MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 56 New year

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At this time, Yin Xun finally understood that from beginning to end, he and Lu Qingjiu were not talking about the same thing. Looking at Bai Yuehu's unclear expression, Yin Xun wanted to leave Lu Qingjiu here on the spot and drive himself away. Lu Qingjiu still didn't understand why Yin Xun's expression was so painful. He was still asking, "What did you say? What confession? Who wants to confess?"

Yin Xun covered his face in pain and couldn't bear to look straight.

Bai Yuehu sat beside him quietly and watched the two interact. When his eyes fell on Lu Qingjiu, his black eyes flashed slightly.

Yin Xun refused to speak any more. Lu Qingjiu thought he was often convulsed, so he ignored him, but turned to look at the white moon fox. He wanted to solve the tail problem earlier and figure out why the white moon fox's tail would Drop. Is it true that the white moon fox's life is about to die as Su Yan said, or there are other reasons.

"Moon Fox, are Su Yan's words true?" Lu Qingjiu asked, "He said that only the fox whose life is about to die will have its tail fall off."

The white moon fox was silent for a moment, and said, "General foxes are like this."

Lu Qingjiu: "Huh?"

Baiyue Fox said: "But I am a special fox."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Bai Yuehu said, "So don't worry about my death."

After hearing this, Lu Qingjiu felt relieved a lot. He said, "Really?"

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Lu Qingjiu said, "That would be great." He laughed, and said inadvertently, "I almost thought this tail was not yours."

White Moon Fox: "..."

Yin Xun: "..."

After Lu Qingjiu said this, Bai Yuehu glanced at Yin Xun expressionlessly. Yin Xun smiled, his smile was worse than crying. Lu Qingjiu followed Bai Yuehu and looked at Yin Xun: "Yin Xun, The White Moon Fox doesn't have to die, why are you crying?"

What Yin Xun thought in his heart was that of course the White Moon Fox would not die. It was himself that was dead. Of course he didn't dare to say it. He just pulled the corners of his mouth hard, showing a fake smile that could no longer be faked: "Haha, haha, Of course I am happy for the White Moon Fox!"

Lu Qingjiu said, finally summed up the matter: "So the Baiyue Fox is actually a special fox. It's okay to lose the tail, right?"

Yin Xun nodded in pain, and Bai Yuehu hummed faintly.

"Then you guys, I'll go to the kitchen to cook first." Lu Qingjiu stood up, ended the topic neatly, and turned to the kitchen.

Yin Xun originally wanted to go, but Bai Yuehu gave him a look to signal him to stay. Although Yin Xun was scared, he could only sit on the stool in fear while trembling inwardly.

Lu Qingjiu's back disappeared in the living room, leaving Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun looking at each other.

"You know what to say, right?" Bai Yuehu said.

"Clear and clear." Yin Xun resolutely said, "Big Brother Bai, I will never expose you!"-You see, this identity crisis is not because you encountered a fake fox tail of poor quality!

Bai Yuehu said: "Well, go."

Yin Xun stood up and rushed into the kitchen, not daring to stay with Bai Yuehu for another minute.

Lu Qingjiu in the kitchen was bowing his head and picking vegetables. He heard Yin Xun's footsteps and didn't turn his head. Yin Xun walked gently behind Lu Qingjiu and was about to ask him what to do. Then he heard his head lowered. Lu Qingjiu asked calmly, "What is the white moon fox?"

Yin Xun: "..."

Lu Qingjiu continued: "Isn't it a fox?" He hasn't seen the prototype of Baiyue Fox, so he can't tell, but he doesn't understand why Baiyue Fox always hides his identity. Is his original body very special?

Yin Xun got goose bumps on his back because of Lu Qingjiu's words. He could even feel the white moon fox's eyes go through the wall and fall on himself. As long as one answer is not good, I'm afraid today's lunch will be He is on the road.

Yin Xun, a helpless, poor and weak mountain god, under the coercion of a powerful force, finally betrayed his friend and betrayed his lack of conscience. He said, "The white moon fox is a fox."

Lu Qingjiu turned his head and glanced at Yin Xun.

Yin Xun pretended to be calm: "What do you see me doing?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Um... Although curiosity is not a good thing, I am really curious."

Yin Xun: "..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Forget it, let's not talk about this." He felt that Baiyue Fox is indeed not a fox, but he really doesn't understand why Baiyue Fox is so taboo against his true body, as if people would know it. What horrible things happen. But since Bai Yuehu is so unwilling to confess, he doesn't bother to ask, as long as he knows that the white moon fox has no worries, and now the tail and the body of the white moon are separated, then he can be alone every day Sleeping beautifully with his tail in his arms, there is no need to squeeze a bed with the white moon fox. Thinking about it this way, Lu Qingjiu even wanted to laugh.

Yin Xun saw Lu Qingjiu's look unclear, and thought he was upset, so he confessed to himself: "Drink, there are things I don't know are more happy than I know!"

Lu Sake: "Not insects and reptiles?"

Yin Xun shook his head slightly: "Of course not, it's a fox, it's a fox."

Lu Qingjiu: "Why is it a fox?"

Yin Xun said: "Who wouldn't like a big fluffy fox?" Especially humans who like to look at their looks.

Lu Qingjiu actually thought this was quite reasonable. Although he didn't want to admit it, when he saw the big furry tail of the white moon fox, he was indeed very happy and even a little excited. The allure of the nine furry tails is too great...

Lu Qingjiu said: "Well, let's eat green pepper scrambled eggs at noon."

Yin Xun: "..." Your topic turns a bit fast.

Bai Yuehu originally thought that Lu Qingjiu would continue to doubt his identity, but who knew that since then Lu Qingjiu never mentioned it, as if he had found nothing at all. But there was one thing that made Baiyue Fox a little dissatisfied, that is, Lu Qingjiu's attitude towards the tail was much gentler than he was...

Sleeping at night, Lu Qingjiu was happily retracting into the bed with his big tail, rubbing his face, and fell asleep.

After Bai Yuehu lost his tail, he also lost the right to sleep on the kang with Lu Qingjiu, and was persuaded to the guest room next to him-he was not afraid of the cold anyway.

Just a few days later, Lu Qingjiu was still unable to extricate himself in the gentle village of his tail, but he didn't know that one day when he was still asleep, Bai Yuehu walked into his room and stared at the sleeping Lu Qingjiu expression. unknown.

The next morning, Lu Qingjiu woke up from the empty bed, feeling as if there was something missing by his side. He stretched out his hand and found his tail in horror...Oh no, the tail of the white moon fox was missing.

"Yuehu Yuehu." Wearing pajamas and slippers, Lu Qingjiu, who had lost his big tail, rushed into Baiyuehu's room and shouted, "The big thing is not good!"

Bai Yuehu said: "What?"

"Your tail is gone!" Lu Qingjiu said, "I obviously slept with your tail in my arms last night, but I came together this morning and found that your tail is gone!"

White Moon Fox: "Nothing?"

"Really gone." Lu Qingjiu said anxiously, "I searched the whole room and didn't see it."

"Don't worry." Baiyuehu comforted Lu Qingjiu in this way, "When the next spring comes, I will have a new tail again."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Huh?"

Baiyue Fox: "Wait a little longer."

Lu Qingjiu's eyes widened. From Bai Yuehu's tone, he realized that he was really not joking: "Can it grow again?"

Baiyue Fox: "Of course."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned. For the first time he heard that the fox's tail could grow out after it fell. Could it be that the white moon fox is not a fox but a gecko? But Yin Xun said that the white moon fox is not a reptile...

Lu Qingjiu who lost his tail seemed to have lost his soul, and the worst thing was that the little fox was also taken away by Su Yan. In a short winter, he lost two of his most precious treasures to soothe the soul.

Lu Qingjiu received a heavy blow.

At noon that day, Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun rarely ate instant noodles.

Yin Xun stared at the instant noodle box in front of him, took a fork and snorted, "Why did you offend him?"

White Moon Fox: "..."

Yin Xun said, "If you are in a bad mood, we have to eat instant noodles."

Baiyue Fox hesitated for a while: "I took my tail back and told him that it will only appear again in spring."

Yin Xun: "Why?"

Baiyue Fox is not straightforward and strong: "He holds his tail every day."

Yin Xun was stunned: "Does he hold you if he doesn't hold his tail?"

White Moon Fox: "I don't mind."

Yin Xun: "..." But Lu Qingjiu minds! Of course, he didn't dare to say, he just took a sip of the soup to calm himself down, so as not to say anything irreversible. He thought for a while and said, "Well, let's get two more ears out and let Lu Qingjiu touch it. Touch, solve gluttonous, you know, he likes furry things..."

The White Moon Fox frowned.

Yin Xun said, "Otherwise, he will easily get lost in cooking!"

This sentence finally touched Bai Yuehu, and he nodded, agreeing to Yin Xun's proposal.

So that night, Lu Qingjiu, who had been depressed for a day, saw Bai Yuehu suddenly sit down in front of him with a solemn expression. Lu Qingjiu was taken aback by his expression. He was about to ask what was going on, so he heard Bai Yuehu say: "You don't have a tail and ears."-Anyway, ears are impossible.

When his words fell, two fluffy ears appeared on his head. Those two ears were white and soft, and they shook slightly, staring at Lu Qingjiu directly, and he said: "I , Can I touch it?"

White Moon Fox: "Yes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hands, one left and one right, and firmly grasped his two ears. The ears were warm, soft and warm when pinched in his hands, like two hand warmers.

"Ok... so soft." Lu Qingjiu said, "White Moon Fox, you are too cute." Regardless of what species the White Moon Fox is, as long as he has long ears and a tail, he is the most beautiful vixen in his mind. If Lu Qingjiu's thoughts were made known to Yin Xun, it is estimated that Yin Xun would bitterly scold Lu Qingjiu, a superficial human.

Bai Yuehu calmly accepted Lu Qingjiu's praise and said, "Go to sleep."

Lu Qingjiu nodded happily.

Finally, with Yin Xun’s suggestion, Bai Yuehu successfully returned to the bed of Lu Qingjiu. Although the price paid was to show his ears and pinch Lu Qingjiu, what was the price? Baiyuehu didn’t care at all. .

It's just that, and the year of the year is coming soon.

This is the first year that Lu Qingjiu has spent here since he came back. Naturally, he wanted to celebrate. Both Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun agreed with this. Bai Yuehu said that he could bring a lot of fresh ingredients back, while Yin Xun said he could help Lu Sake in the kitchen.

Before the New Year, Lu Qingjiu also received a phone call from Su Yan. On the phone Su Yan asked Lu Qingjiu what the woman in Su Ximao was.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a few seconds, only to remember that there was a little Yushi concubine hidden in Su Xi's collar... In fact, if it hadn't been for Su Yan's question, he had completely forgotten about it.

"Su Xi's mother thought that Su Xi had fleas." Su Yan said, "As a result, a little man was picked off from his body while taking a bath."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm sorry, I'll ask Bai Yuehu to pick her up tomorrow." Thinking about it carefully, they planed the graves of the Yushi concubine, and it was a bit wrong to treat her so crudely.

"Don't bother Baiyue Fox." Su Yan said, "When the year is over, I will send her back to you with Su Xi."

Lu Qingjiu: "Um...Alright."

"Mr. Lu, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance." Su Yan said.

"Thank you, and happy new year for you." Lu Qingjiu laughed.

Because of the autumn festivals in the fall and the harsh weather in winter, the spring flavor of Shuifu Village is not strong. But this can't stop Lu Qingjiu's enthusiasm for the New Year. He had prepared the New Year's use before the beginning of winter, and even bought a few red lanterns and window grilles to decorate the house with joy.

Baiyue Fox went out and brought back a lot of fresh vegetables and meat, most of which were rare and exotic animals he caught from the mountains, and some vegetables he bought directly from the city.

It's just a pity that there is no signal on the TV at home, and the most representative Spring Festival Gala is missing, but it's enough for a family to get together and have a warm New Year's Eve dinner.

Lu Qingjiu prepared a new year's eve dinner menu and arranged a table of good dishes. He made fish, stewed chicken, fried many dishes, and even kneaded a large bowl of glutinous rice **** with sesame filling. Dumplings are naturally to be eaten, but Lu Qingjiu didn't cook too much. It just means cooking a bowl by himself.

On the New Year's Day, the weather was not bad, at least there was no snow, Lu Qingjiu set a firecracker in the yard. The sound of crackling is extremely lively. This is a custom in the village. Even the poorest people will set off a string of firecrackers on the Spring Festival, which means to drive away the unhappiness of last year and welcome a new, beautiful year.

The red firecrackers and confetti fell on the white snow, like withered red plums, looking very beautiful.

"Would you like to set off some fireworks?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Did you buy it?" Yin Xun was a little curious, since his grandparents passed away, he hasn't had a lively Spring Festival for a long time. This is a very important festival for the Chinese, but it is very ordinary to him, and it is the same as a day.

"I bought it." Lu Qingjiu laughed, "I asked Baiyue Fox to buy it back when I went to the city." This place is not forbidden, so fireworks and firecrackers are not banned, so I asked Baiyue Fox to buy some back, he thought Make the family livelier this year.

"Let's put the food after eating." Yin Xun said, "otherwise the food will be cold."

"Also." Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's go, Yuehu, I'm going to eat."

The three and two pigs returned to the house and began to enjoy a delicious New Year's Eve meal. There are more than a dozen good dishes on the table, which are enough for the three of them to eat and get drunk. Lu Qingjiu also took out his own wine, and one person poured a glass.

The room was warm, accompanied by laughter, conversation, and the ringing of bells. This is how the new year came.

When it was almost time to eat, the three of them returned to the yard, one with a firework in his hand. These pyrotechnics have different shapes and are lit by a ball of flame, bursting out with brilliant light.

Yin Xun was happily like a child, running around in the snow with a smile on his face. Bai Yuehu stood behind him with beautiful light imprinted in his black eyes. Lu Qingjiu said loudly, "Happy New Year everyone!" As he said, he took out four neat red packets from his pocket and gave Yin Xun Baiyue Fox Xiaohua Xiaohe one one.

"You also give me the red envelope, is this appropriate?" Yin Xun said no, but he was still very honest. He stuffed the red envelope into his pocket, revealing the lovely tiger tooth at the corner of his mouth, "Thank you. dad."

Lu Qingjiu: "Hey, good son." After he said this, he turned his gaze to Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu pinched the red envelope and glanced at Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu miraculously understood the meaning of his eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "Just take it, you don't need to call me father."

Bai Yuehu silently put the red envelope away.

Who would have thought that the richest person in this family is actually Lu Qingjiu, an ordinary person.

After the Spring Festival, a dozen days later, this difficult winter will be over, the snow will melt and everything will recover. New things are always full of hope, and people can't help but look forward to the coming new year.

Lu Qingjiu still has many plans. He plans to raise a colony of honey for home consumption by bees next year. He also plans to plant some fruit trees around the yard. After a few years, the fruit trees in the yard will be full in autumn. The red and yellow fruits must look beautiful.

As the night got deeper, Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu bid farewell and went home. Lu Qingjiu was also a little sleepy after the night watch, so Bai Yuehu asked Bai Yuehu to clean up the table tomorrow and cook the kang to go to bed.

The quilt was warm with a pleasant temperature. Lu Qingjiu pinched Baiyue Fox’s ears and chatted with him in the quilt: "Would you not itchy if you pinch it?"

"No." Bai Yuehu said, "I don't feel it."

Lu Qingjiu was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then asked, "Will the tail grow back in spring?"

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Lu Qingjiu was relieved now. Half of his face was shrunk into the bedding, and a pair of sleepy eyes appeared. He seemed to be about to fall asleep. He said, "That's good... the tail is gone... Startled me..."

Bai Yuehu lay next to Lu Qingjiu, and turned his eyes slightly to see Lu Qingjiu's face.

Lu Qingjiu is a person who feels very comfortable, warm but not hot, making people want to approach, and will not be burned after approaching.

The white moon fox encountered such a human for the first time.

After a long time, he still has not successfully integrated into the human world. It's not that he can't, but he doesn't want it.

Bai Yuehu didn't bother to do this kind of thing that was bothersome and unpleasant.

Like him, there are many gods and big demons. They can't understand many things that humans pursue. The only thing he is interested in is human food, but these foods are sometimes mixed with many other things, which makes people lose their appetite immediately.

But what Lu Qingjiu did was very pure. He didn't make any demands on Baiyue Fox from beginning to end, and he didn't even repay his favor. After knowing that he is not a human being, some people that Bai Yuehu has met will have some changes in attitudes. Some are more intimate, but there is a kindness in this intimacy, and some become indifferent and start to fear and flee.

Only Lu Qingjiu still regarded him as an ordinary tenant.

The people around him had already fallen asleep, but they still refused to let go of the furry ears in his hand. Bai Yuehu felt a little helpless, but in the end he didn't remove Lu Qingjiu's hand and just let him go.

At the beginning of the new year, there should always be something new.

Lu Qingjiu got up in the morning and cooked four glutinous rice **** for them alone. This glutinous rice ball is not the same as usual. One is as big as a half fist, and the bread is filled with black sesame filling. It is sweet and waxy when you bite it down.

The four glutinous rice **** are the custom that Lu Qingjiu told him when he was a child. It means that the four seasons of the New Year will be complete and smooth.

After eating the glutinous rice balls, Lu Qingjiu gave them a bowl of dumplings. The dumplings contained pork cabbage and pork sauerkraut. The taste of cabbage was lighter, but more delicious. The pork sauerkraut was very appetizing, and even Lu Qingjiu could be eaten in one bite. More than twenty.

After eating, Lu Qingjiu planned to go to the grave. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. When paying ancestors, Lu Qingjiu was not very particular about these, but he wanted to clean the grave at home.

Yin Xun originally wanted to go with him, but Lu Qingjiu refused, saying that he wanted to go alone. Yin Xun looked at Lu Sake and hesitated to say something, but seeing Lu Sake's firm attitude, he could only agree.

Fortunately, the weather is good today, there is no snow, although the mountain road is difficult to walk, but the cemetery is near the village, so there is no need to worry about it being too troublesome.

Lu Qingjiu carried a bag with paper money and incense candles prepared for his grandmother in the bag, and set off.

Following the small road in the village, I quickly left Shuifu Village. Lu Qingjiu didn't see anyone in the village along the way, but then again, since the winter, the whole Shuifu Village seems to have entered a hibernation state. , Everyone is not going out. But it's normal to think about it, and there is nothing to do when I come out this big winter, so I might as well be active in my own yard.

Because of the snow, the cemetery was almost completely covered. Lu Qingjiu could only rely on his memory to find his grandma's tombstone. Fortunately, he was lucky and soon found the tombstone. He cleaned up the snow on the top, then lit joss sticks below, and burned some paper money.

"Grandma, what did you give me." Lu Qingjiu said while burning the paper and facing the tombstone. "A monk named Xuanyu came to the house. He said he knew you, is he your former friend?"

The grandmother on the stone tablet can't speak naturally. She returned to youth in the black and white photos, still with a gentle smile in her eyes, just like Lu Qingjiu's appearance.