MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 4 White Moon Fox

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In the old house, all the rooms that need to be used on weekdays are basically taken care of, but there are still a few rooms that Lu Qingjiu did not move. Those rooms have been in disrepair for a long time, and the roof is a little broken, and he doesn’t use it normally. Wait for the free time and then find someone to completely repair the whole house.

After Lu Qingjiu arrived here, he almost fell on the bed, and the insomnia that had plagued him in the past is gone.

The air in the countryside is good, especially in the morning. Lu Qingjiu wakes up at 7 o’clock. After a simple breakfast, he took out the beans that had been soaked in advance last night from the water, and carried a big bag of beans to the village’s restaurant. Grinding disc.

Today, he and Yin Xun agreed to grind some beans and order bean curd to eat. The beans were still taken by Yin Xun from his house yesterday.

Most people in Shuifu Village knew the news of Lu Qingjiu's return from the city. On the way, the villagers greeted Lu Qingjiu warmly and had a very affectionate attitude. They seemed to like the college student who came back from the outside, and Lu Qingjiu also agreed. In response, he will stay here for a long time. It is not a bad thing to have a good relationship with the villagers.

When he arrived at the millpan, Yin Xun was already sitting next to the millpan, nipping the fried winter melon seeds in his hand. Seeing Lu Qingjiu was coming, he stood up and greeted him: "Come on?"

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu said, "Are you so early?"

"Yesterday my head was so swollen that I didn't sleep too well." Yin Xun said, "I only got better in the morning."

Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun and found that his face was indeed swollen, and he was relieved, and said, "You can put the beans, I'll grind."

"Okay." Yin Xun didn't argue with Lu Qingjiu either.

So the two divided the work and quickly grind the beans.

This millpan has been in the village for decades. When Lu Qingjiu was a child, he had the memory of climbing on the millpan to play and being twisted and spanked by his grandmother. Every corner. It's just that almost all the friends in the village are leaving now, and only Yin Xun is still staying in the village.

The beans are grown by Yin Xun's family. The quality is very good. The soy milk is white and fine, and exudes the fragrance of beans. Bring it back to a boil later, then add some brine, and wait until the soy milk has condensed into lumps, and the bean curd is ready.

A bowl of beans became milky white soy milk, and Yin Xun put the bean dregs in the bag. This bean dregs is a good thing for pigs, but you can't just throw it away.

After the two of them, Yin Xun took the bean dregs and Lu Qingjiu carried the soy milk and returned to the old house.

"I'm going to feed the pigs." Yin Xun raised the contents in his hand.

"Go." Lu Qingjiu thought for a while and said, "By the way, the kid from the neighbor's house named the two little wild boars yesterday."

Yin Xun said, "Li Xiaoyu? What name did he give the pig?"

"The big one is Xiaohua and the small one is Xiaohei." Lu Qingjiu replied.

"Why is it called Xiaohua?!" Yin Xun asked, "Are you going to bring up my sad thing!"

"It was taken by a child, so I can't argue with him." Lu Qingjiu explained helplessly with Yin Xun.

"Oh." Yin Xun didn't say anything after listening, but said with a vicissitudes of life: "The big one is definitely better than the small one..."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Please shut up.

Taking advantage of Yin Xun's effort to feed the pigs, Lu Qingjiu poured the soy milk into the pot, and then turned it on the fire. After the high fire was boiled, it was simmered on a low heat, and the brine was added to it while it was boiled and then compacted with a spoon. Ordering beancurd is a technical job. It is too old to crush the beancurd, and the beancurd cannot be formed if it is lightened. Lu Qingjiu had also been made at home before, so it was fairly experienced, and a pot of soy milk had slowly begun to become solid.

While making beancurd, Yin Xun's shout came from the yard: "Sake! Someone is looking for it!"

"Who is it?" Lu Qingjiu replied, "Who is looking for me?"

"You'll know when you come out and see." Yin Xun replied.

Lu Qingjiu suppressed the fire, turned around and went to the courtyard, and saw Yin Xun standing in the courtyard, but it was the man next to Yin Xun who caught his attention.

"You... hello." Lu Qingjiu wanted to say hello to him, but he still had a spoon in his hand, so he waved the spoon awkwardly.

"Hello." The man opened his mouth, his voice was very soft, but he could hear him clearly.

"What's the matter with you?" Lu Qingjiu was inexplicably cramped when the man stared at him like this. The man is very good-looking, he is still the kind of lazy appearance I have seen a few days ago, the eyes are unique Danfeng eyes, the bridge of the nose is high, and the whole person is full of classical beauty like ink.

"I said I will come to you." The man said, "I'm here."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

He remembered that the man's name was Baiyuehu, and he also remembered what the man said when the two met in the market, but he did not expect that he would actually come to the door.

"Why, did you forget?" Bai Yuehu stared at Lu Qingjiu's eyes.

"No, I haven't forgotten it." Lu Qingjiu said, "Come...I'll come when I'm here, eat tofu?"

Bai Yuehu said, "What is Douhua?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Delicious things...Do you have luggage? Put it in the house first?"

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Lu Qingjiu led him to the guest room that had just been cleaned out, and he was relieved to see Bai Yuehu entering.

Yin Xun was stunned looking at the side, stretched out his hand to take Lu Qingjiu, and whispered: "Hey, did you invite someone in like this?"

"He is a good person." Lu Qingjiu said.

"How do you know?" Yin Xun stared.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Because he looks good."

Yin Xun: "..."

Of course Lu Qingjiu was joking. In fact, he dared to call this white moon fox into the house because of the cloth bag that Baiyue Fox gave him. The gecko's tail in the bag confirmed Lu Qingjiu's certain conjectures and everything that happened that night. It is not a dream, but a reality. If there is no man, he might have become the Chinese food for that giant gecko.

"Don't worry about me, I'm a big man, what can happen." Lu Qingjiu patted Yin Xun on the shoulder, comforting his friend.

Yin Xun glanced at Lu Qingjiu, then glanced at the man in the room, muttering, "What's wrong with the man, men are not safe these days, although the unsafe one is not necessarily you..."

Lu Qingjiu was shocked: "...what do you mean?"

Yin Xun: "I didn't say anything when you got it wrong."

"I'm too lazy to tell you. The bean curd is still in the pot. Go and cut the meat. I will fry the meat back to the pot later." Lu Qingjiu took Yin Xun back to the kitchen.

This meat was bought by Yin Xun in the morning, the authentic pork belly, used to stir-fry the twice-cooked pork and it smells very good. After Lu Qingjiu ordered the bean curd, he cut the pork belly into evenly three-finger widths. After heating the oil, the garlic sprouts and bean curd were added and fried. After the meat comes into contact with the oil, it exudes a rich aroma that is unique to meat. The white fat part is fried out of oil and turned into an attractive golden yellow. The whole piece of pork belly is curled up, and you can know the taste before you taste it. It's definitely not bad.

Yin Xun couldn't wait to grab a piece with his chopsticks, chewed it twice, and sighed: "It's delicious, this meat is too fragrant."

"You take it out, I'll cook another cabbage egg drop soup." Lu Qingjiu reached out his hand and wiped the sweat from his chin, and said, "Put out the rice and bean curd, I'll make a bean curd condiment later. "

"Good." Yin Xun went to do something beautifully.

Lu Qingjiu finished the rest of the things, and the two people outside were already sitting obediently at the table, waiting for him eagerly. That's it for Yin Xun, Lu Qingjiu actually saw the taste of expectation from Bai Yuehu's face.

Lu Qingjiu put the things in his hand on the table and said, "Eat it."

Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu next to them picked up the chopsticks and went to the meat.

Lu Qingjiu also put a chopsticks on the twice-cooked pork. After tasting it, he found it was really good. His cooking skills are actually quite ordinary, but I don’t know if it is because of the ingredients. It's not greasy at all, but it's very soft and fragrant.

Lu Qingjiu tasted some bean curd again. The bean curd was also very successful. It was soft and solid, and it was very good with a little specially prepared condiment. Lu Qingjiu could eat a large bowl by himself.

After eating two bowls of rice, he was almost full, and Yin Xun also ate almost the same, but seeing Bai Yuehu's posture, he didn't intend to stop at all. The most curious thing was that he was eating very elegantly, as if he was not eating something homely. Side dishes, but what exotic delicacies are eating.

Yin Xun touched his belly and said, "I'm full."

"I'm full too." Lu Qingjiu said, "Yuehu, you can wash the dishes later."

Bai Yuehu nodded naturally when he heard the words, and seemed to have completely integrated into the collective family.

Lu Qingjiu didn't think there was anything wrong with letting him wash the dishes, although he didn't know why he wanted to live here, but since he moved in, he must get used to doing these things.

Yin Xun was full, so he got up and said goodbye, saying that he would go home and take a nap.

Bai Yuehu picked up the dishes, rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen. Lu Qingjiu was also going to sleep for a while, so he moved a chair into the yard, ready to go to sleep in the sun. The sun in this early spring is much softer than summer, and it feels warm all over the body when it shines on people through the clouds.

When Lu Qingjiu sat on the recliner in a daze and was about to fall asleep, he felt something dripping on his face. He woke up suddenly, only to realize that somehow the bright sun above his head had disappeared, only what remained. A dark cloud. Tiny raindrops fell from the clouds, and dripped on his cheeks.

It is going to rain? Lu Qingjiu reached out his hand and touched the tip of his nose. He felt a little wetness. He got up from the chair and was about to walk into the room, but he heard a weird noise...touching, touching, touching, as if someone was using it. The stone hit something heavily, it should be meat or something, because Lu Qingjiu clearly heard the sticky sound of the meat being smashed.

Lu Qingjiu's footsteps moved slowly. He walked around the corner and saw the backyard shrouded in rain. A man turned his back to him, holding a heavy stone in his hand, and the stone was covered with bright red blood. He bent over, and hit the object in front of him forcefully. Although Lu Qingjiu was far away, he could clearly see what he was smashing. It was a blood-stained person. His face was not clearly visible. The long hair was mixed with the crushed flesh. , That person is definitely not alive.

Seeing such a terrible scene, Lu Qingjiu took a breath and yelled: "What are you doing!"

After the man's movements, he obviously heard Lu Qingjiu's shouts. He slowly turned his head and let Lu Qingjiu see his face. It was not a human face at all, it was covered with dense dense clouds. With her black hair, she can only see the vague facial features. The man let out a scream when he saw Lu Qingjiu, and then the black hair grew longer and longer, and finally completely wrapped the blood-covered man.

Puff! There was another sound of a heavy object falling into the water, but Lu Qingjiu was drunk as if being drunk, and the whole person instantly awoke. Only then did he realize that he was still lying on the bench, and the white moon fox after washing the dishes was standing next to him, looking at him facelessly at this time.

"I seem to have a dream." Lu Qingjiu said vaguely.

"Yes." Bai Yuehu said, "You had a dream."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I dreamt of a dead person in the backyard well."

Bai Yuehu looked at him and said nothing.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Does it really exist?"

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, and asked instead: "Then why are you back here?"

Lu Qingjiu frowned: "I just feel tired in the city and want to come back."

Bai Yuehu said: "Just so?"

Lu Qingjiu shut his mouth. In fact, he didn't want to mention the reason for his return here, because it was too absurd, and it seemed that the absurd was a joke.

Lu Qingjiu didn't say anything, Bai Yuehu didn't ask, he looked at the sky, said that it was going to rain, then turned back to the house.

Lu Qingjiu looked around the yard and suddenly felt the coldness of the spring.

He got up from the chair and walked to the backyard, but only saw a black well standing in the empty backyard. Lu Qingjiu nodded when he saw the scene and went back to the house.

Sure enough, as Baiyue Fox said, a patter of rain soon began to float in the sky.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, especially for farmers. Lu Qingjiu looks at the rain to moisturize everything, and he feels as if he has also participated in a touch of Zen.

But the Baiyue Fox sitting next to him obviously didn't think so. He reached out to Lu Sake and said, "Give me some melon seeds, too."

Lu Qingjiu said, and divided the seeds into half of the white moon fox.

Bai Yuehu said: "You saw the yard just now, do you have any ideas?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "The time is not up."

Bai Yuehu's eyes sank: "When are you going to wait?"

Lu Sake: "Summer!"

Bai Yuehu: "What about waiting until summer?" He was about to say that the things in the well will come out in spring and summer, so he heard Lu Qingjiu sigh: "You don't understand, you can grow some watermelon in summer. Kind, the yard is too small, so you can only grow these vines."

Bai Yuehu: " just thought about pouring up the yard?"

Lu Qingjiu was inexplicable: "Otherwise?"

Bai Yuehu: "..." He continued to eat melon seeds in silence.

Lu Qingjiu propped his chin, spit the melon seeds into the trash can, and sighed: "I'm kidding, I'd better call the police first. There must be something in the well."

Bai Yuehu said: "Yeah."

After a moment of silence between the two, Lu Qingjiu plucked up the courage and turned his head to look at Bai Yuehu: "I have another question..."

"I'm a fox." Before Lu Qingjiu's question was asked, Bai Yuehu spoke very seriously, "It's the kind of monster you humans like most!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He hasn't asked yet.

I don’t know what Lu Qingjiu’s expression made Baiyuefox misunderstood. He stood up and turned his back to Lu Qingjiu and said, "I am really a fox." The words fell, and a few big fluffy tails came from Baiyue Fox. Stretched out under his clothes.

The tail was pure white hair, soft and fluffy, and it looked very easy to touch. Lu Qingjiu's hands were a little itchy, but he didn't dare to reach out, just said, "Oh, I see."

He didn't know if it was Lu Qingjiu's illusion, he felt that after he finished speaking, Bai Yuehu was very relieved, as if he was relieved.

How could this fox show his identity so bluntly, isn't he afraid to scare himself? Lu Qingjiu felt a little bit lonely at the same time. He always felt that Baiyue Fox's performance was a little strange, as if...for fear that he would not believe that he was a fox.

Hmm, but he has no reason to pretend to be a fox, right? Lu Qingjiu explained to himself.

Perhaps it was Lu Qingjiu's eyes that the desire for the white furry tail was too obvious. After Baiyuefox frowned and looked at Lu Qingjiu, he said, "You can touch it."

Lu Qingjiu made no response.

"You can touch it." Baiyue Fox repeated it again, the fluffy tails trembling slightly.

As soon as Lu Qingjiu heard this, he immediately stuck his hand on his horse. After touching the fluffy tail, he even heard the joyful sigh of his soul. The big tail was fluffy and smooth, and it felt like soft silk... Lu He smashed a handful of sake, and after a while he reluctantly retracted his hand: "Thank you, Brother Bai." This is the first time he touched the tail of a vixen in his life, and possibly the last.

Seeing Lu Qingjiu's face full of happiness, Bai Yuehu nodded, got up and went back to the house.

Lu Qingjiu didn't move. In fact, he had encountered many of these strange creatures many times and it was impossible to guard against.

As the days are long, he gets used to it, and if he changes to ordinary people, he will be scared to death if he encounters Bai Yuehu, who will explode his identity.

But to be honest, it was the first time that Lu Qingjiu saw a humanoid and conscious fairy like Baiyuehu. Most of the things he saw before were unconscious things. For example, there was one at the door of their unit that would repeat others. The big tree of gossip...

After the dream just now, Lu Qingjiu confirmed that there must be something dirty in his backyard, so he picked up his mobile phone and called the police. Of course he didn't say that he was dreaming, only that there seemed to be something in the well water, and he suspected that someone accidentally fell into it.

Upon hearing this, the police said they would come as soon as possible and let Lu Qingjiu protect the scene. There are no police officers in the village. The police have to drive over from the town. It is probably dark by the time it gets here.

Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen to get some flour, beat a few eggs, baked a big omelet, cooked a pot of sweet potato porridge, took two cucumbers, and simply prepared a dinner.

The three of them were sitting at the side of the well for dinner. Yin Xun was a little confused and said, "What are you doing? What are you doing guarding the mouth of the well? What is there in the well?"

Lu Qingjiu: "There is a ghost."

Yin Xun took a bite of the cake and said vaguely: "If there is a ghost, you can't call the police? Do they still care about this?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "There is always a reason for ghosts, in case the ghost's body is in the well."

Yin Xun: "..." He felt that the cake in his mouth seemed to have some other flavor... He silently put down the cake in his hand.

At about ten o'clock, a police siren sounded at the entrance of the village. The siren drove all the way to the door of Lu Qingjiu's old house. Then two policemen got off in the car.

"Is it the police you called?" The young policeman knocked on the door of the old house.

"It's me." Lu Qingjiu said.

"You said someone left in your well?" the policeman asked, "Are you sure?"

"I called the police because I wasn't sure," Lu Qingjiu said, "I just heard something fell in the well."

The two policemen looked at each other, and the old one said, "Take us to see first."

So the group went back to the backyard. The young policeman took a picture of it with a flashlight, and then frowned and mumbled: "There seems to be something floating in it."

The old policeman did not speak. After careful observation, he took out a rope from his bag. There was an iron hook on the rope. He threw the rope into the well, then stirred in the water forcefully, and said, "The hook is on."

"Can you pull it up?" the little policeman asked.

"I'll try." The old policeman tried to force, but the things in the water seemed so heavy that he couldn't get it up. He shook his head and his expression became serious, "No, it's heavy."

"Not really personal." The little policeman began to get a little nervous.

"I'll call the bureau and ask them to send some people and equipment to confirm." The old policeman glanced at Lu Qingjiu with a subtle expression and said. "Maybe it's really a person."

Facing the suspicious look of the police, Lu Qingjiu thought that it was useless for you to look at me. It really has nothing to do with me. Of course, the police wouldn't believe him when he said that. After all, he called the police that someone had fallen in the well.