MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1317 Zerg VS infected body

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Originally, the distance between the Zerg base and the Oasis town was hundreds of miles, and it took more than half an hour to drive.

However, now, the distance between the two is less than ten kilometers.

Because, along with the increasing number of units in the base, it is not only food but also the most scarce water in the desert.

It is impossible to always transport water through the "wormhole" by 24k, and the transportation passage established underground will also be destroyed.

Of course, the most important thing is to prepare from a strategic level...

Since all the original masters are going to participate in the pk competition, the high-rise city will never consider it, in case the oasis town is attacked by other forces during the game.

Therefore, after the wind fell directly to the level of more than 50, the Zerg base, which already has underground mobility, moved to the distance between Oasis and the Oasis Town.

In this case, the defensive capabilities of both sides will undoubtedly increase.

It’s just that no one thought that the plan would be better than change.

The game went wrong, and all the contestants were trapped in it for more than half a month.

However, 24k itself is not a real pet, and it has entered the pk field just like the wind.

The Zerg army without the 24k command, although not going to attack the people who never sleep in the city, obviously will not actively follow the original plan to actively assist the players who never sleep.

It also caused the oasis town to fall into the hands of the Longyan Guild, and as a result, the army of the seven killings was able to reinforce the battlefield in time!


After the lizard quasi-boss killed the commander-level blade, the next moment, there was a white energy column in the air that directly bombarded its head from a distance.

An "energy turret" consisting of hundreds of beetles and a quasi-boss energy beetle!

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

"-5000, -5000, -5000..."

However, the scales on the lizard are obviously very defensive, and they are rapidly deformed and blackened after being hit by an energy cannon.

However, it was not penetrated in the first place.


Then, after being pushed a few meters by the energy beam, the head slammed into the sand and forced into the sand.

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

The energy turret that went to the attack conditions can only continue to shell the zombies and infected bodies that have already swarmed!


After a dozen seconds, the sand next to the body of the Dragonfly Guild Forces player, who was beheaded by the Phoenix, was arched.

The body was baked and tasted. The position of the head was the darkened quasi-boss lizard. The man was drilled from the sand, and the tail was rolled up from the body. After breaking the neck, it was stuffed into the crack and then pulled. The position of the head is full of the sharp mouth of Sensen's big teeth.

“咔嚓...””+5000, +5000, +5000...”

With the sound of chewing bones, the lizard's boss head quickly rushed back to the blood, and after the black scales fell off, the traces of new scales appeared quickly.


After the injury on the head has recovered to a certain extent, the quasi-boss lizard has a yellow mullion, and with a clear hatred staring at the "fire turret" that is constantly shooting in the air!


At the same time, the infected body and the Zerg army have officially engaged in war.


A blade beetle violently leaps from a small sand dune formed in battle, and falls to the back of a foraging eater that is crawling on the ground.

"Hey, hey!"

"-929, -849!"

With a barbed tail quickly plunged into the meat of the stalker to stabilize the body shape, followed by two dark red blades in the air to draw a sharp trajectory, both of which drastically broke into this cockroach Inside the eater's head.

However, the hunger of the head that was cut was the action that did not stop, and the head slammed back and turned 180 degrees.


The tongue in the mouth is generally popped like a sniper bullet, which instantly destroys the relatively common shell-shell defense of the blade beetle that tries to attack again, and directly "breaks through" the head of the blade beetle!


The 50-level elite blade beetle, which is not high in blood volume, was directly killed by the eater.

Because, although it is also an elite unit, the social beetle itself has only ordinary combat power.

Moreover, the level did not break through the 50-level limit.

This foraging eater, who is constantly eating, has become a real 55-level elite unit.

The most important thing is that unlike the general infection unit, the key position of the foraging person is its heart, not the head that looks very eye-catching.

And because it is the whole body, the four legs stick to the ground and crawl at high speed, want to directly hit its heart, it is simply too difficult.

"Puff puff!"

However, this battlefield, underground does not mean that it is safe.

At the same time as the stalker kills the blade beetle, the sand beneath it burrows a pile of thorns like a blade, usually more than a meter long purple-red nail!

"-20393, -2032, -3039..."

The longest one directly smashed its heart.

[Latility], Zerg 60 elite class, characteristics: potential, surprise!

Although, before dying, the stalker used his tongue to smash through the lurkard's carapace, but could not prevent himself from being squandered by dozens of "dark thorns".


A 50-level leader-level "corrosioner", a bundle of black-red corroded beams emerged from the huge red eyes in the center of the forehead, directly hitting the upper half of the body of the Hydralisk with it, bringing 55 elites The upper body of the Hydralisk is directly corrupted.


However, I have not waited back.

It is again burnt into a pile of black charcoal by the toxic flame ejected by the 60-level leader-level "羌螂" at the side.


Immediately, on the forehead, there is a tiger-like "Wang" pattern of the animal-inspired tyrannical tyrant-type infection body, directly carrying the two-player alloy epee, jumping directly to this end. "羌螂" on the side of the body.

After some battles, this "defense", which is not weak, has become a pile of pieces.

After killing the "羌螂", he was also injured by the "tiger tyrant", but it was a body of a dragon guild player who had been killed from the sand before, like the previous "lizard man" Generally open the mouth of the big blood basin, quickly "eat".

"+2500, +2500, +2500..."

The severe burns and blood volume in the body also improved rapidly.

The recovery of the infected body is extremely powerful, and the Zerg attack will basically be ignored unless it is hit.

In addition, after the injury, some infected bodies only need to find the opportunity to swallow the body of the player on the ground, and can quickly restore the blood volume to meet the wound.

In this battlefield, after the previous battles, there are thousands of bodies.

For the infected army, this is obviously a huge advantage.


However, the Zerg also has a recovery method.

A worm that had a broken shell and two broken legs was swallowed by a drilled worm.

"+1000, +1000, +1000..."

In the body of this pit worm, a large amount of purple-brown mucus wraps the worm, causing the broken shell to recover quickly and the blood volume to recover.

In addition, the Zerg has an advantage that is not an advantage.

That is, like those players who have resistance, they are not afraid of the infection of the virus in these infected bodies.



In a few infected bodies, I tried to rush toward a place where a dozen of "Daggers" dragon guild masters were killed.

The ground next to the corpse was rushing out of a group of "collecting beetles" and zerg worker bees, swallowing them all in one go, and taking the first step through the worm road to the base.

These corpses can be used not only by the army of the infected body, but also for the Zerg base that pursues combat, and quickly transform the nutrition of the killed target, even the body of the unit that died of their own race, into the supply of their own battle.

That is obviously a normal "sustainable" operation!

In addition...


A tall, elite zombie with two legs broken, using the remaining arm to move a dozen meters above the sand, trying to "replenish" next to the body of a machine gunner of a dragon guild.

However, when it just touched the body with a **** finger with contaminated sand, it was like being cast a legendary "corpse blast". The machine gunner's stomach burst open and rushed out of it. The group is black and fog.

"Hey, hey!"

"-4832, -5039!"

Then, a black body rushed out of a whole body carapace showing black as "magic", full of three meters of blade knives, two black knives waved, directly cut the elite zombies into three segments.

A closer look reveals that the layer of black carapace on the body is actually similar to the wind and the "devil armor" is generally constructed from the life of the protozoa.

After the task of the Vampire Castle, the wind got two bodies of "God creatures" and then part of it into the "Zerg base."

As a theoretically powerful one, it is likely to be a unit that transcends superboss. The genes of these **** creatures are of great benefit to the Zerg arms.

Like these "magic" Zerg units that incorporate the demon genes, they can use the black air that is filled with a lot of battlefields like the wind.

Whether it is resilience or combat capability, it has a very high bonus. In the same level, it can even crush the Zerg leader's unit!

Therefore, to be honest, the Zerg actually has a slight advantage in terms of racial characteristics.

Just, in terms of the combat power of the highest-end units...

Read The Duke's Passion