MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1403

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The battlefield became more chaotic. Imir led the team himself. Like crazy, he shuttled in the battlefield and picked up those undead essences that no one wanted. Although the probability of low-level undeads appearing is not high, the number is not large What. ▽ ▋E? Xiao □ said www.oshu?

According to Mill ’s intent, warfare is everywhere on the earth with blood-stained collars. Anyway, there are so many undead essences that no one wants, so it is always faster to pick up those undead essences and get more. Is not it.

Unfortunately, other undead lords don't think so. These guys, like the crazy dogs who have been invaded the territory, think that Emil is invading the occupied territory. What else can be said and go to war.

The battlefield became more and more chaotic. Originally, these undead lords were just fighting in pairs. In a few days, they became seven or eight melees, even the only army of dark creatures. In this case, it became After the cannon fodder was killed by a group of undead creatures.

There are seven or eight lords fighting, and suddenly there is a dark lord. Damn, it must be the ghost of the dark lord. Kill him first and then ...

For a few days, Lin Yun didn't do anything, and he saw a hill of undead essences piled up in front of him, and more undead essences were sent in. I do n’t know how many of them. The Northrend world is all about selling the essence of undead. Here, the smallest unit must be kilograms, and a hill of undead essence must have a weight of four or five tons ...

The chapter of the wise man continuously devoured the essence of the undead. Slowly, the second and third positions of the eighth-level spells also emerged. Unfortunately, after the three positions of the eighth-level spells that could display the spells appeared, Xian The Chapter of the Slayer devours the essence of the undead madly, and there is no more place where it can imprint the nineth-level spell, but the Chapter of the Sage is still devouring the essence of the undead madly, like an endless abyss.

Lin Yun was well prepared and not disappointed. The spells that can be printed on the Sage's Chapter were released and all of them were extreme spells. The most basic ability of extreme spells is to increase the power of spells by two levels. Eighth-level extreme spells have the power of tenth-level spells. And extreme spells will make certain characteristics of the spell to the extreme. This extreme is definitely something that the tenth-level spell does not have. This characteristic is the most powerful.

If it is really possible to imprint a 9th-level spell, how can you waste so many things and bring all the undead lords who want to do it together into one place. A 9th-level spell with the ultimate spell state, with the power of the 11th-level spell, coupled with the ability to swing to the limit, can definitely kill all undead creatures in a territory.

If you can understand the rules of light and release a level 9 light spell, it will be more perfect. A level 9 light shines on the chapter of the sage, blessing to the limit, and release is level 11 spell light. The general illumination completely transforms the entire channel's several thousand kilometers into a bright world. There is no way for the undead to come in, how many come to die ...

Unfortunately, such a good thing can only be thought about. After staying for a few days, it devoured at least dozens of tons of the essence of the undead. But still madly devouring the essence of the undead, obviously there is this position, but it is not so easy to come out ...

After stirring the blood-stained collar into a pot of paste. Lin Yun quietly left, and Emil ’s wish, which may have been remembered for thousands of years, was realized. Now he is desperate to help Lin Yun collect the essence of the undead. This has become his biggest wish.

Quietly returned to the half plane. Three eighth-level spells were printed on the chapter of the sage, and Lin Yun transformed into a skeleton, and the undead appeared again on the undead plane, and even made a broken cloak behind him, and then took the previous skull from that skeleton. The death sickle captured by the king was behind his back, and a fresh skeleton king was released. E ?? ▼ 小说 www.e oshu?

Skeleton King. Walking on the undead plane, the undead creatures rushing to provoke it are almost half of them. The most common skeleton undead has a very low status on the undead plane. Even if it is awakened by wisdom or memory, it is still very low.

As long as the undead feels strong enough to unscrew a skull undead's head, he will never stand by and watch it. A single heavenly order undead is simply a piece of fresh flesh.

As a last resort, Lin Yun can only truly release his momentum and become a 46th-level skeleton undead, but it causes more trouble, other 46th-level undead, and even 45th-level other types of Undead, dare to rush up and want to kill Lin Yun and devour the fire of Lin Yun's soul.

Unfortunately, the fire of these stupid souls was swallowed up by the undead incarnation of Lin Yun.

After consuming the first undead souls, Lin Yun has found the soul fires of these undead souls, not only the soul power contained in them is more pure, the imprint of death contained in them is larger, more important, but also contains their memories.

After watching the memory of these undead as if watching a movie, Lin Yun suddenly found a best way to find Agalon.

It is very difficult to find out the news in the undead plane. Except for the undead souls, the other undeads are basically a group of brainless idiots who are tireless and fearless. In their soul fire, there is not much memory such things, only one Fragmented memories are like instinctual memories.

Only the undead who has awakened wisdom or the memory of his lifetime will have a complete memory of the undead plane.

Constantly devouring the fire of the souls of undead, watching the memory of these undead, looking for possible clues, this is the fastest way, and far faster than looking for clues like headless flies, watching those When remembering, it's like standing and watching next to it, there are no clues that might be ignored.

After successively engulfing the fire of the souls of more than a dozen day-level undead souls, Lin Yun had to disguise himself as a skull king. The ordinary skeleton that appeared alone was really eye-catching. Too many undeads who wanted to devour the fire of his soul. Already.

After changing the costume of the Skeleton King, it was much better immediately. Although Lin Yun looked more than half shorter than the average Skeleton King, the death sickle was enough to indicate his identity. The broken cloak and death sickle did not have an undead. Willing to provoke Skeleton King casually.

Skeleton King is a kind of skeleton undead, but it can also be regarded as a natural skeleton king who can dominate the existence of the skeleton army. The death sickle is also one of the few weapons on the undead plane that will directly hurt the soul fire when it hurts the body of the undead.

Even a single skeleton king. Nor was the undead willing to provoke him. A 47-level black warrior was encountered along the way. Looking at Lin Yun from afar, he did not make an offensive move. Obviously there are some fears.

The death sickle only needs to cut off his body, which is equivalent to directly cutting off the fire of his soul, and the undead higher than the skeleton king are unwilling to provoke casually.

No one provoked Lin Yun, and Lin Yun took the initiative to cause trouble. E □ E small ▽ said that www.ioshu? After killing more than a dozen forty-three undead, finally found a clue.

In the memory of the fire of an undead soul, traces of Gandalf's appearance appeared. Gandalf once appeared in this place called the Wailing Basin, but then he did not know where he went. At that time, Gandalf and the four The sixteenth level of the undead had fought, but in the end, they didn't know what to do, and left without rushing to kill the undead.

After finding the clue and the direction Gandalf left, Lin Yun continued to follow the place where Gandalf had appeared before.

Five days later, the number of dark creatures suddenly increased. The richness of the power of death in the air has become lower, but the pure power of darkness has become richer. On the scorched earth, there is a black forest, pure black trees, and the trunk are all bone. The forest floor was covered with broken bones and bones.

Tall trees are like dead trees in the shape of trees, with bare crowns. There are no leaves, and I can see clearly when I walk in. All the hanging heads are gnawing heads, and some are bones. Some are like fresh heads. These heads still seem to be bleeding, and in some places, the beating heart is hanging.

Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, slowly floating into the air, his gaze passed through this black weird forest. Seeing the depths of the forest, there is a gloomy old castle, looking towards the sky above it. The sky above the castle is always night, but the moonlight that does not know where it comes from floats over the castle.

Deathly quiet ...

Bloody ancient tree, dark castle, see these two things, Lin Yun knows that this is the territory of a vampire.

It is possible to have such a large piece of blood and ancient trees into a forest, and the number of bones buried here is absolutely hundreds of millions, and the existence of a blood herdman must be able to grow such a large blood and ancient tree forest.

These blood-blooded ancient trees devoured bones, corpses, and the power of death, and transformed these things into fruits containing vitality. Those heads that seemed to be bleeding, and the beating heart, were the fruits of blood-blooded ancient trees.

These are the food of vampires, or desserts, the only way they can taste fresh blood on the undead plane, or the only way to get blood except dark creatures.

In such a large forest of blood and ancient trees, the fruits produced in it contain almost all possible types of fruits. Only vampires at the level of vampire ancestors have the strength and status to own this forest.

Coupled with that huge eerie castle and the eternal night above the castle, this problem is even more illustrated. In front of it is the territory of a vampire ancestor.

Gandalf chased after a vampire ancestor?

Then the matter is troublesome. For such a long time, even if it is not dead, I am afraid that it has been raised as a blood pig.

No ancestor of a vampire is below level 47. These abominable **** are difficult to kill, at least Gandalf must have no power to completely kill a vampire ancestor.

Lin Yun frowned, stepping into the dark forest in front of her.

The moment I entered this forest, I felt that everything around me had turned into darkness, but for the undead, this darkness was of no use. Everything I saw was black and white and gray. The current goal is also relying on the soul. Waves, not eyes, where are the eyes of the skeleton ...

Entering this forest, the surface of those quiet and weird trees appeared a slight sound, twisted faces appeared on the surface of the trunk, and the skulls and skeletons hanging from the crown seemed to have all come alive. Slowly turning to look at Lin Yun, there was a weird weird smile in his mouth.

Lin Yun sneered, holding the tail of the death sickle in his right hand, and waved it a few times at random, with the death sickle's wave, the gray moon blade flew out.

The moon blade is like cutting through the air, cutting all the surrounding old blood trees into pieces. A moon blade flew a distance of thousands of kilometers, and all the old blood trees along the way were cut into two sections.

The old blood tree that was cut off spewed thick blood, and the grunting blood flowed from the disconnected ground to the surroundings, but all disappeared on the ground in an instant.

The branches of the ancient **** tree dried into arms. Supporting the broken branches, trying to return to the original position, blood surged, and the fracture of the ancient blood tree soon recovered to the ocean. It looks as if he was not injured at all.

It stands to reason that this kind of injury is completely indifferent to the old blood trees, especially the old blood trees that formed a forest, the whole is equivalent to a whole, and it is cut off. You can also go back and pick it up, and the blood that spills out will be reabsorbed by the underground root system after flowing to the ground, and there will be no waste at all.

On the crowns of the restored old **** trees, sharp screams and roars came out from their heads, but then, these screams and roars turned into sorrow and sorrow.

Withered head by head, the face condensed on the surface of the ancient blood tree also became distorted. Finally twisted into a cluster of tree knots, the entire tree flew and withered, completely losing all breath.

All the old blood trees that were cut by the gray moon blade are completely dead, Lin Yun continues to move forward, there is no more old blood trees dare to roar, and even the old blood trees that Lin Yun encountered on the way forward will actively take himself The foundation was pulled out from the ground to make way for Lin Yun.

After walking for two or three kilometers, one of the old **** trees was too late to be cut by Lin Yun into two sections, and then the same. Dozens of old **** trees followed along with bad luck and were killed by the death sickle with a single blow.

On the surface of an old blood tree beside the road, an old and twisted face condensed, looking at Lin Yun. The tone is full of humility.

"Dear Skull King, our king, is waiting for you in the castle. Please forgive these stupid guys, they don't understand your majesty ..."

The old face hadn't finished speaking a word, and he saw a gray moon blade chop him in half.

"Stupid dark creature. There is always only one King of the Undead!"

The manifestation of the Blood Shepherd was directly hacked to death. If it was not for his quick response, maybe he was even implicated now, and his soul was chopped off a large piece. It would be almost immortal by then.

In the dark castle, countless bats fell from the top of the castle, and then flew into a large **** cloak. Soon, a humanoid creature that looked like a pile of rotting corpses appeared in the cloak.

In the corner of the ancient castle, a gargoyle turned into a statue was resurrected, holding a delicate crystal pot full of blood, appeared next to the rotten body, and the blood poured into the mouth of the rotten body. Soon, the corpse fly changed. With.

After a few seconds, the body turned into a pale and bloodless vampire, handsome face, **** pupils, sharp fangs also slowly recovered into the lips.

After opening his eyes, the vampire's eyes stared at the gate of the castle.

Ten minutes later, several gargoyles joined forces to open the heavy door, and a skeleton carrying a death sickle and a broken cloak came in through the door.

Lin Yun looked at the vampire sitting on the throne. When he saw the gargoyles and dense vampire bats around him, he instantly recognized the identity of the vampire in front of him.

The fifth ancestor of the vampire, Lezumbra.

"Lesembra, you must remember that the king of the undead plane will always be only one, the great King Fergus."

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Yun used this sentence as an opening. In a word, Lezembra's face became even paler. He immediately stepped down from the throne and knelt on the ground.

"There will always be only one of the greatest kings of the undead plane, King Fergus, and Lezembra never felt that he could get the title of king."

Lesunbula's face grew paler and paler, but Lin Yun didn't say a word, his eyes began to tremble.

Oh **** undead, dead-minded undead, and that **** idiot blood shepherd, are you going to kill me? This weird-looking skeleton king came here this time, definitely for the past Already.

If the King of the Undead feels that I call myself King, even if I have done the previous thing, I'm finished. No one of my brothers and sisters would be willing to offend the King of the Undead because of me.

Damn guy ~ ~ Now you have to kill that blood shepherd, poor guy, whoever lets you call people randomly, just let this crazy undead hear ...

Lesunbula knelt on the ground thinking continuously what to do, and suddenly, gritted his teeth, summoned the Blood Shepherd.

A treeman, like a pile of blood-colored trees, came in from outside the gate, but before saying a word, Lezembra waved his **** claws to tear the **** shepherd into pieces.

"Damn bastard, dare to frame me, blaspheme the greatest king of the undead ..."

Lesunbula growled and tore the blood shepherd who had been hard to cultivate into pieces, and then lay his whole body down on the ground.

"This is a frame, a frame of nakedness. I am the most central servant of the greatest king of the undead. The task entrusted to me by the great king of the undead. I have completed it, but I have also suffered serious injuries and need immediate attention. Self-cultivation, because this did not report to the great King of the Dead in a timely manner ... "

Lin Yun quietly listened to Lezembra's words, and the soul fire in his eyes flashed slowly. (To be continued.)

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