MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 466 Alone God

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The long river of time passed quietly.

In the sky above the endless dense forest of the Shining Forest, the God Canon and the God of Cloud Giants are still confronting each other.

After experiencing a series of means by the cloud giant **** to influence his thoughts, and finally seeing through the illusion of the mind, the **** Gallon has gradually figured out the ability of the cloud giant god. .

The spiritual power of the cloud giant **** is like a continuous wave that has not subsided and rises again and again. It is pervasive and continuous, sweeping towards the mind of the **** Canon without stopping, trying to exert a thinking influence on the **** Canon.

the other side.

Facing the persistent spiritual impact of the God of Cloud Giants, the **** Gallon focused his thoughts and held on to his mind, like a reef standing in the waves, unshakable despite the wind and rain.

At the same time, while resisting the control of the cloud giant god's mind, the **** Gallon followed the movement of the mind to search for her hidden real body and attack.

It's just that in addition to the mind and spiritual thinking, the God of the Cloud Giant is also a master of creating illusions. There are countless false bodies hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, which are true and false, which makes it difficult for the **** Gallon to determine, and often misses.

In this way, the battle between the two was at a stalemate for a while, and it was difficult for both of them to win the other side.

"I'm not the opponent of the second generation of giant gods, but I can almost draw the battle against the third generation of giant gods."

Bathed in the various divine lights caused by the descending of too many gods, the **** Gallon looked at himself and thought silently.

Mind Authority: Fallen Tombstone!

The **** of the cloud giant, who was hiding somewhere, used the power of authority again.

The invisible spiritual power of the gods that can have a real impact on the real world is condensed and turned into thousands of semi-illusory sharp tombstones above the head of the **** Gallon, with a lifeless power that can make the souls of creatures decay and collapse, falling from the sky .

However, the body of the **** Gallon showed extraordinary agility and agility. He tossed and dodged among the tombstones. Although he could not avoid all of them, he could also avoid most of them. As for the rest, he directly resisted them with the barrier of time. Down.


God Gallon's head roared, as if being hit by a boulder, and the heart lake was filled with waves, making him dizzy.

The authority of the **** of cloud giants in terms of spirit, thinking, and heart somewhat restrains the age barrier of the **** Gallon, because the age barrier is intact under the impact of the fallen tombstone, but every time it touches, there is a residual power of spiritual authority trembling Incessantly, through the barrier of time, invaded the mind of the **** Gallon.

"on the left!"

God Gallon shook his head, the dragon wings flapped, and the dragon's body tore through the clouds, heading straight for the hidden position of the cloud giant god.

Faced with the dragon's fierce and swift pounce, the **** of the cloud giant reacted very quickly. He dodged immediately and summoned many phantoms to hinder the dragon's progress, but he was torn apart by the **** Gallon.


Several deep claw marks were left on the dark blue robe of the cloud giant god.

Misty cloud-like blood began to flow out from the golden skin, and dripped into the dense forest on the surface, forming a strange illusion in a blink of an eye. Once ordinary creatures set foot in it, they would be completely lost until they died.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Even though the cloud giant **** had been as careful as possible when he exerted his authority and power, he was still locked in place by the **** Gallon.

Unless you do nothing and just hide, you will give God Gallon a chance.

"Damn Dragon God, why is the mind and will so stubborn."

"She has gradually adapted to my spiritual influence."

The cloud giant god, who had been injured many times, was not at peace.

Gods are not omnipotent, they have areas they are good at and not good at.

The cloud giant **** has unparalleled spiritual control, but, as a price, she does not have the same strong physique as other giant gods. Her strength, speed, defense, etc. are weaker than other giant gods with medium divine power. Garen found his real body and approached him, which was very dangerous for the cloud giant god.

Just like just now, if the evasion was slower, the dragon claws of the **** Gallon had already penetrated the body of the cloud giant god.

Time passed quietly.

With the confrontation between the mind and the reality, the **** Gallon's resistance became higher and higher, and the number of times he was affected became less and less, and the cloud giant **** gradually fell into decline.

"It's not right. Even my second-generation brothers couldn't adapt so quickly and get rid of the control of my mind and thinking."

"How is this going?"

Looking at the lively silver dragon, the **** of the cloud giant narrowly dodged the demon and the dragon spear, and his face became serious.

In fact, the strength of the **** Canon and the **** of the cloud giant is on par, and even weaker than the **** Canon, because there is a certain gap in the level of godhood, but the essence of the **** Canon is the evil of time.

Abomination........It is the horrible product of the failed experiment of the gods, with a distorted and unique heart and thinking.

The thinking of the evil of time has been erased by the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King, but the essence of this empty shell will not be changed. Even if Garen molds a new personality will, it will not change her essence as an evil .

If the cloud giant **** knew that the essence of the **** Gallon was a sin, and used the ability to target the mind of the evil, the situation would not have developed into the current situation.

It's a pity that the cloud giant **** treated the **** Gallon as a normal dragon god.

Under normal circumstances, to deal with enemies with strong mental resistance, the God of Cloud Giants can also use his secondary time authority as an assistant. The God of Giants didn't have the idea of ​​playing tricks in front of the God Gallon.

"Forget it, forget it, since you can't kill her, let's do something casually, I can't risk my life because of this."

With this in mind, the cloud giant **** started paddling.

She no longer takes the initiative to attack the **** Canon, but uses subtle thinking influences to weaken the fighting spirit and hostility of the **** Canon. Long perception.

"Oh? The attitude has become negative."

The **** Gallon keenly noticed the change of the cloud giant god.

She no longer uses the destructive power of authority, but is trying her best to protect herself.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"I said, there is no point in our confrontation like this, it is just a waste of the power of both parties."

"Why don't you pretend to have a fierce fight, act it out, and show your fellow gods a look."

There are many illusions around, disillusionment and repeated clusters, almost covering the entire space where the cloud giant **** and God Canon are located, making it difficult for outside creatures to enter. At the same time, the words of the cloud giant **** directly sounded in God Canon's mind, Still has a strong spiritual temptation.

The silver dragon's eyes flickered, and his movements slowed down, trying to preserve his divine power...... It's not that he didn't want to do his best, it's just that the **** of the cloud giant became passive and focused on protecting himself. Good way to deal with her.

"Interesting, you really don't seem to care about racism."

"Aren't you afraid that the Lord of Storms will see your little thoughts and clean up the door?"

God Gallon chuckled and asked back.

The attitude of the cloud giant **** was unrestrained, and he said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I have never experienced the Dragon Fall War, and I really don't have much hatred for you. Not to fight."

"As for the Lord of the Storm...... Hehe, this ambitious brother needs me, and, if there is no solid evidence, after killing his father, he will kill his own brothers and sisters, the giant **** system It's impossible to integrate as she wants."

When the Dragonfall War was going on, the God of Cloud Giants was being exiled and sealed in Jiaoyan Hell.

Although the Lord of Storms wanted to unseal her at that time, he did not take any real action due to the majesty of Father Annan.

Therefore, the God of Cloud Giants did not participate in the Dragonfall War.

What's more, she was finally released from Jiaoyan Hell, and she wanted to enjoy some freedom instead of being passively involved in the flames of war. She wants to fight for the giant **** system, and now she has no choice but to participate in the battle.

While communicating with the **** of cloud giants, the **** Canon examined his heart, and found that her influence on his mind was limited to dispelling his hostility, and did not try to convince the **** Canon to believe his intentions.

"You are a newly promoted dragon god, and you are a legendary dragon species that is different from ordinary true dragons."

"I understand that you, like me, actually don't have much hatred for the giant gods."

"Even if there is, it is nothing more than the influence of the inheritance of the Dragon Clan."

"Or are you like me, who joined the war out of helplessness?"

The cloud giant **** whispered.

God Gallon was unmoved, and calmly said: "Whether there is hatred, helplessness or initiative is not important, what is important is that if this war is fought to the end, the Dragon God wins, and your giant **** system will plummet like a fall Abyss, and vice versa."

Regardless of whether the God of the Cloud Giant was secretly trying to influence the mind of the God Canon, or he really had this idea, he could not change the thinking of the God Canon.

She is a dragon god, and she clearly knows that her own interests are closely related to the prosperity of the dragon clan.

Based on this, the **** of cloud giants could not shake the heart of the **** Gallon no matter what.

As for the **** of the cloud giant... It seems that he didn't realize this point. Although he is a member of the giant god, he feels that whether the giant **** is dead or alive has little to do with him.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"It seems that it is not only the **** of cloud giants..."

"When my avatar was fighting the God of Stone Giants, she only defended but did not attack. She just tried her best to protect her own people of Stone Giants."

"By the way, the Lord of Storms has been under siege until now, and the God of Nature and Hunting has not shown up to assist."

"If the other giant gods also have their own ghosts......"

With this in mind, God Gallon raised his head and looked at the Lord of Storms who was fighting fiercely with the two dragon gods in the distance. There is some pity in the eyes.

In the heart of the **** Gallon, the idea that the dragon gods can win the war is unprecedentedly firm.

"No wonder Annan was so disappointed in the giant pantheon that he gave up completely."

"Perhaps, in the entire giant pantheon, only the Lord of Storms is fighting with all his strength, and wants to lead the giant race to glory. It's really pure and pitiful."

Next, the **** Gallon seemed to approve of the idea of ​​the cloud giant god, and his attack strength was weakened by half. At the same time, he waited patiently, lowered the cloud giant god's vigilance, and looked for a suitable opportunity to kill her.

"Smart choice, haha, I read you right."

"Let them fight until the earth is turned upside down and the flood is raging, but what does it have to do with us?"

"When the war is over, I will be completely free."

On the other side, the God of Cloud Giants saw the weakening of the God Canon's attack, and thought that although the God Canon was stubborn, he was happy to just paddle like this, so he followed the God Canon one by one, and performed many seemingly Gorgeous is actually a magic skill with no lethal power.

However, her real body has always been hidden, and there is no opportunity for the **** Gallon to take advantage of it.

After going on like this for a while.

Suddenly, the battle situation in the Forest of Glory ushered in a huge change.

Since another powerful **** of nature and hunting never came, the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King appeared first.

During the War of Glory, the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King had been exposed, blindly lurking in the dark would not do much good, after all, the opponent must be on guard.


Covered with pitch-black steel-like scales, the ferocious first-generation Ferrous Dragon King roared, tore through the barriers of the planes, and went straight to the place where three powerful divine powers were fighting.

While fighting fiercely with the two dragon gods, the Lord of Storms noticed the arrival of the first generation of Iron Dragon King, and his complexion changed slightly.

The comprehensive strength of the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King is lower than that of Metal Dragon God and Immortal Dragon Queen. However, as a super powerful iron dragon, its body is unbelievably strong, as if it was forged by indestructible iron.

As soon as it appeared, the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King fiercely smashed into the sky, approached the Lord of Storms, and began to unleash a storm-like attack.

The three dragon gods invisibly formed a triangular encirclement, surrounded the Lord of Storms, and they all used their full strength to attack the Lord of Storms mercilessly.

The Lord of Storms is indeed strong.

But being able to fight against two dragon gods alone is already a rare result.

At the level of powerful divine power, there are very few existences that can be one-to-many.

Facing the third powerful divine dragon god, the Lord of Storms quickly fell into decline. The defensive line composed of eight arms wielding divine weapons began to collapse, and the divine body began to be hit and torn apart by the claws of the powerful divine dragon god. Blood poured down like a waterfall.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】


"What are you waiting for!"

The Lord of Storms resisted the attacks of the three dragon gods, his face was bulging with veins, and he growled in his mouth.


Rolling thunder sounded, and the area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers was shrouded by rolling dark clouds. The atmosphere was chilling and depressing, as if the world would be destroyed in the next second.

Endless thunderbolts descended from the sky, entangled the Lord of Storms, and surged on her divine body, accumulating, brewing, and erupting!

A dazzling white thunderball that was bigger than the sun burst out from the center of the Lord of Storms and spread wildly. Everything it passed was evaporated and turned into nothing. Even the three dragon gods were killed by the Lord of Storms. The explosion shook and flew.


A strange beast suddenly appeared.

It looks like a translucent energy body life, and its body is constantly changing, showing the appearance of various beasts, such as lions, tigers, elephants, snakes, rabbits... The variety is endless.

An aura comparable to a powerful divine power circulated around this beast.

Beast Lord.

The beast lord turned into a giant elephant with the lightning brand of Mibreween on its body. Its long trunk rolled up, and with a loud groan, it absorbed the energy diffused by the blazing thunderball to prevent the large-scale destruction of the Shining Forest.

It watched the battle between the dragon **** and the giant **** indifferently, only dealt with the aftermath, and had no intention of helping any of them.

Just a second later, the three dragon gods who were blown into the air were covered with lightning arcs, and once again besieged and killed the Lord of Storms.

Soon, the Lord of Storms was stretched out and scarred.

"Siati, have you seen enough!"

There was anger in the eyes of the Lord of the Storm, roaring furiously like thunder.

"Oh, my great brother, you killed the father god, but the power you gained is only enough to deal with the two dragon gods?"

"This disappoints me so much, Father God must be very disappointed too."

A wave of mental fluctuations with a faint sense of resentment came.

Another giant **** descended.

This is a female giant **** with a rare and beautiful face and a vigorous figure. Her muscles are well-proportioned but not protruding abruptly. Two slender and round thighs are exposed under a simple skirt armor. At the same time, she is carrying a longbow and holding a spear. With a rope glowing with divinity, it looks heroic, like a wild female leopard.

Xiati, the **** of nature and hunting, is powerful and the eldest daughter of Annan.

"Siati, I know you are dissatisfied with me, but you are not allowed to vent your emotions during the war."

"Next time, I will directly deprive you of your priestly authority."

The Lord of Storms scolded.

As the main **** of one pantheon, he often has special authority over the main god.

For example, to promote the members of the gods, or to deprive the members of the gods for the purpose of punishment... The exile seal of the cloud giant **** is also one of them.

Because of being besieged by the three dragon gods, the current Storm Lord is very angry.


Xiati snorted coldly, and did not provoke and provoke the Storm Lord any more.

She took off the giant hunting bow on her back, pointed it at the first generation Ferrous Dragon King from a distance, and stretched the bowstring with all five fingers.

There are green vines entwined and growing out of thin air, with bright and fragrant flowers blooming on them, forming a strange, vigorous and natural arrow between the bowstrings.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】


After being filled with divine power, Xiati loosened his fingers, and the vine arrow disappeared instantly. When it reappeared, it had already been nailed to the visor of the first-generation Ferrous Dragon King, almost a foot away from the eye socket.

This is the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King shook his head and avoided the vital point in time.

Immediately, the vines stretched and climbed on the visor of the first generation Ferrous Dragon King, and worked hard to drill towards the fine dragon scales on the dragon's face, penetrating into every hole.

Kacha Kacha........The pitch-black dragon scales turned gray, seemed to have lost their vitality, and at the same time became fragile, with cracks gradually spreading, and the blossoming flowers on the vines became more and more gorgeous and beautiful .

The first generation of Ferrous Dragon King stretched out his dragon claws, and tore off all the dragon scales and vines, causing his faceplate to be dripping with blood, and his appearance became more ferocious and bloodthirsty.

Relying on its strong physique, it quickly recovered from its injuries and continued to attack the Lord of Storms.

However, Xiati seems to have identified the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King and kept aiming at it to share the pressure for the Lord of Storms.

Facing the attack of a powerful divine power, the first generation of Ferrous Dragon King could not ignore it, and could no longer single-mindedly attack the Lord of Storms. He failed to cooperate several times and almost accidentally injured the other two dragon gods.

However, under the siege of the three dragon gods, the situation of the Lord of Storms was even worse, so the first generation of Iron Dragon King resisted the attack, and the offensive became more and more crazy.

So Xiati bent his bow and set his arrow, but shifted his target.

In an instant, the Dragon God of Death and Judgment, the Dragon of Runes and Tricks, and the God Gallon who is the Dragon God of Time all felt a deep chill, as if they were tightly locked on by sharp and wild eyes. .

"Hey, if you come later, maybe you can teach the Lord of Storms a lesson."

The Immortal Dragon Queen felt a pity, and under her instruction, the first iron dragon king let out a roar, and his cold and dark body swept across the sky, rushing towards Xiati, leaving this powerful divine power to have no time to attack and kill the other dragon gods.

In the Forest of Glory, the melee of three powerful divine powers turned into five powerful divine powers in a blink of an eye.

Wave after wave of divine power and dragon power surged, ups and downs. Wherever the aftermath of their power passed, the terrain and creatures in the beast land were all destroyed without exception. , the rivers have dried up, and the dense forests have been burned...

Soon, the depths of the Forest of Glory had turned into a Jedi.

Due to the fragmentation of a large area of ​​space, from a distance, the five powerful divine powers seem to be fighting frantically against the background of darkness and nothingness.

If it weren't for the beast lords resisting the aftermath of the divine power, the Guangyao Forest would have been terribly destroyed.


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