MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 67 Wound and tail

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Because Bai Yuehu was still waiting, Lu Qingjiu did not dare to cook too complicated dishes, but chose the simplest dishes. He stewed a large pot of braised beef with a pressure cooker, and then brought it into the bedroom.

The smell of beef permeated the room, but the white moon fox who had just passed out opened his eyes. He didn't speak when he woke up. He picked up his chopsticks and quickly ate up the food Lu Qingjiu had prepared for him.

"Do you want more?" Lu Qingjiu felt that he was definitely not full.

Bai Yuehu shook his head and signaled that he would like to sleep for a while and add food tomorrow morning.

Lu Qingjiu looked at the blood on his body and was a little worried: "You go to sleep, I will clean up your body with a hot towel."

Bai Yuehu nodded, closing his eyes and fell asleep again. He was still wearing that black robe, and the blood coagulated on the robe exuded a strong blood.

Lu Qingjiu gently took off the white moon fox's black robe, and saw the wound on the body of the white moon fox because of the fight. Compared with the last time, the wound seemed to be more serious this time. The wound almost covered the body of the White Moon Fox, but fortunately it did not seem to have hurt the vitals, and the blood had stopped.

Lu Qingjiu took hot water and towels, helped Bai Yuehu clean up the wound, and simply wrapped it up with gauze. But Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to use too much medicine on Baiyue Fox, for fear of destroying his own self-healing ability.

Seeing the random wounds on Bai Yuehu's beautiful body, Lu Qingjiu was particularly distressed, and his hand movements were as light as possible, for fear of awakening Bai Yuehu. After treating the wound, Lu Qingjiu put Baiyuehu on the soft bed, covered him with the bedding and turned off the light before leaving.

"Brother Lu, how's Mr. Bai?" Jiang Buhuan asked uneasyly at the door. Although he didn't see the injuries on the white moon fox, he could guess that the white moon fox must have been badly injured. In that way, the two behemoths are fighting, and the sky will be broken when they go down. He thought he was asleep at the time, but after thinking about it, he was fainted.

"Sleep." Lu Qingjiu said, "I have some injuries on his body, but it should be fine. Do you see who won in the end?"

"No." Jiang Buhuan said honestly, "I fainted halfway through it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Fainted?"

"Yeah." Jiang Buhuan said, "their fight was too big, I didn't hold on." He just cleaned the serum from his face.

"Oh, you go and rest." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'll just be there."

Jiang Buhuan nodded, and then went back to sleep.

When Yin Xun could go home, Jiang Buhuan felt uneasy. Finally, Lu Qingjiu decided to guard the white moon fox all night, so that no one would do anything if the white moon fox woke up at night and wanted to eat. The white moon fox was still asleep, but the slight frowning of his brows showed that he was not sleeping securely.

Lu Qingjiu sat beside him, reading a book quietly with a small light on. Although Baiyue Fox has been a tenant for almost a year, the house is still empty. Except for a few daily clothes, there are only the simplest daily necessities. Other than that, there is no life. Mark of. Even if it disappears, it seems to be just a time to turn around.

The book in Lu Qingjiu's hand is called "Zibuyu", which is about some folk strange things. Since he learned about the unscientific side of the world, his readers have become these strange and strange ancient books. The more, the more interested in another world.

It was late at night, and after the moon rose, the wind blowing through the window was cold. Lu Qingjiu felt a little tired, but he suppressed the tumbling sleepiness and took a sip of the cold tea in front of him. The white moon fox behind him let out a slight groan/groan. Lu Qingjiu thought that Bai Yuehu was awake when he heard it, and hurriedly turned his head to look, but through the moonlight he saw that the white moon fox was still closed and still asleep. This soft groan seemed to be because he turned over and hit the wound. Lu Qingjiu stepped forward slowly when he saw it, and stretched out his hand to gently help Bai Yuehu adjust his posture. Bai Yuehu's frowning brows were slightly loosened.

What should I do for him tomorrow morning? After so many injuries, he must have shed a lot of blood. Lu Qingjiu thought in his heart that he would cook a few more eggs for the white moon fox in the morning to make good health.

Lu Qingjiu just sat on the side of the bed and stayed up until the morning light appeared on the horizon. In the second half of the night, in order to expel his tiredness, he poured a few cups of strong tea. He drank and waited. By daybreak he was already too sleepy and it didn’t feel like To sleepy.

Lu Qingjiu guessed that the white moon fox was about to wake up, so he went to the kitchen to boil water to prepare for cooking. He knew that the white moon fox likes to eat meat, so he simply stewed a pot of chicken soup. Although the chicken soup was weird in the morning, the white moon fox I should like it.

The white moon fox sleeps very lightly, but he sleeps very deep. He knows that Lu Qingjiu is by his side, sitting not far from him.

This made Bai Yuehu put down his vigilance and plunged his body into the soft mattress. He smelled the light tea fragrance, which has been lingering in the room, filling him with a sense of security.

Bai Yuehu didn't remember what happened afterwards, because he really fell asleep.

Lu Qingjiu finished his breakfast, and when he returned to Baiyuehu's bedroom again, Baiyuehu had already woke up and sat on the bed with his eyes closed and rested. Lu Qingjiu hurriedly said, "Yuehu, are you hungry? I will prepare it for you. It's breakfast."

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly brought over the food prepared in the kitchen. It was a large pot of stewed chicken and a large bowl of chicken noodles. The taste was very light and suitable for a newly injured body like Baiyue Fox.

Baiyue Fox picked up the food, but did not eat it directly, but said, "Where is Jiang Buhuan?"

Lu Qingjiu thought he was worried about Jiang Buhuan's safety: "He was slightly injured, and it seems that there is nothing serious. He is sleeping. Do you want me to call him over?"

Baiyue Fox frowned: "Why hasn't he gone yet."

Lu Qingjiu almost didn't get choked by these words, crying and laughing: "Can he go?"

"Naturally, I can leave, otherwise I will spend so much time doing what." Bai Yuehu felt a little unhappy when he thought that Jiang Buhuan would have to eat breakfast at home, "Let him go, hurry up."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said yes.

After saying this, the white moon fox slowly began to eat the food in front of him.

Lu Qingjiu gently watched the white moon fox eating noodles. Yin Xun also came over. He sniffed the chicken soup and walked to the door of the white moon fox's bedroom, but he didn't dare to come in, so he looked inward with his head and just saw it. Lu Qingjiu's fatherly eyes and smile.

Yin Xun: "..." Okay, there is another son in the family, just in response to the national second-child policy.

After Bai Yuehu finished his meal, he went back to sleep. Lu Qingjiu felt a little sleepy after he packed his things. When he got out of the bedroom door, he saw Yin Xun who was a thief.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Qingjiu reached out and patted his head.

"I'm not looking at the love between your father and son...ahhh, do you see the friendship between you two last." Yin Xun said, "Have you stayed all night?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Well, do you have breakfast? I'll make rice with chicken soup."

Yin Xun said, "Eat, you can go to sleep after eating."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Are you here to guard?"

Yin Xun scratched his head: "It's okay to guard, that is, you have to say hello to Bai Yuehu, so that he doesn't attack my tender sex..." Otherwise, he said, he probably won't even have the chance to rebirth. .

Lu Qingjiu showed helplessness and said hello.

Lu Qingjiu went to grab some pickles and mixed them with sesame oil. Then they ate a bowl of hot chicken soup with the pickles and Yin Xun, and saw Jiang Buhuan wake up as soon as he finished eating. He probably got up last night. I didn't sleep too well, and my eyes were green.

"Good morning." He greeted Lu Lu Sake.

"Good morning." Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's have breakfast together."

Jiang Buhuan nodded happily. His happiest time here is three meals a day. The rice is soft in the chicken soup, sprinkled with chopped green onion, the pickles are refreshing and delicious, with sesame oil and spicy, chewing in your mouth perfectly to relieve the greasy feeling of the chicken soup. Jiang Buhuan was eating happily when he heard Lu Qingjiu's sentence: "Bai Yuehu said that what he wanted to kill you has been solved, and you can leave Shuifu Village."

"Is it solved?" Jiang Buhuan felt a sense of loss in his heart when he heard this.

"Yeah." Lu Qingjiu said, "He said that, it should be all right."

Jiang Buhuan said, "That...that's all right."

Lu Qingjiu said: "You can buy a train ticket for the afternoon. I will sleep for a while and get up and send you to the town." He felt that Jiang Buhuan, a kid, should want to leave. After all, Shuifu Village is so remote and backward. Basically, it is only suitable for people with an old-age mentality to stay here.

"Okay." When things were handled, Jiang Buhuan didn't have any excuses to stay here. He ate the chicken soup and rice in front of him without a taste, and asked in a low voice, "Then...Can I still come later? ?"

Lu Qingjiu looked surprised.

"I mean to come and play during my vacation in the future." Jiang Buhuan explained quickly, "I will pay for the accommodation, and I won't bother you too much..."

"Okay." Lu Qingjiu laughed. He didn't expect Jiang Buhuan to actually like Shuifu Village. "Welcome." But celebrities are always busy. I'm afraid Jiang Buhuan doesn't have much time to spend in Shuifu Village.

"Great." Jiang Buhuan said, "You helped me solve so many troubles, and I don't know how to thank you."

"No need." Lu Qingjiu said, "This is not your own trouble." If Baiyuehu's statement is true, then Jiang Buhuan is just a poor person implicated in, the ultimate goal of the black hand behind the scenes is actually still Shuifu Village and Baiyue Fox, he wanted to use Jiang Buhuan’s death to pollute Baiyue Fox, but he didn’t know what this pollution meant...

Jiang Buhuan seemed to understand but didn't understand, but when Lu Qingjiu didn't intend to explain, he couldn't ask any more.

After boiled all night, Lu Qingjiu was also a little sleepy. After eating, he went to sleep and got out of bed until the afternoon. After getting up, he went to confirm Bai Yuehu's condition--no, to be precise, he confirmed that Yin Xun was still alive.

"Woo, I'm so scared." Yin Xun, who was in a room with Bai Yuehu alone, gnawed his hand halfway with nervousness, "Otherwise, I will send Jiang Buhuan away. Will you guard him?"

Lu Qingjiu: "He woke up midway?"

Yin Xun: "Woke up, he woke up halfway and came to see me, and asked me Lu Qingjiu, I said I was sleeping, and he said let me stay away from him, or I would lose my sleep and eat me irresponsibly."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Why does he think that Bai Yuehu is disgusting Yin Xun.

Yin Xun said sadly: "I'm just a poor, weak and helpless mountain god, why do you treat me this way."

In the end, Lu Qingjiu reluctantly agreed to Yin Xun's proposal and asked him to pick up Jiang Buhuan in the small truck. After all, Yin Xun's hand had already been gnawed away because of nervousness, and if he continued to gnaw, who knows when it will grow out. People eat hands and hands are all cute adjectives, but his stupid son is really cheating.

So Yin Xun happily took the task and went to send Jiang Buhuan, changing for Lu Qingjiu to guard the sleeping White Moon Fox in the house.

Other animals are a little afraid of the white moon fox, but the strange thing is that from the moment he saw the white moon fox, Lu Qingjiu hardly had any fear of him. In his opinion, the white moon fox is just the most It's just an ordinary vixen, nothing terrible.

About three or four o’clock in the afternoon, Bai Yuehu finally woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Qingjiu leaning against the window to read a book. The warm sunlight shining on his cheeks gave him black skin. His hair was coated with a layer of ambiguous gold, and the light blurred Lu Qingjiu's lines, as if he was about to disappear with the light.

"Lu Qingjiu." Baiyuehu called his name, as if chanting a spell to call him back.

Lu Qingjiu moved his body and looked up at Bai Yuehu. When he saw him waking up, his usual gentle smile appeared on his face: "You are awake."

"Yeah." Bai Yuehu watched him walk quickly to him, staring at him against the light, but the position of his chest swelled, as if something was about to gush out from it, making him involuntarily pursing his lips slightly. Afraid of revealing emotions.

"Are you hungry?" There are not many facts that Lu Qingjiu can do for Baiyue Fox. Fortunately, one of them is what Baiyue Fox needs most.

White Moon Fox nodded. Yesterday's fight consumed too much of his strength and needed a long supplement and recovery.

"I'll make it for you." Lu Qingjiu said, "What do you want to eat?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Anything is fine."

Lu Qingjiu muttered: "Then cook some pig's feet for you, and then fry some fried rice."

Bai Yuehu said: "It's all right."

Lu Qingjiu turned around and went to the kitchen. These items were all ready-made. I was prepared before because I was worried that the white moon fox would have nothing to eat after waking up. After he quickly finished it, he arrived at Bai Yuehu's bedroom, but found that the bedroom was empty, without the figure of Bai Yuehu.

"Yuehu?" Lu Qingjiu called out a little flustered.

"I'm here." Bai Yuehu's voice came from the courtyard.

Lu Qingjiu walked into the yard and saw Bai Yuehu sitting on the rocking chair again. He said, "I want to bask in the sun."

Lu Qingjiu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and walked to his side, and put the food on the stone platform: "Eat it."

Baiyue Fox raised his hand and began to eat slowly.

The sunshine in spring is indeed the best. The cool wind brought scattered peach petals from nowhere. Some fell in the mud of the yard, and some fell on the black hair of the white moon fox. Lu Qingjiu stood up suddenly, walked behind Baiyuehu, lowered his head and tied the hair of Baiyuehu behind his head, and simply tied it together.

"Will they come again?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Yeah." Baiyue Fox said, "where there is light, there is a shadow. As long as the light is still there, the shadow will not be destroyed."

Lu Qingjiu said, "This is what you have done for generations?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu sighed lightly.

Bai Yuehu said: "By the way, I have something to show you."

Lu Qingjiu: "What?"

He originally thought it was something very important, he watched Bai Yuehu stand up, and then pointed his **** at Lu Qingjiu with a serious face. Before Lu Qingjiu could react, he saw nine white furry tails from Baiyue. The tail of the fox appeared, and Baiyue Fox’s voice came over: "Look, it has grown."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Baiyue Fox: "I said it will grow in spring."

Lu Qingjiu's shoulders trembled, and he tried hard to hold back his laugh, but failed. The whole person who laughed was bent over, and even his tears came out laughing.

Bai Yuehu looked at Lu Sake suspiciously: "What are you laughing at?"

"No...nothing." Lu Qingjiu felt that his own vixen was so cute, he couldn't even hold it back. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he hugged the nine fluffy fox tails, feeling the smoothness of the tail after rubbing against his cheeks. Touch, "I like you so much."

White Moon Fox: "Like me?"

Lu Qingjiu kissed his tail fiercely, "Of course."

Bai Yuehu looked at Lu Qingjiu suspiciously, and turned his head back and muttered quietly. Lu Qingjiu stood behind him, naturally he heard Baiyuehu’s small complaints clearly. What Baiyuehu said was: You obviously like it. It's a furry thing.

"Where is it." Lu Qingjiu defended, "Who told you I like furry things?"

Baiyue Fox: "Humans like it." His tail trembled, "I don't like what you hold."

Lu Qingjiu said: "I like your tail because he belongs to you. If he is someone else's, I might not like it."

Bai Yuehu didn't speak, but he obviously didn't believe Lu Qingjiu's words, huh, humans always lie at their fingertips. He said that. When he really saw his prototype, he turned around and ran away. Otherwise, how did Ye Gonghaolong come from? .

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly: "You see I haven't coveted his father's tail, right?"

Bai Yuehu looked through Lu Qingjiu's soul mercilessly: "That's because he didn't show it."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He couldn't refute it.

"And he only has a bald tail now." Bai Yuehu said, "I lost all the extra hair to make a plush coat. Is it warm?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Warm."

White Moon Fox: "Good."

Lu Qingjiu couldn't laugh or cry immediately. He wanted to explain to Bai Yuehu that he actually didn't value furry that much, but he felt that the hands holding the tail seemed to be unconvincing. Finally, he could only sigh and rub his big furry tail. Say: "Even if I like furry, but I like you better."

Bai Yuehu raised his eyebrows: "Is the tail hard to hold, or the coat is hard to wear?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Baiyue Fox is unreasonable, and angry: "I'm just furry."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Okay, it's better for him to skip this topic.

So Bai Yuehu sat back in his rocking chair and proudly lent his tail to Lu Qingjiu to hold it. The touch of this tail is really the same as it really is. Not only is it warm, but it also moves. It is likable to wrap around Lu Qingjiu's waist, but the question is, how did the tail come from? It's Baiyue Fox's gambling coat Did you gamble like that? Or... he eats the rest?

Lu Qingjiu is a bit tangled. Compared with before, the hair on his tail is more luxuriant and smoother. It is very comfortable to hold like a big baby doll. The most amazing thing is that it can still be wrapped around people, Lu The sake was leaning on it as if leaning on a cushion, coupled with the warmth of the sun, and soon fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, the sun was already west. He opened his eyes and saw the white moon fox's side face. A peach blossom petal fell on the tip of the white moon fox's nose. Lu Qingjiu stretched out his fingers and gently Take the petals up.

Bai Yuehu was awakened by surprise. He also opened his eyes, with some dim sleepiness in his eyes. He turned his head and made a natural hum, bringing Lu Qingjiu into his arms.

This is probably a sequelae left after sleeping together in winter. At that time, Lu Qingjiu was in good posture when he fell asleep, but they woke up from the arms of the white moon fox almost every morning.

"Um..." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm up, I haven't cooked dinner yet."

Bai Yuehu said: "Stop eating."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said: "Okay, stop making trouble, you just got injured, how can you not eat?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's not very hungry."

Although Bai Yuehu said that he was not hungry, Lu Qingjiu still struggled to crawl out of his arms. He checked the time and it was more than six in the afternoon, but Yin Xun, who had gone to send Jiang Buhuan to him, had not yet returned.

Isn't something wrong? Lu Qingjiu was a little worried, and quickly took out his cell phone and called Yin Xun.

After the call was connected, Yin Xun's voice came from the other end, and he said, "Drink, don't worry about me, I will be back later."

"What's wrong?" Lu Qingjiu asked suspiciously.

Yin Xun said, "Oh, it's no big deal, but after sending Jiang Buhuan away, I found a red rash on my butt. I went to the clinic to get some medicine. The doctor said I was allergic and asked me to get a needle and go back."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He remembered that Yin Xun seemed to be allergic to slugs, but wasn't it serious before? Why did he suddenly fall ill today?

Yin Xun explained it in a perfunctory way: "I'm also surprised. The doctor said it might be spring. Spring is a period of high incidence of diseases..."

Lu Qingjiu: "Well then, you come back early."

Yin Xun hung up the phone silently, and looked at the screen of the mobile phone to cry secretly. He also wanted to go back, but this afternoon someone sent him a text message saying that he was not allowed to show up in front of him before six o'clock, or he would directly Kill the meat. He didn't have a good idea, so he could only bite the bullet and let the pickup truck carry this scapegoat. This was the first time he received a text message from Baiyuehu. When he received the message, he was still thinking that Baiyuehu had changed his **** and sent him a message. Who knew that once the message was opened, he saw Baiyue. The fox wanted his life.

"Woo, drunk, you have to take care of your body at home." Yin Xun wiped his tears and worried about his friend, "Don't go back, I saw that the white moon fox chewed you only a bone frame. ......" Lu Qingjiu is not like him, it can regenerate after eating it, but after all, it's a question of how to eat it.

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