MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1417

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However, for Panthera, these times are completely negligible. They do not care about the elapsed time. In the country of nightmare, they are eternal life, and even if the soul is not annihilated, they will never be completely killed. dead. It depends on v book · 1╬k╳a┼n┼s╋h╬u╋ · c╋ · c

Here is a dream of the Lord of Nightmare, a memory of the era of the devil, and this memory is constantly recurring in the cycle, and the picture is played repeatedly.

The memory of gods and demon, no matter how short time, there will be hundreds of years, and the reciprocation once every hundreds of years can be encountered just right, Lin Yun always feels that his luck will not be so good.

None of the people in front met him, but he just met him at the beginning of the battle. No matter how bad his luck was, it was not so bad.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yun always felt that there was something wrong, but there was no problem. In the end, it could only be classified as bad luck, or because it was the dream of the Lord of Nightmare, and an outsider came in before, which caused Special changes.

Wanting to understand that time can no longer be wasted, Lin Yun suddenly flew towards the depths of the inland sea. Now the combat distance is obviously a long way to break the inland sea. Now it is just opened and it is the best opportunity. Wait. Go on, wait until the battle is getting more and more fierce, there is no hope at all when you want to rush past.

The fat man was trembling with fear and wanted to escape in horror, but when he got here, he lost Lin Yun's shelter and he lost his tail. In such a place, it would be torn up for three seconds at most, no matter how scared Dare to jump off Lin Yun's shoulder, and jumping is dead. Read the book ┣w ^ ww.

Follow Lin Yun, maybe he can die a little later ...

After Lin Yun rushed thousands of kilometers towards the inside, the elements became more and more chaotic. The elemental violentness here was comparable to the inside of the elemental storm, and even stronger and stronger, just like an original that only covered more than one hundred kilometers. Elemental Storm has continuously expanded its range, and here it is already equivalent to an Elemental Storm with a range of five or six hundred kilometers.

The larger the range of Elemental Storm, the stronger the power. Here, the other seventh-level seventh-level powerhouses, in ten seconds, will consume all the magic in the body. At most half an hour, I will be consumed here alive.

This is where the Elemental Storm is powerful. This is the purest elemental power, no spells, no spells. Without any additional power, it will be torn to pieces if it cannot be carried, and the soul will be torn and resisted. It is like a direct competition for magic. There is no trick.

The power of the Elemental Storm is endless, and no matter how powerful the mage is, the magic is full, and there is always a moment of exhaustion, as long as the magic power is exhausted. It was only the end that was shredded. ∧∥? ≦ ∧ ≠ ∈ ≦ depends on v∈ book v1 · c · c

It doesn't make any difference whether it is the seventh order of heaven or the ninth order of heaven.

And no matter how strong the Elemental Storm, the only thing that can be intact in it is the Elemental Elf King, the four series of Elemental Elf Kings. This purest elemental power, no matter how powerful, cannot hurt the Elemental Elven King.

This is the only exception, the others. If you want to be in Elemental Storm, there is only one way to resist.

The ability of elemental incarnation will be called the strongest spell that all wizards must learn in the future, and it is not unreasonable. When the most common spells such as the incarnation of the fire element are realized to the extreme, this avatar spell with no order will be advanced into a limit spell. It is just a hidden limit spell, the incarnation of the demon flame elf king.

The incarnations of the four series of elements realized the ultimate, and then realized the rules of the four series. With the four-line rule laid the foundation of the rule, it is possible to cast the incarnation of the elemental elven king.

This is the strongest existence in the incarnation spell. Many special materials are only possible in those huge elemental storms in the void. The elemental plane will not be produced. If you want to enter the elemental storm, the elemental elven king incarnates. Is the first prerequisite.

Lin Yun has now released the incarnation of the Elemental Elf King. Although the consumption is still very large, it is not the same as the beginning. It will exhaust the magic power at most in three seconds. It will be replenished once every ten minutes, and it can barely survive here. ≠ v ≥ see v? ≮? ∧ 书 ≮? 1 · c · c

Continue to fly forward for more than a thousand kilometers, this place has completely become a chaotic element storm zone, there is no difference in the sky and underground, the gravity is distorted, the gravity in some places becomes very large, the gravity in all places The direction is reversed. If it weren't for the gravity of this world is several times greater than that of Northrend, now it has completely lost its sense of orientation.

"My lord, I beg you, don't go any further, it will die, it will really die, the patriarch said, there are many places that cannot be approached, whoever approaches, who will die, the chief will also Damn, if we get closer, we will really die ... "

The fat man screamed in his throat, and a chubby smile had been transformed by fear.

Lin Yun frowned, slapped him on the fat man's body, and patted his body into a twisted shape. After Lin Yun's release, his body recovered again, but the screaming sounded again. .

"Shut up and scream again, if something is brought in, we all have to die."

Lin Yun's face was dark, and he regretted bringing the little fat man. This little fat man is indigenous here. Yes, he knows a lot of things here, but this guy is really too timid, it's completely a never Little farts who have been out of the house know a lot, but they have never experienced it. I want to read the book.

The first time I went out, I was almost killed, my tail was cut off, and I was scared to death. Then I will understand that the outside world is completely different from what I heard in the story.

Lin Yun yelled at the fat man with a black face. The fat man is honest. The fat man is not stupid. This will understand that he will follow honestly, and it is possible to live. If he continues to scream, he will attract those A little attention of the terrible strongman, they don't need to specifically target them, they only need to get closer to them after the battle, and they may be completely killed ...

Leopard tail worms have a strong ability in the Nightmare Kingdom. As long as they start a war, they will at least become one level with the opponent, but there is also an upper limit, and the power is also limited. It may become Level 50, but it is only a level, and it is impossible to obtain some of the strongest abilities of that level.

Just like the two strong men who are fighting in the middle of the Inland Sea, even if they find the Leopard King, they will be killed. The strong men of that level are not at all able to deal with their special abilities.

Continue to move forward, the aftermath of the battle is getting stronger and stronger, and Lin Yun also feels that the strange changes of the magic energy formation are becoming more frequent.

The ability of the magic energy formation will suddenly increase by more than ten times. The instantaneous change makes Lin Yun's ability of the magic energy formation completely out of his current level. The magic energy formation itself is one of the strongest magic runes. It seems like countless parts are combined to form a special magic rune, which is more like a magic weapon in essence.

General magic runes, similar to the hand of time, magic fountain and the like, are all separate magic runes, only one ability, or focus on a certain ability, but the magic energy formation is completely different, The magic energy array is more like a magic rune combination that can be combined into various abilities. The most essential thing is calculation, huge computing power, similar to the ability of several magic runes to combine, and even more powerful.

Now the magic energy array will suddenly become more than ten times stronger, and even the multiples of becoming stronger and stronger, and the time to become stronger has passed from the first flash to the time that can last for three or four seconds. Lin Yun Not sure why this is the case.

Because in the record, this situation has never happened, and similar situations have never happened ...

Lin Yun stopped suddenly and hesitated. This situation was completely out of control. It was too weird. The magic energy formation was his most fundamental foundation. If something went wrong, things would be troublesome.

However, after calculation, according to the current situation, the battle fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger, but there is still a chance to cross the edge of the battlefield, at least without completely deviating from the rule-making path. After another ten minutes, the aftermath of the battle will completely remove him The road to be covered is covered and it is completely inaccessible.

After gritting his teeth, Lin Yun continued to fly forward. During the flight, he swallowed a bottle of magic water every few minutes to replenish the magic. When he arrived here, the riot of the elements became more violent, even if the elemental spirit was released. Incarnation of Wang, those elements of the riot can still penetrate into his body within ten meters.

These can be ignored. No matter how violent the elements are outside, it is impossible to hurt him. As long as it is pure elements, it will not be ~ ~ But the closer it is to the battlefield, there will be many impact forces on the battlefield. These are not pure elements.

The world in front of me is like a weird storm floating in a terrible mixture of sand and dust storms, endlessly covered by dust, and chaotic raindrops. The two storms that cannot be mixed together are mixed together, Magic induction is completely abolished, and only the magic formation can continue to be used.

After continuing to fly forward for more than a thousand kilometers, it was like crossing a border. The terrible storm fell behind, forming a huge wall of storms.

Before it's too late to look at this sudden change, Lin Yun fell from the sky towards the sea. The terrible pressure was like suppressing directly on the soul, and the top of his head was more like an invisible mountain suppressing it. This terrible power let Lin Yun couldn't float in the sky and was forced to land downwards.

When he was about to land on the sea, he barely resisted this terrible pressure. The body of the fat man had been crushed into a green plastic-filled pancake lying on Lin Yun's shoulder, and the little fat round face had been completely deformed. Already. (To be continued.)


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