MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 268 falling asleep

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  Chapter 268 Dreaming

  Han Yu raised the staff in his hand, the summoning was too slow now, three seconds was enough for him to summon other creatures.

   But if you can't interrupt the Dark Lord's movements, everything is useless.

   "Die to me!"

  Wei Yiren also noticed this thrilling scene, exerting force with his hands, cracks appeared on the ape statue in his hands.

   There were more than a dozen wounds on his body. If he could kill Si Yousheng, he would be able to weaken the strength of the Dark King. By then, Han Yu might still have a glimmer of life.

   "Han Yu!" Fu Zishi was in the tent behind Han Yu, with a long sword in his hand that was five meters long, and was about to slash towards the Dark King, but was pulled down by Kong Yuyin.

   "You are crazy! A level 70 monster! You will die if you go up!"

   It was not the first time that Fu Zishi saw his companion in danger, but he still couldn't keep calm, even if he knew that he might die if he went up.

   "Trust Han Yu! He will find a solution!" Kong Yuyin pressed Fu Zishi and said again.

  He also wanted to go up to rescue Han Yu, but he knew his own strength.

  Ying Yuzhu's skills can't interrupt the attack of the Dark King, let alone him, even if he rushes up, he will not only die, but may also lead the Dark King to the entire camp.

  Everyone's reaction, Si Yousheng just watched coldly, and even Wei Yiren's attack did not cause any harm to him.

  He is still invincible, and even if he is killed and the Dark Lord falls back to level 60, he can still leave with Han Yu.

   But at this time, at the feet of the Dark Lord, a mountain-like creature stood up.

  The Lava Lizard, which should have died, was resurrected.

  Not to mention death and life, even Qu Zhuo never thought that Han Yu could recall dead summoned creatures to the battlefield again.

  Unless Han Yu has changed his job as a puppeteer and turned his summoned creatures into corpse puppets.

   At the last moment, Han Yu did not choose other summons, but used the active characteristic of the binding of the scepter oath.

  The lava lizard had fallen at the feet of the Dark Lord. Everyone thought it was completely dead, but when it stood up suddenly, even the Dark Lord didn't react.

  Just getting up, the lava lizard did not hesitate, and a ledge rushed in and released.

  The unsuspecting king of darkness was knocked back a few steps, and the waving spear was raised high, losing the target.

  Seeing the success of the lava lizard's sneak attack, Han Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and chose a shadow that was not affected by the black mist cage to resurrect quickly.

  The first moment it appeared, it immediately shared the talent of the Shadowblade Mantis, stealth and Shadow Leap quickly left the battlefield, allowing the Lava Lizard to fight with it.

  The lava lizard is indeed dead, but the scepter Han Yu is using now is the binding scepter of the oath obtained from the night elf tribe.

  When the summoned object is dead, it can continue to fight for one minute, and at the same time, its attack power is doubled, and its damage is also reduced by double.

   Originally, Han Yu thought that this trait was a tasteless effect, and he did not take the route of calling stars. After many times of strengthening, the summoned objects would not die easily.

  But I didn't expect it to be used here, and it saved my life.

  However, the lava lizard that stood up again had completely lost its mind and was unable to communicate with Han Yu. It was really similar to the corpse doll of the undead master.

   But no matter what, this was regarded as giving Han Yu a chance to breathe.

   Landed in stealth, the raindrops falling around Han Yu slowed down and began to solidify. He was only invisible, but he could easily find out his position by observing the raindrops.

  Han Yu simply showed his figure, and just a shadow leap of a limit distance, he has already reached the back of the Dark King.

  As Han Yu appeared, the Dark Lord also turned his head. Beside Han Yu, black mist and raindrops entangled to form a cage again.

  Han Yu didn't stay for a moment, the fog shadow became invisible, refreshed his Shadow Leap skill, jumped towards Qu Zhuo's direction, and finally dodged before the control was formed.

  He could have left without showing up, but there were still students from his school in those tents, and it was very likely that they would be accidentally injured by the Dark Lord.

   And his appearance will definitely attract the attention of the Dark Lord, and it can be regarded as protecting the students in the camp.

  Seeing Han Yu dodging the attack and rushing towards him again, Qu Zhuo finally settled down.

  But his face was still full of anger. If it weren't for Han Yu's many means, he would have really let these undead masters succeed under his nose.

   Qu Zhuo looked down. The controller who had just exploded half of his body had been severely injured by Zhu Xun's Thunder Prison, but he was still avoiding it, providing summoning enhancement for the Dark King.

  Gripping the five fingers in the void, an invisible dotted line appeared on Qu Zhuo's fingers. The body of the undead master was instantly split and turned into thousands of pieces of flesh, completely devoid of breath.

  Shi Yousheng, who had just escaped from the invincible state, saw that Han Yu actually ran away.

   With resentment on his face, this Han Yu is really as slippery as a loach, it is so difficult to kill or capture.

  But in the current situation, Si Yousheng knew that there was no chance to take Han Yu away.

  In just an instant, Si Yousheng's body was torn apart and flew out of the formation. He had given up and wanted to use his last resort to escape.

   "I thought it would be so easy to run!"

   Zhang Yi looked at Si Yousheng and wanted to leave, his face turned cold.

  The magic circle was running at full strength, and various runes appeared on it. The split body of Si Yousheng had just touched the magic circle, and was bounced back instantly.

  The magic circle set up by Zhang Yi was not designed to defend against external attacks.

  From the very beginning, he and Qu Zhuo hid in order to lure members of the new bishop in.

  Even if the time is tight, a forbidden function is still added to the formation, just to make it impossible for the new bishop to attack people.

  But in the end, this function is only used by Si Yousheng, who is really the body, and other necromancers have other means of resurrection.

   Confirming that the master of the dead in front of him is dead, Qu Zhuo looked at Si Yousheng who was bounced back by the circle.

  After landing, the broken body of Si Yousheng was reassembled.

  The magic pupil of space turns, and four transparent glass-like walls appear around it, trapping it.

   And Zhu Xun and Ying Yuzhu took a look, and turned around to find the weakened Dark Lord, as well as the undead master who was not completely dead under his feet.

  As the summoners died one by one, the level of the Dark King began to drop, and he was gradually rejected by this world, and could no longer pose a threat to Zhu Xun and the others.

  Han Yu once again made a shadow leap, reaching Qu Zhuo's feet, and Qu Zhuo also fell from the sky.

  In no rush to kill Yousheng, Qu Zhuo first looked at Han Yu: "It's all right."

  He regretted it a little now, he shouldn't have listened to Han Yu so easily and directly dealt with the four undead masters, the risk this time was too great.

   "It's okay, I'm not hurt."

  Han Yu's tone was relaxed, but his palms were also in a cold sweat.

  If it weren't for an unpopular skill of his scepter, if it weren't for the resurrected Lava Lizard's double attack and charge skills, it could really shake the Dark Lord.

  He could be being poked on a spear right now, being carried around the moor by a giant skeleton rack, and brought back to the new bishop.

   "Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise I would really have no face to go back to school." Qu Zhuo was still a little scared after thinking about it.

  As the principal, it's fine if he didn't arrive in time last time, but this time, if Han Yu is taken away in front of him, he will really have no face to go back to school.

   "This is for you to handle."

   Qu Zhuo pointed to Si Yousheng who had been suppressed below. He had returned to his original appearance. Although his body was stitched together, he still could barely see the appearance of a human being.

  Han Yu walked over and stood in front of Si Yousheng.

  The priest of the new bishop had troubled him many times before he was truly arrested this time.

   "Death and life? Is it always your last clone this time? Do you want me to spare you once? As long as you tell who your Pope is..."

   "Ahem... No need for the Son of God, I died a worthy death. It is enough to see you summoning the corpse before I die!"

   "Your Highness, Son of God, no matter how much you resist, you are still one of us!"

  Si Yousheng knew that he would die today, so he became even more rampant.

  Han Yu looked at Si Yousheng who was almost unable to maintain his human form on the ground, with disgust on his face.

   "Who is one of you, don't be disgusting."

   "That's what you're talking about?" Han Yu turned his head and glanced at the Lava Lizard, still fighting the Dark Lord with dull eyes.

  However, because the molten core was destroyed, the recovery effect of the rock armor cannot continue now, plus 100% damage-receiving debuffs.

  Even if the Dark Lord has been weakened, it is enough to leave deep and visible bone wounds on his body, but the lava lizard did not shed much blood.

  Its current state is indeed similar to that of a corpse puppet.

   Only relying on Han Yu's command to attack, there is no need to take into account the injury, anyway, it can only exist for a minute.

   "That's just a skill, it will fall down after a minute, I won't make any corpse puppets."

  Han Yu's explanation also made Qu Zhuo's expression relax later. If Han Yu really made a corpse doll, even if it wasn't human, it would make him feel bad.

   "Haha..." After hearing Han Yu's explanation, Si Yousheng let out a maniacal laugh and vomited a blood clot in his throat: "Whether it's a corpse puppet or not, this is your destiny!"

   "On that day, you will return to the new bishop, and together with the Pope and my Lord, you will recast this world!"

  Han Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and the Youshui knife appeared in his hand, pressing against Si Yousheng's throat.

  Looking down at Si Yousheng lying on the ground: "Fate? Only those who have no hope believe in fate, such as you now."

   "Fate?" If there was a theory of fate, he should be lying on the bed right now, with his left foot on his right, and watching videos on his phone.

   Or play another game before going to sleep instead of coming to this world.

  Despite the threat, Si Yousheng showed a mocking smile: "Fate will happen eventually, and you can't avoid it."

   "Anyway, you can't see it anyway." Han Yu didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with him. The new bishop's people are all unrepentant, and now they can't bite anyone, but they will be disgusting.

  Youshui Knife trembled, causing transparent ripples in the air, and Si Yousheng was cut in two, completely losing breath.

   And with the death of the kill, the miniature version of the dark king who was still breathing completely disappeared in place.

  Han Yu didn't care about the equipment bursting out on the ground, put away his knife, turned around and walked to Qu Zhuo's side.

   "Principal, it's resolved, thank you for following here."

  Although the school used him as a bait this time, if they didn't come, he might really be here. Han Yu didn't have any dissatisfaction in his heart.

   "Yeah." Qu Zhuo patted Han Yu's shoulder: "You don't have to pay attention to what he said. The new bishop members are like this. Even if they are going to die, they will still disgust you."

  Han Yu nodded: "Don't worry, principal, I didn't take it to heart, I never believed in fate."

   "That's good." Qu Zhuo nodded: "Then you go back to the tent, and we'll take care of the next things."

   "Okay, thank you teachers."

  Han Yu was indeed very tired. Just now he was almost killed by the spear of the Dark King, but now he just managed to stop the bleeding.

  Turning around and walking towards the tent, he was still thinking in his mind that if the lava lizard died once, it would take another three or four days to use it. Dabi probably wouldn't be able to use it.

   It’s just a national contest, so it’s probably possible to clear the level without using the Lava Lizard.

   "That's right." Qu Zhuo turned around suddenly, and called Han Yu from behind: "Which piece of equipment does your ability to summon the Lava Lizard come from?"

  Han Yu froze for a moment, but still replied: "My scepter, the binding of the oath, is an artifact obtained in the accompanying space."

   "Oh!" Qu Zhuo had a suddenly realized expression: "No wonder the skill is so powerful."

   Qu Zhuo watched Han Yu leave thoughtfully.

  Han Yu didn't turn around, and continued walking towards the camp after returning to Qu Zhuo's words.

  I didn't believe Si Yousheng's words, but Qu Zhuo listened a little.

   But it is not surprising, the new bishop took this posture, and even Han Yu believed that he was really the so-called Son of God.

  In other words, everyone believes it now, if the new bishop is not sure, how can he be willing to pay such a price.

   But no matter what, Han Yu is still on the side of the human camp. As for the future...

  Han Yu smiled wryly, does fate really exist? Just like Xu Lan?

  Han Yu didn't bother to think about things that he couldn't figure out.

  After escaping several times, he was indeed a little tired, and fell asleep without saying a few words to Kong Yuyin and the others in the tent.

  Opening his eyes again, Han Yu found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically. It was no longer a camp, but a cramped modern hut.

   Getting up from the bed in a daze, Han Yu rubbed his sore head and looked around the room.

"this is my house?!"

  Han Yu froze for a moment, this is not his home in Zicang City, but the home before crossing.

   Before he could react in his mind, Han Yu had already habitually sat in front of his computer, pressed the keyboard, and the screen lit up, showing the game he hadn't finished yet.

   "Dreaming? Or am I...really back?"

  The memory in Han Yu's mind began to be confused, and the memory in his mind began to blur, everything was like bubbles in a lake.

   While frowning and thinking, ripples like water appeared on the computer screen.

   While concentrating on watching, an arm suddenly stretched out from the screen—a delicate child-like palm, and the exposed wrist was engraved with complicated runes.

   Behind the wrist, there is a long sleeve of fog blue robe like the deep sea.

  As soon as the palm appeared, it strangled Han Yu's neck tightly. Although the palm was small, it was extremely powerful.

  Han Yu's eyes protruded, and the fear of suffocation made him struggle instinctively. He kicked the chair, and his body fell backwards.

  When his body fell, Han Yu finally felt a sliver of clarity in his mind—

   "Han Yu! Han Yu! Are you okay?"

  A familiar voice came from next to his ear, Han Yu opened his eyes again, he was still inside the tent, Ying Yuzhu was holding a staff, Qu Zhuo, Zhu Xun and others all looked at him nervously.

  Han Yu sat up, his body was already soaked in sweat: "It's okay, I had a nightmare."

   "Is it just a dream? Did you get scared by the Dark Lord yesterday?"

  Han Yu wiped off his sweat to calm down his violently beating heart.

   This dream was a bit too real, and now Han Yu is still a little scared when he thinks about it.

   "It should be because I was too tired yesterday and slept so hard that I almost couldn't wake you up with sobriety..." Ying Yuzhu put away the staff and said something.

  (end of this chapter)

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