MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 465 Be an ally, let us dragons and giants rule together!

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The first floor of Beast Township, the Forest of Glory.

A golden blazing sun hangs high in the sky, releasing endless light and heat, illuminating the entire Shining Forest, and coating the towering ancient trees with a golden color—it should be like this.

Today, the Forest of Glory is in turmoil, and every inch of the air seems to be dyed with an indistinguishable light of divinity.

The Lord of Storms, the Metal Dragon God, and the Immortal Dragon Queen.

The three powerful divine powers who went all out were like three newborn suns. The divine light burst out was far more dazzling than the scorching sun in the beast land. It was so brilliant that it completely overwhelmed the pale golden sun.

"Metal Dragon God, Immortal Dragon Queen."

"During the Dragon Fall War, you didn't even bother to fight me. Why, now you need the combination of the two to dare to compete with me?"

The Storm Lord said indifferently while releasing all kinds of authority and power, confronting the two dragon gods **** for tat.

"Haha, the power gained by killing your father is worthy of bragging?"

The Metal Dragon God laughed loudly, his golden dragon claws covering the sky and the sun, pressing on the Lord of Storms.

Not to be outdone, the Lord of Storms raised his Thunder Spear like a blue galaxy, and slammed into the Metal Dragon God's claws.


Like the momentum of sparks colliding with the earth, a ring-shaped shock wave spread out from the point of contact between the two, and swept in all directions. Wherever it passed, the ancient trees of thousands of meters in the beast village were uprooted. Juyue mountain ranges also collapsed and shattered, and it was difficult to maintain order. The tree debris and mountain rocks flying up into the sky were crushed by the divine power contained in the shock wave and turned into dust.

Kacha Kacha...... Thousands of electric arcs ejected along the thunder spear, extending to the body of the metal dragon god, jumping up and down on the dragon scales that look like divine iron .

A faint sense of numbness came, and the Metal Dragon God directly ignored it.

No matter how the electric arc jumped, the body of the golden dragon remained unharmed.

The only thing worth noting is that where the Thunder Spear directly came into contact with, the azure blue thunder erupted wildly, even with the strong body of the Metal Dragon God, it couldn't completely resist it. There were cracks extending on the dragon scales, and the thunder was still trying to move towards it. Seeing the internal erosion of the dragon's body.


Five giant dragon heads of different colors opened their mouths at the same time, each of them was like a planet, biting the body of the Lord of Storms from all directions.

In the mouth of the dragon head, sharp dragon teeth criss-cross each other, respectively lingering with flames, lightning, poisonous mist, acid, frost......

With a buzzing sound, the extraordinary divine power of the Lord of Storms formed a divine shield and spread it away, but was torn and bitten by several heads of the Immortal Dragon Queen, failing to stop the Immortal Dragon Queen.


The Storm Lord snorted coldly.

She was no longer in a stalemate with the Metal Dragon God, she put away the Thunder Spear, and swept towards the heads of the Immortal Dragon Queen.

The Immortal Dragon Queen came to kill him. Apart from biting the Storm Lord with her dragon's mouth, the rest of her body also turned into an attack weapon, attacking the Storm Lord like a storm, extremely ferocious.

The most powerful manifestation of the divine power of the dragon **** is this real dragon body like a divine weapon.

The metal dragon **** roared, and joined the battle group at the same time, one after another with the immortal dragon queen, pinching the Lord of Storms. ....

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Facing the attacks of the two dragon gods, the Lord of the Storm looked solemn and his muscles were full of anger, like entwined ivy, scattered rocks, and entangled roots of old trees... At the same time, Lei Ting , storms, fires, ice........ The world here is frenzied, all kinds of celestial disasters burst out, and they gather towards the Lord of Storms.

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Ice crystals and other god-made substances.

Creation authority: eight-armed giant god!

God has the ability to change his form at will, but that doesn't mean he can use it in battle.

However, the arm created by the Lord of Storms with the fusion of authority is as strong as her divine body, like an arm waving a finger.

More thunderbolts fell from the sky, bombarding the Metal Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen non-stop, and formed many weapons, hammers, spears, axes, knives, shields... The different giant arms of the Lord are held in the hands.

Bang bang bang!

The Lord of Storms swung these magical weapons out of the sky, and in the sound of tinkling, metal and iron, every short second, the heads, claws, and wings of the Immortal Dragon Queen and the Metal Dragon God, The dragon's tail and other body parts launched more than billions of impacts... Amidst the earth-shattering momentum, pieces of mountain-like dragon scale fragments flew out.

Under the berserk attack of the two dragon gods at close range, the Lord of Storms seemed to stand like a rock in the storm.

While there were many claw marks on his body, the Lord of Storms also caused some injuries to the Metal Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen...but the injuries of the three healed themselves in the blink of an eye, and the Not really hit hard.



The sun in the animal land suddenly bloomed brightly, shining towards the Immortal Dragon Queen and the Metal Dragon God.

Sun Authority: The Sun Shines!

The dazzling and brilliant light made it difficult for the two dragon gods to look directly at them. Their field of vision was completely white, and even their perception was seriously affected.

Immediately afterwards, crazy blows came from all over the body of the giant dragon. The dragon scales were shattered and blood flowed horizontally. Negative state, and follow the attack direction, counterattack the Lord of the Storm.


The Lord of Storms did not expect that the Dragon God was so resistant to negative states, and even his enhanced authority could only affect him for a moment.

Caught off guard, one of the lava arm of the Lord of Storms was shattered by the dragon wings of the metal dragon god, and the arm of the storm was bitten by the head of the white dragon of the Immortal Dragon Queen, frozen into ice, and viciously torn and bitten.

Thunder Authority: Thunder!

Two unprecedentedly thick thunderbolts descended, blasting to the heads of the Metal Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen respectively.

Both heads were dizzy and their bodies were stiff.

At this moment, the Lord of Storms regenerated his arms, and the eight giant arms with different attributes carried weapons, and launched a frenzied attack on the two dragon gods again, and the two dragon gods quickly got rid of Tianlei's paralysis and stiffness , roared, and continued to fight fiercely with the Lord of Storms. ....


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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"They seem to be able to fight until the destruction of the world..."

God Gallon, who had just arrived in the Forest of Glory, raised his head and looked into the depths of the Forest of Glory, where the three powerful divine powers clashed.

In the eyes of the **** Gallon, the three gods who are going all out are imposing and imposing, and their movements seem to be slow and slow... In fact, they are the hands of several gods. The battle was so fast and violent that it distorted the perception of the spectators.

The Storm Lord is strong, but neither the Metal Dragon God nor the Immortal Dragon Queen is weak.

Being able to fight back and forth with the two dragon gods in a one-on-two fight, fighting against each other without losing the wind, this is a record that most powerful gods dare not even imagine.

The confrontation between several powerful gods was too fierce, and the **** Gallon could not intervene.

The silver dragon withdrew its gaze and looked at the giant spirit descending in the Forest of Glory.

Glorentor, the **** of mountain giants.

This giant spirit with medium divine power is nearly twice the size of ordinary medium divine power giants, towering into the sky, her two thighs are like pillars of heaven, surpassing the highest peaks in the beast land, her rock-like body is covered with In addition to the forest vegetation, there are even rivers and rivers in the crevices of the muscles, and there are faintly living creatures.


Mountain giants are the largest type of giants, and the size of this mountain giant **** is even more terrifying.

On the opposite side of the **** of mountain giants is Chroneps, the dragon **** of death and judgment. The contrast between the two is like a man and a big cat.

At this time, the 'big cat' flew around the mountain giant god, and the dragon breath left deep black scars on the opponent's body. With a strong breath of death and decay, the mountain giant **** stretched out his continent-like giant Palm, grabbing towards the Dragon God of Death and Judgment, but the movements seemed rather slow, and it was still difficult to cause damage to the Dragon God of Death and Judgment, but he was scarred.

However, on the face of the mountain giant god, there is no sign of discouragement or loss.

She has a huge body and amazing vitality, and the injuries caused by the death and judgment of the Dragon God are negligible.

On the shoulder of the mountain giant god, there is a grassland, and a white wolf is lurking among the weeds ten feet high. It is the wolf lord.

It waited for the opportunity to move, staring at the Dragon God of Death and Judgment. On the right side of its body, there was a tear mark that almost ran through its entire body, surrounded by a gray mist with strong erosive force, forming one after another. The brand of the longan pattern of each piece, and the wolf lord's beast power cannibalize each other.

The dragon god's fighting power is also among the best among many gods. Although they are all mid-level divine powers, the wolf lord does not have much power to parry the dragon **** in the face of death and trial.

If the mountain giant **** hadn't come in time, the wolf lord would have been killed by the dragon **** of death and judgment.

The current wolf lord has been branded by the God of Death and Judgment for Judgment, and he was almost killed by the Dragon God of Death and Judgment several times when he waited for an opportunity to sneak attack, so he dared not act rashly anymore, and just stayed on the body of the mountain giant **** to look for opportunities , staring fiercely at the Dragon God of Death and Judgment.

Under the control of the wolf lord, its pack of wolves continued to kill the Dragon God of Death and Judgment, using their own lives to create as much trouble as possible for the Dragon God of Death and Judgment. ....

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

However, the Dragon God of Death and Judgment opened the door of his own kingdom of God, from which many giant dragons flew out to wipe out the pack of wolves.

These giant dragons of the kingdom of God are at least legendary ancient dragons, and there is no lack of divine power among them, and the wolves have no power to parry.

On the other side, the giant goddess of love, a beautiful and elegant female giant **** with many phantoms of roses blooming all over her body, is confronting Hel, the dragon of runes and tricks.

"Oh, giant Cupid, are you in charge of the love between giants?"

"I'm curious, can you combine the frost giant with the fire giant? If so, what kind of strange giant will be born?"

"Also, will the same male giants have love?"


Facing the chattering Hull, the Giant Venus had a bad expression.

Just like the **** of hatred in the elven gods, the giant Cupid tried to seal her hearing, but Hull's words were her extraordinary ability, like a magic voice filling her ears, it went straight into the giant Cupid's brain, and she couldn't stop it at all. .

Looking at the other side again, God Gallon's eyes narrowed slightly.

He saw an enemy for which he was responsible.

Manto, the **** of cloud giants.

In God Gallon's vision, there was a giant with golden skin.

Unlike the giant god, whose muscles were stacked and extremely strong, this giant **** was thin and wore a dark blue robe, and held a mace in his hand that was so slender that it resembled a staff.

In a pair of cloud-like eyes, there is a strange light of cunning and cunning, but also full of wisdom.

The **** of cloud giants, medium divine power, godhead level thirteen, masters powers such as spirit, illusion, mind, charm, thought, time, and summoning.

In the giant pantheon, the cloud giant also has an alias—the **** of thought and time. However, time is her secondary authority. This **** has extraordinary control over the spirit and heart of creatures.

The cloud giant **** had just descended, and he wanted to rush to help the mountain giant god, but was stopped by the **** Garon who also descended into the Forest of Glory.

"The Dragon of Eternity and Time, plus

Long Aurelion. "

"Do you want me to be your opponent? I am honored."

"Hey, I noticed you when you became famous, and I have a good impression of you. If it weren't for the irreconcilable hatred of the dragons towards us giants, I really want to be friends with you and travel through the endless world together. Enjoy the wonderful scenery."

Facing the **** Gallon who was his own enemy, the **** of cloud giants smiled gently, expressing deep kindness.

God Gallon felt this kindness.

There seems to be an extra layer of filter in God Gallon's vision, and looking at the God of Cloud Giants, her expression is very gentle and friendly, her tone is soft and friendly, and humans and animals are harmless, it seems worthy of friendship...... …

"Is it affecting my mind already? When did it start?"

God Gallon's heart shuddered.

Examining his heart and thoughts, the **** Gallon found that he did not have the slightest hostility towards the cloud giant god.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

The **** Gallon shook his head, spread his dragon wings high, and rushed towards the cloud giant god.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The **** of the cloud giant showed a look of regret and loss, and sighed, and her figure became ethereal and illusory. ....


God Gallon's sharp claws brushed over the cloud giant god, but there was no texture at all.

Her body turned into clouds and dissipated, and then merged with the clouds all over the sky, making it hard to find her.

God Gallon frowned, closed his eyes slightly, and searched for the trace of the cloud giant god.

At the same time, the voice of the cloud giant **** came from all directions, with the power to shake the soul, gentle and sincere.

"Garon, the hatred between our races is like wildfire, the prairie fire keeps recurring, but why do we keep hating each other?"

"Dragon and giants are both powerful races. If we can unite, this world, though large, will submit to us."

It seemed that there was a gentle wind blowing, causing ripples in the mind of the **** Gallon, who subconsciously wanted to approve, believe, and accept the words of the cloud giant god.

God Gallon narrowed his eyes slightly, concentrated his thoughts, and guarded his shaken mind.

The cloud giant **** continued: "Dragon gods and giant gods, as long as there are gods who are willing to take the first step and treat each other honestly, I believe that our two gods can become allies one day."

"Why not try it, this kind of war will only make both of us bleed."

"Look, how many true dragons and giants have died on the battlefield, because of the so-called, illusory racial feud."

"Garon Aurelion, if you think about it carefully, maybe we can become this herald, abandon the hatred between the two sides, become close friends, and then set an example to eliminate the hatred between dragons and giants... ....."

The words of the **** of the cloud giant penetrated through the soul, possessing a terrifying power of demagogy.

During her narration, various illusions appeared in the mind of the **** Gallon.

In the illusion, the mind of the **** Gallon became bewildered. He saw that he had become close friends with the **** of the cloud giant, and persuaded the two main gods to stop the war. Became an ally with a giant.

The red dragon and the fire giant call each other brothers.

Blue dragons fought alongside storm giants.

Bailong chatted happily with the frost giant.


Dragons and giants rely on each other, and even merge gradually, and finally form an extremely powerful new **** system, overwhelming the gods of the heavens, and become the hegemonic **** system, ruling the endless world together......

In an instant, God Gallon woke up.

In the field of vision, the slender mace of the **** of the cloud giant was reflected, hitting his eye socket.

Barriers of time!

The invisible barrier of time resisted the opponent's attack, the **** Gallon let out a roar, his body suddenly circled around, and the dragon's tail carried a powerful force, smashing the cloud giant **** far Let her body crack, Fine lines appear throughout.

Try to hold on

Behind his body, the God of the Cloud Giant felt a steady stream of severe pain, and his gentle and friendly expression darkened.

"How can a newly-promoted middle-level dragon **** be able to see through my illusions and get rid of my influence?"

The cloud giant **** was very angry.

This **** is the **** who is best at playing with the heart and spirit in the entire giant pantheon. Relying on his ability in this aspect, he once instigated the fight between brothers and sisters, and even the hearts of the frost giant **** and the fire giant **** were secretly. Affected and deepened mutual hatred.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Of course, as a giant god, he likes to engage in internal divisions. This behavior aroused Annan's anger.

Annan punished his heir and banished her to Jiaoyan Hell, where she would never leave. Later, the Lord of Storms killed his father and seized the throne, and on the condition of being loyal to himself, he liberated the cloud giant **** from Jiaoyan Hell to serve the giant. Gods fight.

"How did you decipher the illusion of the mind?"

The **** of cloud giants asked the **** Garon.

God Gallon chuckled without explaining.

Explain it, is it possible to let the **** of the cloud giant know his own shortcomings?

As for the reason, it is also very could the true dragon be willing to share hegemony with other races due to its arrogant nature?

Even if the dragon and the giant can cooperate to the end, but for the ultimate supremacy, there will definitely be another war, not the joy in the phantom of the cloud giant god! .

Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties

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