MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 835 Fanwaiyi: Joining the barracks

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As soon as Sun Bingzhi entered the house, he raised his eyes and looked at Liu Yinfeng, and the room in his eyes lit up, walked quickly to Liu Yinfeng's soft bed, and arched toward Liu Yinfeng: "Prince."

Liu Yinfeng smiled kindly and sat up: "General Sun. I heard that General Sun led the troops passing by here. I happened to be a gentleman in the private office of Nanxun Town at the invitation of a friend these days. Let his subordinates send a letter to General Sun to disturb General Sun. "

Liu Yinfeng said, raising his eyes and looking at Uncle Qin, "Uncle Qin, go and make tea for General Sun."

After commanding, he looked at Sun Bingzhi again: "General Sun sit down at will, this is not Jincheng, there are not so many rules."

When Uncle Qin went out, he closed the door together.

Liu Yinfeng and Sun Bingzhi talked in the house for a long time, until the night was getting dark, Liu Yinfeng looked at the sky outside, and smiled, "Unconsciously, the sky is dark, and General Sun is at me It ’s dinner here, and I asked Uncle Qin to pack up their stuff. After dinner, we set off together. ”

Sun Bingzhi's face was full of joy, and he promised to fly quickly, and smiled and said, "This battle was originally unsure. Now that Wang Ye is willing to help, it's certainly not a problem."

Liu Yinfeng smiled, and took over the big owl handed over by Amber, and Fang whispered: "It was only General Sun who promised me. This matter could not be returned to Jincheng, and my identity was not announced in the army. "

"The end will understand." Sun Bingzhi hurriedly responded.

Changshan served the food, the two used the meal together, and the things were packed. Liu Yinfeng took a written letter from the table and handed it to Shanglu: "You will send it to Mr. Zhou later , I said that because of my poor health, I was afraid I would not be able to teach in private. "

Shang Lu responded, Liu Yinfeng and Sun Bingzhi took Uncle Qin together with them. As soon as they opened the door, they saw a figure standing outside the door.

"Who?" Sun Bingzhi grasped the handle of the knife, screamed loudly, even Changshan and Amber were secretly alert.

Uncle Qin picked up the lantern in his hand and took a picture of the man. Liu Yinfeng Fang saw the man's appearance. It turned out to be Shen Banxue.

"You promised me to take me into the camp." Shen Banxue wore men's clothing and combed the man's hair bun, but his face was a little unsightly, and his voice was a little cold.

Sun Bingzhi was a little confused, turning to look at Liu Yinfeng, his eyes full of doubt: "This is ..."

Liu Yinfeng frowned lightly, and his expression was a bit cold: "Nothing, a doctor. I had a minor illness in this town. I was rescued by her, and I heard that Xia Guo and Ye Lang Guo The battle is about to start, so I want to be a military doctor. "

Sun Bingzhi has no guts, and he is very happy when he hears the words: "That would be good, there are not many doctors in the army. If this little brother can help, it would be better."

"Yeah, it couldn't be better." Liu Yinfeng responded softly, Yun Qingfeng glanced at Shen Banxue lightly: "Let's go together."

The army camped some distance from Nanxun Town. Sun Bingzhi was originally on horseback. To order Liu Yinfeng, he called a carriage and took Liu Yinfeng to the army camp. It was cold and there was a thin road. The snow was slower and the carriage was slower. It was not until midnight that it reached the camp.

"In about three days, we will be able to get to Cangnan." Sun Bingzhi dismounted, trying to help Liu Yinfeng from the carriage. Liu Yinfeng glanced at Sun Bingzhi, with a few warnings in his eyes, Sun Bingzhi quickly retracted his hand and touched the horse in a concealed manner.

Sun Bingzhi raised his eyes to Shen Banxue and thought for a while, then said, "This doctor, let me take her to the medical account."

Liu Yinfeng glanced at Shen Banxue with some hesitation. After all, she was a woman. Although she was a doctor in the medical account, it was more elegant than soldiers, but she was a man after all.

It was just that he hadn't spoken yet, but Shen Banxue had simply answered: "Where is the medical account?"

Sun Bingzhi quickly called a soldier to bring Shen Banxue past, Shen Banxue glanced at Liu Yinfeng, presumably thinking that he was in the camp, and he didn't worry that he stole, so he followed the soldier quickly.

When Sun Bingzhi turned his head and looked at Liu Yinfeng, his attitude was much more respectful: "Master, you will take you to the camp."

Liu Yinfeng glanced at him lightly: "As a deputy commander of an army, you are so kind to me as a small officer in the Hanlin Academy, I am seen by others, but I am afraid that it may cause suspicion, but you need to pay a little attention. You're so polite, there is something called. "

Sun Bingzhi responded in a snap, and took Liu Yinfeng to the camp. After receiving the letter from Liu Yinfeng before, the camp account was instructed to remember to set it up when camping.

After running around in the middle of the night, Liu Yinfeng was also a bit tired, and he waved his hand: "It's late at night, let's rest earlier, and Minger has to hurry."

Sun Bingzhi responded and retreated.

For two consecutive days, they ran all the way. Liu Yinfeng was now in a state of fatigue than when he was camping, and he was exhausted when he set up camp. He stopped early and never saw Shen Banxue, nor did he have a good chat with Sun Bingzhi. Situation of this battle.

Until Cangnan, the camp was stationed outside Cangnan City, near the place where Xia Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom intersect, on a hillside. There are many hills in Cangnan. Compared with Lingxi, the terrain is more complicated, and it is more conducive to ambush, but it is also easier to ambush. It also requires that your generals know the terrain well.

Liu Yinfeng rushed for two days, and his body was a little weak. Shen Banxue gave two pills and ordered him not to leave the camp. They had to send Uncle Qin to go out to explore the terrain, and then put it together in Liu Yinfeng's hands every night, and organize them one by one.

Xia Guo's soldiers stationed outside Cangnan City have already alarmed the generals who guarded the city at the border of Yelang. The opposite general was called Dorji, who was about 50 years old, and had fought countless battles. He was an experienced general. It's just that the weaknesses are more prominent, that is, they are too anxious and do not believe in others, and they always like to do things themselves.

Originally, Xia Guo had a garrison outside Cangnan City, but watching the garrison suddenly increased a lot in the past two days, he took a small team of people to explore the place not far from Xia Guo garrison for two days.

The previous two days, Liu Yinfeng let Sun Bingzhi keep his troops. He only sent a small team of men and horses to wait for Dorje to lead his troops to detect passing, and opened his throat and scolded him a little far away from Dorje. Dorje was irritable and tried to rush forward several times, but all were pulled by the lieutenant next to him.

The first day of February was the day when Luo Qingyan made Sun Bingzhi launch an attack on Yelang Kingdom.

Although the topography of Cangnan has not yet been explored, almost all the nearby areas have been carefully examined many times. Liu Yinfeng still let Sun Bingzhi open his throat and scold when Doji checked. This time, Doji brought twice as many people as usual, but he also avoided archers, and he was only with Xia Jun. Scolding.

The yelling was getting fiercer and fierce, and Dorje was angrily turned around, stomping his feet, his eyes full of anger. When Liu Yinfeng let Xia Jun take advantage of this time, when the attention of Douji and the soldiers was diverted, he secretly sent a small team of men and horses, hiding under the hillside and quietly approaching.

The nearest hill where they can hide is still some distance away from Dorje. Even bows and arrows may not be reachable, but they are enough to deter them and disrupt their positions.

When Sun Bingzhi saw the ambush archer on the higher hill in the distance, he pulled out a red flag and waved it.

The deputy general next to Dorje saw the waving flag and felt that something was wrong, so he immediately pulled Radorje, but Dorje was angry and ignored. Immediately afterwards, the arrows shot densely, as if it were raining.

"General Dorje, fast, there is an ambush." ​​The Yelang people were frightened when they saw this. Now they are less than a hundred people. Although not far from the camp, it is not good if they are really ambush.

Doge was also frightened by the situation in front of her, and then looked intently, and then saw that in the distance, a dark shadow gradually approached. A sudden burst in my heart made me understand: "Xia Jun has launched an attack, fast, fast, return to camp!"

Xia Jun was already fully armed and prepared. Seeing this situation, he accelerated his march and pushed towards the Yelang National Camp at full speed.

Sun Bingzhi handed the banner in his hand to the soldiers on the side, then went down the mountain, returned to the camp, and went straight into the camp where Liu Yinfeng was.

Shen Banxue was also in Liu Yinfeng's camp. On the table in front of Liu Yinfeng was a map with a red circle painted with cinnabar.

Sun Bingzhi saw the red circle with a little curiosity in his eyes: "Mr. What does this circle mean?"

Liu Yinfeng put down his pen and laughed, but answered unexpectedly, "Are you fighting?"

Sun Bingzhi nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Fang Cai didn't see what Doji was like, and it was a deserted run. Vice Admiral Yang, Admiral Lin, and Admiral Sun went straight to the enemy's camp with the army."

Liu Yinfeng nodded: "Although Dorje is tossed by us like this, there should be no defense at all, but after all, he is a veteran on the battlefield and his response is alert. We can win a small victory, but we cannot succeed. Dorje will most likely order the army to retreat. Withdraw to this red circle location, there is a mountain forest here, and to Yelang Kingdom, there is only one valley entrance. As long as you hold that valley entrance, it can be said to be foolproof. "

After hearing a few words, Sun Bingzhi looked at the map carefully, Fang Lianlian nodded and said, "Mr. What he said is extremely, no wonder Mr. Li made some of the vice generals remember, and the poor are no longer chasing, and they do not need to chase here. Chase it. "

Liu Yinfeng smiled: "This meal needs to be eaten bite by bite. Although he hides in it, although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is not a way to crack it. It's just now, not the time."

Sun Bingzhi and Shen Banxue were both motivated by him, but he deliberately sold a pass and stopped talking. He just smiled and turned to the two of them and said, "With the fighting, there must be a lot of affairs. General Sun should go back to the camp first. Now that he is fighting, injuries are inevitable, and Doctor Shen is afraid to prepare first."

Although both were reluctant, they both retreated.

Liu Yinfeng's hand slowly landed in the position of the red circle, tapped three times gently, and then closed it back.

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