MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 68 Broken cage

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Lu Qingjiu took a nap, feeling his fatigue swept away. Seeing it was getting late, he got up to make dinner.

Yin Xun came back quite late, and when he came back, his expression was very resentful. Lu Qingjiu thought he was given an injection, and didn't think much about it. He didn't know how life threatened his poor little son was.

After Jiang Buhuan left, they resumed their usual peaceful lives. The family's farming work was never finished, and the two little white pigs raised in the family also grew into big pigs. The two little white pigs were bought together when the little black flowers came, but the little black flowers still looked like little pigs, and the little white pigs had become big pigs. In order to make them survive the winter, Lu Qingjiu has not forgotten to let Yin Xun cook them a pot of charcoal every day, and cook a pot of hot pig food. In Yin Xun's words, he makes two pee and poop. The pig is pulling the big one.

"So what do you want to say to them now?" Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun. The big white pigs have been raised for a year and they are almost old. If they are raised again, the meat will grow old, so he plans to find a good day to kill the pigs. To eat meat.

"I want to say." Yin Xun said, "I hope their meat is more fragrant."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He thought of Xiao Hua who died young.

Since they decided to eat pork, the task of killing pigs fell into their hands. The village is small and there is no pig killer at all. The villagers raise their own pigs and slaughter them themselves. Although Lu Qingjiu had killed chickens, he hadn't done anything to animals as big as pigs. After asking his neighbors about the process, he was very hopeless.

"It seems to be about tying the pig to the stool and stabbing it with a knife." Yin Xun danced with a borrowed pig-killing knife beside him, "The blood huffed and came down..."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Are you coming? May I press it for you?"

Yin Xun whispered: "But I haven't killed it. This pig is heavier than me."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

The two looked at each other for a moment, and then their eyes floated to the same place-sitting on the white moon fox in the yard.

Lu Qingjiu slowly walked to the side of Baiyue Fox with a pig-killing knife: "Fox."

Bai Yuehu opened his eyes: "Kill the pig?" He had heard the conversation between the two just now.

Lu Qingjiu: "Um...hmm."

Bai Yuehu said: "Okay." He sat up from the chair, reached out and took the knife in Lu Qingjiu's hand, and walked in the direction of the pig pen after he got up. Seeing Lu Qingjiu hurriedly took a basin and followed. Pig blood is a good thing, and it tastes good when used to make blood sausage.

Bai Yuehu arrived at the pigsty with a cold expression, and he reached out and took the pigs out. Others killed the pigs and had to hold the pigs by a few big men. He didn't use it at all. A few hundred catties of fat pigs were in his hands. Just like a small animal, there is no struggle. Then the red knife came in and the white knife came out. With a determined and indifferent expression, Yin Xun, who was watching, felt that his neck was inexplicably cold, and he stepped back involuntarily.

Baiyue Fox is a quite competent pig killer. After the killing, he did not forget to divide the pork meat. The pork was quickly divided into several chunks in his hands. Lu Qingjiu took a pork leg and gave it to the next door. Li Xiaoyu's house, the rest is going to make a pork meal.

Unlike the pork bought in the town, their pork is of very good quality and very fragrant. Lu Qingjiu arranges the pork belly, stir-fry the pork, stew a pot of pig’s feet soup, and stewed four pig’s feet and Pig ears and pork head meat are used for cold dressing. In short, every part of the pig body is used to the best.

The fat on the food-fed pigs is much less than that of the feed-fed pigs, but it is very fragrant. It is put in a pot to refine oil, and the remaining oil residue sprinkled with sugar is another side dish.

After killing the pig, the family was as happy as the New Year, even Xiao Hei Xiao Hua got a big boiled stick, chewing with relish.

This April, the weather is getting hotter, and the clothes are getting less and less. At night, Lu Qingjiu brought the pig ears and pig feet that were marinated during the day to the yard, and took a few bottles of cold beer. The three of them ate in the yard. While chatting. The pig's feet and ears are marinated in brine to become soft and glutinous. If you like the spicy taste, you can dip it with chili noodles mixed with sesame and spices.

The weather is very good today, the moon is round, and the atmosphere in the yard is very good. The white moon fox doesn't like to drink, but is still very interested in lo-mei. Yin Xun next to him was talking about some strange things he had encountered after becoming a mountain god. For example, some parents didn't want children and deliberately led the children to the mountain and threw them away, or helped the children find the way and send them down safely.

Lu Qingjiu frowned when he heard it, and was about to say why there are such irresponsible parents, but suddenly there was a loud noise from the horizon. The sound seemed to be the collapse of a mountain, and Lu Qingjiu's ears buzzed, and the face of Bai Yuehu, who had been sitting in the rocking chair calmly, changed drastically, and said, "You stay at home and don't move."

"What's the matter?" Lu Qingjiu asked hurriedly.

Bai Yuehu shook his head and said, "I don't know yet, I'll go and take a look first." He stood up, a dark mist loomed up beside him, and then disappeared in front of Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu had never seen Bai Yuehu with such a solemn look before. He said, "What's the matter?"

Yin Xun said blankly: "The sky seems to be broken..."

Lu Qingjiu: "The sky is broken?" He looked towards Yin Xun's direction and found that innocence seemed to be broken. In the sky that had already dimmed, there was a very long red glow, that glow of glow. Passing through the sky, leaving a dazzling trace in the sky, but there seemed to be dark clouds moving in the glow, as if something was about to gush out from it, making people feel uncomfortable.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun watched together. Although they didn't know what that glow of light meant, it was obviously not a good thing. The black clouds continued to overflow from the glow, and the whole sky seemed to leak. .

Yin Xun's feeling of anxiety grew stronger. He said, "Sake, let's go back to the house."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay."

The two left the yard and returned to the house, closing the doors and windows.

The red glow gradually expanded, Lu Qingjiu watched from a distance, waiting for its change. Yin Xun is more sensitive than Lu Sake, and now he dared not look outside anymore, but shrank in a corner of the room, his body trembling involuntarily. Lu Qingjiu looked at his appearance, worried: "Are you all right, Yin Xun?"

"'s okay." Yin Xun trembled, "Sake, know...the year your parents had an accident, such a glow appeared in the sky."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned.

"Then there will be continuous heavy rain." Yin Xun lowered his head, "I can't feel anything." He was a mountain **** in the mountain, every plant and tree on the mountain, all changes can appear in his heart, but this Xia Guang As soon as he came out, his perception of the mountain seemed to be blocked by a strange force, and everything he could see was nothingness.

Lu Qingjiu thought about the death of his parents. He had always thought that his parents' death was an accident. Although he returned to Shuifu Village with suspicion because of the words of the old tree, he didn't make any special discovery. It was not until his birthday, when he opened the wooden box his grandmother had left him, that he knew that the death of his parents was not an accident.

Outside the Water Mansion, all are foreign realms, what does that foreign realm refer to? Does it refer to the world that Baiyue Fox takes him to? Or is it somewhere else?

The sky was supposed to be dark, but the dazzling sunlight illuminates half of the sky. In such a vision, the entire Shuifu Village fell into silence. It seemed that no villagers were interested in the strange scene in the sky. The doors of all the houses were closed, like a dead grave.

Although he didn't know what happened, Yin Xun fell into unspeakable fear because of instinct. He was afraid of the glow, to be precise, he was afraid of what would overflow in the glow.

Lu Qingjiu was slightly better than Yin Xun. He sat next to the window, staring at Xiaguang intently. The range of the Xiaguang became larger and larger, and more and more black clouds gushing out of it, and then, something seemed to approach the Xiaguang, blocking the gap with its body.

Because of the backlight, Lu Qingjiu couldn't see exactly what it was, but from the outline, it seemed to be a dragon-shaped creature.

Lu Qingjiu stared at the sky, he guessed the identity of the dragon-shaped creature... it was obviously his lazy tenant, Baiyuehu.

Just what is he doing, what does Xiaguang mean? The anxiety in Lu Qingjiu's heart is surging. He knows that the white moon fox's injury has not completely healed. If he fights again, can the white moon fox's body really support it? Lu Qingjiu was very worried, but he was just a mortal, there were too few facts that he could do, and even Bai Yuehu had to be distracted to protect him.

I don't know what the Baiyue Fox did, the sky began to dim, and the sky gradually returned to its former calm appearance.

As Yin Xun expected, large raindrops began to fall, pouring, forming a huge curtain covering the whole world. The rain was so heavy that the big Lu Qingjiu couldn't even hear Yin Xun's muttering, nor could he see what happened to the red glow behind the dark clouds.

Yin Xun, who was shrinking in the corner, suddenly straightened up. He said, "Bai Yuehu is back."

Lu Qingjiu was surprised. He didn't expect Bai Yuehu to come back so soon. Looking out again, he saw the figure of Bai Yuehu in the rain curtain.

Bai Yuehu stood outside the door, beckoning to Lu Sake gently, as if motioning him out.

"Are you going out?" Yin Xun was a little uneasy, " seems very dangerous."

"It's okay." Lu Qingjiu said, "There is a white moon fox."

Yin Xun heard the words and stopped talking, but in the end he said nothing. Lu Sake opened the door and went out. Lu Qingjiu actually has some truth in what he said. After all, if someone really wants to hurt Lu Qingjiu, only Bai Yuehu can protect him.

And he was just a weak mountain god.

Yin Xun smiled bitterly as Lu Sake left the door.

Lu Qingjiu walked into the yard, and the sky was still raining, but the rain fell on Lu Qingjiu's body but was bounced away by an invisible force. White Moon Fox stood at the door of the yard, his black eyes drowning in the night People could not see clearly, he saw Lu Sake's footsteps stopped in front of him, and then stretched out his hand to Lu Sake: "Come with me."

Lu Qingjiu nodded and held Baiyuehu's palm.

Then there was a whirl of heaven and earth, and Lu Qingjiu felt his body fly with the white moon fox. When the white moon fox stopped again, a familiar scene appeared in front of his eyes-a huge deep pit.

This deep pit was the place where Baiyue Fox brought Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun when he was telling horror stories before, but compared to before, the deep pit in front of him has changed dramatically.

On the edge of the deep pit, a huge hole was knocked out, and the dragon trapped inside disappeared, leaving only a pool of stinking silt.

"He escaped." Bai Yuehu said, "may come to you."

"Look for me?" Lu Qingjiu was a little shocked, "What did he come to do with me? Does he want to eat me too?" Although Baiyue Fox said that the dragon did not eat his parents, it was Baiyue after all. In the words of the fox's family, besides, if he didn't do this, why didn't he justify being so cruelly punished?

It was still raining around, and the crackling rain blurred Bai Yuehu’s voice. I don’t know if it was Lu Qingjiu’s illusion. He actually heard a hint of pity in Bai Yuehu’s tone: "I just guessed that. ……after all……"

Lu Qingjiu said, "After all, what?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's nothing."

Lu Qingjiu sensed that Bai Yuehu was hiding something from him, and he said, "Yuehu, what have you not told me?"

Bai Yuehu looked back at Lu Qingjiu, and admitted frankly: "Yeah." He paused for a moment and whispered, "I don't know how to tell you."

Lu Qingjiu sighed: "This dragon is amazing, isn't it?" Trapped in such a pit, his eyes were dug out, but even so, he escaped from the pit.

"Naturally very powerful." Bai Yuehu said, "He was trapped inside before, but it was just because he didn't want to come out."

Lu Qingjiu: "Don't want to?"

Bai Yuehu: "He feels he is wrong."

Lu Qingjiu: "Wrong? He was imprisoned because he ate my parents..." He said here, a little sad, "Why did he do this." He thought of the scene of a funeral for his parents. When he was still in college, he was only a half-year-old child. It was the death of his parents that made him mature quickly, but if he could choose, he would rather grow up like this.

Bai Yuehu stopped talking and said nothing in the end, just stretched out his hand and gently pressed Lu Qingjiu's shoulder.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Does he want to eat me again now?"

White Moon Fox: "I don't know."

Lu Qingjiu smiled bitterly: "The glow of the sky just now..."

Bai Yuehu said, "Xiaguang is just to attract my attention and give him a chance to escape." He sighed again, "He wants to go, there is always a way."

Lu Qingjiu lowered his eyes: "What can I do?"

Bai Yuehu: "Don't be afraid, I will definitely protect you."

Lu Qingjiu felt frustrated: "But I was supposed to guard you, didn't you? What does this kind of guardianship mean? I'm just an ordinary human, and I can't help you even seeing you hurt."

"No." Baiyue Fox's voice softened, "You have power you don't know."

Lu Qingjiu: "I don't know the power?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes." But I hope you never know. He looked at Lu Qingjiu's sad eyes and silently added such a sentence in his heart.

Lu Qingjiu only took Bai Yuehu's words as perfunctory comfort, smiled reluctantly, and stopped talking.

Baiyue Fox had rarely communicated with people. At this time, seeing Lu Qingjiu's strong smile, although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't know how to comfort him, so in the end he could only turn his head and drop one on the top of Lu Qingjiu's hair. A soothing kiss.

Lu Qingjiu fell silent as he looked at the pit in front of him.

Bai Yuehu said: "Let's go back."

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

So Bai Yuehu took Lu Qingjiu home again. Lu Qingjiu was confused. After arriving home, he didn't say hello to Yin Xun, so he went back to the room and rested alone.

Yin Xun looked at Lu Sake's desperate appearance and boldly asked what happened to the white moon fox.

"The imprisoned dragon has escaped." Bai Yuehu said calmly, "may come to Lu Qingjiu."

"What??" Yin Xun showed an incredible color, "Escaped? How could you escape!" When he thought that his friend's life might be coveted by the powerful dragon clan, he became nervous, "Sake, Sake is not dangerous, right!"

White Moon Fox: "I'm here."

Yin Xun said, "I know...but..."

"No but." Baiyue Fox interrupted Yin Xun roughly, "As long as I am alive for one day, I will protect Lu Sake for one day."

Yin Xun gritted his teeth: "But can you guarantee to be with Lu Qingjiu forever?"

Bai Yuehu said coldly: "Why not?"

Yin Xun was dumb, he could naturally see that Bai Yuehu was serious in saying this.

"It's getting late, you should go back and continue the incense." Baiyuehu made a concluding remark for their conversation.

It was still raining heavily outside, and Yin Xun chose to leave. He didn't open his umbrella and couldn't keep off the rain, so he walked back home step by step in embarrassment. The village was quiet like a tomb. Yin Xun pushed open the door of his home and saw the burning incense candles and countless tablets.

Yin Xun looked at the tablet with a smile on his face, but this smile was uglier than crying.

The heavy rain fell all night, as if to wash away the color of the whole world.

Lu Qingjiu sat in his bedroom, looking at the black, scarred scales. This is probably the dragon imprisoned in the pit, so what mood did his grandma leave behind the scales.

Grandpa who has never been mentioned, is it the dragon? But if so, why would he devour his own child and cause an irreversible tragedy?

Lu Qingjiu couldn't understand, and no one could give him the answer.

He looked up from the window, only to see the darkness shrouded in rain. The heavy rain seemed to never stop, just like the day his parents died-the huge mountain collapsed, and the human beings were so small in it, even Finding the corpse became an extravagant hope.

Lu Qingjiu felt that his chest was so tight, he clipped the scales into his notebook and put it in his bedside table. The wooden box with the text lock is locked again. It should be opened only on the birthday. Fortunately, the things in the wooden box have been taken out.

At least three o'clock in the morning, Lu Qingjiu, who was insomnia, barely fell asleep, but the quality of his sleep was so bad that he even dreamed of the imprisoned dragon.

The dragon's horn was broken, but the eyes were still there, a pair of beautiful black eyes. With a sad expression in his black eyes, he stared at Lu Sake, as if looking at someone else through him.

"Who are you?" Lu Qingjiu couldn't help asking in his dream.

Heilong opened his mouth, revealing his half-missing tongue.

Lu Qingjiu said: "You...can't you talk?"

Heilong nodded.

"Why did I dream of you, do you want to tell me something?" The dream and reality became blurred, and Lu Qingjiu couldn't even figure out whether he was awake or dreaming.

Heilong said nothing, and the sadness in his eyes was even worse. He gently rubbed Lu Qingjiu's arm with his broken dragon horn, moving very lightly, as if he was afraid of scaring Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu felt a pain in his heart, and somehow he thought of the White Moon Fox. If he didn’t guess wrong, the prototype of the White Moon Fox should be the same black dragon in front of him. If the White Moon Fox became like this, he wouldn’t even dare to go. When I think about it, I feel tight in my chest.

Dragons, such arrogant creatures, how could they be willing to turn them into this incomplete appearance in front of them, they should be the myth of soaring proudly in the sky, even if they are dead, they should be magnificent.

"I don't understand what you want to say." Lu Qingjiu said, "I..." What else he wanted to say, but everything in front of him suddenly disappeared. He woke up from his dream and saw Bai Yuehu's worried expression.

"You have a nightmare." Bai Yuehu said.

Lu Qingjiu blinked, only to realize that his whole body was very cold, and cold sweat accumulated on his forehead. He whispered: "I dreamed of a black dragon."

Bai Yuehu watched Lu Sake quietly, without interjecting.

"His horn is broken, and his tongue is gone." Lu Qingjiu said, "It looks so miserable." He wanted to tell Bai Yuehu that he was okay with a smile.

But Bai Yuehu said, "Don't laugh."

Lu Qingjiu was in a daze.

"Don't laugh if you don't want to laugh." Baiyuehu reached out his hand and hugged Lu Qingjiu, his warm body brought warmth to the frozen Lu Qingjiu, "It doesn't matter what expression you make."

Lu Qingjiu exhaled and closed his eyes: "I'm a little tired."

Bai Yuehu said: "Go to sleep when you are tired, I am here."

The two slept on a bed, and the person beside him held him tightly, making him seem to be a baby in the warm amniotic fluid. Lu Qingjiu closed his eyes again and fell asleep quickly. This time he didn't dream again, nor did he see the black dragon with sad eyes.

When I woke up the next morning, the rain outside had stopped, and the sun was hanging in the blue sky, and it was another warm spring scene.

The white moon fox beside him disappeared, perhaps he had gone down to grow vegetables.

This seems to be just an ordinary morning that can no longer be ordinary. The heavy rain and vision yesterday seemed to be just a weird dream.

If all that was really just a dream, it would be fine. Lu Qingjiu sat up and saw Yin Xun put his head in from outside the door. Yin Xun grinned at him, showing the cute tiger teeth at the corners of his mouth, and his smile was brilliant. Sunflower chasing the sun: "Drink, good morning."

"Okay." Lu Qingjiu also laughed. He was infected by Yin Xun's smile. After sorting out his emotions, he quickly cheered up, "What do you want to eat?"

Yin Xun said, "Anything is fine, but I kind of want to eat beef rice noodles."

"Then eat rice noodles." Lu Qingjiu said, "you go to the field and pick some fresh vegetables."

"Good." Yin Xun responded with a smile.

An ordinary day begins with an ordinary morning.

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