MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 322 The tide of magic is raging!

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  Chapter 322 Demon tide is raging!

  Han Yu, who was sitting on Hu Yun's back, waved his hand.

   Faster than all the players, the treant array that had already been ready to go rushed forward.

   In 30 seconds, the Treants had blocked all the players in front of them, and the black line was also in front of them.

   Standing at the very front is a crab-shaped suture monster supported by eight legs. Its belly is swollen and pus is constantly flowing out of it.

   But the body can still barely see a little human appearance, the end of the swollen arm on the left is replaced by a chainsaw, and the right hand is a giant axe.

  【lv65 Lord: The Pride of the Leader】

   "Roar!" The pride of the leader saw the tree man rushing towards him, and issued an order to charge.

  Behind him, countless monsters of various shapes rushed towards the tree man roaring.

   From the huge belly of the leader's pride, eight spikes flew out at an extremely fast speed.

   shot at the eight treants who were still far away, the chains tied behind the spikes rolled, and the treants were pulled in front of the leader Zhiao.

  With a bang, the eight treants were crushed instantly.

   Killing the first wave of enemies made the leader's pride extremely excited, leading the team to charge at a faster speed.

   But in the distance, an arrow had already locked on to him, and a stream of light flew past, hitting his head directly.

   The pride of the leader who was charging seemed to sense it, and looked up towards the sky.

   Light like a meteor is shooting towards his eye sockets.

  The pride of the leader felt extremely dangerous, as if this could kill him.

  But he finally reacted. When the attack was about to hit, three layers of shields appeared on his body, just to block the attack from the sky.

  The only thing that can reach the ears is the sound of glass breaking, the three-layer shield is broken instantly, and then there is the sound like watermelon shattering.

   That was his head, and he wanted to continue struggling, but in the next second, he lost all consciousness.

   "It's you again! Ellie!" The Final Dragon roared in dissatisfaction. There is no way, Ellie's attack range is too far.

   While he was still fluttering his wings, Ellie's bow and arrows were full.

  However, the Dragon of Final Yan has already entered the battlefield. Before the pride of the leader died completely, the Dragon of Final Yan had already marked him with the Dragonborn mark.

  So the pride of the leader lost consciousness, not because he died, but because he had been transformed into a dragonborn by the final dragon.

  Original pride, the leader who was fleeing for his life, dragged his injured body, turned his head and rushed into the demon tide, and began to fight hard. ,

  After transforming into a dragonborn, the strength of the leader's pride not only did not decrease, but the attack attribute increased by 150%. The sharp claws in the stomach continued to fly out, crushing the monsters around him one by one,

  The monsters that had followed the leader to fight hard, before touching the enemy, bloomed and exploded like fireworks in the hands of their leader.

  But the defensive attribute of the leader's pride has also dropped by half, and his injuries are getting worse and worse from the attacks of a large number of monsters, but the final dragon doesn't care at all.

  The so-called dragon descendant is nothing more than a servant of a real dragon. It vibrated its wings, like a black cloud covering the sky, and it just stopped on the head of the vanguard of the demon tide. 1

  The monsters of the demon tide saw this terrifying creature, and various skills flew towards the final dragon one by one.

  The Dragon of Destiny does not evade, and magic is the best ability supplement for him. The more elemental energy next to him, the stronger the attack it releases.

   Slightly suspended in the air above the head of the demon tide, the final dragon took a sharp breath, and a large amount of elemental energy gathered around it, and then entered its body.

  If there are magicians around it now, they will be surprised to find that none of their skills can be released, because all the elemental energy has been sucked away by the final dragon.

   Pausing for a while, the Dragon of Finale let out a roar, and a colorful dragon's breath sprayed out, which was wrapped with various elements, and it was sprayed out of the dragon's mouth without any rejection.

  The dragon's breath landed on the ground, and at the moment it was sprayed on the magic tide creature, it caused a violent explosion, and all the creatures within the range were instantly turned into dust.

  The battle formation was originally neatly arranged, but because of the dragon's breath of the final dragon, there was a gap in an instant.

  Looking at the boundless demon tide, Shangsha Dahe never imagined that there are so many monsters hidden in the city not far from Dongjin City.

  If these tens of thousands of monsters attack Dongjin City at the same time, it may take less than a day for Dongjin City to be completely swallowed by the demon tide.

  Han Yu flew into the sky and saw the huge scale of the demon tide. If he guessed correctly, most of the monsters in Japan should be gathered here.

   "Attack with all your strength!" Han Yu ordered again, there was no need to stay behind in such a large-scale demon tide.

   "Expeditionary team, charge!" Leng Chi also raised his long sword and gave the command to charge.

  But before the expedition team's charge, Han Yu's summoning object had already moved, and Yehuo Tianhu's directly flew into the air, and soon stood in the center of the demon tide.

   Seeing enemies appearing in the sky again, a 65th-level lord and two 55th-level lords flew out of the demon tide, ready to launch a siege against Yehuo Tianhu.

  But before he actually did anything, he suddenly felt a killing intent that was as real as it was.

  The lord headed by him reacted instantly, and turned his head to counterattack the sneak attacking enemy.

  But after turning his head, he realized that his body did not follow, only a head, and he saw the shadow of a fuzzy praying mantis. And its body is falling towards the ground at an extremely fast speed,

  Void Lord, as a natural hunter, how could he reveal his aura before killing him.

  By the time you feel the killing intent of the Void Lord, there is a high probability that you will already be decapitated.

   "Pfft!" The headed lord saw only a vague shadow, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell downwards.

  The body of the Void Lord is hidden in the void again, ready to attack the next prey.

"Nine-tailed incarnation!" Yehuo Tianhu's majestic but slightly immature voice sounded, and the flames at the end of the nine tails behind her ignited, and then instantly became her clones, each holding a flame in their hands orb.

   "Kamma fire, burn everything!"

  The ten Yehuo Sky Foxes seemed to be giving orders to the air, but they couldn't follow what they said. The demon tide on the ground ignited a transparent flame out of thin air.

   Those various monsters looked at the flames ignited out of thin air in their bodies, and they were still a little dull, because these flames were not hot at all, and even felt a little cold to the touch.

  But in the next second, heart-piercing pain came from their bodies, and they tried any means to defend, but it didn't work. They could only watch their bodies burn to death bit by bit.

  The karmic fire is constantly burning, and those ordinary monsters have no ability to resist at all, and are helplessly reduced to ashes under the invisible karmic fire.

  After the first round of karmic fire was released, Tianhu started the second round of skills, and the ultra-wide-range ground fire and blazing fireballs like meteorites were thrown out one after another.

  Yehuo Tianhu just stood in the air, the main body and nine clones were like gods of judgment, ready to destroy the whole world with a single move.

  Other summoned objects zoomed in when they saw Yehuo Tianhu coming up, how could they bear it.

   Ellie shoots an arrow with a bow, but this time the target is not any monster, but an arrow pointing to the sky.

  The bow is like a full moon, and countless brilliance are flying around the arrow in Ellie's hand.

  The sky turned gray in an instant, and ordinary people with excellent eyesight could see the stars and the moon appearing in the sky during the day.


   The sound of unwinding the bowstring is not loud, but it can reach everyone's ears in this chaotic battlefield.

  Then, the sky began to sway. Whether it was the expedition team that was charging, or the demon tide monster struggling to fight the tree man, they all stopped in an instant and looked up.

  The sun is still in the sky, the moon and stars are more and more obvious, and countless stars fall from the sky, when they are 100 meters away from the ground.

  The creatures on the ground could see clearly that countless transparent arrows made of starlight were shooting towards the ground.

   is piercing the sky, and the wind blades are rushing towards all the creatures on the ground.

  Time seemed to stand still at this moment. The scene of falling blue stars in the sky was so gorgeous that everyone subconsciously held their breath.

  But in the next second, the starlight arrow landed and plunged straight into the magic wave.


  Just as it landed, the beautiful starlight exploded. If a drop of water falls into the lake, countless small water droplets will be splashed.

  But this drop of water is cast from the blood of monsters.

The sound of puffing came out continuously. It was the sound of the monster's body being pierced, followed by a violent explosion. The monsters who survived the attack of thousands of starlight arrows, were sputtered by the explosion. rise.

  Leng Chi looked at the picture in front of him, but couldn't say a word, he just raised the giant sword in his hand, which meant to stop the march.

  The attacks of Han Yu's summons are too terrifying. If the expeditionary army enters, these attacks may not be able to avoid all friendly troops, so Leng Chi decided to wait a while before attacking.

  Starlight fell all over the sky. Although the picture was beautiful, it instantly reduced Mochao's staff by two-thirds.

   Those who are not dead are also slightly or seriously injured.

  Beside these undead monsters, a phantom appeared, and the onlookers of the Shanhai Expeditionary Group only saw the flash of a knife, and a monster floated high.

   This is the Lord of the Void - Shadowblade Mantis's favorite battle situation.

   As for the surviving monsters, their heads were thrown up one by one like fireworks that had been ignited. Even when they died, they didn't find out what creature killed them.

  The Dragon of Destiny saw that he was preempted by Ellie again, and felt even more upset. He was going to show his body directly and completely annihilate the demon tide here.

   But when he was acting, he was stopped by Han Yu.

  The Demon Tide Legion here is just at the end of its strength, and we don't know what we will meet later, so we should save a little strength.

  The Dragon of the End can only open its mouth, release a torrent of spells, and release skills of various forbidden spell levels to complete the final cleaning of the battlefield,

  The remaining defeated soldiers were quickly cleared up by Ellie and the Void Lord.

   This demonic tide with a scale of nearly 10,000 was solved by Han Yu in less than 30 minutes.

  The entire human battle formation looked like a catastrophe, silent.

  They never imagined that the strength of human beings could reach this level.

   One person suddenly tens of thousands of monsters, is this still a human being?

  Ning Jiang looked at the battlefield in front of him and took a deep breath.

  Raising the weapon in his hand, he shouted in a resounding voice: "Han Yu will win! Mountains and seas will win! Mankind will win!"

  In the silent army formation, a tsunami-like cry sounded: "Han Yu will win! Mountains and seas will win! Mankind will win!"

  Whether it is Shanhai or the members of Baqi, they are all calling Han Yu's name.

  This battle was won so easily, so easily, that everyone here has rekindled their hope that human beings can completely wipe out the demon tide in this generation.

  Now, Han Yu is everyone's hope, he is what everyone thinks is the terminator of the demon tide.

   If there is really only one savior, it can only be Han Yu.

   "Record it?" Ning Jiang looked at the calling human beings, and his heart was also surging. He has guarded Qingyun City for many years, and his greatest wish has always been to be able to defend the safe city of Dahan.

   But now, there is a person who can end the demon tide, how can he not be excited.

   Leng Chi nodded: "The black box on my body should have recorded all the scenes here, but there is no signal here, so it can't be transmitted."

  Leng Chi, as a member of the remote group, always wears a miniature video recording device on his body all year round.

  If Leng Chi dies in battle, as long as he knows the black box, he can find out who killed him.

  But now, by accident, this shocking battle was recorded.

   "Okay! Send the video as soon as there is a signal. With such a battle video, the confidence and fighting spirit of the human race will be raised to a higher level, or the tide of magic may really end in our generation."

   "Yes." Leng Chi nodded, when he first met Han Yu.

   Never thought that this seemingly immature young man would bring him such a surprise.

   The shouting gradually stopped, Ning Jiangye and the others also came to the front of Han Yu, and patted him on the shoulder: "Han Yu, good job."

  Han Yu shook his head: "It's okay, just perform normally."

  Seeing that Han Yu's reaction was a bit wrong, Ning Jiang hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, feeling uncomfortable?"

  Now Han Yu is the treasure of the entire human race, even if the expedition team here is wiped out, nothing will happen to him.

   "It's okay, maybe it's because of too much consumption, and I'm a little dizzy." Han Yu didn't know why, but why he suddenly became dizzy.

   It stands to reason that the system has said so, and now it is summoned without consumption. It stands to reason that no matter how expensive the summoned item is, this situation will not happen.

   "You don't need to work so hard, your body is important." Ning Jiang thought about it, how could it be possible that Han Yu didn't consume much in the big scene just now.

   "Yes." Han Yu couldn't understand either, but the dizziness in his head disappeared quickly, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

  However, he didn't notice that the end of the golden thread on his arm, which has existed until now, has been extended by a section, and the separated yellow and blue ends are gradually curved.

   "The sun will set soon, why not enter Nara City tomorrow?" Ning Jiang suggested.

  (end of this chapter)

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