MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 321 The Dragon of Destiny!

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  Chapter 321 The Final Dragon!

  As the Demon Extinguishing Dragon entered the black cloud, the cloud seemed to boil instantly, tumbling and expanding in scope.

   At this time, Han Yu and the others were still retreating.

  The power from the black cloud is getting stronger and stronger, and even they can't bear it anymore.

  Time continued to pass, and within the black clouds, there were bursts of dragon chants, but the black dragon did not appear.

   After nearly a minute passed, the tumbling black clouds suddenly stood still, as if a pause button had been placed between the sky and the earth.

  A burst of dazzling white light burst from the middle of the black clouds, and then illuminated the entire sky.

  The dazzling white light made Han Yu and the others subconsciously close their eyes.

  When it opened again, all the black clouds had disappeared, leaving only a sun-like white halo in the center of the sky.

  As the halo disappeared, a curled up giant dragon slowly opened its body and soared above the sky.

  The length of the body is also close to 100 meters, and there is a faint blue light growing on the surface of the body.

  Han Yu looked at the Demon Extinguishing Dragon in the air, and it seemed that it had only grown in size, without any other changes.

   But the feeling is very different, the creatures in front of them seem to not belong to this world at all.

   "A real giant dragon." Ning Jiang said: "This is a real giant dragon."

  Han Yu also felt a little shocked, and opened the prompt given to him by the system just now.

  【Your summoned object: Destroyer Demon Dragon has evolved—Dragon of Destiny

  Gain the evolutionary talent: Magic Finale: The Last Dragon is immune to all magic attacks, and can release any magic skills you have seen.

  The true body of the dragon: All attributes and energy of the final dragon are the same.

Obtained evolution skills: Final Avatar: Incarnation of the God of Destruction, the four-dimensional attribute is increased ten times, and nine heads are transformed. Each dragon head can use ice, fire, earth, wind, thunder, poison, light, etc. with destructive attributes. Dark, space elemental magic attacks.

   Obtain evolution skills: Indestructible Dragon Mark: The final dragon roars, turning enemy creatures within 50 meters below 50% of its energy into dragonborn, and dragonborn gets 150% strength bonus and 50% physical reduction. 】

   "Is this the giant dragon?" Han Yu was also a little dazed. He never thought that the ultimate evolution of the final dragon could be strengthened to such an extent.

  Although it seems that there are still only two talents and two skills, each talent is at the bug level.

  If this skill is placed on any player, it will be a cheat.

The evolution is complete, and the final dragon still wants to rub against Han Yu, but he directly rejects it. Such a big dragon is scary enough to look at. If he still comes and hits him like before, he may die on the spot .

   At this time, all creatures had evolved, and Han Yu heard another reminder.

  【Consumption of attribute points meets the requirements: all functions of the system have been unlocked. 】

  【Acquire a new function: permanent summoning, your summoning will not be affected by time, completely open up the space, and all summoned creatures can last forever. 】

  【Ability Enhancement: The duration of talent sharing is permanent, and there is no CD for switching different summons. 】

   "Huh?" Han Yu didn't expect that even he himself has "ultimate evolution" now!

   Immediately sharing the talent of the Dragon of Destiny, the surging power flowed through his body, and Han Yu felt that he had already controlled the world.

   Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to improve his level, but now, with attribute blessings, the level has no effect on him.

  Ning Jiang and the others, who were looking at the figure of the giant dragon, also instantly felt that the aura of Han Yu beside them had become extremely frightening.

   "What's going on!" Ning Jiang asked nervously, this sudden change was like the current Han Yu had suddenly changed into another person.

   "It's okay, I just tried the talent sharing." His talent skills, talent sharing, many people know. 1

   "I'm going, I almost forgot that you still have this skill." Ning Jiang observed carefully and relaxed after confirming that Han Yu was still the same.

   "Now you can share this kind of summon... It's too scary." Leng Chi sighed quietly, his tone a little sour.

  He managed to rise to level 60, and now when compared with Han Yu, he instantly felt that he was more popular than Han Yu.

   It was impossible for him to defeat any of the summoned objects just now, but now Han Yu can share those summoned objects with his talents.

   In other words, Han Yu, a fresh graduate, can now completely abuse them all.

   "So-so." Han Yu replied humbly, then clenched his fist with his right hand, and a small flame in the shape of a giant dragon appeared in his palm.

  The flame looked exactly the same as the final dragon, hovering in Han Yu's hands.

  After turning twice, Han Yu pushed forward with his right hand, and the petite dragon of the flame flew forward at an extremely fast speed.

  After landing, a strong explosion was triggered, leaving a large crater close to five meters on the ground.

   "I'll still say it's mediocre." Tu Yuanwu was startled when he saw Han Yu's actions. It's not difficult to release such a powerful skill.

  But Han Yu obviously doesn't have many fire elements under his control, and he doesn't even have the slightest movement to cast spells. The power is so great that there are only a handful of people who can do it.

  Han Yu was also a little surprised. He tried a skill before he realized that the hints given by the system were not comprehensive at all.

   There are too many aspects of ultimate evolution, and the details are not introduced in detail.

  For example, Tong shared the talent of the Dragon of Destiny, he instantly felt various elements in the air beating around him, and he could use it at will.

   This is probably the reason why the Dragon of Destiny can release any magic, but in fact, Han Yu can even create magic at will, and because of the extreme use of elements, the power will not be small.

   "Then, when are we going to Naraku City?" Han Yu retracted his hand and asked.

   Now that his strength has suddenly increased, he has to thank the new bishop for providing so many attribute points.

  No matter what, I must thank the new bishop for taking care of himself on his growth path.

   "Let's set off in the afternoon, people from the expedition team are coming too." Looking at Han Yu's strength, Ning Jiang actually wanted to enter Naraku City directly.

   After all, relying on these summons of Han Yu, a small country can be swept away, not to mention a branch of a new bishop in a small country, even if this is the future base of the new bishop, Ning Jiang does not think it is difficult.

  But the order has already been sent out. It is estimated that the expedition team has assembled at the gate of the teleportation formation. It is too late to cancel the order now. Let them take a look.

  Han Yu nodded, since the expedition team is ready, let's wait.

  Just when he was about to go back to the base to do something, Han Yu suddenly felt a squirm in his fingers, and the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon seemed to be contacting him again.

   Quickly connected to the call, the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon vaguely sent a few words: "And I..."

   "I'll go, I almost forgot, there is one more." Only then did Han Yu realize that there was another summoned object that he forgot.

  The ultimate evolution of the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon should not have been achieved, but his body fused with Xiangliu is already a bit too powerful.

   So much so that Han Yu has forgotten that he still needs the ultimate evolution, but now that the attribute points have been exhausted, Han Yu can only comfort and say: "Wait, I will definitely evolve for you today."

   If you don’t have enough attribute points, you can only look for the monsters inside. Anyway, now, the most important thing in Japan is monsters.

   After talking badly, the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon calmed down.

   It can only be said that sometimes it is troublesome to have too many summons.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Shangsha Dahe finally moved forward with a mighty army.

   Walking at the forefront, there are nearly 4,000 people remaining in Yaqi who can be dispatched.

   Behind them are most of the soldiers of the expedition.

   Without much pleasantries, Leng Chi quickly issued an order, apparently heading to Naraku City.

   Not long after walking, a level 60 lord Dong Gelong emerged from the ground, aiming at the battle group.

   With a wave of his hand, Han Yu called out all the summoned creatures. Anyway, if he doesn't consume energy now, of course he can use it freely.

  But just showing a head, I suddenly felt trembling all over, as if some powerful creature was staring at me.

   Looking up, the sky was dark, because he stayed underground for too long, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

   But looking up, the sky was actually blocked by a giant dragon. The moment he saw the black dragon, he immediately trembled with fright.

  That was Longwei, under this level of Longwei, he had no room to resist at all.

   Just as he was about to use all his strength to return to the ground, a small arrow flew towards him.

   This arrow is too small for Dong Gelong, so small that he doesn't think it can cause any effective damage to himself.

  But the arrow fell, causing a huge explosion, and blasted a huge gap in Dong Gelong's body.

   Then countless wind blades rolled up, on Dong Gelong's body, cutting his flesh and blood like Ling Chi.

   "Roar!" Dong Gelong let out a tragic cry, but still couldn't make any effective resistance.

  In just a moment, that huge body turned into a pile of minced meat.

   And Ellie, standing in the air like a real master of the wind, slowly put away the bow and arrow in her hand.

   "Why are you robbing monsters!" The final dragon made a human-like voice, very dissatisfied with Ellie's sudden attack.

  He still wanted to show off his strength, but he didn't expect to be shot dead by Ellie without even handing over the call.

   "Hmph, you have fast hands, but you have slow hands." Alice didn't hesitate at all. Anyway, the final dragon is only immune to magic attacks.

   If it makes her unhappy, Ellie will give him acupuncture instead.

   "Forget it, give me a chance to show off next time." Final Yan Zhilong didn't argue, Han Yu was still watching from behind.

   "Okay! Keep going!" Leng Chi watched the monster being dealt with, and ordered to move on.

   "This... this... what's going on." Shangsha Dahe stuttered as he watched a 65th-level lord be dealt with in an instant.

  He still hasn't figured out what's going on, why he left for such a short while, and there are only two more evil spirits in the team.

   "Ahem, what's so surprising, this is Lord Han Yu's summoning object." Cui Junzhi said calmly.

   "But... this is too strong." Shangsha Dahe still didn't react, he knew that Han Yu's transcendence level was strong.

  But shouldn’t his strength be dependent on Yamata no Orochi? Now, other summoned creatures seem to be stronger.

   "What's surprising about this, shouldn't Mr. Han Yu be so strong?" Cui Junzhi was actually shocked in his heart, but he was just pretending to be calm.

  He had seen the whole process of Han Yu's evolution of the summoned object before. Although it was shocking, he never thought that Han Yu's summoned object could instantly kill a 60th-level lord with one blow.

   "So strong..." Shangsha Dahe didn't know what to say, and swept his eyes in front of Han Yu's summoned creatures one by one.

  Each of them is extremely terrifying, especially the huge mountain-like Titan and the giant dragon hovering in the sky.

   Those two creatures, just by looking at them, can destroy all the teams here with one blow.

   I don't know what kind of strength it will be if I really move my hands.

  Seeing that the lord was dealt with so easily, Han Yu was also very satisfied. With such strength, the original battle should not be difficult.

  After all, the recommended level of the original battle is only 50 and 70.

   Glancing at the other summoned creatures, Han Yu gave Finn an order, and he happened to be idle, so he quickly summoned some treants.

  Fin ordered, a row of ten treants appeared in front of him, and in the next second there were ten more.

  The height of the tree man is close to three meters, and he is a pure giant in front of human beings, much stronger than ordinary players.

   Moreover, Finn can also strengthen them. With continuous strengthening, he will soon get an extremely terrifying treant.

  Looking at the treants that kept appearing, Han Yu was very satisfied. This is the highest level of a summoner. You don't even need to do the summoning yourself.

   As soon as the treants appeared, they quickly surrounded the players.

   If they encounter an attack, they will become the first layer of protection for the players.

   Some unknown players almost started to attack, but with the explanation of Leng Chi and Han Yu, they finally moved forward with peace of mind.

  The team advanced another 30 kilometers. It stands to reason that a 60th-level lord should appear here, but the speed of the team stopped for a while, and there was no movement after waiting for a while.

  Han Yu and the others could only leave directly and move on.

  Unexpectedly, I didn't even see the hair of a monster.

   "How long until Naraku City?" Leng Chi turned around and asked Shangsha Dahe.

  Shangsha Dahe immediately came back and said: "If there is no roadblock, we will be able to see Naraku City in fifteen minutes at most."

   "Understood." Leng Chi turned his head away: "But your mouth is quite clever, as soon as you talk about monsters, this blocker will come."

  Shangsha Dahe was stunned when he heard Leng Chi's words, and looked ahead, a black line was advancing towards them.

  Observing by yourself, you can see that there are hordes of monsters approaching them little by little.

   "Everyone! Get ready for battle!" Leng Chi raised his giant sword high and gave an order.

  The sound of roaring battle armor sounded, and all players took out their equipment, preparing to resist the coming real wave of magic.

  (end of this chapter)

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