MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 464 Practice chicken lords for 20,000 years

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The second floor of Beast Country, the Forest of Dawn, is a land that is always in the dawn.

Here, the sun looks like a red fireball at sunset, half hidden under the distant horizon, casting long shadows in the forest, and on the other side opposite to the sun, you can also see A low-hanging crescent moon is emitting a faint silver light, covering the ground like water waves.

The sun and the moon are together, and the faint mist almost covers the entire forest. This is what the creatures of the forest of dawn see day after day.

But today, things are different.

The animal lords were either panicked or vigilant, staring at the direction of the sky in the Forest of Dawn, feeling the battle of several powerful divine powers in the Forest of Dawn on the upper level of the Forest of Light, in order to penetrate the forest of beasts. The supernatural power at the township level is endless.

Among them are two animal lords with weak and supernatural powers.

Lord Fox and Lord Chicken, the territories of these two animal lords are located on the second level of the animal village.

Although they all agreed to cooperate with the Lord of Storms, it does not mean that the relationship between the animal lords is harmonious. The snake lord is in the Forest of Darkness, and the wolf lord is in the Forest of Glory, and there are few wolves and snakes in the world. By the way, the two have nothing to do with each other.

Both Lord Fox and Lord Chicken are in the Forest of Dawn.

Moreover, because the foxes in each world use chickens as their food, as the incarnation of the corresponding beast race, the conflicts between the two are endless. I don’t know how many wars they have fought, and because of their similar strengths, they can’t do anything about each other. The battle continues. For thousands of years, the grievances are deep.

This is when the territories of the fox lord and the chicken lord are far apart.

Had it been so close, one of the two lords would have been dead.


The vast extraordinary divine power descended from the boundary, condensing into the appearance of a silver dragon.

She was shrouded in dazzling divine light, and the power of the gods and the power of the dragon fluctuated one after another. The three pairs of dragon horns on the top of her head were like a crown, adding a bit of majesty and royal temperament. The black ring-shaped dragon scales on her body Carrying an indescribable sense of mystery, his body is infinitely stalwart and majestic, covering the sky and the sun.

The Dragon God of Time, the Dragon of Eternity and Time, the God Gallon, debuts.

The **** Gallon turned his head, his gaze was like lightning, and immediately locked on to the fox lord in the low-hanging full moon field.

Without any words, a spear covered with fine dragon scales, carrying oppressive dragon power and magical energy, took shape in front of God Gallon, and was held tightly by God Gallon.

His eyes pierced the endless distance, and locked on Lord Fox from a distance.

A silver fox with a silver body and a slender body is lying down on its limbs, whimpering and roaring in its mouth. Its hair is almost blown out, and it is extremely nervous, but it looks like an ordinary fox in appearance. It is the fox lord .

Most of the animal lords will maintain the same appearance as ordinary beasts, and the fox lord is one of them.

However, the fox lord is not as good at disguising and hiding as the wolf lord, and because he is only a weaker kind of divine power, he has nothing to hide in the eyes of the middle-level **** Gallon. Instantly lock and discover from countless fox groups. ....

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Lord Fox, pay for your own choices."

God Gallon said with indifferent eyes.

Dragon Magic Web Authority: Demon and Dragon Spear!

The spears of the devil and the dragon whizzed out, tearing through the space, and shot at the fox lord. On the way, they kept changing among different phantoms of real dragons.

All beast lords have a special ability.

Powerful beast instincts.

This includes anticipation and vigilance of danger.

The demon and the dragon spear were reflected in the field of vision, the fox lord was furred all over, his heart was pounding, and the animal instinct for danger perception was intensified to the greatest extent.

In a blink of an eye, the fox lord understood that he had absolutely no way of stopping this blow, and he couldn't even dodge it. Only by turning to other lords or giant gods for help could he have a chance of survival.

At this time, because the giant gods are

The later ones have not yet fully come.

The fox lord screamed, moved his limbs, and galloped towards the depths of the fiery red sunset field like silver lightning, trying his best not to narrow the distance between himself and the demon and dragon's spear so quickly.

"Lord Tiger, help me."

Just when the Demon and Dragon Lance was about to catch up with Lord Fox, it looked at the deep forest in front of it, a pair of eyes burst out with a strong will to survive, and shouted loudly.

Somewhere in the forest tens of kilometers away from Lord Fox's location.

A majestic and astonishingly colorful tiger about four meters long, with muscles like a rock, is standing on the top of a mountain, looking at the fox lord who is being hunted down.

This fierce tiger is domineering and mighty, its fur is as bright as gold, with black stripes criss-crossing it, and the king character on its forehead is very conspicuous.

Tiger lord, with medium-level divine power.

In the forest of dawn, the tiger lord and the lion lord are tied as double kings, but the strength of the tiger lord is even stronger than the lion lord, and the battle with the lion lord wins more than loses.

[A book friend who has known me for ten years recommends me a follow-up book, @

In the area covered by the trees, a majestic rooster, like a withered sculpture, fluttered in the wind. I saw the whole process of the **** Gallon killing the fox lord quickly, and the fox lord was powerless to resist.

Unlike ordinary, low-key animal lords, chicken lords are very flashy.

It has slender colorful feathers, and the chicken feathers on its body are black and white, which is very strange.

"Hehehe, my chicken lord is going to die here?"

As his enemy, the fox lord died, the chicken lord was a little gloating, but when the culprit's eyes shifted to himself, he was terribly frightened.

Looking at the majestic silver dragon in the sky, the chicken lord trembled for a while, and almost stopped thinking under the oppressive gaze of the other party.

Another demon and dragon spear was condensed, and under the will of the **** Gallon, it shot at the chicken lord.

"Hey, let's live in this world, I practice the life-saving skills of 20,000 years!"

The chicken lord suppressed his fear, gathered a pair of chicken wings, buried his head between the wings, and at the same time lowered his body, retracting his legs under the thick chicken feathers.

Amid the high-pitched and ear-piercing cries, a rich black and white brilliance burst out.

Surrounding the chicken lord's body, the black and white light expanded and contracted, turning it into a black and white giant egg, standing like a mountain among the fields of wheat ears.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

God Gallon was unmoved by this.

If a weak-level divine power, or a weak-level divine power that is not too strong, can survive the attack of his power alone, the **** Gallon, who is a medium-level divine power, can choose to destruct his godhead.

The will controls the demon and the dragon spear, and shoots towards the black and white dome without hesitation. ....

The giant egg transformed by the chicken lord trembled unceasingly. It was obvious that he was not at ease in the face of the attack of the **** Gallon, lacked confidence, and was a little scared.

at this moment.

Flames were burning on one side, and the huge square shield covered with lava-like textures descended from the sky with a vast and rich divine light, intercepting the demon and dragon spears.


When the two collided together, the spears of the devil and the dragon were shattered, leaving only insignificant marks on the shield, and in a blink of an eye, flames piled up and filled it back up.

God Gallon stared.

He is too familiar with this shield.

In the next second, another huge sword made of raging flames tore through the barriers of the plane, and with flames all over the sky, it slashed at the dragon head of the **** Gallon.

Fate Authority: Destiny Obstacle!

The body of the **** Gallon turned into a phantom and dissipated, the blade of the giant sword fell into the void, and the aftermath of the cut almost destroyed all the mountains and dense forests along the way ahead.

In the other direction, the body of the **** Gallon appeared. A part of the dragon scales on the surface of the body were as red as a hot iron, and there were bursts of burning pain. It was too late to completely dodge, and the part was swept by the fire of the giant sword.

God Gallon is also very familiar with this giant sword.

Burning Excalibur, Flame Aegis.

The arrival of two authentic artifacts shows that...... Boom!

The space was fragmented like a mirror, and a giant **** with flames all over his body, with dark red lava-like textures on his skin, and a pair of horn-like crowns on his forehead stepped out of it, looking very mighty.

Surt, the **** of fire giants, the **** of fire and war in the giant pantheon, the strongest giant **** of medium divine power.

"Garon Aurelion, we meet again."

Surte's eyes fell on the **** Gallon, and the flames all over his body surged like waves.

"In the main material world, I lose the battle between incarnations, but can you still defeat me in the outer plane? I will wait and see."

The God of the Fire Giant crossed his arms, glanced casually at the red marks on the body of the God Gallon, and said.

At the same time, the Burning Excalibur and Flame Aegis flickered and slowly rotated around Surte.

"Come on, let me experience the mighty power of the so-called leader of the legendary dragon species!"

Surte lowered his arms and picked up the two artifacts respectively. His child's hole was full of fighting spirit, and he stared at the divine weapon.


At this time, the black and white giant egg transformed by the chicken lord separated, revealing the chicken lord's head.

It shifted its gaze between Surte and the **** Gallon, and then said in surprise: "The mighty **** of fire giants, you came just in time! You are saved."

The space trembled, the wind and cloud changed color, and the sky was dark.

Not only the **** of the fire giant, but other giant gods arrived one after another, coming to three different levels of the beast land.

The **** of the fire giant lowered his eyes, and glanced at the chicken lord indifferently.


Around the chicken lord's body, there were clusters of fire wires intertwined into balls, which frightened the chicken lord.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Immediately, the fireball flew up with the chicken lord, was captured by the fire giant god, and pressed into his flaming body, which was regarded as protection.

"You dragon gods are making a big move to attack the beast village. You are here for the animal lord."

"The snake lord and the fox lord have been killed, but the wolf lord and the chicken lord...... Hehe, if you want to kill them, it depends on whether you have the ability."...

The Chicken Lord itself is of little value to Soult.

However, one of the goals of the dragon gods is the chicken lord, and the giant gods also need to show their own attitude, sheltering and relying on their animal lords, and must not turn a blind eye.

As long as the four animal lords are not completely wiped out and there is a glimmer of life, there may be a more courageous animal lord who will join the giant **** system in the future.

"Now, come and kill me, Garon Aurelion."

Soult stared at the **** Gallon.

"Troublesome guy."

God Gallon has a clear understanding of his level of strength. He has just been promoted to a medium-level divine power, and he is far from an opponent of an old-fashioned medium-level divine power like Surte. After all, God Gallon has already tried to fight against the God of Frost Giants. Obviously can't beat the God of Frost Giants, and the God of Fire Giants is stronger than the God of Frost Giants.

God of fire giant Surte, medium divine power, godhead level fifteen, peak medium divine power, control over flames, fire giants, the sun, war, destruction, power, domination, evil, summoning...... …

Time Dragon God, medium divine power, godhead level eleven, has authority over time, destiny, dragon magic net, and dragon.

In contrast, God Gallon looked rather shabby.

The amount of authority cannot really represent whether a **** is strong or not, but a **** with less authority is not necessarily weak, and a **** with more authority must be strong......

"I have only been a **** for a hundred years, but Soult is the second-generation descendant of Annan, and it can even be traced back hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is no comparison."

It is a fact that he lost to Sirte now, and God Gallon is not discouraged, because with the assistance of the main body, God Gallon is confident that he will surpass Sirte in the near future.

"Let's fight!"

Surte took big strides rumblingly, sweeping the sky full of flames, holding a sword and a shield, and rushed towards the **** Gallon brazenly.

Not long after contacting him, God Gallon seemed a little embarrassed. Under Soulte's pressing force, he could only dodge, without the strength to fight back.

"Are you going to die at the hands of Sirte?"

"No, it's too embarrassing to die like this. I haven't been able to create any results. After death, I may even be regarded as a disgrace by the dragon people."

True dragons value strength.

Being willing to sacrifice to protect the dragon clan is a bonus item, but the most important thing is to let the people of the real dragon see the power of this dragon god. If he does nothing, he will be killed by Surte, who is also of medium divine power ...... The status of the **** Gallon in the eyes of the people of the real dragon will plummet, and it will be difficult to save his majesty after his resurrection.

No way, the real dragons are also very realistic.

Now the **** Gallon is highly respected, mainly because of his outstanding performances (mainly due to Ontology).

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

But no matter how impressive the record is, it is no match for an embarrassing defeat... The previous outstanding performance will only become a stepping stone for the winner.


Burning Excalibur

When it collided with the dragon claw of the **** Gallon, a surge of power burst out, crushing the mountains and dense forests.

God Gallon has taken out the Spectrum of Time and condensed the Barrier of Time as protection, but the defensive power of the Barrier of Time is quickly cracked under the high temperature and sharp edge of the burning Excalibur, and cannot be touched for a long time.

"What's the matter, is there only so little power in the outer plane?"

Surte swung his giant shield vigorously and slammed into the side of the **** Gallon. ....

The Wings of the Giant Dragon ushered in, but lost to the power of the God of Fire Giants. They were forced to hit the body, and the whole body was blown away from the distance, and the flames from the Flame Aegis when it came into contact filled the whole body.


The extraordinary divine power oscillated, dispelling the scorching divine fire.

"Sure enough, you're just making a name for yourself."

"No matter how strong you are in the main material world, you are just competing with the mortals, but the **** himself is so weak."

Hearing Surte's words, God Gallon sneered, and said, "I am indeed not your opponent, but you want to shake my heart? It's still far away."

"If I had gone through such a long time like you, I would have achieved strong divine power long ago, instead of being stuck in middle-level divine power, relying on ancient seniority to compare the newly born gods, to please my poor, pathetic self-esteem."

The face of the fire giant god's face darkened, and the flames all over her body were almost motionless, showing her silent rage.

Under the precise ridicule of God Gallon, Soulte's aloof appearance just now no longer exists.

Because, with the reality in front of her, it was difficult for her to refute the words of God Gallon.

And the reality is always the most hurtful.

Surte was poked at the pain point, and his mood became extremely bad. After a short silence, he said in a low voice: "Okay, very good."

"Garon Aurelion, let me remind you, if you can still use Time Dragon Reverse Current, it's best to use it now."

After a pause, the fire giant god's eyes were sharp, showing his sharpness, and said in a deep voice: "Otherwise, you will die!"


The flames raged wildly, and soon extended into boundless flames all over the sky.

Countless fire wolves stepped out of it, whimpering and roaring at the **** Gallon, baring their teeth, almost every one of them could tear apart ordinary legendary creatures.

Summoning Authority: Flame Wolves.

The God of the Fire Giant threw the Burning Excalibur, and one after another, the flame wolves rushed towards the Burning Excalibur, one after another was sucked into it, and around the Burning Excalibur, a phantom of a giant wolf appeared , the breath became more and more terrifying.

Dominion: Sacrificial Quenching.

Before it was over, a round of golden scorching sun rose slowly behind Surte, and threw it into the Burning Excalibur, coating it with a layer of golden ripple-like golden flames.

Sun Authority: Golden Sun.

"Oops, it's another killing move formed by the fusion of multiple authorities."

"...The incarnation of the main body almost failed to catch it in the main material world, can I do it?"

The **** Gallon marched into the beast country with the idea of ​​dying, but he was not prepared to die under the sword of Soult.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The ideal result is that the Lord of Storms or one of the gods of nature and hunting, preferably the Lord of Storms himself, kills the **** Gallon. Due to the large difference in levels, he dies in the hands of powerful divine power. This will not be shaken. The status of the **** Gallon in the eyes of the people of the real dragon.

In the end, the Burning Excalibur turned into a golden giant wolf, the hair dancing wildly in the wind seemed to be woven by golden flames, the eyes were fierce and bloodthirsty, lifelike, as if it had a life of its own.

The giant golden wolf howled and ran towards the **** Gallon.

On the way, a dragon claw that was burning with flames and covered the sky and the sun suddenly broke through the space, and held the giant golden wolf fiercely, even though the giant wolf tore off its scales and armor, it would not let go, dripping with blood. ....

Another ferocious dragon head, densely covered with blood-red and fine dragon scales, stretched out and bit the golden giant wolf.


Surte's eyes were fixed, and the golden giant wolf blew himself up.

The golden divine fire that can incinerate the body surges into the sky, like a round of sun, will

The head of the giant dragon is shrouded in it. UU reading

"Haha, cool!"

"This flame is delicious!"

"Come again!"

In a voice that was almost insane, 'The sun, collapsed and sunken somewhere, became smaller and smaller, was sucked into the criss-crossing dragon teeth, and was swallowed into the lungs.


In the flames, the Burning Excalibur took the opportunity to stab deep into the dragon's throat, trying to get inside the dragon's body to unleash mighty power.


Sen Sen's fangs closed suddenly, and the iron-like dragon's teeth bit down on the Burning Excalibur with terrifying power.

At the critical moment, the straight blade of the Burning Excalibur suddenly bent spiritually, avoiding the bite of the giant dragon, and then retreated like a frightened bird, away from the flame dragon, and returned to Surte's hand.

"Little thing, if you can escape from the mouth of this uncle, you can run fast."

"But next time, you won't be so lucky! Humph, haha!"

The flame dragon licked its tongue and looked at Surte.

After killing the Snake Lord, Carix, the Dragon God of Fire and Destruction, left the Forest of Night and arrived in the Forest of Dawn.

Because it was almost crushed, the spirit of the divine sword was frightened, and the flames of the sword body were much darker and messier at this time.

Soult frowned, staring at Carrix.

"My uncle will be your opponent."

"Let me taste your blood, Surte!"

After a frenzied roar, the Destroyer Dragon God shook the flaming dragon wings, pulled out a curtain of flames behind him, and went straight to the God of Fire Giants.

At the same time, the **** Gallon looked at the wildly flickering sky of different colors, and his figure disappeared. He left the forest of dawn and went to the forest of glory where the Lord of Storms was. .

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