MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 33 God of Fortune

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The elevator rose slowly and soon reached the floor they were going to. In the corridor, patients and their families came and went, looking in a hurry.

The hospital has never been a pleasant place. It can be said that it not only brings together the most desired hope of mankind, but also brings together the despair after hope is broken.

Bai Yuehu's footsteps stopped at the door of Ward 102. Lu Qingjiu looked through the glass windows of the ward and saw a young girl lying in the ward. The girl was wearing a white hospital gown and her head without hair was bare. His cyan scalp seemed to be in good spirits, and he was looking down at a book or something in his hand.

"Go in?" Lu Qingjiu asked in a low voice.

Bai Yuehu nodded and knocked on the door of the ward.

"Who, come in." The girl raised her head and said when she heard a knock on the door.

Bai Yuehu pushed the door in. The girl saw him and smiled: "Ah, Yuehu, it's been a long time since I saw him."

Bai Yuehu said: "Long time no see."

The two seemed to be familiar with each other. The girl greeted Bai Yuehu enthusiastically and asked him to sit casually. Then the girl's gaze fell on Lu Qingjiu's face, and she said, "This is...?"

"This is my friend Lu Qingjiu." Baiyuehu introduced.

The girl smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Hou Xuejia."

A very ordinary name and a very ordinary appearance. Lu Qingjiu didn't see any unusual traits in her. If she didn't know Baiyue Fox, it seemed to have something to do with Minamata. Lu Qingjiu would think she was just like herself in humans. Ordinary member of.

"You do your own thing, I will sit for a while and leave." Bai Yuehu said to Hou Xuejia.

Hou Xuejia smiled and said, "I will cut an apple for you two."

"I'm coming." Seeing her movement, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly took the apple and knife in her hand. The two big men asked a sick girl to peel the apple, which was a bit too much.

Hou Xuejia didn't argue with Lu Qingjiu, and smiled and passed the apple in his hand to Lu Qingjiu: "Okay."

When she stretched out her hand, her wrists hidden under the medical coat were exposed. Those wrists were too slender compared to ordinary wrists, and the back of her hand was bluish. It could be seen that it was caused by a long-term infusion. I don’t know if the girl was in the hospital. How long have you lived? .

"How are you doing?" Bai Yuehu asked.

"Very good." Hou Xuejia sat aside, tilted his head and watched Lu Qingjiu carefully peel the apples, and said with a smile, "My condition is very stable, and the doctor said there is no major problem."

"Yeah." Bai Yuehu said, "That's good."

"Yes." Hou Xuejia said, "good luck." She giggled, "When the doctor informed me, he said there was a good news, a bad news, and asked me to hear the good or the bad first."

Baiyuehu and Lu Qingjiu just listened.

"I said I was unlucky enough. Since this time, I'll listen to it first." As she spoke, the expression on her entire face became vivid, not like a patient who had been in bed for a long time," the doctor said. I may not live long."

When Lu Qingjiu heard this, his hand moved: "What about the good news?" He felt that this was the worst news, and he couldn't think of any good news.

"Then the doctor told me that they named a new virus after me." Hou Xuejia finished speaking and laughed.

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

White Moon Fox: "..."

Both of them were shocked by the cold, deadly joke.

Seeing that they couldn't laugh, Hou Xuejia touched her bald head: "Why, isn't it funny?"

"Well, it's funny." Lu Qingjiu could only say something in favor.

"Okay." Hou Xuejia said, "It seems that you have a higher smile..."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to sigh, but he felt that Hou Xuejia was so active. His sigh seemed a little out of place. Fortunately, Bai Yuehu's words robbed Hou Xuejia's attention. He said, "Where is the minion, why not? "

"He has something to go out." Hou Xuejia said, "it may be night to come back."

Bai Yuehu nodded, he said: "You take a rest, we will sit for a while and then leave."

Hou Xuejia lay back on the hospital bed very obediently and said: "Then I won't send you off, and I don't know when I will see you next time..."

"There is always a chance." Baiyuehu said, "Sake, let's go."

Lu Qingjiu nodded, and left the ward with Bai Yuehu.

"Is she an ordinary person?" Lu Qingjiu always felt that this matter was a bit difficult.

"Yes." Bai Yuehu replied.

"How long have you known each other?" Lu Qingjiu said, "It come here often."

"It's not long." Baiyuehu said, "For more than ten years, I will come over and take a look occasionally."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." It has been a very long time for humans for more than ten years, but for longevity species like the White Moon Fox, it is only a moment in their lives.

"We just went back?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"No." Baiyuehu said, "I need to do something when Minamata comes over."

Lu Qingjiu said hello.

The two of them waited downstairs in the ward. About twenty minutes later, Minamata hurried over. What surprised Lu Qingjiu was that all the wounds on his face were gone. When there was a little bruising, it was completely restored to its best condition.

Bai Yuehu looked at him coldly, with a very bad attitude, Minamata didn't mind, and said cheerfully, "Is it over now?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuehu said.

"What about him? Waiting for us in the hospital?" Minamata asked.

"Go together." Baiyue Fox said, "He knows that I am a fox." When he said this, he glanced at Minamata and emphasized the word fox.

Minamata: "...Let's go." His expression is slightly subtle.

These Lu Qingjiu were all in his eyes, but he pretended that he hadn't seen them at all, just looking at Baiyue Fox seriously. Bai Yuehu naturally grabbed Lu Qingjiu's wrist and said, "Follow me."

Lu Qingjiu obediently followed behind him.

Minamata went all the way, and the place where they walked became more and more biased. A thick mist of water rose up around them, separating the worldly scenes around them.

Lu Qingjiu was not so afraid of being led by Baiyue Fox. He soon discovered that they had walked from the back garden of the hospital to a completely strange place. The sky in this place is black, shrouded in thick dark clouds, and occasionally you can see the electric light flashing in the dark clouds, and the ground is full of strange rocks and anger. Minamata, who was walking in the front, was a little embarrassed, turned his head and said: "Don't be afraid, this place was not like this before, but the resources have been a bit tight in the past two years..."

Listening to the hidden meaning in Minamata's words, Lu Qingjiu's eyes widened: "Can this place be decorated?"

"That's not it." Minamata winked at Lu Sake, "Did Baiyuehu take you to his house to see it?"

Lu Qingjiu glanced at Baiyuehu, and remembered the wonders Baiyuehu saw when he took him up the mountain that day. Could it be that the place was Baiyuehu's home and it was decorated by himself?

Bai Yuehu said coldly: "Don't listen to him nonsense."

Minamata laughed twice.

This place does make people feel uncomfortable, and there is a breath of life everywhere, because there is a black mist around, Lu Qingjiu can't see the distant scene clearly.

The white moon fox who had been holding Lu Sake let go and told him to stand still. Afterwards, a thick black mist rose from Baiyue Fox's body, enveloping him and Minamata.

The black mist continued to spread and rose into the dark sky, beginning to stir the clouds.

The clouds gradually formed the shape of a whirlpool. Lu Qingjiu heard a violent thunder in the sky, followed by the roar of beasts. It seemed that something flew into the air and wrestled in the clouds. The dark clouds covered it. The trail of the beast made Lu Qingjiu unclear about the specific situation inside. He could only see the sharp claws and fangs occasionally exposed from the clouds, as well as a pair of red eyes that were slightly familiar.

The deafening roar of the wild beast made his body tremble. Lu Qingjiu stood under the vortex forming clouds, feeling so small that he even guessed that he did not have a wild beast yet. A claw is big, if a beast rushes down from the sky, he may die before he can even call for help.

Just as Lu Qingjiu was thinking about it, he heard another scream. Judging from the scream, the person who made the sound was Minamata. He seemed to have lost the fight against the wild beast and was seriously injured.

What are they doing? Is it a simple fight? Lu Qingjiu really felt strange. But this scene is not what you can see under normal circumstances, and although the prototype of the white moon fox is not clear, judging from the details, it is not like the legendary fox...

Lu Qingjiu showed a suspicious expression and looked more closely.

About twenty minutes later, the fighting sound gradually calmed down, and the clouds began to disperse. In the black mist in front of Lu Qingjiu, there appeared a standing white moon fox and a dying minion lying next to him. The white moon fox was covered with blood, and his eyes were cold and scary. Just when Lu Qingjiu suspected that the two of them had turned against their goals, Minamata who was lying next to him laughed loudly. He said, "Thank you, brother."

The white moon fox threw a cloth sack to the minion.

Although Minamata seemed to be dying, he still held the cloth bag in his hand with all his strength. He smiled at Bai Yuehu and said again: "Thank you."

Baiyuehu said: "You are making your own feelings."

Minamata said: "Oh, that's it for me, don't rush away at night, I will invite you to have a meal."

Bai Yuehu said coldly: "Who wants to eat your meal."

Minamata stared straight at the words: "Hey, don't say that. Back then, I had a meal with me, but it was hard for thousands of people to find..."

"Now?" Bai Yuehu didn't give him face,

"Now." Minamata chuckled, "Now I'm not eating, so I will give up."

Lu Qingjiu stood by and listened to the two of them. He could see that Baiyuehu was really good with Minamata. She said that she was impatient and didn't plan to leave. Instead, she stood beside Minamata and kept watching him.

Minamata's mouth was full of blood. He coughed a few times, vomited the blood, and barely got up from the ground: "Let's go, it's almost done."

Baiyuehu turned around and walked out without turning back while holding Lu Sake's hand.

Only when he went out, Lu Qingjiu remembered something. He reached out and touched his trouser pocket to make sure that the dead bag in Minamata's hand was the one that was given to him at home before. It was just Minamata. The bag in the hand is much larger.

The three of them left here along the way in.

The minamata that had been almost recovered from the fight with the white moon fox became black and swollen, and it looked worse than before. Lu Qingjiu worriedly asked if there was anything wrong with him, and Minamata waved his hand carelessly, saying, "It's okay, I have a thick skin. It will be fine in two days."

He gave a dry cough and said, "But you can give this thing to Xuejia for me. I'm afraid she will be worried when I see it like this."

He said and handed the bag over.

Bai Yuehu refused very politely, "I want to give it to you."

Minamata said: "No...Help people to the end, Yuehu, you can help me this time."

Bai Yuehu didn't say a word, and walked straight ahead. Lu Qingjiu wanted to keep up, but Minamata grabbed his arm.

"Sake sake!" Minamata approached Lu Sake with a shy face, "He wouldn't help me, please help me."

Lu Qingjiu: "...That's not good."

Minamata said: "I really don't want to go in front of her. She feels sad to see me like this. Her body is very weak now. If you see me like this, I must be worried. I don't know how to explain..."

Lu Qingjiu hesitated, but Minamata acted as if he did not agree with Lu Qingjiu and would not let him go. Lu Qingjiu looked at him and he had already walked a long way. He didn't want to come back to help him. Nodded lightly, and said: "Well..."

Minamata then smiled.

Lu Qingjiu took the bag from Minamata's hand and ran to catch up with Baiyuehu. He said: "Yuehu...Minamata has to ask me to help..."

Bai Yuehu said: "Go ahead, I don't want to see them both."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Okay, are you waiting for me outside the hospital?"

Bai Yuehu said, and then headed towards the exit of the hospital. Lu Qingjiu lowered his head and looked at the cloth bag in his hand, and gently squeezed it with his hands. The bag is made of silk and satin with a delicate tiger pattern embroidered on it. The inside is very soft, something like animal hair. ...

Lu Qingjiu guessed that the stuff in it might be the same as that given to him yesterday. He took the bag and went to the inpatient department with Minamata, and gave Hou Xuejia the cloth bag in his hand as Minamata told him.

Hou Xuejia saw the bag and seemed to be ridiculous, so she took it and put it in her jacket pocket. When she held the bag, she smiled sweetly and said: "Minama asked you to give it to me, right? Others, why do they always give it to me? Don't come by yourself."

"He kind of left beforehand." Lu Qingjiu lied.

"Leave?" Hou Xuejia frowned. "Did he fight with people again? I told him not to fight with people. Why doesn't he always listen..."

Although she was blaming, Hou Xuejia's brows and eyes were more distressed. Obviously, she was not concerned about the conflict between Minama and others, but was worried about Minama's injury.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Have you known each other for a long time?"

"Of course." It is said that one of the three things that cannot be concealed in the world is love. This sentence is perfectly embodied in Hou Xuejia. Although she looks haggard, her eyes always appear every time she mentions Minato. With a gentle light, she said, "Yes, we have known each other for a long time. At that time, I was a kid and had very bad luck. The manhole cover under my feet broke when I was playing with the children on the side of the road, and I fell. I went in... I thought I would die in the sewer, but someone saved me..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is it Minamata?"

"Yeah." Hou Xuejia curled her eyes, "it's him."

Lu Qingjiu had vaguely guessed the truth of the matter, he pursed his lips and said, "Then do you know who he is?"

"Who is it? Isn't he Minamata?" Hou Xuejia held her chin, her tone full of happiness, "I had bad luck since I was a kid, until I met Minamata, he was different from me, so lucky. Hahaha, I thought at first that we could live like this for a lifetime..." She said that for a lifetime, the bright light in her eyes dimmed and her smile was slightly far-fetched. She said, "It's just that I seem to be lucky. Very bad."

One millionth of a strange disease has come to her. A few years ago, the doctor said that she had an incurable disease, and that she lived for less than a month for the longest time. Minamata almost collapsed after learning the news and disappeared several times. God, just when Hou Xuejia thought he would never show up again, he brought a cloth bag.

"I went to the **** and asked for this bag." Minamata held her hand with a shaking voice, and he said, "You won't die if you have this bag... You won't die."

Hou Xuejia listened to Minamata's words, only when he was desperate to seek such psychological comfort, but she did not say what she thought, after all, at this time, let Minamata believe this, and she might feel better in her heart. So Hou Xuejia smiled and accepted the Minamata gift, telling him that he would get better, and he would definitely...

A month later, a miracle happened. The doctor discovered a medicine to control Hou Xuejia's condition. Although it could not be completely treated, it could barely maintain her life.

This is the luckiest thing Hou Xuejia has encountered since she fell ill.

After Lu Qingjiu heard the story of the two, his eyes fell on the cloth bag, and he also guessed the contents of the cloth bag.

There is no doubt that Minamata is Taifeng Jishen, only he has unmatched good luck, only he has a beautiful tiger-like tail, but at this time the hair on that tail seems to be plucked out and put into a bag. , Taifeng gave all his good fortune to his beloved, and he also changed from the lucky **** Taifeng to the mold **** Minamata.

"Then you take a good rest, I'll leave first." Lu Qingjiu stood up and said goodbye to Hou Xuejia.

Hou Xuejia smiled and said, "Okay, you are welcome to come down and play again."

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu said, "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu turned around and walked out of the ward, gently closing the door. He saw through the glass that Hou Xuejia seemed to be a little tired because he had said too much. He leaned on the bed and fell asleep faintly.

Seeing Lu Qingjiu coming out, Minamata hurried over and said, "How is she?"

"I'm a little tired, I'll go to bed first." Lu Qingjiu said, "Where are you? Still waiting here?"

"No, I will come to her tomorrow when she falls asleep." Minamata touched her nose, "Otherwise, I am a black and purple one, and a nurse will always ask me if I need help."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." That's right. The appearance of Minamata who has just been beaten is indeed like a patient who also needs to go to the hospital.

"Let's go, I invite you to dinner!" Minamata said, "There is a dumpling near the hospital that is delicious!"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Are you rich?"

Minamata laughed loudly: "Of course I have money, who do you think I am... Fuck!" Before he could finish his words, he stepped on the empty stairs and rolled several floors until he reached the wall. Only reluctantly stopped.

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly lowered his head to look, only to find that the tile under Minamata's feet had actually been crushed by him-his luck was unimaginably bad.

But Minamata was already used to falling on the ground, and got up firmly from the ground, reached out his hand to wipe the blood under his nose, and said, "It's okay, walk around."

Lu Qingjiu looked at Minamata's face and thought, brother, you really don't seem to be all right.

But before Lu Qingjiu could express his thoughts, Minamata happily moved on.

Just walking from the ward to the entrance of the hospital, Minamata fell three times and got drenched by bird droppings once. The most exaggerated thing is that a street lamp fell directly and hit his head. It really looked at Lu Qingjiu. A dumbfounded.

Fortunately, this Minamata is a god, if ordinary people encounter such a thing, they will not die or be half disabled.

"Are you really not going to the hospital?" Lu Qingjiu couldn't stand it anymore.

"No." Minamata's entire face was swollen, and there was a big **** opening on his forehead. He took out the hat he had prepared and put it on his head, "It's all small injuries, nothing serious."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He sighed, trying to say something, but looking at the bright smile on Minamata's face, he felt that his words were unnecessary. It's hard to buy a daughter and I am willing, and I am self-willing to do so. Why don't others say anything.

Bai Yuehu saw the two people walking outside the hospital. He frowned and said to Minamata: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to invite you to dinner." Minamata said.

"No need." Bai Yuehu said, "You go back."

"But..." Minamata still wanted to insist.

"I said no, Lu Qingjiu and I will leave immediately." Bai Yuehu repeated, with a firm attitude, "This is the last time I will help you. Don't come to me again."

Minamata opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

"Taifeng, think about it clearly." Baiyuehu said, "You are not only destroying your body, but also your destiny. People worship the **** of good luck Taifeng. What will happen to you if you continue to do this? , You know it very well."

Minamata stopped talking, he just smiled and waved at the white moon fox: "See you next time."

Bai Yuehu ignored him, pulled Lu Lu Sake and left.

After the two got into the minivan, Lu Qingjiu said, "What do you want to eat at night?"

White Moon Fox didn't speak.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Why don't you talk, aren't you happy?"

Bai Yuehu said: "For one person, is it worth it?"

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while: "What do you think?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I don't think it's worth it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Perhaps it is because you didn't meet that person?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Then I hope I will never meet."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, don't be angry, I'll make some good food for you at night, so we won't eat dumplings at the entrance of the hospital."

When Bai Yuehu heard this, he slightly twitched his lips.