MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 55 misunderstanding

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The atmosphere in the room seemed to freeze. Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu stared at each other, and neither of them spoke.

Lu Qingjiu hugged the soft Nine-Tail, like a hot potato. After a long silence, Lu Qingjiu felt that he should say something, so he tremblingly said, "Moon Fox?"

Bai Yuehu's gaze shifted from Lu Qingjiu's face to the huge tail, his expression became serious, as if he was thinking about something.

"Yuehu, are you okay!" Lu Qingjiu looked at Bai Yuehu's dignified dark color, a little flustered, "Are you injured? Where is the place where the tail is connected..." He put down his tail and thought to Bai Yuehu Check whether the white moon fox's body is injured.

Bai Yuehu avoided Lu Qingjiu's hand and said, "Um... it's dropped."

Lu Qingjiu: "Did it?" He was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect Bai Yuehu's attitude to this matter to be so understatement.

"What should I do if it falls? Will it grow again?" Lu Qingjiu glanced at the soft tail still lying in the palm of his hand, always feeling like he had caused a catastrophe, repeating the words again. Once again, "Will it grow? Will it?" He had heard that geckos can grow tails, can vixen tails also regenerate? ?

Bai Yuehu: "..." His expression was extremely complicated, so complicated that Lu Qingjiu didn't know what his mood was.

"Hmm." Bai Yuehu said, "Yes?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Brother, can you say this with confidence?

"Go to sleep, it's not a big deal." Baiyuehu finally finished the matter and said, "If you drop it, you can drop it, and it's good if you drop it. After I go out, let it stay with you at home. Up."

Lu Qingjiu's head was dizzy, he didn't know what to say. What Baiyue Fox said was an understatement, as if the big furry tail in front of him was something insignificant, not a part of his body...

Lu Qingjiu said: "I... I know."

Seeing Lu Qingjiu's shocked look, Bai Yuehu rarely stretched out his hand and touched Lu Qingjiu's head with pity. The gestures and expressions were all the same as Lu Qingjiu's usual way of touching Yinxun. If you change your mood, you probably see that your little cute little pet is shocked and confused, so the owner stretches out his hand to touch the pet’s head to show comfort...

"Go to sleep." Bai Yuehu said, "it's all so late."

Lu Qingjiu said, "What about this tail..."

Baiyue Fox: "Put it at home and make an ornament?"

Lu Qingjiu: "???"

Baiyuehu apparently found that this approach made Lu Qingjiu a little too exciting, and quickly added: "I'm kidding, I'll go back to Ann in two days."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Okay.

Although this big tail has left the body of the white moon fox, it is still very warm. It looks like a warm rag doll in its arms. Of course, the texture of the tail is much better than ordinary rag dolls-it is a high class Ragdoll.

Lu Qingjiu, who was used to sleeping with his tail in his arms, had a nightmare that night. He dreamed that he had strayed into a dense wood and got lost in it. The woods are dense, and the layered canopies block out the sunlight that you want to shine in. Lu Qingjiu walked and walked inside, and couldn't get out. The sky was about to get dark, and terrible changes took place in the woods after the sun had set on the horizon.

The surrounding branches began to change strangely, becoming long and soft, like twisted arms. When Lu Qingjiu saw this scene, he panicked and turned around to escape, but no matter where he fled, there were branches everywhere. These branches surrounded Lu Qingjiu, and finally wrapped around Lu Qingjiu, Lu Qingjiu let out a scream. But I found that the touch of this branch... is clearly a big furry tail!


Hearing his cry, Yin Xun, who was working outside, moved his head in and said, "Lu Qingjiu, are you awake?"

Lu Qingjiu: "...Hmm."

"Have a nightmare?" Yin Xun was cleaning the cabbage to be eaten at noon.

"Yes, where's Baiyue Fox?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Feed the chickens in the yard." Yin Xun said, "What's the matter, do you want to call him over?"

Lu Qingjiu shook his head to indicate that he would not use it. He looked at Yin Xun's face, and after hesitating for a moment, he whispered: "Yin Xun, come in, I'll ask you something."

Yin Xun said, "Why do you look mysterious and mysterious?" Even though he said that, he still entered the house obediently and closed the door.

"I want to ask, that is, what is a tail to a fox?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Yin Xun was taken aback for a moment: "Why are you asking this suddenly?" He remembered Lu Qingjiu's previous sleep with the white moon fox's tail. Thinking he was worried, he said, "The tail? It's an important part of their body. Touch with someone you trust."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Then...Will the fox's tail fall?"

Yin Xun thought that Lu Qingjiu had made a mistake, and asked blankly, "Drop? What's off?"

When Lu Qingjiu saw Yin Xun's unclear appearance, he knew that he must not know it. He sighed, shook his head and did not continue the topic.

Yin Xun felt that Lu Qingjiu's whole body had become weird since this morning. Often sitting next to him in a daze, just be in a daze. The problem is that Lu Qingjiu likes to stare at the white moon fox when he is in a daze. If you just look at it, it's fine, but the part Lu Qingjiu looks at... is actually Bai Yuehu's ass! !

When he first noticed this detail, Yin Xun thought he had read it wrong, but after repeated observations and careful research, he was sure that he had not misunderstood Lu Qingjiu. His childhood friend seemed to have some kind of feelings that he shouldn't have with Bai Yuehu--otherwise, how could he explain that he was staring at the Bai Yuehu's **** every day!

But think about it, it seems that it’s not impossible for Lu Qingjiu to be interested in the white moon fox. After all, the white moon fox is so beautiful. They are also a few big men living together. The village is either a few years old girl or It’s a 50- or 60-year-old aunt. He was a little happy when he saw Jiufeng the other day. It’s no wonder that Lu Qingjiu would be tempted by Baiyuehu, and the point is that Lu Qingjiu didn’t know the true identity of Baiyuehu. He probably thought The white moon fox is just a beautiful vixen.

Yin Xun saw Lu Qingjiu watching "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" a few days ago. If he remembers correctly, there are many love stories between humans and foxes in that book! Although there seems to be no good end...

"What are you looking at?" Yin Xun was able to think about it, and a cold question came from beside him, he was full of spirits, but he saw the white moon fox staring at him with an unkind expression. Yin Xun was shocked that he had just stared at Bai Yuehu's buttocks along with Lu Sake's eyes and began to be in a daze. Yin Xun hurriedly retracted his eyes, and explained in a counseling way: "No, nothing."

Bai Yuehu glared at him coldly, got up and left.

Yin Xun looked at the back of the white moon fox, and felt something was wrong. He thought about it and found something more terrifying.

With Bai Yuehu’s keen six senses, how could he not know that someone was staring at his ass, but now that Lu Qingjiu has been watching him for so many days, Bai Yuehu hasn’t reacted at all, so he just looked at him and was caught Baiyue Fox warned with eyes that wanted to kill it...

Yin Xun looked at Lu Qingjiu in horror. Could it be that the two of them are already in love? ?

Lu Qingjiu: "...what's your mentally retarded expression?"

Yin Xun: "Lu Qingjiu, do you want to fall in love?"

Lu Qingjiu: "How did you give birth to you if I didn't fall in love?"

Yin Xun: "..."

Lu Qingjiu sighed faintly: "Actually, something has been bothering me these days."

Yin Xun heard it and thought that Lu Qingjiu was looking for an emotional consultation with himself, and said hurriedly, "You said, you said."

Lu Qingjiu hesitated and said, "It's that...oh, forget it, you don't understand it." Yin Xun hadn't understood the fox's falling tail before, and he didn't seem to know. . Lu Qingjiu left with a melancholy expression, leaving Yin Xun almost not yelling at him. What's the matter with Lu Qingjiu of this dog day? He doesn't understand what it means. Yes, he has never been in love. , But he has never eaten pork, has he not seen a pig run! Wait... he doesn't seem to have seen a pig run... ooh he is too miserable.

Yin Xun was also depressed by Lu Qingjiu's words, so the atmosphere at home became even more serious. During the meal, he saw the white moon fox eating expressionlessly. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun sighed beside him.

Such days lasted until the blizzard was over, and when Lu Qingjiu was about to talk to Bai Yuehu about this matter, another guest came to the house.

Lu Qingjiu has never welcomed a guest so much. This guest is like rain in time, which can perfectly explain Lu Qingjiu's doubts. That's right, the visitor is the little fox's father, Su Yan, a big fox who looks enchanting but speaks Shandong dialect.

It is said that Su Yan is here to pick up the little fox for the New Year. There are still more than ten days before the New Year. He said that he wanted to pick up his son in advance.

It's just that when he saw his son's fur was cut like a poodle, his expression was distorted when he was playing with two pigs in the yard wearing a poorly tailored padded jacket, although he soon returned to normal, but Lu Sake still noticed.

Lu Qingjiu was about to apologize when he heard Su Yan say: "It's okay, it's much more refined than his grandmother's."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." How miserable Su Xi had been before.

Su Yan suddenly said, "Do you know why he is called Su Xi?"

Lu Qingjiu: "...why?"

Su Yan said: "When his mother was pregnant with him, he was watching a cartoon."

Lu Qingjiu understood. He said, "Does he still have a friend named Su Peiqi?"

Su Yan nodded.

Lu Qingjiu almost didn't get choked by the saliva, thinking that you foxes are really indifferent, so I chose the name casually. It is really hard for him to imagine the expressions of other people when a peerless beauty introduced herself as Peppa.

Xiao Suxi was obviously not happy to go back. When he saw it, his father squatted his **** on the ground. This posture was still learned from Xiaohua. It is said that Dangkang clan used this posture to express resistance and disgust. Of course, Su Yan was not a Kang clan, so seeing Su Xi's posture made him angry. He picked up the fox cub and said angrily: "Who the **** did you learn from? Why are you doing this? Believe it? Don't believe me, I will give you a kick in the ass."

Seeing that her little brother was being bullied, Xiao Hua bit on Su Yan's foot and said angrily: "You stinky thing put down little fox, I will kill you!"

Su Yan: "..." He was actually bitten by a pig.

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly hit the round and explained the identities of the two parties. After learning that Su Yan is Little Fox's father, Xiao Hua was no longer angry, but she still said that family education can't use swear words or use force.

Su Yan decided to give up arguing with Xiao Hua, standing aside with a gloomy expression.

Lu Qingjiu greeted quickly: "Let's go into the house, it's cold outside."

Su Yan smiled and said: "Okay." He was really afraid that he would pinch a pig if he stayed outside.

When the two entered the house, Lu Qingjiu said, "Take off your hat. It is covered with snow. After a while, the hat will become wet." When Su Yan came, he wore a thick woolen hat. This hat is probably quite earthy when worn by others, but it has become a fashion item on him. This is probably the power of appearance.

Su Yan hesitated slightly when he heard the words, and when he saw Lu Qingjiu's unmalicious eyes, he stretched out his hand and took off his hat.

Lu Qingjiu stared at Su Yan's head and was stunned. Su Yan's head was bald. The beautiful black hair was missing. The whole head was round like a hard-boiled egg that had just been peeled, although it was still pretty. , But the problem is...

Lu Qingjiu: "Why did you shave your hair."

Su Yan said, "I gambled with someone, lost, and shaved my hair. It will take two years to grow." He reached out and touched his bare head, and laughed at himself, "It's okay. It's fine to change your hairstyle occasionally. interesting."

Lu Qingjiu: "Oh..." He thought of something and didn't dare to continue this topic, so he quickly got to the point, "Mr. Su, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Su Yan said.

"Will the fox's tail fall?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Tail?" Su Yan said, "It will fall, but it is very special when it falls. What's wrong? Did a fox drop its tail in front of you?"

Of course, Lu Qingjiu couldn't tell the story of the white moon fox's tail falling off. He just vaguely said that one of his friends had encountered such a thing, and he asked Su Yan carefully about the circumstances under which the fox's tail would fall.

"The fox is dying, and the tail fell off." Su Yan said.

Lu Qingjiu was startled when he heard: "What?"

Su Yan said: "What?"

"The fox will lose its tail when it's about to die?" Lu Qingjiu said nervously, "What happens after it's dropped? Will the tail be warm?"

"If there is temperature, the tail can be preserved in another way, and it can be regarded as a skeleton." Su Yan said, "You haven't actually seen it? The fox tail is the essence of the fox, and it is generally not displayed in people. In front of him, unless he trusts you very much and treats you as a close friend... Lu Qingjiu?"

Lu Qingjiu's whole person was not well, he recalled the expression of Bai Yuehu that night, and his whole person trembled. If Su Yan hadn’t lied, it means that the White Moon Fox is really going to have an accident. In fact, he had always wondered whether the White Moon Fox was a fox or not, but these nine fluffy tails are the best proof. Now the tail suddenly fell... …

Lu Qingjiu smiled bitterly.

Seeing that Lu Qingjiu's face was getting more and more ugly, Su Yan hurried to comfort him: "Birth, old age, sickness and death is the norm in the world, don't worry too much, the fox tail falls off, it means that the fox is dead and will not go too painful..."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Thank you, I see."

Su Yan said: "Then I will go first and wish Mr. Lu a Happy New Year in advance."

"Happy New Year to you." Lu Qingjiu also said.

As soon as Su Yan stood up after speaking, Yin Xun, who had gone out to do some work, came back. He pushed the door openly, and saw Su Yan after entering the house. He took off his coat and shook off the snow on it, saying: "Oh! , Rare guest, Mr. Su, are you leaving now?"

Su Yan didn't speak, his eyes stuck to the coat that Yin Xun took off.

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He guessed right.

Yin Xun had no idea what was going on. Seeing Su Yan staring at the beautiful snow-white cloak, he thought it was Su Yan who knew the goods, and happily introduced: "Is Mr. Su looking at this coat? This coat is me My friend bought it from a shopping mall in the city. It is usually expensive, but it was discounted during the promotion, and it cost more than 3,000 yuan."

This is what Lu Qingjiu said to Yin Xun casually. He didn't expect Yin Xun to be so cute that he wrote it down without missing a word.

Su Yan: "How much is it?"

Yin Xun: "Three thousand!"

Standing behind Su Yan, Lu Qingjiu even heard Su Yan's teeth grinding. He glanced at Su Yan's bald head, feeling extremely embarrassed, and silently looked away and pretended that he was looking at the scenery.

"All right, three thousand." Su Yan obviously wanted to say a lot, but in the end he only squeezed out such a sentence, then turned around and left without looking back.

Yin Xun didn't understand what was going on. He was startled by Su Yan's expression, and he whispered: "Why is Mr. Su's expression so hideous? Would he think I was showing off my wealth? I really didn't wear it. Three thousand clothes, I finally met someone who knows the goods. If I am not happy, I will tell you all..."

Lu Qingjiu didn't speak, but patted his friend on the shoulder heavily, and sighed long.

Su Yan's snow-white hair is only worth three thousand. He didn't get angry and scolded on the spot. Lu Qingjiu already thought he was well cultivated.

The little vixen was also taken away by Su Yan. In the end, Su Yan said that he would send it back until the end of the year. Lu Qingjiu didn’t know why he was so persistent and had to put his son here, and he and From Bai Yuehu’s conversation, it seems that he has paid some price for it...

After Su Yan left, the room fell silent.

Lu Qingjiu thought about the reason he had just said that the fox's tail dropped, and his heart became restless again. Yin Xun was eating dried sweet potatoes next to him. Seeing that Lu Qingjiu's expression was wrong, he asked, "Well, what's up with you, you look worried?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I have something to say to Bai Yuehu."

Yin Xun was stunned with the sweet potato in his mouth, his eyes widened: "You... are you going to talk?" Could it be that Lu Qingjiu saw his mind clearly and planned to confess to Bai Yuehu? But the attitude of the Baiyue Foxes towards their lovers is not very friendly. What they like most is to put all their favorite things in their stomachs...

Lu Qingjiu said: "Yes, I plan to ask." He felt that no matter what the truth was, at least he had to know whether the white moon fox was really in a worrisome condition. Before something happened, he had some preparations in his heart. The embarrassment when facing the death of a loved one.

"But, you..." Yin Xun wanted to persuade Lu Qingjiu, but he didn't know how to put it right, he said, "Did you really think about it? You might die?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's because I might die, so I'm going to ask." It turned out that Yin Xun also knew about this, but he just pretended to be confused and didn't want him to be sad. Does Bai Yuehu really want...

Yin Xun was shocked by Lu Qingjiu's determination. As a mountain god, he had actually seen a lot of life and death, whether it was other animals or humans. At this time, he was moved by Lu Qingjiu's calmness to die. Said: "Well, you go, no matter what the result, I will try to help you, but I want to be there when you say it!" At least, buy him some time before Baiyue Fox swallows Lu Qingjiu!

Lu Qingjiu said: "Let's go."

After the two reached a consensus, their expressions were extremely heavy. Lu Qingjiu thought about what was wrong with Baiyue Fox’s body. Yin Xun wanted to be able to make friends like Lu Qingjiu. It is a blessing in life, but everyone has a way to go. He can’t help Lu. Sake makes a choice.

The wind outside was a bit strong, and neither Lu Qingjiu nor Yin Xun closed their doors. They looked across the vast snow curtain and looked into the distance.

The white moon fox came back with a fresh green onion in his hand. The skin on the green onion was peeled off. Because of the cold, his blood had solidified on the body. Bai Yuehu entered the yard and was a little surprised to see that the house was not closed. He walked in, closed the door and said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Qingjiu's lips moved. He said, "Su Yan took Su Xi away."

"Oh." Bai Yuehu nodded, not very interested in this matter, he said, "Let's make charcoal grilled short ribs at night, it's delicious."

Lu Qingjiu finally got the courage and decided to find out the truth with Bai Yuehu. He said, "Do you like eating my cooking?"

Yin Xun grabbed his trousers nervously next to him when he heard this. He knew that the most important question was coming. This was the foundation of Lu Qingjiu's emotions!

Bai Yuehu looked at the two men's solemn expressions, was stunned, and nodded: "Huh?"

Lu Qingjiu took a deep breath, and Yin Xun was standing by to prevent the Baiyue Fox from suddenly attacking. Then, he heard this friend who has always been very reliable say seriously and seriously: "Then why don't you tell I'm dying."

White Moon Fox: "Huh?"

Yin Xun: "Huh?????"

Lu Qingjiu said: "I asked Su Yan just now. He said that the vixen had lost his tail, and it was a sign of death-Fuck, Yin Xun, can you stop pinching my hand? You will pinch my hand. broken!"

Yin Xun was frightened to death: "Aren't you trying to confess to Bai Yuehu???"

Lu Qingjiu: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

Yin Xun: "..." Fuck, it turns out that Lu Qingjiu is not the one who died! ! ! If his mother's White Moon Fox really spreads fire, she must be reluctant to eat Lu Qingjiu and eat him too!

Yin Xun screamed, "Lu Qingjiu, you scam!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Why is Yin Xun this **** going crazy? Just now he said that he would be a solid backing. Why is he about to betray the enemy now so vulnerable? !

Read The Duke's Passion