MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 221 Half angel, half devil!

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While speaking, Tang Tianfu rushed towards Yuehu.

Yuehu's eyes were full of panic.

"Do not!"

Yuehu shouted, and hurriedly flew back, hiding behind a big tree.

Tang Tianfu slapped the big tree to pieces, and then chased Yuehu.

Yuehu exclaimed and hurriedly dodged, but was still caught by Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu twisted Yuehu's arm and stepped on Yuehu's chest with one foot.

Yuehu's arm was stepped on the ground by Tang Tianfu, and blood flowed down her arm, staining the soil on the ground red.

Tang Tianfu's body exuded golden light and became the only light source.

In the night sky, Tang Tianfu's face, half dark and half bright, looked extremely strange.

"Half angel, half devil."

Moon Fox murmured.

At this time, Tang Tianfu was shocked, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

‘Hey, how did I win? ’

he thought.

But he still pretended to be calm and said, "You still dare to tease me?"

"Admit defeat, I don't want to kill you."

Tang Tianfu said that at this moment, he seems to have returned to the mind of a child.

Yuehu looked at him, smiled lightly, and said, "You won."

"Here's what you want, here it is."

Yuehu took out a string of silver rosary beads and handed it to Tang Tianfu.

"what is this?"

Tang Tianfu reached out and took the rosary.

Suddenly, a huge amount of information poured into his mind.

In front of his eyes, countless clansmen are falling, the fire is burning, and screams are everywhere.

Tang Tianfu's face showed pain, his eyes were full of bloodshots, he roared, his whole face twisted together, and his body was constantly changing.

Countless masked people appeared in the territory and slaughtered the giants who fell to the ground.

"Who are they? Why do they do such a cruel thing?"

Tang Tianfu felt that his heart was bleeding.

His head was filled with countless images, which were his most painful memories, which are now slowly being revealed.

His people died, and there was nothing he could do.

At that time, he was still very weak, and he didn't even have the ability to resist. He could only let those people kill, and he was slaughtered without any resistance.

"who are they?"

The scene in front of Tang Tianfu's eyes stopped abruptly, and he gradually woke up.

Yuehu looked at him, smiled lightly, and said, "I think you should be able to guess it."

"At that time, the entire geocentric world was under the control of our family, but some people were unwilling to live under others."

"My mission is complete, next, it's up to you."

The figure of Yuehu also slowly dissipated.

The Lacanton tribe has been extinct for hundreds of millions of years, and her power has been completely exhausted.

The figure of Yuehu also disappeared completely, and Tang Tianfu's sanity gradually recovered.

"Is what she said true?"

As the memory recovered, some of the things that were sealed in his heart gradually woke up.

Tang Tianfu's eyes flashed with an inexplicable luster, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, like a smile, but there was an icy chill.

"Whether it's true or not, I must see it with my own eyes!"

Tang Tianfu clenched his fists and his eyes were firm.

"I don't know if my parents are doing well in heaven."

"Heaven? No, that place is a joke."

A sneer appeared on Tang Tianfu's face, and said, "Perhaps the days in **** are more wonderful than in heaven."

As his memory recovered, Tang Tianfu was no longer naive.

Where the moon fox disappeared, a metal box emitting a shimmering light was left behind.

He opened the metal box and found two rings inside. He put a ruby ​​ring on his left hand and a black gem on his right.

There is a 'star' on the left, which means that he is a prosperous star, shining brightly.

On the right is the 'Yin Moon', which is a dark silence, representing all darkness.

The combination of light and darkness creates a stark contrast.

He is like an arrogant star, standing on a high place overlooking the entire sky, overlooking this land, overlooking everything.

The forest turned into a bubble and dissipated, and a door of light appeared.

"The beard represents strength. The moon fox represents agility."

"Next, what will it be?"

"Whatever it is, I have to pass the test."

In Tang Tianfu's eyes, there was a strong gaze.

He walked towards the door of light.

The space was distorted, and he instantly appeared in another place.

This is a green field, with rolling hills in the distance, a river winding down from the hillside, on both sides of the river, there are rows of houses standing, with wind chimes hanging on the houses, ding-dong, like the sound of heaven.

Tang Tianfu watched this scene and couldn't help but be stunned.

This scene was so different from what he had imagined.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Tang Tianfu muttered to himself.

He walked to the village, but found that there was no one on the street.

He looked for a house and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

He pushed open the door and walked in.

This is a humble house.

Some of the tables and chairs in the house are shabby, and there is food on the table, smell carefully, and some temperature.

Next to the table was a bed, covered with a thin, worn rug.

"Strange, how could this be?"

"Where have everyone gone? The food is still hot, and it stands to reason that they won't go far, but there is no breath nearby. Did they all disappear out of thin air?"

Tang Tianfu was puzzled and walked to the house next to him.

Pushing open the door, a cry came.

This cry made his heart tremble.

In the room, a girl was curled up on the bed, trembling all over, her legs were clamped, her eyes were full of tears, her mouth was open, as if something painful was happening, her face was extremely pale.

Hearing the girl's voice, Tang Tianfu's footsteps stopped.

The girl's body is very thin, her skin is pale, and she looks fragile, like it can be blown away by a gust of wind.

However, Tang Tianfu felt a strange feeling.

He walked over and found some bloodstains beside the girl, and a small black puppet beside her.

The puppet looked very old and had a lot of dust on it.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Tang Tianfu reached out and patted the girl's shoulder.

The girl raised her head, revealing blood-red eyes hidden under her long messy hair.

The scene instantly turned pitch black, and a strange aura came over him.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to talk to strangers?"

The woman giggled and said with a straight smile. There was no human color on her face, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

Tang Tianfu's body couldn't move the moment he touched the woman.

An extremely terrifying resentment came from the woman and directly invaded Tang Tianfu's mind! He felt extremely painful, and his brain seemed to explode.

This third level, the test, is spiritual power.

This woman's resentment is extremely strong, and although Tang Tianfu's physical fitness is extremely strong, he can't resist her attack.

Tang Tianfu felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier, and his brain was beginning to feel dizzy.

"It hurts!"

Tang Tianfu squatted down holding his head.

He felt as if he had fallen into an extremely chaotic state, unable to think.

The woman's body slowly approached his body.

Tang Tianfu's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he felt that his body was about to be swallowed up by the woman's grievances.

"don't want!"

Tang Tianfu used all his strength to shout out, he struggled, but to no avail.

"Do not!!"

Tang Tianfu roared loudly.

A cruel smile appeared on the woman's face. She slowly stretched out her hand, grabbed Tang Tianfu's arm, stretched out her mouth and bit it lightly. The million-year-old hungry wolf dog frantically bit Tang Tianfu's arm.

Fresh blood dripped down the wound, dripping into the woman's mouth, and strands of black gas emerged from her body, covering Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu's spirit was being devastated by madness, and countless miserable scenes appeared in front of his eyes.

Those were people who were tortured to the death, their souls were all trapped in a prison, and countless evil spirits were frantically eating their souls.

Every soul was swallowed up, and Tang Tianfu felt a tingling in his own soul.

As if it was his own soul that was swallowed up.

The black mist completely shrouded Tang Tianfu, and a smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.

"Giggle, I have served you Lacanton for so many years, and now, I will finally welcome my world."

The woman is a soul body. Unlike other guardians, her existence does not rely on the power of the Lakadon tribe, but on the power of the soul.

During the many years of the Lacanton disappearance, the power of the rest has decreased, but his power has increased.

She devoured the souls of everyone in this space, and as long as she devoured one more, she could condense her body and escape from this world.

Victory is at hand.

The woman looked extremely excited, her eyes flashing with greed.

Her lips began to move slowly.

"Squeak, squeak—"

The woman continued to devour Tang Tianbu's soul power, and her body continued to grow larger, gradually covering the entire village.

But at this moment, Tang Tianfu suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes became extremely deep, and a terrifying aura instantly filled the entire village.

In an instant, the woman was stunned.

The woman stopped absorbing Tang Tianfu's soul and looked at Tang Tianfu dully.

"how is this possible?"

He felt that Tang Tianfu had changed as a person in an instant, and even the breath of his soul had changed, becoming extremely manic and full of killing breath.

Tang Tianfu gave the woman a cold look.

"Disgusting thing, go away!"

He slapped his palm towards the woman's chest.

A flame burst out from his palm, burning towards the woman's body.


The woman screamed, her body burned directly, and the black mist dissipated a lot.

But the woman did not give in.

Twelve avatars were transformed into avatars, and they rushed towards Tang Tianfu from all directions.

Tang Tianfu's body suddenly burst into an astonishing aura. With a flick of his figure, he avoided the attack of the woman's clone, and punched the woman with a punch behind him.

The woman's body trembled, and she turned into a ghost, drifting past Tang Tianfu's side at an astonishingly fast speed.


There was a fierce light in Tang Tianfu's eyes.

He swirled, his body drew an arc in mid-air, and punched the woman's chest.

The woman's body trembled, and a dark aura emerged from her body.


This punch did not hit the woman.

A grim expression appeared on Tang Tianfu's face.

This woman is too evil!

If he hadn't tempered his soul with the help of the beard, he would have died at her hands.

"Cluck! Cluck!"

The woman kept letting out sharp laughter.

"Your soul power is very strong, but unfortunately, it is not enough to compete with me. Giggle!"

The woman continued to sneer.


Tang Tianfu had a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

His right hand stretched out, the power in his palm continued to condense, and behind him, a phantom was also condensed.

Endless Buddha light spread over his body.

Tang Tianfu's aura was getting stronger and stronger.

The phantom behind him turned into a huge Buddha five meters high.

A huge golden palm protruded from the Buddha's arm and blasted directly at the woman's body.

This palm contains terrifying power!

The woman's pupils shrank suddenly, and she sensed that the aura emanating from this Buddha was almost the same as hers!

No, even stronger!

This Buddha actually has the same strength as her!

However, women do not believe in evil.

Her hands were sealed, and she was chanting obscure incantations. The black mist rolled around her body, and behind her, a huge monster rushed out of the black mist, and rushed towards the huge Buddha with its fangs and claws.


The palm of the Buddha collided with the palm of the huge monster, and both dissipated at the same time.

"Gluck cluck-"

The woman let out a harsh laugh.

On Tang Tianfu's body, streaks of golden Buddha light poured out.

"Giggle cluck!"

He waved his arm again, and an incomparably huge golden palm appeared in the air and slammed towards the woman.

Behind the woman, a long snake suddenly appeared, spitting out a snake letter, and charged towards Tang Tianfu.


The golden giant palm slammed into the woman's snake. The power of the giant palm was too great, and it instantly shattered the woman's snake body, but the woman was unscathed.

"Giggle cluck!"

Her body turned into a cloud of black mist, and it was wrapped towards Tang Tianfu.


With a wave of Tang Tianfu's hand, the black fog was shattered and the woman was repelled a few steps.

A trace of horror flashed in the woman's eyes, she didn't expect Tang Tianfu's power to be so powerful.

The flames on Tang Tianfu's body were raging, he raised his huge palm again, and blasted towards the woman again.

The woman's body turned into a black mist, avoiding Tang Tianfu's palm.

The woman's speed was so fast that Tang Tianfu couldn't catch her at all.

"Giggle cluck!"

The woman's voice became sharp.

An angry look appeared on Tang Tianfu's face, and he raised his huge palm again and hit the woman.


The loud noise came, the woman's body turned into a black mist again, and Tang Tianfu's huge palm patted on the black mist.

The black mist dissipated, revealing the figure of the woman inside.

The woman's mouth continued to overflow with black blood, with a resentful expression on her face.

There was no pity in Tang Tianfu's eyes, instead it became more and more cold.

"You are really courting death!"

Tang Tianfu raised his palm again and photographed the woman.

The woman dodged the blow again.

Her body turned into a plume of smoke and disappeared again in place.

Tang Tianfu's eyes glanced around, but he couldn't see anything.

"Do you think that's all my strength is? Cluck! Cluck!"

The woman smiled strangely.

An ominous premonition rose in Tang Tianfu's heart.

Behind him, a gigantic demonic beast phantom suddenly appeared. It was a Western Demon Dragon with a dark body and a sharp dragon fang at the tail, exuding bursts of cold light, which was extremely ugly.

The dragon's mouth opened, spit out a spherical black hole, and swallowed it towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu's expression changed slightly, his body hurriedly retreated, and he narrowly avoided the blow.

This huge spherical black hole has the special effect of devouring the power of the soul.

The golden stick appeared in his hand, and endless Buddha light flashed from his body, blasting towards the black hole.

The black hole dissipated, and Tang Tianfu's face also turned pale.

Dealing with this kind of thing consumes a lot of soul power, and soul power is also his weakest point.


Tang Tianfu's eyes showed a strong disgust.

The woman's body transformed into a black bat again, flying towards Tang Tianfu.

The golden stick in Tang Tianfu's hand smashed into the black bat's head.

The black bat's head exploded suddenly, and its body was smashed into powder.

However, with the disappearance of the black bat, the surrounding black mist actually re-condensed and transformed into a woman's body again.

Tang Tianfu frowned.

"Quack quack! cluck cluck!"

The woman's figure once again transformed into a black cat and rushed towards Tang Tianfu.

There was a look of anxiety in Tang Tianfu's eyes, and his huge golden golden rod was madly swung towards the surroundings.

"Crack! Kick!"

The surrounding houses collapsed.

But the figure of the woman seems to be everywhere.

Soon, Tang Tianfu felt tired.

"What's the matter?"

Tang Tianfu's brows were furrowed, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.


The woman made a disgusting sound and turned into a cloud of black mist again, rushing towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu grabbed the black fog, but he found that he was empty.

The black fog disappeared, and when it reappeared, it appeared behind Tang Tianfu.


Tang Tianfu slapped his palm again, and this palm directly blew the wall behind him.

"Hahaha~ cluck! cluck!"

The woman's body disappeared again.

Tang Tianfu slapped his palm again and blew the wall around him again.

"Gluck cluck cluck!"

The woman's body appeared behind Tang Tianfu again, and a thick black mist was exuding from her body.


Tang Tianfu punched again.


The fist fell on the black mist, and the black mist was directly bombed.

However, the black fog condensed again and attacked Tang Tianfu again.

Tang Tianfu's body shook, avoiding the offensive.


The woman smiled grimly: "Giggle giggle!"

This black fog actually has the function of corroding the power of the soul.

Countless runes appeared on Tang Tianbu's body, protecting the body from the intrusion of the power of corroding the soul.

But even so, Tang Tianfu still felt the power of the soul, which was constantly weakening.

It can't go on like this.

Tang Tianfu's face became solemn.

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