MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 210 humiliation!

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Long Yang watched Wang Dachui being tied up, and endless anger rose in his heart.

After so many things, he has regarded Wang Dazhui as the closest person.

Someone worthy of his protection.

Dragons have inverse scales, you will die if you touch them!

Long Yang let out a long roar, and the Coiled Dragon Backbone burst into a dazzling light, like a flood dragon going out of the sea, soaring through the clouds, and rushing towards the Mermaid King. At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a real dragon.

As soon as he made a move, it was a unique move. Long Yin Jiutian, a dragon shadow galloped on his body, turned into a long golden whip, slapped it fiercely, and pulled the Mermaid King back hundreds of meters.

The Mermaid King looked at Long Yang, who was flying through the clouds and driving the fog, and was secretly shocked.

"How is that possible? He can still cultivate a real dragon soul. What kind of evildoer is he?"

Then, the tip of Longyang's spear shook, and the mermaid warriors around Wang Dazhui were torn apart by the spear, their flesh and blood flying, screaming constantly, and the smell of blood filled the entire space.

Wang Dachui regained his freedom, took out his sledgehammer angrily, and rushed towards the mermaid warriors who were beaten by Long Yang.

Immediately, the sky was full of blood, and the few who didn't react were directly killed by Wang Dachui.

The mermaid king looked at his subordinates, all of them were beheaded to death, and the anger in his eyes grew even stronger, "Damn, hateful, pity my subordinates, all of them are buried in your hands in vain!"

"I'll send you back to the west!"

Long Yang sneered, the gun body shook, and bombarded the Mermaid King again.

Anger filled Long Yang's whole body. At this moment, even if the opposite was a god, he was not afraid.

With a wave of the mermaid king's arm, the black fork appeared again, blocking the golden brilliance.

"Little bastard, see how I clean up you!"

The mermaid king roared, and the fork in his hand flew out again and bombarded Long Yang.

"Hmph, it's just you?"

Long Yang waved his hand, and the golden coiled dragon ridge flew towards the black fork. When the two met, an extremely powerful wave suddenly erupted.

That wave went straight to Xiao Han, and condensed into a huge vortex in the air, smashing the surrounding sky, and the river of magma in the sky, under this wave, also rolled.

In Long Yang's eyes, the golden rays of light flickered constantly, and his body continued to expand. In the blink of an eye, dragon scales spread all over his body, the golden armor exuded a hazy light, and a horn appeared on his forehead. The horns flickered with purple electricity, exuding a fierce and unparalleled aura, as if to pierce the void.

The mermaid king looked at this human race boy with fear in his eyes.

He didn't understand why this young man was only half a step Jinxian's strength, so he could put so much pressure on him as a Jinxian.

Long Yang punched out, and the golden light condensed a golden dragon in the void, roared, and charged towards the Mermaid King.


The golden dragon slammed into the defensive cover beside the mermaid king, directly shattering the defensive cover. The mermaid king stepped back three steps in a row, and a strong wind blew his long hair.

A look of horror flashed in his eyes, Long Yang's strength far exceeded his expectations.

"Boy, you are hiding your strength!"

Long Yang flicked his sleeves and shot again. His speed was extremely fast, and the golden spear lights condensed in front of him, like a meteor shower, attacking the mermaid king.

Long Yang's attack, one after another, did not stop at all.

Although the Mermaid King was amazed at Long Yang's strength, he was not at all chaotic.


Long Yang's golden spear hole penetrated the mermaid king's abdomen, wounding him, and blood splattered, staining his clothes red.

The mermaid king was in great pain, with a ferocious expression on his face, "Bastard, you are courting death!"

The mermaid king patted his head, and an incomparably huge monster drilled out of his head. His body was like a hill, more than ten meters high, with eight thick tails and hard scales all over his body.

It has two rows of sharp teeth hanging from the corners of its mouth, which looks very ugly.

The black monster roared up to the sky, and the sound contained endless power.

The Mermaid King instantly merged with the monster and turned into a black human-shaped behemoth. He opened his mouth to inhale, and a violent suction force was generated, which swept towards Longyang, trying to devour Longyang's soul.

"You dare to show your ugliness in front of Lao Tzu? Break it for me!"

Long Yang smashed it out with a punch, and his fist was wrapped in circles of golden patterns, like a golden sun, bombarding the black giant beast.


A violent energy ripple erupted, but the mermaid king was unscathed, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Long Yang's fist was blocked by the black beast's claws.

There were bursts of strange laughter from the mouth of the black behemoth, and a pair of huge eyeballs spun, exuding a cloud of black mist, and there were countless sounds of ghost crying and wolf howling coming out of the mist.

The mermaid king punched out, instantly shattering the scales on Long Yang's body and piercing his body.

A huge fist mark appeared on Long Yang's chest.

Long Yang snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but he was not fatally injured.

Long Yang shouted angrily, and the long spear in his hand attacked again.

"call out!"

The spear turned into thousands of golden lights, overwhelming the sky and attacking the mermaid king.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

The black fork in the hand of the Mermaid King flew out, and the black circles formed one after another in the air, dissolving Long Yang's attacks one by one, and then turning it into a huge black ball.


Long Yang's spear slammed heavily on the black ball, and waves of terrifying energy ripples shot out in all directions, setting off sand and dust in the sky.

The Mermaid King stood there, not moving a single trace.

At this moment, the Mermaid King finally showed the strength of Daluo Jinxian. He defeated Long Yang's attack with one move, and immediately attacked Long Yang again.

Long Yang didn't dare to neglect, the dragon's ridge in his hand flew up again, turning into a dragon shadow, hovering in the air, dispelling the black smoke in the sky.


The long fork of the mermaid king hit the dragon's spine again, making a loud noise.

Long Yang was continuously hit by the attack of the Mermaid King, and he couldn't help but back up. Every time he was hit, a trace of blood would spill from the corner of his mouth.


Long Yang gritted his teeth, his eyes flashed with cold light, his body flashed with golden light, and his body was burning with flaming golden flames, exuding powerful majesty and domineering.

"Give me death!"

Long Yang waved the dragon's ridge again and rushed up.

At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a **** and demon, exuding monstrous aura from his body, and that breath was like a demon **** who came out of the depths of the wilderness.


The mermaid king raised his long fork and fell towards Long Yang's body.

"Crack clap..."

Longyang waved the Dragon's Backbone to resist the attack of the Mermaid King, only to hear a series of crisp bones breaking, Longyang's arm bent, the Dragon's Backbone in his hand fell to the ground, Longyang's body also flew out, and fell heavily. He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

On his arm, a large hole was cut by the long fork of the Mermaid King, and the blood slowly slid down his palm.

"Little brother Longyang!"

Wang Dazhui was shocked, he didn't expect the Mermaid King to be so powerful.

Seeing the concern in Wang Dazhui's eyes, the mermaid king was even more angry.


He couldn't help thinking of the time when his own woman abandoned him like this and ran away with others.

Now, another woman who looks so similar to that 'bitch' has done the same thing.

Jealousy burned in his heart and turned into power.

The long black fork slashed towards Long Yang on the ground again.


Long Yang roared angrily, the golden light on his body exploded, the scales on his body grew rapidly, his muscles became extremely strong, the whole person, like an iron tower, stood up, his legs became more Thick, his waist has also become straight, the whole person is like an iron tower, full of endless fierceness.

His skin was bronze, exuding an ancient charm, and he looked very strong.

"Death to me!"

Long Yang rushed up again, waving the Dragon's Backbone and bombarded the Mermaid King again.

However, with this blow, his body was directly penetrated by the long black fork, and his flesh became pulpy.


He roared up to the sky, let out an angry roar, exuding a strong evil spirit, and the golden light on his body was even stronger.

The golden blood boiled in Long Yang's body, and he swung out a spear.


A golden dragon rose up into the sky.

This Flood Dragon was a hundred zhang huge, opened its **** mouth, and devoured it towards the Mermaid King.


The mermaid king waved the black long fork and intercepted the golden flood dragon.

The Mermaid King sneered: "Humans who don't know how high the sky is!"

With one blow, the golden flood dragon swung by Long Yang shattered directly.


Long Yang's voice was low, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

A purple arc appeared in his eyes.


One after another thunder snakes poured out of Long Yang's body, and condensed into silver-white electric pythons in the air. These electric pythons twisted continuously and rushed towards the mermaid king.

"Humph! It's just a trick to eagle worms. With this means, you still want to kill me?"

The mermaid king snorted coldly, and the black fork waved again, turning into a black meteor, stabbing towards Long Yang.


The black fork bombarded heavily on the lightning python.

The electric python exploded and turned into a silver-white electric ray that covered the entire area.

"Haha! Just wait to die!"

The black fork pierced through Long Yang's body instantly. Long Yang flew out into the distance like a kite with a broken string. He vomited blood and his face was as pale as paper.

His body was covered with scars, and in some places, even bones could be seen, which looked extremely terrifying.

The mermaid king stood there, looking indifferently at Long Yang who was struggling to get up on the ground, the hatred in his heart was even stronger, he would not forgive this human being like this.

The mermaid king raised the black fork in his hand and killed Long Yang again.

At this time, the mermaid king's face became hideous, and a large black mist emerged from his body, and the black mist quickly condensed into a giant skeleton.

The black long fork in the shape of a skeleton exudes a strong evil aura, and there is a black hole on its arm, which is constantly swallowing the void and making a whistling sound.


The long black fork of the Mermaid King smashed towards Long Yang again.


Zhang Mo finally slowed down at this time, and blocked Long Yang with Wang Dachui.

With one hammer and one sword, they attacked the long fork of the Mermaid King together.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Two crisp sounds came out, and the bodies of Zhang Mo and Wang Dachui flew out again.

The current Mermaid King is extremely powerful and unstoppable.

Long Yang stood up strong, waved the dragon's spine, and fought with the Mermaid King again.

The weapons of the two exude a dazzling light, illuminating a void.

Long Yang's body kept shaking, and bright red blood flowers burst out from his body, blooming in the void.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The two kept fighting, and every time they collided, there was an earth-shattering momentum, and every collision produced a strong aftermath that spread in all directions.


Long Yang sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew backwards again.


He hit the ground hard.


He roared loudly, his face was painful, his body twitched, and blood was constantly spilling from the corners of his mouth.

"Little brother Longyang!"

Seeing that Long Yang was beaten so miserably, Wang Dachui had tears in his eyes, and his eyes were full of pain, but she had nothing to do.


The mermaid king looked at Long Yang who was dying on the ground, with a contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth, turned his wrist, raised the long fork in his hand again, and poked it towards Long Yang's head, ready to give Long Yang's head to him at once. stab.

"No! Stop fighting! I'll go with you, you let them go!"

Wang Dazhui suddenly opened his hands and blocked Long Yang.

Seeing this, the mermaid king was jealous, but he was unwilling to kill the woman who looked very similar to his wife, and took back the black long fork.

'Bitch, when I get your heart, I will torture you! ’

The mermaid king looked at Wang Dachui's familiar face, and his heart was full of resentment.

He wants to inflict all the wounds he suffered on the woman on the woman.

The incident many years ago has become his inner demon, causing problems in his state of mind.

Now, if he can unravel the knot, he believes that his strength can be improved to a higher level, and it is not impossible for the Immortal King.

This woman is very important to him.

"Okay, you and I go back to the palace, and I'll let them go."

The mermaid king sneered.

However, Long Yang felt a shame spreading in his heart.

'Didn't you say you want to protect her? What, now she is protecting you? ’

'Do not! no! ’

Long Yang roared, "No! Sister Sledgehammer, you can't go with him!"

Long Yang struggled, waved the Dragon's Back with his last strength, and attacked the Mermaid King.

The Mermaid King sneered disdainfully, and with a flick of his body, he avoided the Dragon's Back.


The dragon's ridge slammed into the ground, making a deafening loud noise, the ground shook violently, cracks appeared one after another, and a large piece of soil was lifted up, forming a large amount of soil and rocks, submerging the entire valley.

Above the earth, cracks spread.

"Didn't you say that you want to protect her?" The fish king said sullenly, "I think you are going to break your promise?"

"No! I will never break my promise!" Long Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Sister Sledgehammer, as long as I am alive, I will protect you and never let anyone bully you!"

Long Yang gritted his teeth and said.

The mermaid king glanced at him and sneered.

"Okay, since you said that, then I'll send you to death now!"

As the Mermaid King spoke, he waved his long fork and slashed towards Long Yang fiercely.

"Do not!"

Wang Dazhui roared piercingly.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

The long black fork of the mermaid king, with devastating power, fell towards Longyang. She knew that if this fork fell on Longyang, Longyang would surely die!

At this moment, there were tears in Wang Dazhui's eyes. She hated herself, and that she was too weak.

Long Yang was hit, and countless holes appeared in his body. He was punched out of the prototype and turned into a dragon and horse.

The golden bones, under the pressure of the black long fork, shattered piece by piece and turned into ashes.

Long Yang's primordial spirit also suffered a heavy blow, and the whole person almost lost his memory.


Seeing that Long Yang was blown up by the Mermaid King, Zhang Mo let out a shrill cry, his eyes filled with hatred.

But the next second, the long fork of the mermaid king passed by, and Zhang Mo's body was penetrated.

Fortunately, he has a magic weapon of the Shenhou Mansion, which protects the heart and prevents him from dying on the spot.

Countless mermaid warriors, looking at the three people in the field, shouted excitedly.

"My king is mighty!"

"Dare to provoke our family, I'm really tired of living!"

"Your Majesty, give them a good look! Kill the man and marry the woman back to be a concubine!"

A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs will keep shouting.

The mermaid king also had an arrogant face, grabbed the king's hammer, imprisoned him, and said, "Little beauty, where do you want to go?"

With tears on his face, Wang Dachui said to the Mermaid King angrily, "You don't keep your promises!"

"It's not that I'm not keeping my word, it's that he is courting death himself!"

The mermaid king sneered, and another fork penetrated Long Yang's body.

Long Yang's bones have been shattered, and his consciousness is somewhat blurred, but his eyes are still staring at the Mermaid King.

He wants to deeply engrave the humiliation at this moment in his heart.

Wang Dazhui burst into tears when he saw Long Yang's appearance, "Stop hitting!"

"I will listen to you as long as you spare his life."

With that said, Wang Dachui knelt down in front of the Mermaid King.

"Haha! You watch! You even plead for this trash!"

The mermaid king looked at the king sledgehammer kneeling on the ground, raised his head and laughed wildly.

The laughter echoed in the valley, and it never stopped for a long time.

"Okay! I'll spare them two dog lives! You two humans, get out now!"

He looked at Zhang Mo and Long Yang and said coldly.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Wang Dazhui kept talking, but his eyes were full of despair.

This goodbye may be goodbye in the next life.

Long Yang's eyes were full of unyielding, but he was exhausted and lost consciousness.

"Let's go, but looking at the appearance of this kid, it is estimated that he will not survive..."

"Hmph, look at him an eyesore!"

The mermaid king directly kicked Long Yang's body down the deep valley, and the group left swaggeringly.

Everything returned to its former calm, as if nothing had happened.

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