MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1402

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It ’s a pity that there isn't such a long time to waste now. After thinking about it, Lin Yun gave up the idea of ​​picking up the essence of the undead. At this moment, a forty-three-level skeleton knight rushed to Lin Yun on a skeleton war horse Under the foot of the soul, the soul wave penetrated the chaotic battlefield and passed directly to Lin Yun's soul fire.

"Which territory do you belong to?"

Zhe Linyun casually named Hu Zou.

"I'm from the Grieving Cave."

The skeleton knight exploded when he heard the name, and roared angrily.

"Dirty idiot in the Grieving Cave ..."

It's a pity that before this guy said a word, Lin Yun suddenly appeared behind him, stretched out his bone claws, and easily broke off the skeleton knight's head, and a foot broke his mount's head, along with his soul. The fire went out together.

I was taken off my head. The skeleton knight burned the eyes of the soul fire and stared at Lin Yun, still cursing wildly.

"All the grief caves are damn, **** ..."

When Lin Linyun's heart moved, now that it has become an undead, can it devour the soul's fire?

As soon as this thought rose, Lin Yun sucked directly into the skull of the Skeleton Knight, just like instinct, a blue flame flew from the eyes of Skeleton Knight and merged with Lin Yun's soul fire.

These soul fires are like fuel. Lin Yun's soul fire suddenly burned and burned, and the skeleton knight's soul fire seemed to be ignited. All the impurities were burned and burned, leaving only The purest soul power was burned into the soul fire with the burning of the soul fire, and some scattered marks of death rules were also left.

I ate a fire of soul, and Lin Yun was completely shocked. It was even more shocked than the place where the name Undead had just pulled a name just now.

After being transformed into an undead, I was able to devour the fire of soul to strengthen my soul power.

The chapter of the dead turned out not only to disguise itself as an undead, but also this benefit. The fire of the soul that was devoured would be burned, and only a small part of the purest soul power would be fused. It is also equivalent to one percent of Lin Yun's soul power.

Usually, it is more difficult to increase the soul power by one percent than that of ordinary mage.

A general mage wants to enhance the strength of the soul, he must first understand the rules. After feeling the rules, the strength of the soul will also increase a little with this promotion.

But the stronger the soul power, the stronger the perception of the rules, the faster the speed of perception, the stronger the soul, the faster it is to understand anything, this is beyond doubt.

The most difficult thing for Master Mage, but it can be reversed here ...

And the most important thing is that there are fragments of rules, rules of death, and the rules of darkness that are under the dark rules. The dark rules that are usually perceived by the dark mage can only be regarded as a branch of the dark rules.

Death in the dark gave birth to death, and death gave birth to the soul ...

The real dark rule is just like the light rule. It contains a large system of rules. The undead plane, to be precise, should be called the dark plane, but the most typical of the undead plane is the undead creature. Far more than too many dark creatures ...

Part of the dark rules Lin Yun can still perceive through the half plane, but the branch of death and the branch of soul, the natural half plane has not yet evolved to that point.

Now, as long as you consume the fire of the soul, you can directly and continuously accumulate the pieces of the death rule, that is, the death mark. No wonder the undead from the plane of the undead do not need to perceive the rules at all, only the fire of the soul is enough ...

似乎 The soul fire of these undead creatures seems to contain rules fragments by nature, even swallowed to a certain degree, their soul fire will automatically transform, and the fragments of soul rules will make their soul fire evolve.

I devoured a fire of soul, and countless messages naturally appeared in Lin Yun's head, just like what every undead should have known.

I pinched and killed a skeleton of more than thirty levels again, devouring the skull's soul fire, and Lin Yun was completely clear.

Sure enough, this is the rule of the undead plane. These undead have been killed and brainstormed all day long. Sometimes a war can even last for thousands of years, not because these guys are really boring, and some of them consume time.

It ’s good to fight like this ...

As long as there is war, there is an infinite soul fire. With the soul fire, the undead lord can continuously accumulate the death and soul marks. They can become stronger. They just need to lead the army of the undead to fight. ...

But after a little induction, Lin Yun understands a bit, why the level of the undead lords has not been upgraded for thousands of years, and even after thousands of years, their levels have not been upgraded ...

These death marks are like puzzles. If you want to advance to the forty-ninth peak, you need to find all the puzzles, and all the puzzles need not have millions of death marks. Billions or even billions of completely different puzzles ...

These guys want to find all the puzzles, it's all a matter of luck. The more backwards, the harder it is. Maybe when the last puzzle is left, it will always be stuck there ...

Aunt, fortunately there is a natural half plane ...

As long as the rules evolved from the natural half plane, you can quickly realize that the front may be slower than these undead, but at least there is hope for continuous improvement, the faster it goes backward.

After thinking about the time, Lin Yun gave up the idea of ​​picking up the undead shards and harvesting the soul fire. He just killed a skeleton knight and has already attracted the attention of other undeads.

Pick up the essence of the undead. If the undead does not return to care, he will pay attention, but the fire of the soul will not work ...

Lin Yun smashed into the chaotic battlefield and instantly gathered his breath, making himself look like an ordinary skeleton of more than 20 levels. After a few laps, all the concerned undead souls will find it again. Not to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun marched along the chaotic battlefield. Unconsciously, he rushed to the area where there were more zombies and ghouls. After twisting the heads of two ghouls with his skull claws, Lin Yun shook his body and changed to the original state. Appearance, but his complexion, with a strong sense of death, turned into a zombie who can definitely be described as handsome ...

There is no rotten breath on the body, but it has complete flesh, and it is not very common to put it on the plane of the undead. However, the undead does not care. As long as the pure breath of death is felt, no undead will suspect that it is not an undead ... ...

Even if the Heavenly Order undead sees it, it will not doubt, after all, the lower-level zombies look physically broken, but after the Heavenly Order, basically the zombie undead body will be relatively complete, especially some zombies with special habits. Maybe it looks no different from living people.

After the maggot became a zombie, a little bit of extraordinary zombies were revealed again. In this area where a significant number of ghouls and zombies occupied a relatively large area, it became an advantage.

I walked along the battlefield and soon found Imir, who was holding a large, large hamstring, roaring and letting the zombies and ghouls in the rear to continuously charge.

Lin Yun stood more than ten kilometers away and could feel the soul fluctuations spread by Emir. His soul fluctuations had spread to almost several tens of kilometers, that is, undead within a few dozen kilometers can be heard. Ymir growled.

"Stupid, kill them, tear down the bones of these **** skeletons, charge, charge ..."

Lin Yun turned into a zombie. The undead creatures here didn't seem to be a little wary. Lin Yun had all walked to Yimir within a kilometer. It seemed that Yimir had found a nearby strong person approaching and turned to look at Lin Yun. A hint of confusion flashed on his face, scratching his head, and it seemed that Lin Yun was a little familiar.

"Yimir, it seems that your plan is not going well. Those abominable guys don't give you face at all, oh, don't worry about what face means. Anyway, when I came here just now, I saw a lot of miserable birds. And it's a wrecked bird eating ... "

Imir's dwarf had a trace of embarrassment on his face. When he heard the name of the mourning bird, his eyes instantly turned red. Who knows how this guy, as a dwarf, changed into a ghoul, at least in appearance, it was a non-mainstream Ghoul.

The huge big hamstring he held in his hand knocked fiercely at Lin Yun. Lin Yun held his arm, catching the big hamstring of Yimir wielding with one hand, the ground under his foot made a loud noise, great strength. A terrible shock spread to the surroundings, and dozens of poor ghouls around were shredded to pieces by the shock wave.

Zhe Linyun's right arm also cracked, and muscles exploded, and cracks appeared in the bones, but the force of death circulated a little, and his body returned to normal.

For undead creatures, the power of death is indeed almighty. It can fight, treat, transplant parts of the body, think of things, and the power of death can do it.

She shook her arm, although there was no pain at all, Lin Yun was a little speechless. Emil obviously didn't know him anymore, or he couldn't figure out what he is now. The difference between the dark creatures and the undead creatures was quite large. .

I mobilized the power of the chapter of the beginning, and a layer of dark power turned into the mist covering the surface of Lin Yun. The whole person looked like a dark shadow, the breath of death was completely covered, and only the dark breath circulated.

At this time, Guiyimir cried out in surprise, throwing the big hamstring in his hand to the side and smashing a zombie, Yimil grinned at the big mouth and rushed over.

哦 "Oh Bowie, it's you, you've changed, I almost can't recognize you, how did you become an undead, and finally get out of the camp of those abominable dark creatures?"

Zhe Linyun rolled his eyes. This guy can recognize a layer of black shadow, but he can't show his appearance. It is really a typical undead creature ...

He removed the cover of the dark breath, Lin Yun revealed his true colors.

"I wasn't originally a dark creature. I was just trying to avoid the vampire hunt. I was hunted by the vampire. You should know? I told you."

Guiyi Mier looked blank and could not remember it.

"It was the wicked vampire we saw at the auction. Forget it, don't pay attention to these details. Let me see how your war is going. There are more and more skeletons. Those who are sheltered by skeletons are mourning. There are more and more birds.

Come on, Imir, kill those skeletons and devour the fire of their souls, and you will be able to occupy the territory here. With your own territory, you can make no more bird reports here. All reported dead birds will be killed by the crickets ... "

Guiyi Mier looked at Lin Yun and seemed to think that something was not right, but he still didn't understand. When he heard the name of the mourning bird, he felt that Lin Yun was right.

"Imir, I want the essence of the undead now, oh, this is the thing, you let those zombies or ghouls help me to collect some, you give me these things, and I help you learn how to light the flame, which is the kind of The bones of the mourning bird were burned to ashes. "

Guiyimir listened to Lin Yun for a long time, and then he heard this sentence, allowing him to learn to release the flames and burn those reported mourning birds to ashes himself.

Soul fluctuations are raging on the battlefield like a tsunami. Emir ’s soul fluctuations continue to convey such a message. Do n’t care about fighting or not fighting. Take back all the undead essence you picked up. This is the most important thing. .

The undead do n’t care what the order of Emir means. Just follow the instructions. Whoever cares why, even those undead who have awakened wisdom or even memory will meticulously execute Emir ’s arrangement. task.

Soon, the undead came back with the undead essence they picked up, and piled up the undead essence. Slowly, a pile of hill-like undead essence appeared on the ground, and there were other undead specifically to this pile The pile of Undead Essences was delivered to Imir.

Zhe Linyun did not immediately devour these undead essence to the Sage's Chapter, but all of them were temporarily put away.

"Imir, you see that these essences of the undead are not useful to you, so you collect them and leave them to me. Do you see those undead? It ’s useless to collect them specifically. Only by killing more opponents can you collect them. To more essence of the undead.

Let the army continue to tear up those abominable skeletons, and then send a team of undead to collect the essence of the undead. So fast, the more undead killed, the more collected ... "

Zhe Linyun continued to flirt with Imir for a while, and then engraved a small alchemy circle on the bone of Imir's right hand, imitating the ability of the moire, so that Imir had the ability to release the flame.

Transformed the power of death into a flame and released it. Although it was only a pale flame that was released, the power of the flame was not even as good as that of a third-level flame spell, but how could it be a flame?

Besides, the undead can't distinguish the color, and only the flame is enough.

After gaining the ability to release the fire, Imir was crazy all over. I immediately found a hill where the dead bird's body was piled up. I personally released the pale flame to ignite the dead bird's body and watched the dead bird. His body slowly turned into ashes in the flames, and the speed was ridiculously slow. Yimir was satisfied, too.

Is n’t that just a little slower? It does n’t matter. For the undead, the most insignificant is time, and sometimes it is time to watch, and even slowly watching the wrecked bird burned to ashes, it feels better.

After becoming an undead, an alchemy array that mimics the moire pattern that can be easily made can at most release a flame comparable to a third-level spell, and the magic power consumed is enough to release a fifth-level undead spell. The **** is put into the Northrend world. There will never be an alchemist to study it.

The magic power consumed by the fifth-level spells only emits flames comparable to the third-level spells. The trashiest spells don't look at this kind of things. However, few alchemists in Northrend world can look like Lin Yun. In this way, a miniature alchemy array with an imitation pattern is carved on an undead body, so that a ghoul can release fire ...

Imir's satisfaction is going crazy. The most wanted thing to do is to tear up the lost bird, and then burn the bones of the lost bird to ashes. Now it finally meets the biggest thoughts of all time. As a undead with pursuit, Lin Yun helped him fulfill his dream, and he had to pay off, didn't he?

"Stupid, you stupid, kill those skeletons, shred those bones, and bring me back the essence of the undead. Do you know what the undead essence is? I do n’t know what the undead essence is. Does anyone know? "

"Okay, I know what Undead Purification is, the great Bowie wants these things, and the great Emiri wants them ..."

After Imir shattered more than a dozen undead hands ~ ~ and even shredded a forty-first zombie, all the undead, even if stupid, knew that they must say, even if not Understand why Imir wants to purify those useless dead souls, at most it is used as fertilizer for the dead souls' breeding grounds, why should they be collected ...

The fertilizer of the undead breeding ground is the undead essence. It is a place where countless undead corpses are piled up. There are countless bones, countless undead essences, and new undead. They are all bred there, at least the local undead are This happened.

But none of the undead lords will go to build the undead breeding ground, because the undead plane never lacks undead, and all the undead breeding grounds of the undead plane are naturally formed or accumulated after a long period of war.

After the war ceases, a corpse and bones will form a sea in those places, and as time passes, new undead may crawl out.

Although the speed of new undead is not very fast, there is no shortage of undead creatures on the undead plane, and no one knows why more and more undead creatures on the undead plane, especially those cannon fodder, die every day. Many, but never die ...

The new Emiri who has obtained the ability to release the flames is completely crazy, and the IQ is not very high. Although the power of the flames does not even burn a 25th-level skeleton, but if you get what you want, you will think about how to get it. More, how to report "Body".

〖To be continued〗 【】

Read The Duke's Passion