MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 267 crisis

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  Chapter 267 Crisis

  The Dark Lord led Han Yu to charge away again, Han Yu didn't make any movement, but took two steps back, hiding behind Qu Zhuo.

  On the other hand, they drove the Lava Lizard into the frontal battlefield, helping Ao Gang and Zhang Yi fight against the four corpse puppets on the ground.

  The level of the two of them is not high after all. Even relying on the advantage of the magic circle, it is still a bit stretched to fight against four corpse puppets of level 50.

  However, every time Ao Gang is fatally injured, Zhang Yi can always make the magic circle launch an attack in time to interrupt the progress of the corpse.

  Although the attack from the magic circle is monotonous, it is very effective, helping Ao Gang avoid the deadly attack from the corpse doll again and again.

   But after all, it was a temporary magic circle, and the attack frequency was not too high. It was just that in less than a minute of the head-on battle, there were seven or eight obvious wounds on Ao Gang's body.

  But the lava lizard stepped in and acted as a **** stirrer on the battlefield, making the battle much easier.

  The corpse puppet stood in front of the huge lava lizard like an ant. Although a skill can break through the rock armor, it cannot cause real damage to the lava lizard.

   And the lava lizard didn't choose to attack, but just used the molten core in its body to continuously restore its own defenses, and just stood up to the damage.

  Ao Gang and Zhang Yi completely let go of their hands and feet and attacked wantonly.

   "My student's summoned object is so fierce!" Ao Gang swept his spear and bounced a three-headed and six-armed humanoid corpse, and couldn't help sighing.

   "Hmph, my student is much stronger than you now."

   "Then why didn't you let Han Yu take the shot? It wouldn't be much easier for Han Yu to take the shot." Ao Gang took the opportunity to make another shot and asked curiously.

   "The principal's arrangement, it's best not to take action, why do you still want students to protect you?"

   Ao Gang concentrates on studying martial arts in the school, and doesn’t care about the practice in the academy. I really don’t know what the principal’s arrangement is.

   "Hey, then I'm going to show my true strength!" Ao Gang was shocked when he heard that, he came here to protect Han Yu, how could he let Han Yu protect him.

  The veins on his body were bulging, and the spear was wrapped in silver light. He had already entered a state of madness. After the lava lizard blocked most of the attacks, he began to chase after the corpse puppet.

  Si Yousheng also noticed the lava lizard summoned by Han Yu, and his body flew into the air again, avoiding Ying Yuzhu's attack.

   But there are still new wounds on his body. Wei Yiren has already established a connection between him and the ape statue, so he will not let him go so easily.

  Using the straw man again to evade dozens of ice crystal spears, Si Yousheng said, "Bypassing Qu Zhuo, it's fine to pierce Han Yu with one shot, as long as you have a breath and break out from the other side."

   "I know." Another necromancer returned.

  The four of them worked together, and the speed of the Dark King became faster again. Looking at Qu Zhuo at the front, he turned suddenly, and Han Yu was behind the spear point.

   Qu Zhuo remained motionless, raised one hand forward, and a crystal blue circle appeared at the feet of the Dark King: "Dimension·Ion Purgatory!"

  As the spell casting was completed, three crystal blue spherical lightning appeared out of thin air beside the Dark King.

  As soon as it appeared, the three spheres were connected to the body of the Dark Lord.

  Just about to continue charging, the Dark Lord's body was forcibly pulled by three lightning balls, and the charging was forced to stop.

  When the Dark Lord wanted to use brute force to break free, a light door appeared behind Qu Zhuo again, and countless light clusters shot out from it.

  The King of Darkness could only temporarily give up struggling. The ball of light collided with the spear, the ball of light was instantly scattered, and an obvious gap appeared on the spear.

   The dimensional light ball that was not blocked fell on the dark gold armor of the dark king.

  A series of corrosive holes appeared on the armor instantly, and it can be said that the skeleton frame inside can be seen directly.

   As long as it happens a few more times, even the skeleton will be melted instantly.

   "Strength increase!"

   "Toughness increase!"

   "Extremely large!"

   "Instant recovery!"

  On the other side, Si Yousheng and the other three necromancers would not let the dark king be beaten just like that.

  They have given up attacking Zhu Xun, recalled all the puppets to protect themselves, and superimposed buffs one by one on the Dark Lord to help him quickly recover from injuries and strengthen his offensive capabilities.

  As long as they break through Qu Zhuo's attack, they can take Han Yu away, and as long as the Dark King successfully breaks through the magic circle, they can also leave together.

  Under multiple enhancements, the control effect of Ion Purgatory is about to be broken, and the Dark Lord is preparing for the next charge.

  The recall of the corpse puppet eased the pressure on Zhang Yi and Ao Gang, but Si Yousheng and the others focused on defense and used the corpse puppet to block the knife. It was difficult for Zhu Xun and the others to complete the kill for a while.

  Unable to quickly kill the undead master, the strength of the dark king will continue to recover and become stronger with the buffs of several people.

  Han Yu also saw Qu Zhuo's level at the back: level 64 Dimensional Walker, lower level than the Dark King.

  But the player has a variety of equipment and buffs, and it is normal to fight against monsters at level 65. But behind the dark king, there are four masters of the undead. When they give up defending themselves.

   If Si Yousheng and the others are given enough time, and the skills are superimposed on the Dark Lord, then even Qu Zhuo will be hard to resist.

  At that time, it might be difficult to take Han Yu away, but under the protection of the Dark Lord, it shouldn’t be a big problem to escape with Si Yousheng and the others.

  At this time, Han Yu walked behind Qu Zhuo: "Principal, why don't you go and deal with those four people, and I can stand here for half a minute."

   "I said you don't need to take action..." Qu Zhuo shook his head. Although it would be difficult, relying on Zhu Xunying Yuzhu and the others, combined with Shangwei's pleasant curse effect, it was only a matter of time before Yousheng could be killed.

   Qu Zhuozi naturally also thought that they would escape with the help of the strengthened Dark Lord, but they ran as soon as they ran, and he was not willing to risk Han Yu's safety.

   "Principal, even if I can't stop it, the life-saving skills I have equipped are enough for you to come back and rescue." Han Yu explained.

   "Besides, it was hard to catch these four big fish. If they let them escape, it would be a big loss."

  Lu Yuanbo and Qu Zhuo in Zicang City are both like Dinghai Shenzheng, and they have to apply to leave.

   Now that you have taken such a big risk to leave, if you get nothing, you will lose a lot.

   Qu Zhuo looked back at Han Yu, both he and Lu Yuanbo had seen Han Yu's strength.

  Although the Dark Lord is powerful enough, Han Yu should have no problem blocking it for half a minute with the help of summoned objects.

   And half a minute is enough for him to kill Yousheng seven or eight times.

   "No matter what, my lava lizard is fleshy enough, and it's not a problem to block one or two shots from the Dark Lord." Seeing that Qu Zhuo was still hesitating, Han Yu continued.

  Si Yousheng made trouble for him several times, even if Qu Zhuo was willing to let him go, Han Yu was not. Since we met today, he must be allowed to stay here forever.

  Qu Zhuo finally nodded: "Okay, I'll finish those four people in ten seconds."

   After finishing speaking, he flew up into the air, and flew towards Si Yousheng Zhu Xun, while the Lava Lizard returned to Han Yu to help him stop the next attack.

  Han Yu took a step back. These necromancers might have a second life. He wasn't going to reveal his strength, he just needed to resist.

   And the effect of Ion Purgatory is still there, maybe Qu Zhuo comes back, the dark king hasn't been able to break through the control yet.

  At this time, Zhu Xun, with a white light shining in his hand, threw it forward, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, covering the four undead masters and all the corpse puppets.

  As soon as the skill was released, Zhu Xun turned around and saw Qu Zhuo beside him.

  Zhu Xun instantly turned pale with shock: "Principal! Why are you here? What about Han Yu!"

   "Don't worry, I'll kill them, three seconds is enough." Qu Zhuo put his hands together, and then slowly pulled them apart. Around the four undead masters, several space cracks appeared out of thin air.

   "Dimension cut!"

  After breaking through level 60, Qu Zhuo felt that his understanding of space had strengthened a lot, and the power of all his skills had been greatly enhanced.

   This dimensional cut is more than twice as powerful as the dungeon in Dance of the Blood Butterfly.

  But on the opposite side, Si Yousheng saw Qu Zhuo also on the frontal battlefield, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "It's the last fight!" Si Yousheng roared loudly, his body suddenly blurred, avoiding the falling thunder and the dimensional cutting from Qu Zhuo.

  The other three undead masters were similar, while their bodies were blurred, they avoided all incoming attacks.

  In the end, there were only three corpse puppets, which turned into scattered pieces of meat under the attack of dimension cutting.

  Although they were immune to all damage, their faces still looked sluggish.

  Ying Yuzhu turned her head suddenly, and on the dark king's spear, a black shadow entwined and roared.

  The falling rain stopped instantly, forming a black vortex at the tip of the spear.

  The body of the dark king is also getting bigger, and the dark golden spear is raised above his head.

  The ion purgatory that originally trapped the Dark King shattered layer by layer like glass, and the Dark King instantly got out of control.

  The spear was lowered abruptly, and pointed at Han Yu through the lava lizard's body.

  Han Yu only felt his body stiff and wanted to retreat, but he didn't move yet. The rain beside him seemed to hear an order, and in an instant, a cage entangled with rain and black mist was formed around Han Yu.

  Han Yu was shocked, and hurriedly used the skill of the recovery boots: flash, but hit the wall.

  The war horse under the Dark King's feet let out a thunderous roar, and ran on all fours. The spear wrapped in lightning and black mist in his hand charged towards Han Yu with the quality of penetrating everything.

   During the charge, the size of the Dark King has doubled, and the name tag above his head has also changed to: lv70 Dark King

   "Principal! Why... How could Han Yu block this blow!"

  Zhu Xun hurriedly shouted, he didn't expect that the prudent principal would put Han Yu in such a dangerous situation.

  In his opinion, Han Yu has absolutely no chance of blocking this attack.

   This is the result of Si Yousheng and several people sacrificing their lives to strengthen the Dark King, which directly raised the Dark King to a full body. Even Qu Zhuo, a lord at level 70, would not dare to confront him head-on, let alone Han Yu!

  Qu Zhuo didn't expect that the other party's reaction was so fast, and he could strengthen the monster to such an extent.

   After all, this is a creature summoned by four summoners at the same time, which belongs to Qu Zhuo's knowledge blind spot, which makes him a little unexpected.

  But when Qu Zhuo came, he had already prepared a plan, a space door appeared in front of him, and the exit was right in front of Han Yu.

  As long as he stepped in, he could help Han Yu block the attack. Although he would be injured, at least his life would not be in danger.

  But just as he was about to walk in, Qu Zhuo found a straw man in front of him, and just as he was about to slap him into the air, he found that this man had become one of the four masters of the undead.

  They actually gave up the invincible state, just to prevent Qu Zhuo from going back to save Han Yu.

  A space crack directly tore his chest, Qu Zhuo turned his head, only to find that the door of space had been closed, and another undead master entered the door of space by himself first.

  Almost at the same time, the master of the undead who entered the gate of space appeared in front of the spear of the dark king, covered in scars from the turbulent flow of space.

  A spear fell, his body was pierced, and the blood clots in his mouth continued to spurt out.

   But there was still a miserable smile on the corner of his mouth, because the Dark Lord's attack would not be stopped because of him, and Han Yu would be next.

  The spear was approaching, and the lava lizard had already had time to prepare. With a growl, it swooped forward, trying to block the inevitable shot.

  The spear collided with the rock armor on the lava lizard's body, like a hot knife hitting butter, it penetrated instantly, and even the molten core in the lava lizard's body was poked and exploded.

  The blood volume was instantly emptied, and the body was limp and about to collapse.

   After the spear pierced through the lava lizard, only the black mist on it disappeared, and the power remained undiminished, and continued to stab forward. Han Yu didn't expect the dark king to be so fierce suddenly, and he was indeed a little overwhelmed.

  He never expected that the lava lizard could not withstand even a single attack. This summoned creature with a physique of more than 300 was stabbed to death by a spear just like that.

  Han Yu tried various methods but could not leave, now he can only hope for the Wanjie set.

  The mind is still running, the spear has already stabbed, and the spear pierced Han Yu's chest instantly with a flash of light, his body was pierced through a big hole, and was hung on the spear.

  Even though he had shared the lava lizard's talent, he still couldn't resist the spear.

  The blood volume dropped rapidly, but at this time, the magic weapon on his body-the Wanjie suit finally played a role.

  Han Yu's body dissipated on the spear and turned into four black shadows, appearing in four places.

   Seeing that Han Yu was fine, Qu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and rushed towards Han Yu.

   But before he could act, a violent explosion suddenly appeared beside him. When he focused on Han Yu, another undead controller had already touched his side.

   Directly detonated half of his side, in order to prevent Qu Zhuo's rescue.

   "Ice chains!" Ying Yuzhu saw that the dark king had already swung his next blow, and a chain of ice appeared on the dark king's spear.

  But the very ice chain had just touched the spear, and before it could last even a second, it was instantly pulled off by the dark king's spear.

  Sweeping towards the four black shadows of Han Yu, the spear passed by, and a cage made of black mist immediately appeared at the position of the shadows

  Whether Han Yu chooses to resurrect in that dark shadow, he will be instantly controlled again. At that time, Han Yu will become a real prisoner, and the Dark King can take Han Yu directly out of the magic circle.

  (end of this chapter)

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