MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 463 Snake Lord: No big deal, the dragon gods will never attack it...

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

King against king, general against general, soldier against soldier... When a large-scale war breaks out between the gods, they will basically choose this strategy, because no **** is willing Use the life of your own **** to bet on whether you can hold back the pace of the stronger one in the opponent's **** system.

Unless he wanted to make a risky move, Tian Ji's horse racing method would not work well in the battle of gods, and would only bring about the risk of falling.

Few gods are willing to take the risk of falling.

For this battle of the Beast Town, to be on the safe side, the gods of the dragon gods considered all the giant gods, and prepared for a large-scale battle in their hearts. If the corresponding giant gods do not show up... ...Dragon God does not uphold the principle of fairness, and is willing to bully the few with more.

It's a bit like an arms race.

In order to prevent all the giants and gods from coming to help, the own side will go to a small number, and the result will be at a disadvantage, so all the dragon gods can't relax.

On the contrary, in order to deal with so many dragon gods, all the giant gods can only be present, otherwise they are likely to be killed one by one by the dragon gods.

After a while, the battle plan was thoroughly discussed, and the metal dragon **** raised his huge body inch by inch, looked around, and said in a low voice: "The war between the incarnations should go further."

"The giant gods are timid and afraid to fight with their bodies. Then, it's up to us to start the battle between the gods' bodies!"

After a pause, the metal dragon **** stretched his wings high, and almost roared in filial piety: "Gods of the dragon gods, show your strength and might, and let the race of all creatures who are watching and watching see the thunderous wrath of the dragon gods!"

at the same time.

On the plane of Longting, the silver dragon raised his eyelids, then slowly closed them, and began to sleep and rest again.

Undoubtedly, the next battle in Beastland will be extremely fierce. During the War of Glory, the gods of the dragon clan and the gods of the elf clan did not all devote themselves to a certain outer plane, including the star realm of the final Garonden God. In the war, only a part of the dragon gods and elf gods are present, and the rest of the gods are fighting fiercely in different planes.

It can be seen from this that when all the dragon gods attack the beast town, what a huge scene it will be.

If in the land of beasts, four animal lords are successfully killed in the God Kingdom of the Lord of Storms, this will be a warning to all races: those who dare to assist the giant gods and intervene in the war, do not think that they are hiding in their own plane, With the protection of the giant gods, they will be safe and sound, and the dragon gods will recklessly rush to kill them and smash them to ashes.

Again, this war is bound to be dangerous.

Garen himself didn't intend to mix it up. After all, he was a weaker divine power. Although he was comparable to the last dragon **** and giant god, he didn't have the power to protect himself in a chaotic battle.

What's more, the **** Gallon had better be 'sacrificed' in the land of beasts.

The battle of the gods is fierce, but once the gods realize that they are invincible, they will often retreat bravely and never die in the battle of the gods. Even if it is a large-scale battle of the gods, there are very few gods. Only one person died in the war of glory. A person with medium-level divine power, of course, will suffer a terrible and complete death, and it is difficult to resurrect.

So far, the war between dragons and giants has been crazy in the eyes of other races.

Because the **** of the frost giant and the **** of the jackals have died one after another at the beginning, so the number of gods who will die in the future is likely to be quite a few. What should be done.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"The Battle of the Beast Country...... I hope the **** Gallon can die smoothly, laying the groundwork for a serious blow to the Lord of Storms."

Thinking of this, Garen fell asleep.


Outer plane, Ten Thousand Beast Paradise—Beast Township.

The third floor of Beast Country, Forest of Darkness.

This is a land that is always shrouded in night. There is no sun, no moon, and the light of various plants shines on the world in the darkness, showing a wild world full of various beasts, insects, and vegetation. Beasts are the masters here. Wandering in the dark night, waiting for opportunities, fighting with other wild beasts for survival, intelligent creatures are hard to find.

Kilometers or even 10,000 meters tall, towering luminous trees, hundreds of meters in diameter, fluorescent mushrooms like squares, and rushes all over the ground...... Various plants bloom The light revealed a magnificent and strange forest scene.

There is no wind tonight, and the environment is a little quiet, only the roar of various wild animals can be heard one after another.

However, if you put your ears close to the ground and listen carefully, you can still hear a lot of rustling sounds, like some kind of creature crawling on the ground, full of disciplined and subtle sounds.

Especially in a place with lush foliage, this rustling sound is the most dense and obvious, as if it is everywhere.

Black, purple, green, red...... Snakes of various solid colors or intertwined colors, or lurking in the crevices of rocks, or entwined with tender branches, or hidden among the lush grass , the number is difficult to count.

Occasionally, they spit out snake letters and made a terrible hissing sound, and the surrounding birds and beasts were frightened when they heard it.

This is the land of snakes, the domain of the snake lord.

In the entire beast town, the snake lord is not considered the top animal lord, but in the forest of the night, it is still considered powerful, its strength is relatively high, and its territory is also very large.

At this time, on a tall horned peak with a curved arc, there was a slender snake quietly entrenched, overlooking the snakes in the territory, the long and narrow vertical body was cold and ruthless, like a king among snakes.

It is three meters long, but only as thick as a few tachyons.

During the movement of the body, the smooth and delicate snake scales showed different lusters, but in the end they all tended to the night-like color, a kind of colorful gradient black.

Beast Township, medium-level divine power, snake lord.

The animal lord is a special individual with intelligence among all the wild animals in the beast land, some are wild, and some have wild wisdom.

At this time, the snake lord was thinking intelligently.

"I participated in the war between dragons and giants, and risked becoming an enemy of the dragon gods."

"However, my body does not leave the beast land, and I only lead the snake army to assist the giant gods through my incarnation. Even the mighty dragon **** can't deal with me."

The snake lord stuck out his tongue, tilted his head, looked up at the night, and thought quietly.

"When the war is over, with the benefits promised by the Lord of Storms, the size of my people will increase dramatically. I may use this to become the second most powerful divine power after the Lord of Beasts."

The snake lord was full of anticipation.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The reason why the risk of getting involved in the war between dragons and giants is because the benefits promised by the Lord of Storms are so hard to refuse—after the war, no matter who wins or loses, as long as the Lord of Storms is still alive, she will use the power of reproduction to let the endless world The Snake Clan expands in size.

The right to reproduce was originally one of Annan's rights.

Annan's many descendants are actually more than the existing giant gods, because she still has many descendants who died due to mutual infighting. These descendants are all god-level existences without exception.

According to common sense, the more powerful a creature is, the harder it is to give birth to offspring.

As a top-level powerful divine power, Annan has dozens of descendants, almost more than the combined descendants of other powerful divine powers.

In the final analysis, it is because Annan holds the right to reproduce.

Now, the right to reproduce falls in the hands of the Lord of Storms.

She originally wanted to imitate her father god, give birth to more offspring, become a new force in the giant pantheon, and strengthen the giant pantylin, but the war with the dragon clan is imminent and unavoidable, and the birth of offspring will cause a certain loss to herself, and It takes time to conceive and mature, so the Lord of the Storm did not implement it concretely.

However, this does not prevent the Lord of Storms from using the power of reproduction to gain benefits, that is, to lure animal lords.

The strength of the animal lord comes from the corresponding beast race. The larger the corresponding beast race, the stronger the animal lord. Annan's right to reproduce can strengthen the animal lord's strength.

Of course, anyone with a brain knows that cooperating with the Lord of Storms is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers, and moreover, they will also invite dragons as enemies.

Therefore, among the animal lords in the entire beast town, there are only four who are willing to cooperate with the Lord of Storms.

More lords are watching, waiting, watching.

If these four lords are safe and sound by cooperating with the Lord of Storms, then they are likely to make similar considerations and cooperate with the Lord of Storms one after another to become the enemies of the Dragon Clan.

This is also one of the reasons why the Dragon God Department quickly made a unanimous decision to attack the beast town and kill the four lords with a thunderous force.

But the snake lord's simple wisdom did not understand these detours.

It simply felt that the main enemy of the dragon was the giant, so it would not go to war for the sake of its own lords and attack the beast village.

"Hiss, the dragon gods will never choose to invade the beast land just for this kind of thing."

Thinking of this, the snake lord coiled up his body and put himself in a comfortable position, preparing to sleep for a while.

Under the cover of night, starry fireflies dance in the forest of the night, birds and beasts roar, insects and snakes swim, and the atmosphere is as peaceful as usual... As time goes by As time went by, the snake lord also fell asleep peacefully, and was having a sweet dream.

In the dream, the snake lord became the second powerful divine power in the beast town because of the help of the storm lord's reproduction authority.

Then, the beast lord didn't want to see the second powerful divine power, so he came to attack the snake lord.

But after a fierce battle, the beast lord fell in front of the snake lord, willing to submit to the might of the snake lord, and the snake lord got his wish and became the strongest in the beast town...... .....

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】


There was a violent fluctuation in the space, which was like a thunderous explosion in the snake lord's perception.

The snake lord was awakened instantly, and looked up at the dark night.

The barrier of the plane of the beast town was torn into three openings, from which a scaly claw could be vaguely seen, and a strong dragon power emerged from it.

The substantive dragon's majesty swept across the sky, forming a gust of wind, and rolled up countless fireflies in the forest of the night, like a bright galaxy all over the sky. At the same time, towering giant trees swayed, the crowns of the trees were compressed and deformed, and the luxuriant branches creaked.




The snakes in the Snake Land spit out restlessly, and the other beasts also felt threatened, their limbs bowed down, and their mouths whined.

The next moment, a fiery red dragon claw that covered the sky and the sun blatantly tore apart the barriers of the plane, and the shadow formed covered an area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers. The raging fire above lit up the night like day, and the high temperature made The air is twisted by it.

As soon as the flaming dragon claws appeared, they pressed down on the snake lord with immense power.


"Carrix, the Dragon God of Flame and Destruction! Isn't it true that the Dragon God really dares to come to the Beast Country? Are they so vicious?"

The approaching dragon's claws were reflected in the field of vision, and the snake lord's heart tightened.

Immediately, with a flick of its body, it flew out like a bolt of lightning, piercing through tens of thousands of kilometers of space in an instant, and escaped from the covering of the flaming dragon claws.


The dragon's claw fell to the ground like the sky was falling.

The thousand-meter-high, even ten-thousand-meter-high ancient trees in the animal village were crushed, shattered by the irresistible, destructive force, and then burned to ashes by the terrifying flames. The ground was deeply sunken and fragmented. , with numerous cracks and ravines.

The cracks in the dragon's claws with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers are deeply imprinted on the surface of the earth.

This is the land of snakes, the domain of the snake lord.

In an instant, an unknown number of the snake lord's subjects died under the claws of the flame dragon, turned into flesh and burned to ashes.

The body of the Destroyer Dragon God is like a phantom in the starry sky outside the sky, it is difficult to see the whole picture.

At this time, a pair of dragon boys burning with flames were staring at the snake lord.

"Lord Snake, haha, die for me!"

"Die, die, die, turn into ashes, destroy!"

Carrix showed a mad look on his face, laughing wildly, and at the same time spit out a mouthful of flame dragon's breath, which poured down like an overwhelming rainstorm, and spit it towards the snake lord.

"Oops, I'm not the opponent of Destroying Dragon God."

The whole body was fiery red illuminated by the fire, and the snake lord felt a slight burning pain in his body.

Divine power does not have the ability to construct the kingdom of God. Even if it is in its own territory, it can at most occupy some geographical advantages, but it will not help at all in the face of enemies that are much stronger than itself.

Of course, this is not absolute.

There are also relatively powerful god-like powers, which are similar to the kingdom of gods, and can strengthen their own power inside. For example, the original **** of the sun in the past, in order to break through its wild **** kingdom, many gods went to it.

"Storm Lord, help......"

While flickering and dodging frantically under the breath of the Destroying Dragon God, the Snake Lord raised his head and shouted.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

It's a pity that before the words were finished, the snake lord was horrified to see that the dome of the forest of the night was showing different colors, deep thunder purple, dazzling golden yellow, and an evil blend of five colors... …

With the power of the Lord of Storms, how could he not detect the arrival of the Dragon God?

However, just after she left the Kingdom of God, she was stopped by the Metal Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen in the Forest of Glory.

For the dragon gods who were offended by Ni Lin, the animal lord must die.

At this time, the confrontation between the three powerful divine powers, the aftermath of the divine power even passed through the Shining Forest at the top of Beast and then appeared on the sky of the Forest of Night at the bottom through the Forest of Dawn at the middle layer , The glorious power caused countless beasts, and even many animal lords to panic and tremble.

The snake lord realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't take care of himself.

While the snake lord was trying to avoid the attack of the Destroying Dragon God, a divine sword that seemed to be composed of dragon scales took shape in an instant, and with the power of judgment, it fell from the sky.

Then came another dragon god, she had a slender figure, and her scales glowed with a dull silver light.

It is the Dragon God of Justice and Judgment, Landis.

Under the fatal crisis, the snake lord hissed and screamed, and his body split into hundreds of millions of small snakes, some burrowed into the soil, some flew into the sky, and some wandered around...... ...

"As long as one clone escapes, I can live!"

The Sword of Judgment also divides into hundreds of millions of small swords, precisely targeting each small snake.

The Destroyer Dragon God stopped breathing, constructed spells, and formed a huge ring of flames covering endless mountains and jungles, sealing all the clones of the snake lord inside.

Chi Chi Chi!

The sword curtain is like a torrential rain, falling from the sky, piercing through trees, earth, rocks, and rivers... No matter how the little snakes dodge, they still follow closely behind, and finally nailed to the little snakes with incomparable precision. On the head, there is no false hair.

The two dragon gods who were at the top of the dragon **** system shot together, directly cutting off all the escape routes of the snake lord.

At the same time, streamers of light like meteors streaked across the sky.

The giant gods responded to the call of the Lord of Storms and descended one after another around the location of the remaining three animal lords.

As for the snake lord who had been severely injured, he had no chance of rescue due to the severe injury, so he was directly abandoned.

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