MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 3 Woman in the well

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With the four little piglets, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun returned to Shuifu Village in Uncle Chen's pickup truck.

When he got home, Lu Qingjiu first sent the piglets into the pigpen. He had cleaned the pigpen in advance, and the floor was covered with clean straw. According to Yin Xun, pigs actually love to be clean, and they tend to grow meat when they live in a comfortable place.

Lu Qingjiu picked up a few pigs and put them in the pigpen, and put clean pig grass and water in the trough. As soon as the two little white pigs entered, they twisted their fat little butts and ate happily, but the two little black pigs hesitated and stood still at the door of the pigsty.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qingjiu asked them in confusion, seeing that they would not move, "Is this pigsty not in line with you?"

Hearing Lu Qingjiu's question, the **** piglet nodded unexpectedly, stretched out his little pig's hoof and pointed at the two little white pigs who were eating happily.

Lu Qingjiu: "Do you want to live with them?"

The black piglet groaned.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Piggy suspiciously: "Are you really a pig? Don't you change from a human?"

The black pig looked at Lu Qingjiu with an innocent face, as if he didn't understand what Lu Qingjiu was talking about. Lu Qingjiu seriously suspected that it was deliberately pretending to be innocent. However, this black piglet should not be changed by humans. After all, if a person finds that someone is willing to communicate with him, he will definitely show it immediately, and he won't be so deliberately stupid.

After thinking about it, Lu Qingjiu took a wooden board from the side and separated the two black piglets and the white piglets from it, so that the two little piglets walked carefully into the pigpen with their toes on their toes. After looking around, he lay down on the clean straw and began to rest.

When Lu Qingjiu saw this, he didn't care about them anymore, and turned back to the house.

Yin Xun was busy in the kitchen, placing the things Lu Qingjiu bought one by one. Lu Qingjiu came in and asked him what he wanted to eat tonight.

"Anything is okay." Yin Xun was casual, "I'll go pick some dishes in the field and let's have a hot pot?"

"Okay." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'll make a pot of soup first... By the way, where can I get this pig grass, or just feed it?"

"Pigweed, you can let the children in the village help you pick it." Yin Xun said, "Five cents and a basket. They make some pocket money and you don't have to run up the mountain. You can just feed the feed and add some vitamins that the pig needs. Yes, pigs eat too much meat and they are less fragrant, but they are not easy to get sick."

Lu Qingjiu nodded when he heard that he knew.

"I'm going to pick vegetables, you can make the soup first." Yin Xun went to his home.

Lu Qingjiu put the bones he bought from the market today into the pot, set it alight and started cooking, and cut some of the meat he bought. There is a refrigerator in the old house, but it has not been used for a long time, and the cooling effect is not very good. Lu Qingjiu stuffed the remaining ingredients into the refrigerator, picked up the vegetables and went to the yard to be ready to clean it, but heard a loud thump. It sounds like the sound of a heavy object falling into the water.

The sound came from the backyard. Lu Qingjiu was slightly stunned when he heard the sound, then he thought of something, put down the food in his hand and hurried to the backyard.

The backyard hasn't been cleaned up yet, and it is surrounded by withered trees and messy weeds. There are still white spider webs hanging on the walls, and the black well in front of me is particularly abrupt.

Lu Qingjiu had just clearly heard the sound of something falling into the water. He was afraid that the children in the village had accidentally fallen into the well, so he hurried to the side of the well and looked inside.

There was a black hole at the mouth of the well, and there was no end in sight. Lu Qingjiu yelled a few times, but he didn't hear any call for help from inside.

"Is there anyone? Did someone fall in?" Lu Qingjiu continued to shout, "Someone just screamed--"

The inside of the well was quiet, except for a dead silence.

Lu Qingjiu called for a few more words, and there was still no response. He was thinking that someone had fallen in and what had fallen in, and Yin Xun's cry came from around him: "Jiuer? Jiuer? You man? What?"

"I'm in the backyard." Lu Qingjiu answered.

"What are you doing in the backyard?" Yin Xun asked, "I came back from picking vegetables, this cucumber is really sweet..."

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the mouth of the well: "I just heard the sound of something falling in, so I came to have a look."

"Oh, is there anything there?" Yin Xun stood at the door of the backyard, clutching half of the cucumber in his hand, looking at Lu Sake from a distance.

"No." Lu Qingjiu said.

"Don't worry about it," Yin Xun said, "It may be that the stones thrown by some kid outside the wall accidentally rolled into the well."

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while. He felt that it was not a human being who fell into the well, so he left the backyard and walked to Yin Xun's side and walked towards the front yard together. Yin Xun looked at Lu Sake, took another bite of the cucumber, crunchy, and said vaguely, "What's on your back?"

"I'm on my back?" Lu Qingjiu turned to look behind him, "What is it?"

Yin Xun stretched out his hand and took out a bunch of dark things from Lu Qingjiu's back: "This..."

Lu Qingjiu saw the thing in Yin Xun's hand clearly. It was actually a bunch of black hair that stuck to his back at some point.

"This is hair? Damn it!" Yin Xun saw that the thing in his hand was hair and quickly threw it aside, "What is it? It's disgusting."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He silently glanced at the well in his backyard, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay." Yin Xun said, "The rural area, the place is a bit, there is always something weird..."

Lu Qingjiu was shocked: "Weird things? For example?"

Yin Xun was silent for a moment, and whispered to Lu Qingjiu: "Last summer, the baby of Liu's primary school was drowned."

"Drown?" Lu Qingjiu said, "In the creek in the village? Isn't the creek very shallow?" There are not many rivers in their place. According to his understanding, the place where there is water near the village is just a knee-less place. The creek, the creek is not rushing, and there is no water plants, even if you fall inside, you can easily stand up.

"No." Yin Xun said, "It wouldn't be a particularly strange thing if he was there, he was drowned in... the forest."

Lu Qingjiu didn't understand for a while, and repeated suspiciously: "In the forest?"

"Yeah." Yin Xun whispered: "It's in the woods. There is no water around. At that time, Liu's family called the police. After the autopsy, the police said that he was drowned."

Lu Qingjiu said: "...What happened in the end?"

"What will happen in the end." Yin Xun said, "Just forget it, in fact, this kind of weird thing is also happening in other villages, but it's not much. There will be one or two in a few years."

Lu Qingjiu had nothing to say. He had actually encountered this kind of thing when he was working in the city before, but he didn't expect such strange things to happen in another place.

"So if you encounter it in the future, you should treat it as if you haven't seen it." Yin Xun said, "If you don't see it, you don't worry about it."

Lu Qingjiu thought that this is how you use it...

Yin Xun handed Lu Qingjiu a cucumber, and the two squatted in the front yard and continued to wash the vegetables.

The taste of cucumber is really good. It is crisp and sweet. It has no bitterness. It has plenty of water. It tastes almost like fruit. Lu Qingjiu eats cucumber and feels a little better. He said: "Have you encountered anything strange? thing?"

Yin Xun grinned, and the cute tiger tooth appeared again: "Maybe I have encountered it before, I didn't pay attention."

Lu Qingjiu thought it would be nice to be nervous.

Yin Xun picked a lot of vegetables. After washing it, Lu Qingjiu added the stewed bone soup base to the hot pot base brought from the city. After it was boiled, it was brought to the yard. The two opened a few bottles of beer. Start drinking beer while eating hot pot.

The taste of hot pot is very simple. Fortunately, the ingredients are fresh, so the taste is not bad. The rich aroma of the bone soup filled the garden. Yin Xun had a few drinks, and two blushes floated on his cheeks, which seemed a bit drunk.

Lu Qingjiu also developed a strong drunkenness. He hasn't been drunk for a long time, and he is confused about working overtime on weekdays. There is no time to stop for a drink with friends.

It’s still comfortable in my hometown, and I don’t have to think about going to work tomorrow. Just thinking about that, Lu Qingjiu saw Yin Xun sitting in front of him suddenly stretch out his hand, pointed behind him, and said vaguely: "Okay... so dark. what."

"What?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Didn't the lights turn on?"

Yin Xun tilted his head with a very confused expression: "But it's still very dark."

Lu Qingjiu thought that Yin Xun was completely drunk. It was not until he turned his head and looked behind him that he understood the meaning of Yin Xun's words, and saw a black figure standing not far from them. The figure is like a black hole that absorbs light. When the light reaches that position, it is all absorbed. Lu Qingjiu rubbed his eyes heavily, only then could he see that the dark shadow was actually a bunch of human-shaped hair.

"Do you know what I'm most afraid of?" The woman asked softly in the ear.

Perhaps it was the alcohol that had paralyzed his nerves, and Lu Qingjiu didn't have much fear. He looked at the hair and heard the woman ask again.

"Do you know what I fear most?" The black hair moved closer to them.

Lu Qingjiu's lips moved slightly: "You are most afraid..."


"The most... most afraid of baldness?" The drunk Lu Qingjiu said seriously, and felt that his logic was perfect and there was nothing wrong with it. Otherwise, what would that female ghost have so much hair doing... He said this and touched it. I touched my hair and sighed a little sadly, "Fortunately, I resigned early, otherwise I can't escape..."

The shadow trembled twice, and I don’t know if it was shocked by Lu Qingjiu’s answer. After all, it was the first time she heard such an answer in so many years. The man in front of her was so pure and unpretentious, unlike other coquettish bitches. .

The black shadow in front of him seemed to want to talk, but a thick black fog suddenly appeared around the yard. What the female ghost felt, the next moment she disappeared before Lu Qingjiu’s eyes, leaving only a bleak water on the ground. Stains.

Lu Qingjiu felt that he was really drunk. Otherwise, how could that thing be missing? Yin Xunja screamed and opened another bottle, filling him with a glass.

"Drink..." Yin Xun said with a big tongue, "continue to drink..."

Lu Qingjiu picked up the cup and ate it away, and said, "Drink!"

What happened afterwards, he can't remember a bit. There is a memory again that it is the next morning. He and Yin Xun lie down in the yard all night. After getting up, they have a sore back and they are almost falling apart. Especially his head, the pain almost exploded after the hangover, Lu Qing dullly got up from the ground and pushed Yin Xun, who was sleeping next to him with slanted eyes and slanted mouth.

"Ah...Oh..." Yin Xun opened his eyes and cried out, "My whole body hurts, drunk, did you beat me while I was drunk last night?"

Lu Qingjiu: "...I am also in pain, okay?"

Yin Xun said, "I can't do it, I have a lot of pain all over my body, especially my butt." He rubbed his **** and looked at Lu Qingjiu suspiciously, "You really didn't do anything to me?"

Lu Qingjiu: "The mirror is in the room. Go and take your own face sober."

Yin Xun: "I look so good."

Lu Qingjiu: "It's so pretty, you're going to swell into a pig's head."

Yin Xun was puzzled, staggered into the room and found the mirror hung in the toilet. When he picked up Lu Qingjiu, he heard a scream from him: "Lu Qingjiu--you **** beat me while I was sleeping last night !"

Lu Qingjiu: "I don't have one!"

Yin Xun: "Then why I am swollen and you are not swollen!"

Lu Qingjiu: "Maybe it's because I look good."

Yin Xun: "..." You are really shameless.

It's a joke, but the face suddenly swelled and I still had to go and see it, so the two limped to the village health clinic. The villagers I knew were happy to see the two of them being so miserable. Did they jokingly say that they went to steal the bag valley last night and were caught and beaten?

Yin Xun said with a sad face, "Auntie, don't make fun of me."

After arriving at the health clinic, the doctor said after examination that Yin Xun was allergic to something and was not beaten by someone. Lu Qingjiu then cleared the suspicion.

"What are you allergic to?" Yin Xun didn't want to understand, "Don't I eat everything I eat on weekdays?"

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, but he was uncertain: "Are you allergic to the hot pot ingredients I brought?"

Yin Xun was dumbfounded: "...can't it! Anyone who is allergic to hot pot bottoms?!"

"It's possible." Lu Qingjiu analyzed it carefully. "There are a lot of spices in the hot pot ingredients, which may be allergic...Of course it is only possible. You are the first one I have ever seen to be allergic to hot pot ingredients."

Yin Xun shed sad tears.

The doctor saw that Yin Xun's symptoms were not particularly serious, so he prescribed some medicine for him to take it back, and said that it would be better after two days without touching the allergen.

Then the two disabled people helped back home again.

After Lu Qingjiu got home, he lay on the bed for a long time before feeling better. When he got up to pack the things in the front yard, he glanced at the location of the back yard and seemed to vaguely remembered something, but he couldn't figure it out for a while. In the end, he couldn't remember it, and he didn't bother to think about it, anyway, it was not a big deal.

After tidying up the house and eating something casually, Lu Qingjiu soaked the seeds in warm water and planned to plant some of them in the afternoon. Soaking the seeds in warm water would make the seeds easier to germinate. Yin Xun told him. After soaking the seeds, he went to the neighbor’s house next door. He happened to see the neighbor’s child sitting in the yard weaving straw ropes. The neighbor’s family had seen Lu Qingjiu when he was a child, and he had a good relationship with his grandma. Lu Qingjiu came the next day. Send him a basket of sweet potatoes, Lu Qingjiu sincerely thanked him.

"What's the matter with Xiao Lu?" Neighbor Li Shu asked.

"I want to ask Xiaoyu, is there anything wrong?" Lu Qingjiu said, "I need some pigweed at home."

Xiaoyu is the name of a neighbor's kid, his full name is Li Xiaoyu. He nodded quickly when he heard this, threw the hemp rope in his hand, and said, "I'm fine, how many frames do you want?"

"A few frames will do." Lu Qingjiu felt that Li Xiaoyu should already be in elementary school at his age. "Is it dangerous to play pig grass, can children go?"

"It's okay." Uncle Li smiled as soon as he heard it, and said, "They have been accustomed to being wild there since they were young, so thank you Brother Lu."

"Thank you Brother Lu." Li Xiaoyu stood up happily, seeing that the child was happy to get the pocket money, and the family did not object.

"Aren't you going to school?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Just half a day." Uncle Li didn't care, "Anyway, I will go home to farm anyway. What's the use of going to school? Not everyone can become a college student like you."

Lu Qingjiu gave Li Xiaoyu two dollars and saw him go out happily carrying a bamboo basket and a sickle.

Looking at his back, Lu Qingjiu heard his words and stopped talking, but still didn't say anything. After all, this is a household chore, and it is hard for him to mix it up.

After that, Lu Qingjiu took the seeds soaked in warm water and planted them into the field. This time he did not plant too much. Most of the vegetables he planted were cucumbers and tomatoes, which he usually eats more often. Of course he did not forget to plant some vegetables. , And buried some tubers of potatoes by the way.

It's the first time I tried it anyway. Lu Qingjiu is not very particular about it, and it is very casual. According to Yin Xun's statement, if he doesn't pay attention to the output, it's almost the same. There is no need to wait too much.

Lu Qingjiu had less than half an acre of land, and the sky was almost dark. He sweated a lot, and his clothes were almost soaked. He lamented that only by himself can he understand what is meant by sweat dripping under the soil. The grains are hard.

Seeing that it was not early, Lu Qingjiu returned home, took a shower and changed his clothes, and then steamed the buns he bought yesterday in a steamer and planned to eat it for dinner.

Just when the steamed buns were almost steaming, someone knocked on the front door. Lu Qingjiu went to open the door and found out that Li Xiaoyu, who had gone to hunt pig grass in Houshan, was back. He carried a large basket and tied it with rope. His pig grass, with a smile on his face: "Brother Lu, the grass is cut for you. Anyway, I'm fine. I'll help you feed the pigs."

Lu Qingjiu just wanted to refuse, when he saw the kid rushing towards the pigpen, he couldn't stop him.

In desperation, Lu Qingjiu turned around and went back to the house, wrapped some freshly steamed buns for the child, after thinking about it, he took out a bar of chocolate from his suitcase.

Lu Qingjiu took the things and went to the pigsty. Before he arrived, he heard Li Xiaoyu screaming, "Brother Lu, your pig looks so cute!"

Lu Qingjiu walked over and took a look, and saw that the little black piglet praised by Li Xiaoyu was now proudly puffing up his chest, with a child with a look of you.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Why did he see the expression on the pig's face?

"Can I give it a name?" Li Xiaoyu turned to look at Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He thought of Yin Xun's tragedy, but in the face of Li Xiaoyu's longing eyes, he could only think that if there was a case he had to make braised pork delicious, "Okay. ."

"You can call Xiaohua," Li Xiaoyu said, pointing to the big pig.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Is this a fate choice? He euphemistically said, "Why call it Xiaohua? Isn't it good to call it another name?"

Li Xiaoyu said, "But it has flowers on its back." The pig's back is covered with a layer of soft fluff, the pattern is like a squirrel, black and brown.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He couldn't refute it.

Li Xiaoyu said: "Your name is Xiaohei." He named the little one again, "You are the cutest pig I have ever seen!"

Lu Qingjiu thought, it might be the best...

Li Xiaoyu saw that Xiaohua Xiaohei was full and her little belly bulged. Then she said goodbye to Lu Qingjiu with satisfaction, and embarrassedly asked if he could go with him next time when we were playing pigweed. Lu Qingjiu nodded in agreement. , And gave Li Xiaoyu the buns and chocolate in his hand.

Seeing the child leaping away, Lu Qingjiu glanced at the little flower that was licking Xiao Hei's hair, and said, "Xiao Hei, Xiao Hua, I want to grow up well."

Xiaohua: "..." Who is your name? Who the **** is Xiaohua? ! How could he admit such a name as an excellent male!

Xiao Hei: "..." What? What is her brother talking about? Hmm... Pigweed is so delicious, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Xiaohua: You still eat the fuck, eating fat will kill you first and eat meat!

Xiao Hei was very wronged: Brother, you are so fierce... and you obviously enjoyed eating just now.

Xiaohua: Shut up! Don't speak!

Lu Qingjiu, who was standing next to the pigpen, naturally couldn't understand the conversation between the two little black pigs. He could only hear them hum, and Quan regarded it as a sign of their happiness. When he turned back to the old house, he thought that he would buy some chickens and raise them when he had time, so that the yard would be lively...

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