MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1316 Really an enemy

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However, speaking of it, balancing this kind of thing, it seems that there is really no more in War.

"Are you still not doing it?"

In the direction of the Oasis Town, the dragon's breeze squints and is projected by the communicator three-dimensionally next to the Seven Kills.

"The backhand of the city that never sleeps is almost like this. There should be no special means. But if you don't reinforce it, then the battle will be broken and you can't stop it."

"Hey? I just handled a private matter and delayed it."

The seven kills looked into the air from afar, and there was no wind falling under the missile explosion. The confidence on the face was slightly dim.


After verifying the "black hole" defense ability.

The devil's wing behind the wind fell, with more and more heavy black gas rushing to the remaining players of the nearly Bailong guild warriors.


At the high speed passing over the two warrior players, the wind flicked in the hands of the wind, covering the "sky hunter" with the "whispering" whispering, and the two sides running side by side with a single wave. The warrior player, together with the neck cut off.


The lower half of the body of the two dragon squad warriors is still running in the inertia.

The two heads have already collided in the air because of the loss of support. The expression under the helmet is even awkward, and I don’t know what happened.

I only think that the headless body running in front, the equipment on the body seems to have some familiarity?

Then there was a black eye and both were kicked out of the game.

If we say that the previous cracking energy can disperse the material into the most basic atomic form, it is still impossible to say that the resistance is completely removed, so that it is difficult to achieve a true group attack in the battle.

Well, now that the "annihilation" is capable, obviously there is no need to worry about this problem.

Because, after being annihilated and able to reach, there is nothing left to stay, and there is no resistance at all.

Skywalker's light whip can reach a full length of fifteen meters under full load output. The wind falls only need to hold it in the hand, which is equivalent to 15 meters, or even 30 meters wide. Within the scope, a “dagger” line was formed.

"I am, what kind of whip, is it an artifact?"

Faced with this road all the way, the black "dagger line" of the human head, the soldiers of the Longyan Guild outside the wind and moving route have a lot of mouths.

However, they are really right in this sentence. After covering the annihilation of the solitude, this light whip is really comparable to the artifact.

This advanced solitude is not only a defensive artifact in terms of attack, but also a "god-level"!

"Rely, turn around, run!"

And just for a moment, they found that the wind has cleared a warrior player on a straight line.

Then, the body shape turned, shrouded in the black gas that made people unable to see the figure, and turned to their position.

"Rely, don't run. Leave the back to the enemy fighters, even if the opponent is strong!"

"Brothers, kill them together! If you stop together, you can't stop it."

However, after all, it is a warrior player, or there is a certain bloody.

Some people ran for a few seconds and found that the speed of the wind and the air was not slower than the speed of their own running. When they could not escape, they decided to fight back.

Moreover, it has been proved that the back to the run can not run, then the positive response may not have a chance!

"I am going, how can this whip not escape... I rely on, you have all ran!"

But soon, these people regretted it.

Because, no matter what they use to block ... rare armor, thicker shields, and even a legendary equipment at the bottom of a player's pressure box, they are cut off directly when this "dagger line" passes.

And they tried to lock the trajectory of the whip and perform limit dodge.

But found that the full 15 meters long whip, in the hands of the wind is actually more flexible than their alloy sword.

As if there is life, it is said that it is attacking the neck, it will never hit the stomach, and can even turn three or four arcs in the air.

Moreover, even if someone ran out of the longest range of "annihilation of the whip", but immediately, their chest will be penetrated by a "spear" made up of black gas, and then white light emerges without suspense.

"The original leaves of the wind are so powerful..."

This is the central area, the last thought of the fallen warrior player before the death.

However, the dragon guild player who has this idea is definitely not only one of him.

Before, many of the rebel camp players in the pk game also watched through the forum.

Although the conscious wind is strong, his opponents seem to have no ability to resist.

Not to mention, death roaring and killing this kind of versatile master, it is said that several warrior players of the Moonhuang Group have not succeeded in getting close to the siege for quite a while.

Even at the time of the war, many people talked.

If it is your own, what should be done to face the leaves of the wind, how to avoid it, how to deal with it...

When talking about it, I feel that those who are the opponents of the wind, those so-called masters of the original power are not true, the fool-like things have not thought that the fools will not make the mistakes they actually committed.

If you play yourself, how would you...

It was not until this time that they personally faced them that they knew that everyone could be a "king" when they watched the live broadcast.

When I was really playing, I realized that I was just a "dead"!


After cleaning up the last melee player who besieged himself.

The figure of the wind fell silently, rushing toward the long-distance players of the Dragon guild with a black air.


Also in the oasis town area, only the last time was only a certain degree of illusion.

This time, it is real and it is the advantage of crushing.



With a black flaming flame and a long sword, it is also a dragon guild's original master player's head with **** sky!

Unlike the wind and the 24k, the phoenix simply ignores the ordinary players, but puts the target directly on the rebel army's awakening master.

She obviously has a way to directly distinguish these people, and then one person directly rushed to fight with it.

And once after the killing, go directly to the "squatting", so that the attack that followed will fall through.

The entire underground of this area has actually been flooded with hundreds of worms, which have led to the general access of the transportation network that extends in all directions.

And this is enough for her, even the peripheral city players and great help.

"Hey, hey..."

However, the top of the battlefield is the giant "eight-armed satay" operated by 24k.

Because, the huge sand scorpion eight almost the same length as the body of the fist, is also covered with a layer of black destruction of solitude!

Therefore, the destruction of the eight-armed sand shovel is amazing.


Machine gun turrets, off-road vehicles, heavy mechs, even flying aircraft in the sky, armed helicopters...

They were directly put down by the decadent vehicles that they threw out. This kind of combat capability is definitely not inferior to a real combat boss!

Of course, above the entire battlefield, the real power.

Still continue to drill out from the ground, or from time to time by 24k suddenly transmitted to the Zerg, the beetle arms behind the players.


A shape is like a magnified version of the cockroach, covered with a layer of dark red armor, with two pairs of scabbard-like wings of the 55-level commander-level "blade 螳螂", is in the last paragraph of a "worm worm" The position moves in the dark.

Prepare to follow the instructions from the head and drill the ground to reinforce a human warrior player on the side of the besieged.


However, just as it was drilled not far from the ground, it was ready to break through the sand to drill out.

The sand layer above was fiercely broken first, and then it only felt a pain in his back. What cold things directly smashed his carapace, and then immediately put his body directly I dragged it out of the sand and came to the ground.


The special structure is dark green, so that after it is taken out of the sand, it can see what is attacking itself behind it.

A lizard... or a person?

It is a chrome-like scale covered with a layer of lizards, but it has a human-like infection like a tyrant's giant claw blade and a blue-gray pupil.

The body exudes a boss-like atmosphere that has become **** after just eating!


The infected lizard is a boss who uses his barbed tail to force the leader's cockroaches out of the ground. After the huge claws are directly smashed, the relatively fragile neck position of the "blade knives" is twisted. Broken.

Then, the mouth with a fine fangs bite off the belly of the leader, but immediately spit it out in disgust.


Then, looking up at the battlefield, then the body of the dragon guild player who was falling backwards, spit out the purple tongue of the tip fork and licked his lips.

Behind it, it is vast, thousands of zombies, infectious bodies!

Seven kills are not fools. Since they have completely broken with the lone wolf, it is natural to hold the Longyan Guild, or more accurately, the thighs of the consortium that has a certain status in the new star behind the guild.

Although the organization that is examining him is very high in terms of the information he knows, he is truly a full member, and his status is even higher than that of the core members of the consortium who are ranked on the top of a planet.

But that is a hidden identity that is not declared to the public.

Moreover, only by retaining the guild can you continue to enjoy this kind of enviable and adoring!

Read The Duke's Passion