MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 20 goddess shot

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After realizing this, Fang Linyan and his group simply withdrew from the battle and let the group of 200 mercenaries attack freely. In Fang Linyan's positioning, these guys are the existence of cannon fodder.

Let the cannon fodder exert its maximum power and save the consumption of high-end combat power, which is something that normal people will try their best to do.

To be honest, although this group of new mercenaries on the battlefield have undergone rigorous training, they are still in a lot of situations when they arrive on the battlefield, accidentally injuring teammates, jamming their weapons, and even throwing grenades... This kind of thing is also true. Human nature is inevitable.

It’s like I have a friend who loves to learn Japanese. He claims to have studied with many teachers and has more than 15 years of dedicated and rich experience. However, he has never had the opportunity to practice. The little sister led the flight, and that performance was abysmal.

It's not uncommon to talk too much on paper, but in the end it's confusing.

When the last skeleton soldier of this wave fell down, it entered the rest time again. It can be expected that the rest time this time should not be less than three minutes. For now, everything is going smoothly .

However, at this moment, the goat suddenly patted Fang Linyan on the shoulder, and said in shock, "Boss, look!"

Fang Linyan immediately looked up.

It turned out that the light on the surface of the bone portal had changed at some point, from the original light green to a deep red like blood. This kind of omen can be seen at a glance, and there must be something huge in the next wave. Change.

Fang Linyan took a deep breath, and quickly began to deploy manpower to block it. According to normal circumstances, the next wave would be 2048 skeletons, so Fang Linyan would directly dispatch manpower according to the combat power of 3,000 skeletons.

Three minutes later, a large mass of crimson blood-like light suddenly spewed out from the portal, rolled in the air in a large circle, and then hit the ground heavily. In the dazzling light, a huge object appeared.

This huge object is nothing but a huge skull, it is at least two stories high, and the crimson soul flames are flying in the eye sockets, three to four meters long! And it should have supernatural ability, so it is directly floating in mid-air.

Surrounding this giant skull, there are still densely packed thirty or forty small skulls, all of which are wailing, crying, and moaning in pain, forming a powerful halo of fear. Speaking of it, it is a very restrained existence.

These voices are mixed together, and to ordinary people, they are completely ear-piercing sounds, and they can even be shocked on the spot, and then run away crying!

Obviously, this guy is a BOSS-level existence. Fang Linyan simply converted it in his heart. Its appearance means that Space believes that this guy's combat power is equal to or greater than 2048 skeletons.

However, this big skull is also unlucky. It's true that my group are flesh and blood creatures! However, there are three true gods watching with relish. Those who participated in the battle were either their believers or quasi-believers who wanted to buy them off.

There are three true gods, she (he) has armed the group of people around with faith, and they will pray to strengthen their faith if nothing happens. It is unbelievable that this halo of fear can exert 10% of its strength!

As a result, the battle turned out as Fang Linyan predicted. The big skull was baptized by the hail of bullets as soon as it arrived. It just so happened that the fire also had reliable damage to the undead, second only to the tit-for-tat holy water. It was potholed and scorched black everywhere.

Then the boss began to control the small skulls around him to fly out to hit and bite people, and even exploded after being blown up, which caused a certain amount of chaos at this stage, but the mercenary soldiers who carried them in front were defeated by Wang Ping. His aura has been strengthened, so more people are injured and less people die on the spot.

And these wounded soldiers were quickly sent to the tree of life, and the number of real deaths was not many.

After the initial chaotic period, the rear interception system was also quickly activated, and then aimed at the little skulls"

Swish, Swish, Swish, five or six interceptor missiles blasted past, and as the flames took off, the remaining little skeletons were all dead.

Without the help of these minions, the halo of fear was fully restrained again, and the flying speed of this big skull was also fully restricted by the sacred ground, so it could only move forward at a slow speed. At least if one person ran with all his strength, it would not be able to catch up of.

In this case, its health drops rapidly, and even the priests and priests in the distance can throw a holy light bullet from a distance.

Therefore, the big skull was quickly forced out of the ultimate skill: resurrection of the dead!

Under normal circumstances, its big move can wake up all the remains of the undead within a radius of 300 meters. Specifically, it can revive at least 2,000 skeletons. It is estimated that this move is its combat power. High reason.

However, because of the flesh-eating vines cultivated by Milson, most of the skeletons and bones were dragged to the ground, and then quickly transported to the Kingdom of God to be used as fertilizer.

So this big move is really amazing, the effect is bleak, and it can be called a typical anticlimax. Only twenty or thirty rotting skeletons with missing arms and legs stood up, and then they were drowned amidst laughter and gunshots.

After the big skull was dropped, it also dropped a shining soul orb, but it was obviously much larger. The above description was also used to exchange for one minute of rest time, and it could also extend the countdown by one minute, or More than 700 charging degrees.

After Fang Linyan got it, Evelina came to his side before he got the heat, and then gave clear instructions, that is, the goddess is very interested in the soul orb and wants to see it.

Can Fang Linyan say NO to this? So I can only submit it directly.

Soon, the goddess returned the soul orb, and then asked Evelina to bring a word, saying that this thing is of great use to her, and its use is to consolidate the godhead and improve the rank of the godhead—and Before this, to achieve this can only rely on the tempering of time.

In order to prevent Fang Linyan from ignoring the importance of it, Evelina also specially explained it. Simply put, the strength of the gods comes from two aspects, the amount of divine power and the rank of the godhead.

The amount of divine power is equivalent to the upper limit of a person's strength,

And the grades of godheads are subordinate gods, master gods, and supreme gods. Specifically, they are similar to fighting skills.

In unlimited battles, a person with an absolute advantage in strength may not be able to win over a more skilled person. Even in ancient national wars, there are not too many examples of wars where the weak defeated the strong and the few were outnumbered.

Zeus can be called the supreme **** because even if he only uses the same divine power as the other gods, he can still beat the rest of the gods.

Therefore, Fang Linyan could still understand what Athena meant, so he ordered to go down and save up the soul orbs first, and try to use them as much as possible. Of course, if it's an emergency, it still can't be saved.

After the skull boss was killed, three bunkers have been erected in the straight line distance from the portal to the altar. It only needs to be assembled in a block style, so it can be built so quickly.

In the shooting port of the bunker, there is also an emergency deployment of the "Hector" 14mm flamethrower, which has a miraculous effect on the undead. It comes with 700 liters of fuel and has a maximum range of 70 meters. Each bunker is equipped with five.

The fortification of the bunker is unimaginable, at least it is difficult for hand-held weapons like skeleton soldiers to break through, and it is very safe for soldiers to hide inside.

In addition, on the way forward, several heavy-duty construction machinery were deployed for the skeleton soldiers, which could hit the accelerator at any time for violent impact. The vehicles could be controlled by remote control, and there were vehicle-mounted explosives on the vehicles.

After setting up multiple defensive measures, Fang Linyan, the portal, was basically handed over to the reinforcement battalion, and by the way, another reinforcement battalion was left to rotate and support at any time.

Put Milson and the others, who have the restraining effect on the undead, here to take care of them. Not to mention impenetrable, at least Fang Linyan thinks they can handle it within half an hour.

Of course, if there is a perverted boss, it will be another matter, but they will not sit idly by.

The result was indeed as Fang Linyan judged, facing the next four thousand skeleton soldiers, the mercenaries easily defended them.

More importantly, under the forced pouring of the church at all costs, the number of bunkers built nearby has become eight. At this speed, it can barely have 70% of the ability of the Huahua family. After all, the infrastructure madman of the latter Is the name a waste of fame.

The next battle was also going on in an orderly manner. When the number of skeletons exceeded 5,000, another BOSS appeared.

This boss is obviously considered to be much stronger than the previous big skeleton, and in fact it is, because it is a necromancer, and it is equipped with eight long-range attacking corpse witches as arms, and it can also serve as a human shield.

Under normal circumstances, this necromancer can indeed cause great trouble. The curse it releases can turn the killed enemy into a zombie, and the miasma cloud attack released by the Lich is perfect for restraining the bunker. ...Because this miasma is like poisonous gas, it can be drawn in directly through the vents.

It's a pity that the necromancer had just appeared, and was immediately held in place by a huge force... This was Athena's direct move.

As the goddess of war, she understood the truth of the war in the first time, and predicted that the necromancer would cause huge damage to her own mercenaries!

Moreover, Athena has not been promoted because of her priesthood, and the divine power she harvests every day is far greater than the consumption, so the divine power is already in a state of overflow, waste a little and waste it!

Obviously, because this world is also an adventure world, in the list of other space fighters, Athena is actually included in the "boss that can be killed".

Of course, being able to kill her doesn't mean that she can be killed. It's like the fact that Yang Mi may fall in love with me in theory and that Yang Mi may fall in love with me in reality are completely different things.

The Athena of this plane is the Athena who thrived in the plane bombed by Fang Linyan's tireless handling of various resources and then bombed by another **** person!

Compared with Athena in the age of the gods, the biggest difference between this Athena and it is the difference in divine power.

In the age of the gods, Athena's divine power was extremely scarce, just like a waiter with a monthly salary of 2600 and a car loan, a house loan, and a credit loan. No matter what she did, she had to snap her fingers. Eleventh Class Coupons...

And the Athena in front of her has inexhaustible divine power, uses banknotes as lighters, wants to take a helicopter when she goes out to buy groceries, even clamors that divine power is a bastard, what I hate most in my life is divine power, etc.

Then there is no doubt that as a BOSS, this necromancer BOSS is really not enough in front of Athena. At this time, what Athena cast is actually not a destructive spell, but an ordinary humanoid creature It's just the hold technique...the field control technique learned first by legal professions.

How big is it? Buying 2,000 universal points in the space at will can explain the problem.

However, the humanoid body immobilization technique used by Athena includes a full range of blessings such as attribute suppression and rank suppression.

More importantly, Athena's priesthood also includes war—it's also a punch, can the punch of Judo's full strength be compared with Saitama-san's punch? So this necromancer didn't cast a single spell , was directly punished to stand on the spot.

After he woke up, he was facing the grinning Ou Sihan, and behind him was Xiang Hezhen who had closed his eyes and stored his energy for a long time!

In this case, UU Reading soon ushered in the Soul Bowl's charging rate increased to 20%. . . . . The commanders on the mercenary side began to order rotations.

It's not that the people who stood up to the front had suffered heavy casualties and were exhausted, but that they adhered to the idea of ​​rounds of battle, allowing more people to see the world and feel the atmosphere of actual combat.

At this time, in the bone portal, the number of skeleton soldiers that appeared has been fixed at about two to three thousand, and the remaining ones began to mix into each other.

A variety of bosses, such as the giant skull monster that appeared before, such as the death knight, and the necromancer and so on.

It should be because the creatures on the other side of the portal found that the simple skeleton soldiers were too easy to be restrained, and they couldn't take advantage of the crowd at all.

It's just that the current various protective facilities on the bone portal have also been quickly built. This is the explosive power of the combination of modern machinery and magic! And I have been preparing for almost a month under the premise of not sparing any cost and having an unlimited budget.

The think tank established in the church has already analyzed and predicted various situations very clearly, and has also prepared more than two related plans.

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