MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 834 Fanwaiyi: War will start

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Just after the Lantern Festival, there were movements on the lines that Liu Yinfeng ordered people to stare at.

"The caravan started to pass over the past two days. The caravan's people are well-trained. There are people who explore the road in front of them and those who have broken down at the back. They seek rest on the open hill at night and there are people on patrol all night. We followed the caravan, and the caravans of the caravan even scattered some things, all of which were grain. "Uncle Qin looked with a little dignity.

Liu Yinfeng nodded his head, his eyes full of thoughts: "The soldiers and horses have moved before the grain and grass, the grain and grass have already moved ahead, and the soldiers and horses are not far away."

Uncle Qin was a little hesitant: "The last time he fought with Yelang Kingdom, the empress kissed him, this time, I don't know ..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yinfeng had already understood what he wanted to ask, smiled, and shook his head, "No, the empress had previously been enlisted only because the war was in a predicament, and morale was insufficient. The empress queens to raise morale. However, after all, the queen is not a general. He knows what is good and good, and that is what Her Majesty should do. Although General Zhao and Sun Bingzhi still have some shortcomings, Her Majesty will let them go to practice.

Uncle Qin heard that his eyes fell on Liu Yinfeng's body and sighed softly: "Now that the son has left Jincheng and said he wants to live in seclusion, why bother to work for these things, Her Majesty and Empress Dowager are also clever. People, these things, I am afraid that it is not too difficult a threshold. "

When Liu Yinfeng heard the words, he raised his head and smiled at Uncle Qin: "You followed me to this town of Nanxun, and I kept asking you to inquire about this and that. You are afraid that you have already guessed me I did n’t ask what I wanted to do. I have been thinking before, when will you open this mouth, and did not let me wait too long. "

Uncle Qin quickly explained: "The son must not blame for the talk of his descendants. If the son's body is strong and healthy, Uncle Qin will not say a word, but now the son's body is so bad, why bother? Fuck these minds? "Uncle Qin wanted to say, and now Liu Yinfeng is so ruthless, it is also because of the queen's mother-in-law that he is so **** her conscience, but it is doomed to be unavailable, why not Trapped yourself in it.

But these words, Uncle Qin did not dare to say it. Following Liu Yinfeng for so many years, he still knew his temper. But it was because of understanding that he became more and more pitiful.

Liu Yinfeng smiled with a low eyebrow, with an inexplicable thought in his eyes: "Although she is already a queen, she has suffered a lot because of the little prince. Although I left Jincheng, my heart still remained I have anxiety. I thought that I would take this opportunity to cut off the anxiety. Most of all, she is all right, so I can rest assured. Now that she has been closed, things in the palace should be able to be handled, I The matter of Yelang Kingdom was disposed of. In her name, when Jie's letter was passed to Jincheng in the future, the courtiers could at least take care of it after they knew it. "

Uncle Qin frowned, but knew that the decision made by his son-in-law would not be changed, and he groaned for a long time before saying: "No matter what, we only hope that the son-in-law is good, and the rest, we Willing to share more for the son. "

"Troubled Uncle Qin and everyone." Liu Yinfeng responded with a smile.

As Liu Yinfeng expected, since the forages had moved ahead, the soldiers and horses were not far away. After January 25, a large number of soldiers and horses passed not far from Nanzhao.

"This battle has not yet begun. How come the army is so immense? If it was discovered by the Yelang Kingdom defenders, wouldn't all the previous preparations be in vain?" Amber frowned when he heard the news from Shang Lu. , While pouring tea, muttered.

Liu Yinfeng raised his corner of the mouth and laughed, but did not speak. Instead, Uncle Qin turned his head and opened his mouth: "Since Your Majesty has arranged this, it must have been well prepared, the grain is ready, the army is here, I am afraid it will not take a few days An offensive will be launched. At most 100,000 garrison troops staying at the border in Yelang Kingdom, it will take time for the troops to be dispatched. In addition to the preparation time for soldiers and horses, it will not be possible to do so without a month. Wait for them. Everything is ready and it is late. "

After hearing this, Amber suddenly realized that he gave thumbs up to Uncle Qin and said with a smile: "So it is."

Liu Yinfeng raised his eyes and looked at Shanglu: "It can be found out, where are Zhao Yingjie and Sun Bingzhi?"

Shanglu quickly said: "This time the marching soldiers divided their ideas, Sun Bingzhi was on this line near us, but Zhao Yingjie brought about 100,000 troops to Gan Gan, and his subordinates were somewhat unknown. All of them are high mountains. It is very difficult to attack or defend. Why did Zhao Yingjie take most of the soldiers to Ganyu? "

Liu Yinfeng smiled: "Gan Yi is good at Gan Yi." But he didn't say it clearly, only commanded: "Since Sun Bingzhi is nearby, I will write a letter later, and you bring my seal to see you That Sun Bingzhi, if he asks about me, you don't have to say anything, just tell him to read my correspondence. "

Shang Lu responded quickly, Liu Yinfeng stood up, walked to the desk, Amber quickly stepped forward to rub the ink, Liu Yinfeng just lifted up his pen, and saw Changshan came in, behind him was still anxious Shen Banxue.

As soon as Shen Banxue entered the room, he hurried towards Liu Yinfeng with a slight tremor: "I am picking medicine in the mountains and seeing the army. Is there a fight soon? I'm afraid Not only I saw in the town, many people saw it, I heard the folks are spreading it. "

Liu Yinfeng nodded: "Yes, I am afraid that war will soon begin."

Shen Banxue heard the words, and was even more anxious: "Mr. Liu, how's your terrain investigation going? This war is coming so fast, isn't it useless at all?"

"How can it be useless? I am preparing to write a letter to the general who is leading the army. I will be in the camp in a few days to assist in doing things like terrain surveys." In the way.

Shen Banxue froze: "Do you know the general with soldiers?"

After asking the question, he said to himself, "Yes, I am confused. How can you not know each other as officials?"

After thinking about it, I said, "Your body hasn't healed yet. Cold poisoning may happen at any time. If you want to enter the camp, why don't you take me?"

Liu Yinfeng froze, but did not want her to suddenly make such a request, and smiled: "Dr. Shen joked, how can there be a woman in a military camp?"

Shen Banxue hurriedly said, "I can dress as a woman, I can change my own voice with medicine, and no one will find it. You say I am your doctor ..."

Liu Yinfeng was about to refuse, but he heard Uncle Qin said, "Subordinates feel that this plan is feasible."

Liu Yinfeng heard his words and frowned, but saw Uncle Qin's eyes full of concern: "The son's body is the most important. The sublime when the cold poison happened, his subordinates have personally seen, Shen If the doctor is willing to follow, naturally it is the best. After all, the son also wants to see this battle win beautifully, isn't it? The son is assured that the safety of Doctor Shen will be given to his subordinates. Nothing hurts. "

Shen Banxue heard the words and nodded, with a bit of refusal in his voice: "Mr. Liu is assured that there is no other person in my family and there is nothing to worry about. And, as Mr. said, my father is I was killed by the Yelang people. I wish I could avenge my father in person. Before that, I also wanted to join the army, but because of being a woman, I was repeatedly rejected. Since I have such an opportunity this time, I will not let it go easily. "

Liu Yinfeng frowned and groaned for a long while, but his voice remained calm and indifferent: "This is not a trivial matter, Doctor Shen doesn't have to rush to make a decision. There are still some times since the war began, Doctor Shen Go back and think about it. "

"I don't have to think about it. I have decided, sir or not, I have to follow." Shen Banxue raised his voice a bit, then turned and left.

Then Liu Yinfeng raised his eyes and looked at Uncle Qin, with a little helplessness in his eyes: "Uncle Qin ..."

Uncle Qin already knew what Liu Yinfeng was going to say, and said with a smile: "My son, only the subordinates said it, but the sentence is true. Before the son's cold attack, we were all frightened. Now It ’s only January, and the weather has n’t warmed up. I ’m afraid it ’s going to be cold for about two months. In the past two months, what to do if the male child has cold poison? The military doctor in the army is probably trauma. Fear is helpless. No matter how fierce the son is, this battle will not have a year and a half, and there will be no results. If the son's body can't persist at that time ... "

Liu Yinfeng sighed, knowing that what Qin Shu said was true, but it was also because he knew that what he said was true, and his heart was not even more flavorful. After a long time, he frowned, "I am Then I wrote to the ghost doctor and asked him to come to the border. I can't break this rule without women entering the barracks. "

Uncle Qin glanced at Liu Yinfeng and whispered, "How many times has the queen queen moved in and out of the barracks?"

Although the voice was low, Liu Yinfeng listened to the score and seemed to be a little hesitant, before he bowed his head and whispered, "She is different ..."

Uncle Qin disagrees, just thinking that if Liu Yinfeng invited the ghost doctor, the cold poison would certainly be cleared up, but it would be a trick, so he wouldn't say much again.

After a long pause, Liu Yin said, "I've never seen a woman as resourceful as her."

Uncle Qin sighed and could only sigh and stopped talking.

After Liu Yinfeng wrote the letter, Shanglu took the jade pendant and the seal to go to the army to find Sun Bingzhi. Shanglu's speed was fast. When I took a nap, I heard a voice coming from outside. Before long, Uncle Qin's voice came in from outside: "My son, General Sun."

Read The Duke's Passion