MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 19 terrible double

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At this time, the goat didn't need to order, it had already hung up a big clock early, and by the way, it also drew a number of magic circles near the exit of the portal, and it would be activated immediately after there were indeed undead creatures inside.

Finally, this portal was repaired, and in the midst of everyone's attention, there was a ripple on the exit light curtain of the portal, and then I saw, a powerful... ahem, well, an eye socket A skeleton burning with dark green soul fire came out of it.

The point is that the skeleton is holding a rusty and notched iron sword in its left hand, and its right hand... well, yes, it has no right hand! He even lost half of his ribs, and he didn't know if he was bitten by a wild dog, or the cause of death was the inhumane abuse.

There is a faint light on the surface of the skeleton, indicating that it is still in the synchronization of the plane transmission at this time. In this state, it cannot launch effective attacks, and attacks from the plane are also ineffective against it. The duration is about five seconds.

The stronger the enemy, the longer the sync state lasts.

At this time, suddenly there was a gunshot! However, the bullet was not aimed properly, and it shot directly at the bone pillar supporting the portal, and a clear crack appeared there immediately.

This kind of thing happened, but it was an oolong caused by a nervous recruit. Fang Linyan frowned, but didn't say anything. Because the recruit had already been caught and kicked by the squad leader and scolded severely.

As for the crippled skeleton, after leaving the portal, it was dragged out by the rough man Osihan, and before he could even make a move, it fell apart after shaking.

Then I saw that the soul fire of this skeleton turned into an insignificant light spot, then flew out far away, and then threw it into the bowl.

Of course, at this time, the ritual countdown on Fang Linyan's retina only jumped for 1 second, and then entered a period of stagnation again.

After the first wave of monster attacks was over, there was a ten-second break in the middle.

At this time, a word emerged in the hearts of everyone, that is, **** a chicken with a bull's knife...

Fang Linyan also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the space is still very humane, and he arranged for such a weak link to appear for himself, so understanding, it is really a good start.

At this time, Fang Linyan also realized the importance of protecting the portal, and hurriedly planted several flags around the portal, and then issued an order to the attackers in the distance: as long as the enemy is still within the range of the banner, attack is strictly prohibited.

Ten seconds later, two skeletons came out of the portal, and of course they were killed like a storm. Even the goat's desire to keep one down to collect data was not satisfied.

During the third wave, the light on the surface of the portal began to shine continuously, and then a ball of light spewed out from inside. The ball of light exploded after landing a few meters away. From scratch, debut.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's heart skipped a beat!

Being very sensitive to numbers, he immediately caught the horror hidden in them.




It seems that there is only a ten-second rest period in the middle. Calculated in this way, if the rhythm does not change, after only 100 seconds, they will have to face 1024 skeletons!

Well, as far as the current combat effectiveness of these skeletons is concerned, they are still able to withstand it.

However, if calculated according to this growth rate. . . . . After 200 seconds, what they had to face was 1,048,576 skeletons gushing out at once. . . . . .

Ten seconds later, eight skeleton soldiers appeared on the stage.

"I...I fuck!"

After discovering this number, Fang Linyan immediately knew that he had won the big prize, and his previous guess was completely wrong.

What kind of **** is humane, what kind of **** is empathetic, it's all an illusion, this is clearly to give you a blow at the beginning, and arrange a **** difficulty to come out.

Fang Linyan

Immediately yelled at the goat:

"Be ready to activate the exorcism bell at any time, and the holy water can be arranged."

At this time, Goat didn't realize the importance of the matter, and was still joking with Lu Li. After hearing Fang Linyan's words, he said in astonishment:

"Not so..."

Fortunately, he saw Fang Linyan's livid face at this time, so he immediately stopped talking, and then went to work honestly.

So a one-time prop: the Exorcism Bell was quickly hung up. Once the bell is rung, the undead within one kilometer nearby will be stunned for five to ten seconds, and there are several people nearby. If the bell is broken, replace it with a new one immediately.

A pre-prepared magic circle was also laid near this portal, and then filled with holy water, turning a few hundred square meters into a sacred place, where the undead would be greatly suppressed.

After doing all this, the number of skeletons that appeared from the portal has increased to 128. At this time, everyone's face has become serious. It's not that the 128 suppressed dying skeletons can make them feel pressured, but Even those with a little brain have already realized that the next time there will be 256 skeletons.

The only good news is that after each wave, the given rest time starts to get longer:

For example, after 128 skeletons were annihilated this time, the next rest time was extended from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. In this way, the suffocating feeling was finally relaxed.

Although the 128 skeletons are weak and are still being completely suppressed in the sacred land, the efficiency of killing them is still not high for those who are currently engaged in battle, and it is also difficult to kill them all in the first time. Caused by group attacks lacking sacred attributes.

Under such circumstances, Fang Linyan simply let the Shanyue people brought by Wudang Feijun and Cherji into the battlefield. The two sides were still fighting to death on the battlefield before, but now they have to fight side by side. There is nothing more strange than this.

With the presence of these dozens of fresh troops, the situation on the battlefield immediately took a turn for the worse. After all, the newly joined people came from a world with difficulty in the main gold line. In jargon, they were all elite monsters.

In addition, although Cherji is not a good commander, both sides are fighting side by side at this time, and Wang Ping's aura can also bless the Shanyue people, so killing these skeletons is like destroying them.

The next two hundred and fifty-six skeletons were given a 40-second rest period, and they were also directly wiped out—after all, it was two or three weak chickens that were suppressed equally on everyone's head. It's just a skeleton. A fierce man like Ou Sihan, who has a rough style, grabs a skeleton's foot and uses it as a weapon. When he turns around and sweeps it, he has overfulfilled the task.

Witnessing this scene, Fang Linyan was also a little proud. If it was an ordinary team, facing the hundreds of skeletons teleported at this time, they would probably be devastated. They should blow up the portal now.

But Fang Linyan thought about it again, he was only fifty steps and one hundred steps, and these damned skeletons were superimposed at this speed, and he would have to destroy the portal in less than ten minutes.

In addition, Fang Linyan discovered another thing, that is, the monsters that appear in these portals do not drop anything, or the drop rate has been reduced to an extremely low level.

At the same time, when attacking this batch of skeletons, Fang Linyan also asked the mercenaries to conduct a test, and found that some modern weapons that were too powerful were suppressed, such as cloud bombs. Power interference, became a dud.

After Fang Linyan killed the last skeleton of this batch, the dragon statue on the altar in the distance suddenly moved! To be precise, it looked up abruptly, and then a red light shot out from its eyes, which landed directly on the portal.

Immediately, the appearance of the portal had a layer of red crystal-like light, and the exit light curtain in the center of the portal seemed to be frozen. At the same time, Fang Linyan also received a reminder:

"Hunter CD8492116, you successfully charged the Soul Bowl to 10%, and you got five additional pauses.


"Additional pauses can only be used after the battle is over. Each pause should take at least one minute, and at most ten minutes, and during this prayer ceremony, the total rest time cannot exceed twenty minutes."

"During the battle, corresponding props that increase the rest time may also be dropped, please pay attention to check."

After seeing this prompt, Fang Linyan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the information he bought was incomplete! The reminder that appeared at this time was a crucial point, but none of the information mentioned it.

According to this rule, my group of people can have five time-out opportunities, and the total time-out time is only 20 minutes, which means that each time-out can be divided into four minutes.

Of course, as long as you are a long-brained person, you will definitely add up, and you will not do something to evenly distribute the precious rest time.

It must be that the first pause time can be used as little as possible, and then try to take more rest during the last few pauses.

Fang Linyan must have cleared up these things, but the third prompt made his eyes shine. Is there such a trick? Then you have to pay close attention to collecting them.

Goat and the others felt that the difficulty was not too high. They hadn't warmed up yet, so they were already charged to 10%? So getting 100% doesn't seem like a big deal.

During this one-minute break, Mi Ershen had already trotted over, and whispered to Fang Linyan:

"Master Knight, are the bones of these skeletons still useful?" Fang Linyan asked in amazement:

"Not currently."

Millshen immediately said:

"These bones contain a strange power, which is very helpful for plant growth. If not, then I will collect them directly."

Fang Linyan said:

"No problem, let someone come." Mier said deeply:

"You don't need to be so troublesome."

After finishing speaking, Mier Shen simply popped out several seeds. After these seeds fell into the ground, they quickly transformed into thick vines. These vines were like thick hagfish, with a lot of mucus on the surface. Drilling directly into the soil, it seems effortless.

Then when they drilled, they brought the bones of the nearby skeleton soldiers into the soil and disappeared quickly. This is obviously a natural talent.

Fang Linyan really wanted to ask about Mi Ershen's specific situation, but he didn't have much time now, so he could only let Mi Ershen continue to be busy cultivating this flesh-eating vine.

But after thinking about it carefully, some plants need specific fertilizers such as bone meal if they want to grow vigorously. It is not uncommon for the plants on the surface to need it.


After the one-minute rest time was up, Fang Linyan immediately lifted the timeout, and then saw 512 skeleton soldiers coming directly from the portal this time.

At this time, the pressure exerted by the 512 skeletons on the battlefield is actually not too great. After all, in order to overcome this level, Fang Linyan still let the elite out, so the fight is still very easy.

While Fang Linyan and Omi were discussing the next situation, something fell on the battlefield. It looked nothing special. It was just a bone bead the size of a finger. It was inconspicuous among the bones. , but there will be a flash of light on its surface from time to time, which is quite eye-catching.

However, this light is invisible to ordinary people, only space fighters can see it, but Max picked it up and handed it to Fang Linyan. This thing does not need to be identified, as long as it is held in the hand The corresponding properties appear:

"Soul Orb: You can throw it into the stone cauldron on the altar to get a 20-second pause and rest time, or you can use it to exchange for 121 points (soul bowl) charge, which can also extend the total countdown time by 20 seconds. "

The 512 skeletons were also swept away quickly, and UU reading began to prepare for the next wave


As a result, the waiting time for the teleportation from the opposite side was quite long this time, a full three minutes, which was several times higher than the 40-second rest time in the previous wave.

But considering that 1024 skeletons will be sent next time, it seems, it seems, maybe it still makes sense?

In the face of this wave of enemies, the officer appointed by the Goddess also sent people to communicate and asked a group of people under him to join the battle to warm up, because they were using hot weapons, and the shooting platform that was urgently built next to them was also The construction is completed, so it will not squeeze the fighting space of Fang Linyan and others.

After the gang of mercenaries using modern weapons took action, Fang Linyan and others realized that their efficiency was actually the highest. After all, the 1024 new skeleton soldiers were severely suppressed by the sacred ground, so they moved very slowly, almost like It's hitting a fixed target.

In addition, these mercenaries have also replaced targeted weapons: flamethrowers, flame grenades, etc., so the group attack is strong enough. Although the number of skeletons has exceeded a thousand this time, they all gather together as soon as they appear Yes, it's really easy to pack up.

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