MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1418

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If it were not for the body of the leopard tail, the plasticity of the leopard tail was so strong that it would not die if it was pressed into a piece of paper. This little guy has now been killed. It depends on v book · 1╬k╳a┼n┼s╋h╬u╋ · c╋ · c

Before falling to the sea, Lin Yun barely looked up at him.

The sea surface is curved, like a large sunken bowl. The sea surface is very calm, there are no waves at all, and the fluctuations of the sea surface are suppressed by that terrible coercion. , Into a sunken big bowl.

Surrounded by this terrible storm that is thousands of meters high, this place is like the eye of this huge storm, with terrible coercion in calmness, and the terrible invisible power constantly falling from the top of the head.

And in the center of this weird and terrible wind eye, a thick bull thigh nearly 2,000 meters high floats there. The solid muscles are like boulder with sharp corners and knees covered with thick stones. The armor had no light on the surface of the hoof. It looked like a dry hoof, but the breath attached to the hoof was the most terrible.

Seeing this huge ox hoof, Lin Yun's face was a little pale. The right thigh of the blood warlord was exactly the same as the last time he saw it. He was almost trampled to death by the hoof of the blood warlord last time. Now I see this guy again. Thigh ...

No wonder the leopard tail dared not approach, and it was only the level of the demon that could fight with the right thigh of the Lord of the Blood. ≈≡⊥ ≠ to v ≦ see ≤ book · 1 · k╬a╳n┼s╬h┼u┼ · c · c

The right thigh of the Lord of the Blood War flies in the air, terribly fast, a layer of **** halo envelops the surface of this broken thigh, and at the top of the thigh, there is a circle of runes that constantly change color to form a circle nested in The thigh wound.

At the top of the right thigh, the wound didn't look smooth, it didn't seem to be cut off by any other weapon, it was more like being grabbed by some terrible force and forcibly torn from the body of the **** warlord.

The wound was covered with uneven burrs, and the broken bones did not seem to be broken, or they were torn apart.

See this wound. Lin Yun was completely shocked. To say that the right thigh of the Lord of the Blood War was cut off, it is understandable. After all, he reached the level of the demon. There are no less than ten names who can do this directly.

Although the body of the Lord of the Blood War is powerful and terrible, the spirits of the gods and demons are directly integrated into the body, so that the body can wield the most powerful power, only in terms of body strength. The Lord of the Blood War can definitely rank among the top three in the Devil.

Who can tear the thigh of the Bloody Lord from his body? Lin Yun was completely shocked. He could not think of anyone who could do this, even the King of Gods and Demons could not do it.

To do this, we must have an absolute advantage, enough to suppress the strength of the blood warlord, in order to tear down the right thigh of the blood warlord. ≦ ≠ ∥⊥∥ to read v ≧ · 1┼k╬a╳n╋shu · c · c

There is also a circle of runes floating around the wound of the Lord of the Blood War. Those runes are also known by Lin Yun, of which half are runes of truth, even if not all the runes of truth have been understood. After only comprehending one-tenth, Lin Yun could recognize that those runes were just a few of the runes of truth.

The remaining few runes, including the runes of the devil and the demon, and a few more weird and complicated runes, the role of the combination, Lin Yun can guess, suppress the right thigh of the Lord of the Blood War, let the Lord of the Blood War His right thigh completely lost the sense of other body parts, was completely cut off, and became an existence. Together with the demon soul fused in the right thigh, it was cut off and suppressed, completely cutting off the possibility of the resurrection of the Lord of Blood.

Depending on the strength of the Lord of the Blood War, this kind of seal is not his ability at all. After another 100,000 years, the Lord of the **** battle can only stare.

Just as Lin Yun was stunned, a roar blew in his ears.


A low and angry roar seemed to have terrible power, Lin Yun's soul seemed to be affected by this roar full of endless warfare, the warfare on his body rose madly, slowly. The eyes became red, the magic on his body became violent, the magic rose madly, and the world in front of him was slowly shrouded in blood. ≮≥∥? ≡⊥ 要 ⊥ 读书 ≧ ⊥ · 1┼k╳a┼n╳s╳h╬u╋ · c╋ · c

The soul also seemed to have opened his eyes, only the purest and craziest warfare in his eyes, and the soul power began to rise madly ...

In just two or three seconds, the magic power has soared tenfold, the soul strength has also soared tenfold, and Lin Yun's breath has also climbed to the highest level in history at this time. It is definitely comparable to the level 8 mage, and A terrible war will make him 200% more powerful.

Lin Yun, who had lost his mind, began to slowly fly up from the sea, staring at the terrible pressure, and only the last thought was left in his head, that is fighting, fighting, the purest fighting, without thinking why Fight, with whom ...

Suddenly, a clear sound followed, the terror coercion seemed to explode, and awakened Lin Yun from that lost state. After returning to God, Lin Yun appeared, and his magical power and soul power had soared tenfold. The body even flew into the mid-air for three or four hundred meters.

The little fat man who was lying on his halved face had red eyes, and a **** halo appeared on the surface of his body. The chubby little face was full of crickets, and his throat shrieked sharply.

"Battle! Battle! Battle!"

Lin Yun slaps back the fat man who has climbed up, and pats the fat man into a round cake five times in a row, and then the little fat man returns to his heart. After returning to God, he grabs Lin hardly. Yun's robe shivered in horror. ≦≦ ≡ want? ≦ read ≮≈≈∈≮1 · k╬a╬n┼s╳h┼u╋ · c╳ · c

Lin Yun landed on the surface of the sea, adhering to the wall of the storm, flying along the wall of the storm, and flying towards the other side.

Time is tight, there is no way to worry, the roar of the Lord of the Blood War made Lin Yun crazy, and ten times crazy ...

Ten times the magical madness, ten times the soul madness ...

After these two madnesses, the combined combat power soared at least sixty to seventy times, but Lin Yun's face became increasingly ugly.

There is still nothing wrong with it, but when the madness effect disappears, if it hasn't passed through this battlefield, it will really be dead.

Ten times crazy, this only appears in legend. Only those top orcs with the highest bloodlines can have ten times crazy.

And the terrible orc powerhouse of the peak of the order of the sky, the existence of the highest blood level, after casting a tenfold madness, it will also end in a half-death, Lin Yun need not know, after the tenfold madness effect has dissipated, How weak will he be ...

Ten times madness is completely overstretched, at least half of the strong died after fighting ten times mad.

I have previously released mental madness to help you understand that after the effect of madness is over, you will fall into a state of weakness, and the effect of mental madness will be three times at the highest.

Lin Yun's face was already black and dripping out of the black water. After the madness effect ends, will the soul automatically fall asleep because it is too weak, Lin Yun is not sure, at least half of them may fall into it. The soul is asleep, and slowly recovering during the deep sleep consumes too fiercely. There is still a half possibility that the consumption is too large, the source consumes too much, and the soul is broken ...

Lin Yun was clinging to the edge of the storm wall, taking advantage of the tenfold madness effect, and flying wildly, there was no time to control what happened on the battlefield.

In the distance, the thighs of the cows flew in mid-air, and the faint weird patterns on the hoofs lightened slightly, and then followed, as if absorbing the surrounding light, so that a black weird pattern appeared on the surface of the hoofs.

The place where the cowshoes stepped through was broken, and just after the terrible cracks of space emerged, they were forcibly broken by the cowshoes. The space itself may not even be broken. As long as there is a crack, it will be broken by the cowshoes. The space around the bull's hooves began to twist and rotate, and the space was like a flat tablecloth that was twisted by being stepped on.

The whole world is roaring with the roar of the Lord of the Blood War. When the momentum of the bull's hoof reached the extreme, in front of the bull's hoof, a huge thousand-meter-high roulette surface emerged, shining brightly. The roulette phantom slowly turned. The four directions of the roulette were inlaid with a twelve-sided gem, and the gem exuded a strong elemental atmosphere.

The four elements of ground fire, water and wind, at the moment when this huge roulette appears, are like the loyal soldiers receiving the king's call. All the elements on the battlefield are instantly controlled by this huge roulette.

At this moment, Lin Yun completely lost control of the elements. Even if the incarnation of the Elemental Elf King was released, he could not control the power of the surrounding elements. At this moment, it was like he could not feel all the elements around him. Already.

The moment he felt this situation, Lin Yun's face became a little green.


With an exclamation ~ ~ I even thought about drilling into the wall of the storm next to him. When Lin Yun got into the wall of the storm, he felt the violent elements around him.

But these violent elemental forces had just been driven away by the incarnation of the elemental elven king of Lin Yun, all of them seemed to have received an irresistible command, turned into countless colored light bands, and rushed into the battlefield crazy.

The chaotic elemental storm zone of several thousand kilometers around, all the elemental forces were emptied in less than three seconds, and the terrible elemental storm disappeared almost instantly.

And because the speed is too fast, all the elements are combined into a bright colored light band, and the light band is immersed into the battlefield.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield has become a colorful world, full of rich and unbelievable elements. Standing outside and looking out is like seeing a huge colorful bowl buckled down on the sea. (To be continued.)


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