MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 222 Immortal burial comes out, all the world is silent!

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"Giggle cluck!"

The figure of the woman appeared again.

Tang Tianfu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body jumped up abruptly, jumping three feet away.

Just as he stood still, the woman's figure disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Tang Tianfu and hugged Tang Tianfu.


There were golden lightning bolts on Tang Tianfu's body, and they rushed towards the woman.

A faint black light curtain appeared on the woman.

The thunder and lightning slammed on the light curtain, which was immediately blocked, and then disappeared.

"Giggle cluck!"

The woman let out a harsh laugh.

Nine arms grew out of his back, tightly imprisoning Tang Tianfu and devouring him frantically.

At this moment, the ruby ​​ring on Tang Tianfu's left hand suddenly lit up.

Inside the ring, a red beam of light appeared, shining on Tang Tianfu's body.

Tang Tianfu suddenly felt his soul awake for a while, and the power of his soul was replenished.

Immediately, Tang Tianfu's breath returned to its peak state.

The golden stick in his hand waved and blasted towards the woman.

The woman's body was knocked back a few steps, but Tang Tianfu was also blasted more than ten meters away by her power.

There was a flash of surprise in the woman's eyes. Obviously, she didn't expect that Tang Tianfu's power would be restored, which surprised her.

"Giggle cluck!"

The woman's body transformed into a bat again and rushed towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu swung the stick again to repel the woman.

The woman's body once again transformed into a bat and rushed towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu held a stick in his hand and blasted towards the woman.


The stick slammed on the woman's body, directly piercing her body, and then the woman's body disappeared again, but it reappeared, and it appeared in front of Tang Tianfu again.

Tang Tianfu swung the stick again and exploded the woman's body.

However, the woman disappeared again.

"This guy's body seems to be protected by some kind of magic, and he is not afraid of injury at all."

Tang Tianfu's eyes showed a dignified look as he looked around.

His eyes turned golden, and he carefully observed the direction of the power of the soul.

"I see!"

He found that in every room, there was a trace of very fine soul power that was connected to the woman.

"It seems that the things in those houses are the source of women's strength."

Tang Tianfu changed his combat strategy, no longer attacked the woman, but charged directly to those houses.

In the house, countless ordinary villagers fainted and were sucked in their soul power.

Tang Tianfu frowned slightly, just as he was about to hit these villagers to death with a stick, his hands suddenly stopped moving.

"No, these villagers are innocent, you can't do this."

A childish voice sounded in his heart.

"Don't get in my way, don't knock them to death, we will all be consumed by this woman!"

Tang Tianfu talked to another existence in his body and said.

"No, I won't allow you to do this!"

That being started frantically vying for control of the body, and quickly got it.

"You! You bastard, we're all going to die like this!"

Black Tang Tianfu roared.

"The Buddha said, who will go to **** if I don't go to hell?"

"Even if I die, I won't implicate ordinary people."

"You idiot, this is an illusion, it's all fake!"

"That's not OK!"

At this time, the woman had already rushed in.

She looked at Tang Tianfu who was standing in a daze, and laughed happily.

"What a fool, die!"

His figure turned into a black mist and shrouded him.

However, at this moment, Tang Tianfu's body suddenly lit up with golden lights.

A golden Buddha appeared in mid-air.

The power of this Buddha is more than ten times greater than that of Cai Cai.

It turned out that Tang Tian's burial in this state is the real body. He has practiced Buddhism for many years, and his nature is extremely kind. It is the reincarnation of the Buddha.

Although his fighting ability is very weak, the Buddha's light on his body is too strong. The Buddha gently waved his palm, the Buddha's Dharma is boundless, and the black mist on the woman's body was gradually eroded and consumed.

Her face was full of horror and disbelief, but under the boundless light of the Buddha, she had no resistance at all, was quickly purified and disappeared.

The entire village also turned into a phantom, floating in the air, and then turned into a vajra, which fell into the hands of Tang Tianfu.

Another small piece of memory flooded into Tang Tianfu's mind.

It was one night. The young Tang Tianfu was bored playing in the dark. Before he knew it, he came to the holy water pool.

The water here has an extremely strong spiritual energy, and it is the water that the clansmen usually drink.

He saw a shadow, holding a small bottle in his hand, the bottle was light blue liquid, the shadow kept pouring something into the pool.

He walked up curiously.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

When the man in black saw Xiao Tang Tianfu, his body suddenly tensed and he looked extremely nervous.

But he still said calmly, "My little one, this is a strange fragrance. Adding it will make the water sweeter."

He waved the blue vial in his hand.

"Really? Then I'll help you."

At this time, Tang Tianfu was only three years old. Adhering to the principle of helping others, he helped the black man pour several bottles of blue liquid into the spiritual water.

Another white light flashed, and Tang Tianfu woke up.

Guilt filled his eyes.

"I, I turned out to be their accomplice!"

"I actually put the poison that killed the people into the water with my own hands!"

"Damn it! How could this be?"

Tang Tianfu stood in place, unable to recover for a long time.

"The man in black seems a little familiar..."

"It's all his fault that he deceived me. I must find him and kill him!"

Tang Tianfu roared at Tian Chang.

The Tang Celestial Burial under the light of the Buddha's light seemed extremely ferocious and terrifying.

The kindness just now seemed to be an illusion.

‘Humph, sooner or later, you will become me too. ’

'At that time, when we were combined, we were the strongest. ’

The voice in Tang Tianfu's heart sounded again.

"Shut up! I won't be you."

"I'm taking revenge, but I won't kill innocent people for my own life."

"I'm not like you!"

Tang Tianfu roared.

'Is it? Hehe, I hope so. ’

'Naive boy. ’

After the voice finished speaking, there was no more words.

Tang Tianfu snorted coldly and looked at the vajra in his hand.

I saw a few words written on it,

"Dragon Vajra, everything is indestructible, nothing is indestructible, it can destroy anything! Including the soul."

Tang Tianfu put away the Tianlong Vajra pestle and walked into the Gate of Light.

"Strength, Sensitivity, Soul, what's next?"

A flash of white light flashed, and Tang Tianfu was teleported to a new location again.

Above a grassy wilderness, the space in all directions is filled with the boundless aura of death.

All over the mountains and plains, there are beacon fires, stumps and broken arms everywhere, blood flowing into rivers, a scene of the end of the world.

"This, is this hell?"

Seeing such a situation, Tang Tianfu couldn't help but feel an inexplicable chill in his heart.

"Finally, you have shown up."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from a distance. Tang Tianfu looked up and found a beautiful woman in black leather armor standing there.

When she saw Tang Tianfu appear, her face showed joy, and she ran towards Tang Tianfu. She seemed to want to throw herself into Tang Tianfu's arms.

"Don't touch me, I don't know you!"

When Tang Tianfu saw the woman's performance, he was frightened and ran away.

"Child, I know you can't accept it for a while, but I'm your mother, don't you remember me?" The woman grabbed Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu looked at this woman and was at a loss.

"Mom? Are you really my mother?"

He asked in disbelief.

The woman nodded, tears dripping down the corners of her eyes.

"Mom? Are you really my mother?"

He asked in disbelief.

The woman nodded, tears dripping down the corners of her eyes.

She gently stroked Tang Tianfu's face, and some memories came back to Tang Tianfu's mind.

In a warm room, Tang Tianfu was lying in his mother's arms, listening to the fairy tales told by his mother.

The moonlight is gentle, the wind is refreshing, and the mother's embrace is always so warm.

Everything was like a dream, and Tang Tianfu's eyes were filled with tears.

"This is my memory?"

He looked at the woman in front of him, the familiar face that brought tears to his eyes.

"You are really my mother."

Tang Tianfu was excited.

For so many years, he has always thought that he was an orphan. Although he tried to suppress the loneliness in his heart and told himself to be strong, at the bottom of his heart, he was still a fragile little boy.

After all, who in the world doesn't have a mother?

When there are no parents, perhaps, there is no home.

But suddenly, the woman's face was covered with clouds.

"I am your mother, but you killed me!"

"You unfilial person, what are you still doing alive?"

"Why don't you die?"

The woman gritted her teeth, and the skin on her face began to peel off, turning into a rotting human skin.

Her eyes turned blood red, a pair of claws protruded from her palm, sharp nails pierced the air, and made a sharp chirping.

"You're not dead, then I'll help you!"

The woman's sharp claws stabbed towards Tang Tianfu's chest.

Tang Tianfu hurriedly dodged, but the woman's speed was so fast that she pierced Tang Tianfu's shoulder in one fell swoop, bleeding profusely.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?"

Tang Tianfu hurriedly asked.

The woman didn't answer, and still kept attacking Tang Tianfu. Tang Tianfu's wound continued to bleed, but he still gritted his teeth and didn't let himself make a painful sound.

"All the clansmen died because of you, and you have to pay for them!"

After the woman finished speaking, she stabbed her paw into Tang Tianfu's heart.

Tang Tianfu subconsciously avoided the past, but his eyes began to be confused.

"I... I killed the entire clan?"

In front of him, another fragmentary memory appeared. He held a large jar of spiritual water and respectfully handed it to his parents.

It was a banquet and everyone was having a good time.

"Father, mother, please drink water."

Little Tang Tianfu carefully served tea to his parents. Although his movements were clumsy, he was very cute.

He thought to himself: "My parents will praise me now, right? That blue liquid smells so sweet. They should like me, too, right?"

Xiao Tang's celestial burial powdered cheeks were full of proud dark colors, waiting for the praise of his parents.

The mother gently touched his head and smiled softly: "Our family Tian'er has become an adult, she is really sensible and can be on her own."

"Well, my son, how can it be bad? Our future little patriarch must grow up quickly."

A burly man also looked at Xiao Tang Tianfu with satisfaction, his face full of pride.

"Well! I will definitely grow up, and then become strong, stronger than everyone, and then protect everyone!"

Xiao Tang Tianfu said solemnly.

The surrounding uncles and aunts looked at him and smiled dotingly.

"Little Patriarch, we believe in you, you must lead us to continue the glory of our clan!"


There was a burst of laughter, and everyone picked up the cups on the table and drank the water inside...

"Don't drink!"

Tang Tianfu woke up with a start, his heart was twisting like a knife, and tears could not help pouring out.

Such good parents, such good clansmen, but why? Why is it like this now?

"See? That's what you did!"

"You don't think you deserve to die?"

The cold words of 'Mom' pierced Tang Tianfu's heart.

"I... I damn... I killed them."

Tang Tianfu's eyes were dull, his face full of shame, and he couldn't even hear the words of another personality in his heart.

When 'Mama' saw him, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"If that's the case, then die?"

"Do you still need me to do it?"

"No, I will die myself."

"I don't deserve to live."

"I'm going to pay for them."

Tang Tianfu was overwhelmed with guilt, took out the vajra and smashed it at his head.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a gentle call.

"Kid, wake up, she's not a mother, a mother would never say such a thing to you."

"It's not your fault for that matter. Besides, even if it's your fault, mother will never blame you, forever."

"What are you waiting for, you're going to die? Do you want me to do it?"


Two kinds of voices kept ringing in Tang Tianfu's heart, Tang Tianfu covering his head with a blank expression on his face.

"You temptress, stay away from my son!"

Suddenly, a faint golden light lit up and rushed towards the dead woman.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

The woman gave a light palm, and the golden gas was almost dissipated.

Tang Tianfu suddenly felt a chill in his heart, as if something important had disappeared from his aristocratic family.

He woke up suddenly.

"Wake up you idiot! She's fake!"

"Kill her!"

The existence in the bottom of my heart screamed wildly.

Tang Tianfu had tears on his face, looking at the 'mother' who rushed towards him, but his face was angry.

"You're not my mother, my mother wouldn't do this to me!"

"Turn into the appearance of my mother, hateful!"

The vajra pestle in Tang Tianfu's hand transformed into thousands of golden glows, directly tearing the woman's body to pieces.


"Do you think this is over?"

The woman's figure dissipated, and in the distance, a group of giants came slowly.

"You killed us, why are you still alive?"

"Didn't you say you want to protect us and lead us to the light?"

"You lied, you liar, you paid for our lives!"

"Hey, I gave birth to such an evil son, I'm sorry everyone, today, I'll clear the door..."

When the giant approached, they were all familiar faces to Tang Tianfu.

"Uncle, aunt, uncle...and, father!"

The faces of these giants became hideous, and they rushed towards Tang Tianfu frantically.

Tang Tianfu's eyes were filled with tears, but the bottom of his eyes was extremely firm, and the vajra swung down suddenly.


Boom, a giant dissipated.

But another one has arrived.

The vajra kept falling, and these giants kept being shattered.

Tang Tianfu lowered his head with blood and tears in his eyes, bit his lip, and kept waving the vajra.

"I'm sorry, I want to live, I must find the real murderer and avenge you!"

"My clan's honor is guarded by me!"

"My family will not be buried!"

The golden light filled the sky, and the figure of the last giant was also shattered by Tang Tianfu.

The sky is clear and cloudless.

The space gradually collapsed, and several pale golden rays of light floated in front of Tang Tianfu, transforming into a human form.

They are fathers, mothers, and clansmen.

Tang Tianfu knelt down in front of them, "I'm sorry!"

His head sank into the soil.

But a pair of warm hands raised his head.

It is the strong arm of the father.

"Look up, we Lacanton, there is no crying bun like you!"

The father's tone was serious, with a smile on his face and the corners of his mouth.

Father's love is like a mountain, but it is always hidden, but it makes people feel extremely safe.

"Child, we don't blame you, it's not your fault, everything is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against our family."

The mother smiled gently and gently stroked Tang Tianfu's cheek.

She waved her hand gently, and a scene appeared like a slideshow.

After the Lacanton people drank the spiritual water, the spiritual energy in their bodies quickly disappeared, and they lost their combat effectiveness in an instant.

At this moment, a demon suddenly descended from the sky, it was the demon Sammy.

Without saying a word, he attacked the Lacanton tribe. Although his father was poisoned, he still did not completely lose his fighting power. Together with several elders, he even defeated Sammy.

If they were in their prime, Demon Sammy would not be their match at all.

But they were also poisoned and exhausted.

At this moment, three masked men rushed from the outside, and without saying a word, they killed the Lacanton people.

They are extremely powerful, and they also carry special weapons, which can cause extremely strong damage to the Lacanton tribe. The Lacanton tribe suffered heavy casualties.

The father and mother buried Tang Tian in a dark room and went out to protect the clan, but they all died of exhaustion. The blood of the giants splattered every land.

"Child, these men in black are our enemies, you are right, it is them."

"But if I don't pour that blue water into the spiritual pool, you won't be poisoned either..."

"Even if you are not bewitched, they will have other ways. Everything is fate. We Lacanton family have this fate."

"We don't blame you, but if you don't value your life, mom will be angry."

The mother smoothed the tears from the corners of Tang Tianfu's eyes.

"Son, stand up and be an upright man, you are our patriarch now."

Father said solemnly.

Tang Tianfu stood up, looked at the group of people in front of him, and nodded solemnly.

"I will spread the reputation of the Lacanton tribe all over the world."

"Okay, I have ambition, but fame or something is not important."

"Child, be yourself, follow your own heart, and live well."

"Come on... We can't help you any more, this is the last strength."

The forehead figures of father, mother, and clansmen gradually became illusory and disappeared.

Tang Tianfu's tears finally burst, and he bowed deeply to the dissipated crowd.

"Don't worry, father, mother, clansmen."

"The future will be as you wish!"

Tang Tianfu wiped away his tears, and the momentum on his body became extremely fierce. One side was black, and the other was white. The Immortal Burial Coffin appeared, floating above his head, holding a vajra, his body was infinite Buddha light, and his eyes were looking at him. in the vast universe.

As soon as the burial immortal comes out, the world will be silent!

The dragon boat carrying the Immortal Burial Emperor has begun its voyage!

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