller pterosaur in one bite.

Long Yang was stunned when he saw this scene.

Each of these ancient behemoths has extremely terrifying bloodlines.

At this time, a huge white pterosaur with a length of a thousand meters flew over from the sky, like a wall across the world.


The huge white pterosaur slammed into the magma river fiercely, setting off a huge wave and biting with the plesiosaur.

However, the sturdy scales of the plesiosaur were not torn apart by the pterosaur's teeth. The white pterosaur was directly swallowed by the plesiosaur in the river of magma!

This scene surprised Long Yang, such a huge pterosaur was swallowed like this.


The other pterosaur howled in pain. At this moment, its eyes became red, becoming extremely fierce, and it rushed towards the plesiosaur, to tear the plesiosaur to pieces.

Several pterosaurs followed it and rushed towards the river of magma, and several plesiosaurs also emerged from the river.

The two sides immediately fought together.

For a time, the battle was extremely tragic. The two dragon groups fought **** battles. The sky was full of blood, which was reflected in the magma river above the sky, which looked extremely magnificent.

Long Yang looked at this world and sighed for a while. He did not expect that he would meet such a powerful creature and witness the cruelty of this ancient world with his own eyes.

'This world is far more dangerous than the bottom of the sea. I don't know what happened to Sledgehammer and Zhang Mone. I have to find them quickly. ’

Long Yang hurried to the forbidden area of ​​the mermaid.

In the forbidden area of ​​the mermaid race, there was a loud noise at this time.

Zhang Mo and Wang Dachui were surrounded by a group of mermaid warriors.

"It's really a ghost. I just saw a kid come out of the forbidden area, and now there are two more."

The mermaid general looked at Zhang Mo and Wang Dachui and said angrily.

"Do we need to report to the king?"

asked another merfolk warrior.

The mermaid general frowned, "No, the king is already furious because of that kid and the Jumang clan who got in there. If we let him know about this again, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive!"

The mermaid general said gloomily.

"Then what do we do?"

the mermaid warrior asked.

The mermaid general stretched out his hand and made a click.

"Kill them and no one will know!"

With that said, a group of mermaids rushed towards Wang Dachui and Zhang Mo.

At this time, Wang Dazhui and Zhang Mo, covered in blood, had obviously experienced a hard battle, and their auras were also a little sluggish.

Wang Dazhui wanted to negotiate with these mermaids, but these fools attacked her without giving her a chance to speak.

The underground world is full of spiritual energy, even these mermaid warriors are the strength of the early days of the fairy, and the mermaid general is the strength of the late fairy, and the huge pressure is instantly suppressed.

"You savages are mad at me!"

While cursing, Wang Dazhui took out the nearly two-meter sledgehammer and smashed it towards the attacking mermaid warrior.

The body of the mermaid warriors also burst into dazzling light, and they slashed on the sledgehammer of the king sledgehammer with their huge sickles.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

A series of sounds of gold and iron mingling came, and sparks flew.

Wang Dazhui's sledgehammer was also bent by them, and he almost fell to the ground, and Wang Dazhui's body was also knocked out due to the huge impact force, and fell to the ground, unable to climb for a long time. stand up.

"it hurts!"

The strength of these mermaid warriors, if they appear in the underwater world, is definitely a master. The spiritual energy in the heart of the earth is too strong, and there are countless masters.

Seeing this, Zhang Mo hurriedly released the Immortal Sword Qi and stabbed at the mermaid warriors.

Under the Qi of Zhuxian Sword, all living beings are equal, and the scales of these murloc warriors were shattered by the Qi of Zhuxian Sword.

"Hey, this kid is weird."

"Go together."

When the mermaid warriors saw Zhang Mo's extraordinary strength, several mermaid warriors immediately rushed towards Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo was not afraid at all. While resisting the offensive of these mermaid warriors, he displayed a sword energy and slashed at these mermaid warriors.

"Ah, not good!"

The few mermaid warriors hurriedly dodged, but the sword energy still slashed at them.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Several mermaid warriors fell to the ground one after another, losing their lives.

"You... how dare you hurt my clan!"

"'re dead!"

The mermaid general was furious and attacked Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo sneered, he was not afraid of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, holding the Sword of Immortal Execution in his hand, he slashed towards the mermaid general.

"Boom boom boom...!"

The sound of intense bombing kept ringing, and Zhang Mo and the mermaid general fought fiercely.

"Your strength is not bad."

"You are the strongest practitioner I have ever seen!"

Zhang Mo slashed out with a sword and struck the head of the mermaid general.


The mermaid general was kicked out by Zhang Mo's sword and fell into the distance.

The killing sword qi on the Sword of Immortal Execution is too terrifying. Ordinary monsters can't bear the slaughtering sword qi on the Sword of Immortal Execution.

Although the mermaid general was injured, he did not die. Golden fish scales appeared on his body and slowly healed.

He stood up from the ground and stared at Zhang Mo, his eyes filled with endless anger.


Zhang Mo snorted coldly.

"You dare to hurt me, you are dead."

The mermaid general said while waving the weapon on his arm to attack Zhang Mo.

"Bam! Boom! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

These mermaid warriors were slashed to the ground by Zhang Mo's sword, and the scales on their bodies were torn apart, revealing the bright red skin inside.

"This guy is amazing."

The rest of the mermaid warriors felt a chill, and they quickly stepped aside.

"You actually killed my companion, I must get this account back."

The mermaid general gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

"You are not qualified yet."

Zhang Mo said lightly, he didn't even look at the mermaid general, and cut off the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand.

But at this moment, a strong aura suddenly erupted, shrouded in here, making people feel breathless.

This momentum is really too powerful. After Zhang Mo and Wang Dachui felt this momentum, their bodies trembled, as if they had encountered some terrifying existence, and they couldn't even move.

They looked up and found a man in black, slowly falling down. The man's back was very tall and straight, like a towering tree. A desire to surrender.

When the mermaid general saw this person, he was startled and hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Meet your lord."

"Your, why are you here?"

The person here is actually the mermaid king!

The Mermaid King didn't even look at him, and walked towards Zhang Mo and Wang Dachui.

"You two, you are not small, even my mermaid warriors dare to kill."

The Mermaid King looked at Zhang Mo and Wang Dazhui coldly.

Zhang Mo and Wang Dazhui both had serious expressions on their faces, but Zhang Mo had an unbending temper, and glared back coldly, "It's them who are courting death!"

"What an arrogant boy!"

The mermaid king looked at Zhang Mo, his face became a little grim, and he released a powerful coercion, suppressing Zhang Mo and Wang Dachui.

Zhang Mo and Wang Dazhui only felt that their whole body was about to be crushed, and their bodies could hardly move.

"Huh? What about you?"

Suddenly, the mermaid king saw Wang Dazhui's appearance, his eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and there were extremely complicated feelings in it.

‘Why does this woman look so similar to that bitch? This is almost the same! ’

'Is this a destiny? Let that woman come back to me? ’

The mermaid king stared at Wang Sledgehammer closely.

Wang Dazhui noticed the eyes of the mermaid king,

My body couldn't help shivering, and I felt a chill in my heart coming out from the soles of my feet, as if I was in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, and my whole body trembled.

He felt that this man was extremely terrifying, and even his eyes were a little perverted.

"You... what do you want to do?"

The mermaid king rolled his eyes and said, "I changed my mind."

"I don't plan to kill you anymore, as long as you are willing to go back with me, I can let him go."

The Mermaid King smiled, but his eyes were full of lewdness and countless feelings.

Wang Dazhui was stunned for a moment, and then his face instantly turned pale, "Don't even think about it!"

She felt disgusted that this old thing dared to think about herself.

"Hmph, it's up to you!"

"If that's the case, then I'll kill this kid first!"

The mermaid king snorted coldly and attacked Zhang Mo with one palm.

At this time, Zhang Mo finally got used to the suppression of Da Luo Jinxian's aura, and the Sword of Immortal Execution in his hand swung an extremely sharp sword energy, which collided with the palm of the Mermaid King.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, deafening, a mushroom cloud dozens of meters high appeared in the air, and the wind was blowing everywhere.

Zhang Mo shouted loudly, raised the Immortal Execution Sword again and attacked the mermaid general.

This talented young man from Shenhou Mansion, at this time, has gradually revealed his fangs.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The Mermaid King was furious, and he did not expect that this human being would be so ignorant and dare to resist his orders.

A black fork instantly appeared in the hands of the mermaid king. With a wave of the harpoon, a black hurricane rolled towards Zhang Mone.

Zhang Mo's brows were slightly wrinkled, this black fork was so strange, he felt a dangerous aura, and he hurriedly avoided the air current.

At this time, the black fork had reached Zhang Mo's side.


This black air current drew a trace of about one meter deep where Zhang Mone had just stood.

If Zhang Mone hadn't reacted in time, he must have been pierced through his chest by this black fork.


Zhang Mo secretly cursed.

"Your speed is fast."

The mermaid king smiled and said, "However, no matter how fast you are, can you be faster than this king?"

"call out!"

This black fork turned into an afterglow and attacked Zhang Mo.

This move, the speed is so fast, it simply surpasses the speed of sound!

Zhang Mo's brows were wrinkled, and the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand kept waving, blocking the black fork every time.

However, Zhang Mo's strength is far inferior to the Mermaid King after all. Even if he is talented, he can't stop this level of power.


Zhang Mo vomited out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was blown away by this force and smashed to the ground.

At this time, Wang Dazhui had been defeated by several mermaid warriors and was tightly bound, so he could only helplessly watch the battle between Zhang Mo and the mermaid king.

The Mermaid King gave Wang Dachui a cold look, and for some reason, endless hatred appeared in his eyes.

"Bitch, you like to steal people, right? I'll let you watch this little white face die in front of you!"

He seemed to recall something bad, and his anger rose.

Wang Dazhui, and his wife who left him, are almost identical.

Tortured Wang Sledgehammer, he felt as if he was torturing the wife who abandoned him, and regained his man's dignity.

Zhang Mo struggled to stand up, his eyes were extremely gloomy, staring at the mermaid king, his eyes shot a cold light, a terrifying aura emerged from his body, the air became frozen, and people felt a sense of death The breath, as if death had descended on the world, brought people infinite fear.

Zhang Mo said word by word: "I, Zhang Mo, swear to defend my dignity to the death!"

"Zhu Xianjian, come and fight with me!"

Zhu Xianjian felt Zhang Mo's call and flew into his hands.

"Jie Jie, you are the shame of our mermaid clan, you are a traitor of the mermaid clan, our mermaid clan will definitely destroy you, and seek justice for the dead mermaid clan!"


The mermaid king slapped the palm of his hand, and the clothes on his body were shattered. He was covered with scales, all of which were extremely hard. These scales were dark green with little stars shining on them. They looked very beautiful. They all contain extremely terrifying power, as if a slight touch can tear a mountain apart.

In the eyes of the mermaid king, there were also terrifying fierce lights, and he stared at Zhang Mo and said, "die!"

The mermaid king snorted coldly, waved his hands, and the black fork in his hand greeted him, intertwined with Zhang Mo's sword flower, making a series of explosions, the energy between the two, constantly colliding, In the end, the two energies annihilated each other and dissipated.

The Immortal Execution Sword in Zhang Mo's hand made a humming sound and seemed to be shaking. There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were still cold.

He stared at the Mermaid King, and said slowly, "Noisy."

In his hand, the Sword of Immortal Execution swung again, and the bright sword lights swept away towards the Mermaid King.

A light curtain of water appeared around the Mermaid King's body. His speed was as fast as lightning, and he kept dodging waves of sword lights before continuing to attack Zhang Mo.

The Immortal Execution Sword in Zhang Mo's hands kept attacking, and the mermaid king's figure was also unpredictable, attacking Zhang Mo's neck for a while, and attacking Zhang Mo's chest for a while.

On Zhang Mo's body, blood marks continued to appear. This mermaid king seemed to be playing, constantly teasing Zhang Mo.

Although Zhang Mo was angry, he couldn't help him.

Finally, the mermaid king seemed to be tired of playing, the black fork in his hand turned into a black streamer, and stabbed Zhang Mo's chest fiercely, directly piercing it, and blood sprayed out.

Zhang Mo screamed, and his body fell from the air and fell to the ground. At his chest, a huge hole was gurgling out with blood.

Zhang Mo struggled to get up and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Little brat, today, I will send you back to the west!"

The mermaid king sneered, slapped his palm again, and the black fork flew out again, mercilessly inserted into Zhang Mo's chest.

Zhang Mo's body shook violently, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

The Immortal Execution Sword flew out again, blocking the fork, but its light began to dim gradually, and it seemed that it couldn't support it.

Wang Dazhui was very anxious when he saw it, but there was nothing he could do.

"Ha ha."

The mermaid king sneered and waved the black fork in his hand again.

A black fork shadow reappeared in front of Zhang Mo, and swept towards Zhang Mo quickly.

"Boy, watch my black fork kill you!"

Zhang Mo's face became extremely ugly.

The Immortal Execution Sword in his hand swung horizontally, and a dazzling sword light suddenly shot out from the sword, shattering the black fork shadow.

However, Immortal Execution Sword, also at this moment, became bleak.

Zhang Mo's figure staggered a bit, and sat on the ground, panting heavily. He knew that the power in the Sword of Immortal Execution was almost exhausted.


The ferocious face of the mermaid king instantly appeared in front of Zhang Mo.

"Do not!"

Wang Dachui cried, his eyes filled with tears.

At this moment, a golden light pierced the sky, and a blond boy with a dragon spear descended from the sky and stabbed the mermaid king with a spear.

The mermaid king frowned slightly, he couldn't resist this blow.

He withdrew his weapon and ducked.

"Who is it? Dare to ruin my good deeds?!"

The mermaid king was furious.

"Young master's friend, you can also move?"

A cold shout came, and a golden figure descended from the sky and landed on the ground.

This is a young man wearing golden armor and holding a golden spear. He has two five-meter-long golden wings behind him, and a pair of eyes that shine like two bright suns.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his every move was like a god.

"It's you!"

The mermaid king recognized the boy, who was actually the boy who was brought back by his daughter Karina.

"Unfortunately, we meet again."

The golden-armored boy said with a sneer, golden runes appeared around his body, exuding terrifying pressure. In his pupils, golden flames jumped, like a fire dragon, full of destructive power.

The person here is Long Yang!

When the Mermaid King saw Long Yang, his pupils shrank sharply. He felt a suffocating and dangerous aura from the golden-armored boy. It seemed that this boy was a wild beast with the power to destroy the world.

"who are you?"

"I advise you, don't mind your own business!"

the mermaid king asked, his eyes flashing fiercely.

"This is the territory of my mermaid clan. I am the king of the mermaid clan. Don't you understand the truth that strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes?"

Long Yang smiled lightly, "Unfortunately, these two are my friends."

"I'm in charge of this matter!"

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