MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 34 Grass crow

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Back home, Lu Qingjiu made a roast chicken for Baiyue Fox. The roast chicken was coated with honey. After roasting, the skin became extraordinarily golden and attractive, and the meat was crispy in the mouth and tender. There is a thick gravy after one bite, and the unique meaty fragrance of chicken lingers in the house, making people want to twitch their noses.

Baiyue Fox still eats chicken without spitting bones, and after eating the whole chicken, he returned to his rocking chair and sat again. It happened that Li Xiaoyu came from next door to Xiaohua to ask for the exercises. Lu Qingjiu took out the grapes that had been iced in from the refrigerator, put it in a bowl and handed it to Li Xiaoyu.

After the grapes are iced, the pulp and juice inside become the state of smooth ice, sour and sweet, which relieves heat.

Li Xiaoyu and Xiaohua both liked them. One person and one pig lay on the table, and continued to do exercises that could not be understood by Lu Sake.

After the Minamata incident, Baiyue Fox didn't speak much for several days, and completely recovered to the lazy state when he first arrived. Apart from eating and farming, it was almost completely integrated with the rocking chair.

Lu Qingjiu was afraid that he was in a bad mood, so he thought of how to make Bai Yuehu happy with him. In summer, everyone likes to eat cold dishes. The spicy oil is used very quickly. The inventory at home has bottomed out. When Lu Qingjiu sees the sun setting, he plans to pick some fresh peppers from the ground to make spicy oil.

The chili peppers here are all made by their own home. The chili peppers are dried and cut into powder, and then sesame seeds and various spices are added to the powder, and then boiled with boiling oil, the hot chili pepper is ready. The key point of this kind of spicy oil is not spicy but fragrant. It is very flavorful when placed in cold dishes.

Lu Qingjiu carried a basket on his back to the ground.

The weather was very hot. Although the sun went down, the heat from the ground still roasted the ankles. Lu Qingjiu went to the ground and saw the chili peppers grown by the white moon fox.

The peppers grown by the fox spirit in his family are really different from the peppers of others. The peppers are huge and full, and Lu Qingjiu picked one and licked it, and he felt hot pain. After the chili is ingested, what gives the mouth is not taste but a kind of pain. This pain can stimulate the secretion of pleasant substances in the brain...Furthermore, the hotter the chili, the better the quality.

Lu Qingjiu picked almost two or three catties of peppers, and the sky was already dark. The night in the mountains is different from that in the city, because there is no light pollution, as long as the weather is fairly clear, you can see the fascinating sky full of stars. There is no moon tonight, but the stars are very bright. Even if you observe carefully, you can find a white Milky Way full of stars in the night sky.

The wind at night is different from the day, with a little coolness, blowing on people's skin, there is a kind of inexplicable comfort.

Lu Qingjiu put the peppers picked from the ground into the bamboo basket he was carrying, and after he packed them, he began to walk home.

He walked two steps forward, but it seemed that he had kicked something under his feet. Lu Qingjiu looked down and saw a hundred-yuan bill lying beside his feet, which was particularly eye-catching in the black mud.

"Who lost the money?" Lu Qingjiu bent over and picked it up. Everyone in the village is not rich. One hundred dollars is not a small sum. If any aunt lost it, I am afraid it will be distressed for a month. . But having said that, since Taifeng gave him the cloth bag, his luck has improved with the naked eye. Picking up money on the roadside is already a routine operation. The most exaggerated thing is that he bought a lottery ticket for fun the day before yesterday. , The lottery actually won the third prize.

But in the end Lu Qingjiu didn't redeem the prize either. He always felt that this kind of money made by luck was not very reliable.

Lu Qingjiu was thinking about looking for the owner of the coin tomorrow, but he stepped on something. This thing was hard and had some stubborn feet. Lu Qingjiu dug out a coin with a strange pattern from the ground. The coin, the size of a thumb, showed a faint yellow color on the surface. Lu Qingjiu took it in his hand and determined that it was not the country's general currency, but it looked like a game coin left over from somewhere. He wanted to take a closer look at the pattern on the coin, but the sky was too dark, and he didn't bring a mobile phone, so he had to give it up.

After returning home, Lu Qingjiu casually stuffed the coin into his pocket, but he shook his hand inexplicably when he stuffed it in. The coin fell to the ground, and rolled into the grass beside him. .

Lu Qingjiu reflexively wanted to catch the coin and rushed into the bushes, but he regretted it as soon as he entered the bushes. He was wearing shorts. Many of the grasses in the bushes seemed to have spikes, and his calves were hot. It hurts.

"Ah..." Bend down, Lu Qingjiu saw bright red blood flowing out of his calf, his mouth hesitated, and he wanted to turn around and go back, but when he returned his gaze to the way he came just now At that time, he was stunned to find that the original road had disappeared-he came to a completely strange wasteland.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned. He didn't know what to react for a while. He looked around and saw that there were no roads to walk around, but an endless wasteland. On the wasteland, there were only clusters of weeds, all of which had small spines on them, and the height was about the height of Lu Qingjiu's waist.

Lu Qingjiu could only barely walk two steps, and he felt several **** wounds on his calf. He had to stop temporarily and watched his surroundings.

Soon, Lu Qingjiu found something special in this wasteland-a dead tree standing in the center of the wasteland. The dead tree seemed not too far away from Lu Sake, it seemed so out of place in the endless grass, there seemed to be birds like crows standing quietly on the trunk.

Lu Qingjiu walked forward with difficulty. He looked at the **** legs and couldn't help smiling bitterly. He laughed at himself: "The mermaid with long legs probably feels like this..."

Fortunately, the closer you get to the tree, the sparser the surrounding weeds, and when Lu Qingjiu gets under the tree, only brown land is left.

The crow on the tree trunk seemed to be frightened by the approaching Lu Qingjiu, waving its wings and flying towards the distance. Under the night, the bird's song made the whole world appear quieter, and Lu Qingjiu even gave birth to a feeling of being abandoned by the world.

But soon, his attention was drawn to one thing.

It was a stone monument standing behind a dead tree. Because of the angle, Lu Qingjiu hadn't noticed it before. He didn't see this abrupt stone monument until he walked behind the dead tree.

However, when Lu Qingjiu saw the look of the stone stele clearly, he felt that it was not so much a stone stele, but rather a tombstone.

One party is forgotten in this world, a lone tombstone.

It was too dark and Lu Qingjiu couldn't read the words on it. He thought about it, and after approaching, he touched the tombstone with his hand, and then began to rub it carefully.

The tombstone was rough and cold, and there were not many fonts on it. It looked like seven. Lu Qingjiu counted it briefly for the first time, and then began to identify it carefully after the second time.

The first is love, in traditional Chinese, and the second is Zi, which is easy to recognize.

However, when Lu Qingjiu touched the third character, the expression on his face froze, and his hands began to tremble. With a horizontal stroke, a stroke and a flick, Lu Qingjiu touched it three or four times before he was sure that the word was indeed the one he had in mind.

Lu Qingjiu's movements stopped for a moment, and he was a little relieved. He leaned on the tombstone and took a few breaths before mustering up the courage and touching the fourth word.

The lying mountain, standing inch, it is a search.

The goose bumps on Lu Qingjiu's body exploded directly. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while. After repeated confirmations, he finally figured out what the seven words on the tombstone were.

The tomb of Aiko Yin Xun.

Aizi... Yin Xun... the tomb.

Like an electric shock, Lu Qingjiu's hand bounced off the tombstone. He stared at the tombstone as if staring at an evil spirit.

How can there be Yin Xun's tombstone here? Is it a prank? But how can there be such a prank in the world. The smile of his friend appeared in front of Lu Qingjiu's eyes. He seemed to be able to see Yin Xun's brilliant smile and the playful tiger teeth on his lips.

"Lu Qingjiu, Lu Qingjiu." The smiling Yin Xun waved at him, "Welcome you back to Shuifu Village."

Lu Qingjiu sat on the ground with a wry smile.

The crow that had left came back again. It yelled, staying on the tombstone in front of it, tilted its head, and looked at Lu Qingjiu. In the night when I couldn't see my fingers, there were stars in those black eyes.

Lu Qingjiu eased his shock from the tombstone. He wanted to get close to the tombstone again, but vaguely heard someone calling his name.

"Lu Qingjiu, Lu Qingjiu." The cry was very weak. At first, Lu Qingjiu even thought it was his own illusion. But soon, the voice of the call became louder. Lu Qingjiu followed the call and finally found the voice. The source of-this sound actually came from the black crow.

The crow was a little far away from Lu Qingjiu. At this time, he was hovering in the air, with a human voice from his mouth: "Lu Qingjiu, Lu Qingjiu——"

Lu Qingjiu tentatively walked in the direction where the crow was, and found that the grass under his feet began to fade away.

Like Moses dividing the sea.

This is probably the right way. Although I don’t know who is guiding him, it is clear that the person guiding him is not malicious

The crow was still calling his name, and Lu Qingjiu followed the cry all the way forward. He didn't know how long he had been walking forward, until the crisp sound of a coin falling in his ear made him tremble and suddenly felt shocked. I returned to the original world.

There are no weeds, no dead trees, and no tombstones. Instead, there are familiar ground and faint stars above. The silver coin was spinning around Lu Qingjiu’s feet. Lu Qingjiu stooped to pick it up. This time, the coin was safely put into the pocket of his jacket, and it didn’t roll into the side like before. Among the grass.

Lu Qingjiu, who found the coin, walked towards home. To be honest, if the wound on his calf still existed, he might feel that he had had an absurd dream.

Lu Qingjiu walked into the yard. Bai Yuehu, who had closed his eyes and took a nap, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in his direction: "Are you injured?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Well, I was accidentally scratched by a grass thorn when I went to the ground."

Baiyuehu's eyes fell on Lu Qingjiu's calf, and he said, "The grass thorns in the ground?"

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

Bai Yuehu said: "Come here, I'll give you medicine."

Lu Qingjiu originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Bai Yuehu's resolute attitude, he had to agree. He casually found a chair to sit down, Bai Yuehu squatted down beside him, first washed the blood stains on his feet with clear water, and then applied the special ointment Bai Yuehu gave Lu Qingjiu before. These wounds are actually just skin injuries, not too serious. After applying the ointment, they will be cool and cool, and they will soon recover.

"I...I found a coin." Lu Qingjiu lowered his head, looking at the white moon fox who was treating his wound with a serious face, and took out the coin from his jacket pocket, "You See if there is anything special?"

Bai Yuehu glanced at it and shook his head: "Nothing special."

"No curse or something?" Lu Qingjiu was a little strange.

"No." Baiyuehu said, "There is no power on it, it's just an object in the world."

Lu Qingjiu screamed. He washed the coin with water and saw the pattern on it clearly. It just made him wonder where he seemed to have seen such a coin, but he couldn't remember it for a while. .

"I was drawn to a strange place by this coin." Lu Qingjiu said with some hesitation, "I saw a wasteland and a bottle of tombstones..."

When Bai Yuehu heard the word tombstone, he looked up at Lu Qingjiu.

Just when Lu Qingjiu thought he would say something, he said, "If you want to know, you should ask him in person."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned when he heard the words: "He?! Do you know what I saw?"

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Then what is going on? Is Yin Xun a human?"

Bai Yuehu shook his head: "This question is better answered by himself."

Lu Qingjiu pursed his lips. In fact, after he returned here, he vaguely felt that Yin Xun was a little wrong, but Yin Xun didn't mean to hurt him, so he didn't go into it. But even if he noticed Yin Xun's anomaly, Lu Qingjiu never thought that this friend he had grown up with was not even a human being.

Bai Yuehu obviously knew Yin Xun's identity a long time ago, but he didn't plan to tell Lu Qingjiu that way, but let Lu Qingjiu ask Yin Xun himself.

Lu Qingjiu touched the coin in his pocket, thinking that if this is the case, he should ask Yin Xun tomorrow.

Because of things in his mind, Lu Qingjiu didn't sleep well this night, and got up from bed to make breakfast at less than five the next day. He thought that since he is going to have a showdown with Yin Xun today, he should make a richer breakfast.

So Lu Qingjiu deliberately stewed a pot of chicken soup and wanted to make some delicious bowls of chicken soup and chicken noodles.

But what Lu Qingjiu did not expect was that the sun had risen above his head, and Yin Xun still disappeared.

Lu Qingjiu sat in the room and waited impatiently. He took out his cell phone and called Yin Xun, but the other end of the phone showed that there was no answer.

"Yuehu, you eat first, I will go to Yin Xun's house to find him." Lu Qingjiu said to Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu nodded and picked up the chopsticks.

After Lu Qingjiu went out, he went straight to Yin Xun's house. When he arrived at Yin Xun's house, he knocked on the door for a while but no one answered. Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, and simply went to Yin Xun's neighbor, the aunt Liu who often stuffed Yin Xun.

"Aunt Liu, have you seen Yin Xun?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Aunt Liu was drying the quilt when she heard Lu Qingjiu's question and said, "I didn't see it. He didn't seem to be back last night."

Lu Qingjiu said: "When does he usually come back?"

Aunt Liu said: "It's over ten o'clock, his house is not good, I can hear him closing the door every time I go home, what's the matter, Lu Wazi? Something happened to the youngest member of the Yin family?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "No, I just have something to do with him. Aunt Liu, when you see him, tell him to come to me, just say I don't blame him."

Aunt Liu was a little confused when she heard the words, but did not ask much, nodded in response.

Lu Qingjiu didn't find Yin Xun, so he could only go home.

Bai Yuehu seemed to have anticipated that he would make an empty trip, and did not show much surprise at the disappearance of Yin Xun.

"Did something happen to him?" He didn't answer the call, and the family was not there. Lu Qingjiu, who hadn't caught anyone, had to go home. He squatted angrily at the door of the house, eating melon seeds and Bai Yuehu complained, "He runs so fast What are you doing, isn't it me who should run... he is afraid that I will catch him and eat meat?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Maybe a little scared."

"Huh?" Lu Qingjiu turned his head, "What did you say?"

"I said." Bai Yuehu repeated softly, "He might be really afraid that you will be eaten if you catch him."

Lu Qingjiu: "...who eaten it?"

Bai Yuehu pointed to himself.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned: "You eat? Is he worried that I will cook him and put him on your table?"

Bai Yuehu didn't speak, but his expression already gave Lu Qingjiu an answer.

Yes, the former Yin Xun was Lu Qingjiu’s friend. Now his non-human identity is exposed. Lu Qingjiu who was deceived is very angry, and Baiyuehu, as Lu Qingjiu’s backstage, will not hesitate to help Lu Qingjiu out. Bad tone-the logic is perfect, nothing is wrong.

However, Lu Qingjiu, who had followed the logic, was already a little angry and wanted to hit someone.

"Am I the kind of person who would kill my friends to eat meat?" Lu Qingjiu said angrily, "He doesn't understand me at all!"

"Yes." Bai Yuehu said, "I am obviously."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

About Lu Qingjiu's expression was too hideous, Bai Yuehu said another word, his tone was a little cautious: "Yin Xun's meat should be good..."

"No! No approval! Don't even think about it!" Lu Qingjiu refused mercilessly.

Bai Yuehu sighed with regret. It seemed that he was not disgusted with eating Yin Xun. As long as Lu Qingjiu gave an order, he could open his big mouth contentedly and swallow all the bones of his belt. Up.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Then do you know where Yin Xun is now?"

"I don't know." Bai Yuehu's interest in things that can't be eaten is not so strong. If Yin Xun really doesn't show up, he is actually quite happy. After all, there is no extra mouth at home, so he is interested in finding Yin Xun didn't care about this matter at all.

"But the coin you picked up yesterday should have other uses." Baiyuehu said, "You can think about it, where have you seen this coin."

Lu Qingjiu frowned. He returned to the room holding the coin and placed it on the table to observe carefully.

No matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary coin. Although it is not a domestic circulating coin, it has nothing special. There was a bull in the front and a crown in the back. Lu Qingjiu looked at it for a while, and there was indeed a familiar feeling deep in his heart.

He has seen this coin, where is it, when and what scene...What does this coin mean to Yin Xun?

Lu Qingjiu couldn't think of the answer.

By now it was noon, and it was time to cook again. Lu Qingjiu had something in his heart, so he just made something to eat with the white moon fox.

Baiyuehu stared at the dishes on the table and fell into thinking. Usually there are four dishes and one soup. Today, when Yin Xun is absent, they just ate a bowl of fried rice and some pickles. Although the fried rice tastes good, Baiyue Fox has started to have other ideas...

Lu Qingjiu doesn't know the taste of food. He was still thinking about Yin Xun, Yin Xun must be real, otherwise the villagers would not know him. But obviously some strange changes have occurred in his body, and he may no longer belong to the category of humans, but is moving closer to the non-human.

"Brother Lu." Li Xiaoyu, who was next door, had already had summer vacation. After lunch, he came over to find Xiaohua to play as usual, and shouted Lu Qingjiu from the doorway.

"Come in." Lu Qingjiu returned to his senses and said, "Have you eaten?"

"Eat." Li Xiaoyu smiled and looked very happy. "I'll come over and talk to Xiaohua. I won't study this afternoon."

"Where are you going to play?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Yeah." Li Xiaoyu said, "I and Xiaolong are going to go to town in Uncle Chen's car to play."

Xiaolong is Li Xiaoyu’s playmate. There are three or four children at the age of Li Xiaoyu in the village. They occasionally meet each other and go to the town to play. They don’t have much money, but they can still play happily. Play game consoles, eat cool popsicles, and visit the only supermarket in town...

Lu Qingjiu's gaze passed through Li Xiaoyu, as if he had seen Yin Xun and himself in the past. He and Yin Xun also came together in the past. The two met each other, said many dreams, and made many promises.

Lu Qingjiu put down his chopsticks, lowered his head, and saw the looming coin in his jacket pocket. The next moment, accompanied by Li Xiaoyu's questioning "Brother Lu?", Lu Qingjiu finally remembered the end of the coin. What is it.

This is indeed not an ordinary coin, but a game coin. It is one of the game coins he and Yin Xun have tried to save money and bought. When they were young, they didn't have much money, and the pocket money saved in a month could be used up to two or three times. This is the best thing for Lu Qingjiu when he was young.

And when Lu Qingjiu was about to leave Shuifu Village, the young Yin Xun cried and wanted to hand over the coins he had worked so hard to save in Lu Qingjiu's hands, but Lu Qingjiu had already boarded the leaving train. , Can only sit in the carriage, through the thick glass, watching the childhood play accompanied by the running train, and finally disappearing at the end of the line of sight,

Since then, the two have been separated by two, and when they met again, it had been many years.

Yin Xun is no longer the thin boy in Lu Qingjiu's memory, but the smile on his face remains the same, and the tiger teeth on his lips are as cute and cute as before.

"I..." Lu Qingjiu pinched the coin, his voice was slightly hoarse, he said, "I remember."

Come to think of it, what this coin represents.