MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 283 The seven circles of the collapsed, the lions slanted and returned.

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Xie Wei stood up fiercely and shouted: "Zi Qiren, you retreat!"

He put on the emperor's esteem, and for a time he was like this is his royal palace, and he is still the tallest surviving beastmaster.

There are countless thoughts emerging in the slanting brain of the river, which are intertwined intricately and completely unreasonable.

If Ji Qiren is a thank you, why should he save himself? Why do you have to teach yourself all the time you have learned? Why is it so loyal to help him in the upper position?

Is this also Xie Tao’s plan? Does he think that he can manipulate him with Ji Qiren?


Ji Qiren only he is from, even he annihilated the Rose Wang Palace did not stop ...

If this is Xie Tao’s calculation, what is Xie’s picture?

Of course, Mr. Robot will not retreat. He is a high-tech social product. As long as the program is properly written, everything can be given to you. It is absolutely true and true, without any flaws.

I saw the robot gimmick: "Under the small hall, please let go of your majesty, he is for you... for you have given up everything!"

This is called a response to the river.

He is now a lion, and Xie has long been nothing.

The name of Ji Qiren is obviously used by the elderly in the Rose Palace.

Jiang can't help himself. He went to him and asked him: "What do you mean in the end? Xie beat my family and killed me, and almost killed me..."

"No," the robot screamed. "In the beginning, he was seriously injured and exiled. How can he spare the opportunity to interfere with the domestic affairs of the lion? It was after the Qing dynasty killed the lion country, knowing that your life is killing you!" At that time, my Majesty just knew your life, but it was already late. He was completely overhead. He couldn’t stop the Qing. He could only succumb to the snake and look for opportunities to tell us that the old people were forced to drive you to the fierce forest. ......"

He spoke out intermittently, the river was completely paralyzed, and Xie Tao lost all his strength and sat down on the soft couch.

The face is pale and weak, and Xie Zhen’s heart is one hundred happy.

If the ex-situ summary is given to him, then there are twelve souls he will make.

Xie Tao has a cold back and quickly let himself live in the brain. If this is a word, he will kill himself!

The logic of the robot is clear, and the details are clearly explained.

When the national teacher was in power, Xie Zhen, who was weak and seriously ill, was the real embarrassment. In order to cure himself, he had to go back to the palace and ask for the treatment of the queen. Who knows that the national teacher found out the life of the river and knew that he was a lion. The only survivor of the royal family suddenly became a killer.

Xie Tao knows that she can't protect the little lion. She also knows that if she confesses things, the little lion will not only go away, but will also break the net with the national teacher.

For the safety of the little lion, Xie Tao can only squat his heart and put on a cold and cruel face to kill him.

In fact, it is actually a play for the national teacher. The little lions have flown into the fierce forest. They have also been explored by the guards and carefully protected.

Ji Qiren is the confidant in the confidant of the Beastmaster Wang. His whole family was rescued by Xie Zhen and was loyal to him.

In the face of the owner's request, he did it right.

Teaching the river slant, assisting the river slant, helping him to take the position of the lion king, and finally conforming to his mind, burning the royal palace, killing the national division to avenge the hatred.

These are all Xie Wei’s expectations. He even married Ji Qiren: “If I am caught, you will see the river and see me.”

At this time, I heard that Ji Qiren recounted this sentence. The river was sloping and the eyes were empty. He looked at Xie Wei: "Why..."

Xie Wei sat on the bed, not looking at him.

Ji Qiren mourned: "Under the small hall, you are afraid that you will not be able to bear it after you know it! He is willing to bear the bad name of the world, but also to fulfill you!"

Although in a sense, Xie Zhen is like this, but... it’s very embarrassing.

The river has been unable to return to God for a long time.

Ji Qiren said: "I am trying to plan for you, but I am humiliated. The old slave is really... really..."

The river **** slowly looks at Xie Wei, the golden scorpion is like the water surface that is illuminated by the sun, and the golden light is all water vapor: "You...this..."

Xie Tao got up and looked at the robot: "Old season, go on."

The robot took a ceremonial ceremony and left the dormitory.

Only the river **** and Xie Zhen were left in the entire temple.

Xie Tao did not open his face, avoiding the gaze of the river.

The river slanted open, and the voice actually brought some fragile youth: "Why... don't tell me..."

Xie Tao said: "It has been so many years."

Jiang slanted eyes and red eyes: "Do you want to marry me forever, even if I take you ... ... you can't say **** the word."

He remembered what he had done to Xie Tao, and he said that he wanted to kill himself.

Xie Tao finally looked up at him. The misty scorpion was all gentle and helpless. He said: "I am too greedy. If I don't greedy and die early in the cave, I won't give you so much hardship." ”

Jiang was twitching and took his hand.

Xie Wei seems to be unable to hold back, and can no longer hide it. He whispered: "I know what you think of me... I was in a state of dying, I couldn’t manipulate my dreams, not because I entered you. Dreams are as if your consciousness is too strong and you have entered my dreams."

The river trembled and the heart shook, and countless words poured into the eyes of the blind man, and he could not find a word that could be said.

Xie Wei said slowly: "I was only when you were in the estrus period, it will be... so entangled in me, then... I found that you really like me..."

Jiang leaned to hold him, and said: "I like you."

Xie Xiao smiled and continued: "I shouldn't like you... I am so much older than you, and I am raising you in another hand. It shouldn't be against you..."

He paused, and all the voices were remorseful. "At the time, all the villages were telling you about pro, I also asked you, every time I heard you say that I don't want to be a relative, my heart is uncomfortable and sweet, I can't help but hold a face training. You can't help but want to respond to your heart."

"But at the time my body was too bad, my heart was damaged. Under the circumstances, no one can cure it. After dragging such a body, what promise can I give you? If you want to cure your body, you can only return to the rose. Royal palace."

"I don't want to go back. When I dug up my heart, I was able to go back with my post, and now I go back..."

"But I want to live." Xie Xiao closed her eyes and looked at the river ramp after blinking. "I want to live with you."

The river is sloping, and his brain is his former sentence: "You dug up your heart..."

Xie Tao said: "Yeah, I and Houqing got to that point, do you think I like him?"

Jiang Shui remembered what he said after bringing him back to the Lion Kingdom, remorse: "I'm sorry, sir, sorry..."

Xie Tao held his cheek and said: "Don't apologize, you are not wrong."

River ramp: "I don't know anything, I hurt you like this..."

Xie said: "So I don't want you to know."

Jiang oblique eyebrows twisted into a knot.

Xie Wei carefully depicts his slender eyebrows with his hands on his face. His face is full of thoughts and attachments: "When you tell me, when you are doing well now, I am very happy... Time can erase everything, you will forget I will have a new life, will marry my wife and have children, and become the best king on this continent..."

When Jiang was remembered in the dungeon, Xie Zhen asked him the words - are you doing well now?

He said that he is doing very well.

What kind of mood did Xie Tao ask this? What kind of mood is it to hear this answer, unimaginable!

"No!" Jiang Li forced him into his arms and choked. "I am not doing well, I am not happy. I have never had a happy day. I miss you every day and never stop."

Xie Yu lived.

Jiang Xie was finally able to face his feelings. He said: "Even if I thought you were hurting my family, even if I thought you were deceiving me to use me, I wanted to kill me, but I still miss you, I want to see you... I hate this. Self, hate yourself can't let you down, hate yourself can't forget you, hate yourself, can't really hate you..."

He said this, thank you for this heart is really hurt.

Although it is fake for him, it is extremely true to the river.

Under such circumstances, in such a desperate betrayal, he still turned to Xie Wei...

Xie Wei held him and only hoped that he would stop suffering: "I am not good, I don't know if you still love me, I don't know if you still..."

"I love you..." Jiang's repressed emotions spurted out, and he kept telling him, "I can't stop loving you anyway."

The truth is clear, and Xie Tao did not leave the world immediately.

It takes comfort to experience so many lions.

Xie Tao does not have to play, after all, his love for him is never half less than him.

The two spent a year together. When the river was built in the back garden of the Lion Kingdom, Xie Tao left the small world with him.

They kissed in a large beautiful rose flower, and their eyes were filled with each other.

At such a comfortable moment, Xie Tao returned to the garden of the twelve worlds.


The lion is also back.

Although the Seven Realms and the Eight Realms were somewhat rough, the good results were all good, and they were all taken away from the collapsed quasi-world.

Xie Tao was not in a hurry to touch a light group. He looked at the six skewers lying side by side and sorted out his mood.

There is a lot of time... The countdown has an hour and forty minutes, enough.

Xie Tao used his **** to paint himself a pot of tea and prepared to rest for ten minutes.

He can't be careless about this time, and he can't possibly touch two light groups at once...

He drank water for ten minutes and felt that he was in good shape and could start the next one.

Just then, he saw the white sheep lying on the bed slanting.


Xie rubbed his eyes.

Half of the countdown, how can I wake up?

Xie Tao went straight and leaned over to see the young white sheep leaning.

The wrist was suddenly held, and Xie Xin’s heart was coming out.

After a while, Aries obliquely pressed him to the bed.

Xie Wei: "!!!"

Aries’s handsome face was so badly laughed, and the crisp voice was also very good: “Children, the play is good.”

Xie Wei suddenly squinted.

Aries kissed him obliquely.

Although Xie Tao was shocked, but also knows that this is the river slope... or the body...

But what is going on here? How is the river slope...

Xie Tao was panting and frustrated with him, stuttering: "How are you..."

Jiang slanted his nose: "You have recovered so many souls, I can't wake up, but also be the first person in the center."

You are the first person in the center of a ghost!

Oh, it’s the first person – the first person in the center!

Chapter 284 can't be obliterated 01┃ Central probably won't take care of me because I am your husband...

Xie Wei pushed him away and asked, "What the **** are you doing?"

River ramp: "You will release the cat's ear cat tail first, I will tell you."

Xie Wei: "..." Suddenly miss the soul!

Jiang said to him: "Look, I won't do anything."

Xie Yan served: "You are not like Aries, like the gray wolf!"

Jiang slanted without a face: "That is also your wolf, only eat this kitten."

In the end, Xie Tao is a thin skin. Where is the old rogue, he is angry and angry: "You are nonsense, I am angry!"

Jiang is full of mouth trains, but it is not a run, or know how to measure: "Well, make a joke, you look good."

Xie Wei: "..." really miss the soul of ‘ honest Pakistani!’

Because the river **** was still counting down, Xie Wei didn't dare to talk nonsense with him, and quickly asked the right thing: "It is because you have recovered six souls, so you wake up?"

The river ramp: "It should be said that most of the soul has been recovered. I can have such mental strength and break through the prohibition set by the central government."

Xie Wei was nervous when he heard the word prohibition. He asked: "Will you wake up like this?" He is afraid of rebellion.

Look at Xie Wei, Jiang Yan’s heart is as sweet as honey: “Reassured, this is within the rules, as long as it is strong enough...”

He paused and said nothing.

Xie Tao waited for the follow-up: "How?"

The river slanted and snarled: "As long as it is strong enough, you can find such a beautiful and charming little baby..."

Xie Yan no expression: "Roll!"

River ramp: "Is it not? I am a living example."

Xie Tao knows him too much now. This man can say that he will not be tired all day and night. It can be a little dangerous, but his mouth is as tight as a river, and he can’t open it!

Xie Tao sneered: "Don't say it, you are resting, I am going to the next world."

Packed up so many souls, Xie Tao has been mixed from the bronze into the king, where can not clean up this bad thing.

Jiang slanted quickly: "I said I said..."

Xie Wei looked at him.

The river's slanting thin lips are slightly raised, and this old rogue smile is extremely contrasting on the face of Aries's oblique and clear show.

Xie Wei didn't want to see him!

River ramp: "I said that I am afraid that you are too big to say."

Xie Tao unveiled him politely: "Which sentence is you?"

The credibility of sweeping the earth, the river oblique does not care, so many worlds come, Xie Yulian has a few of his underwear are well known, what is awkward.

River ramp: "Maybe we are strong enough, even the central government can surpass."

Xie Yan big eyes, some embarrassing.

Jiang tilted his index finger and shook his beautiful eyes: "Children, returning to God."

Xie Tao tweeted: "What about going beyond the center."

"Who knows?" River ramp, "This is one of the small goals I set myself before I met you."

Xie Wei sent him a blank eye.

Jiang’s ability to talk about love is comparable to that of Sao: “With you now, my only purpose is to be with you.”

This is not true, but it is full of heart.

The more you contact the soul, the more you understand the river, and the more you thank Xie, the more sad you are under this guy's injustice.

People always need a living goal.

Before Xie Tao came to the center, Jiang Ting found a lot of goals for himself. For example, he did not hesitate to cut himself to design a quasi-world to maintain the balance of the central government. He also guarded the friends living in the center; for example, exploring the secrets of the central government, perhaps surpassing He will find the value of his existence.

Life is lost, especially when the heart is empty, the most at a loss.

Xie Tao was lucky enough to encounter the river slant early, but the river slant was so lonely for so many years.

Thinking of this, Xie Tao was soft-hearted, and he snuggled into his arms and said: "I don't want to be with a person who lacks two pounds."

Jiang slanted out of the channel: "Less two pounds?"

Xie glanced at the six light groups: "There is a lot missing!"

Jiang was dissatisfied. He picked up Xie’s hand: "How can it be missing? You try him so big..."

Xie Wei: "..." When is it hard, this guy full of brain waste!

Jiang can't help but press on him: "Come, come and feel it..."

Xie Tao said: "Don't mess, only one and a half hours."

Jiang slanted to the top of his head: "Do you see it moving?"

Xie Yan looked up and saw that... the countdown was still!

They had a sneak peek, and it took five or six minutes. How could it last for an hour and a half?

River ramp: "Reassured, I am awake, the countdown will not change."

Xie Tao wondered: "What does this countdown mean?"

River ramp: "You will know when you bring the soul back."

There are too few clues, blind guesses, but they will mislead themselves.

Since the countdown does not change... Xie Wei... can't push this guy.

The two of them were intimate, and Xie Yan was too tired to lift his arm. He had to draw a bath in the gods.

River ramp: "It's the bath of the Lion Palace."

Xie gave him a look.

River obliquely said: "Sir, you cheated me badly." Said the lion's oblique tone.

Xie Lili, his ghost: "You still have a face!"

Jiang Xie is also dressed as a post-clear: "Your Majesty, do you really love me?"

Xie gave him a look: "I will show you your heart?"

The river slanted for a second, and he held him in the water: "Baby, I am wrong."

Those pre-existing summaries... He is looking back now, and Rao is as thick as a city wall, and he can’t hold it.

Too brain-destroyed, what are the messy things!

Xie Tao was always angry with him, but he was afraid that he really cares. He immediately said, "This has something to do with you."

The river slanted immediately: "Yes, it’s all the faults of the brain!"

Xie Tao’s mouth is pumping, is it cool for himself? Oh, this is a guy who kills himself.

Xie Tao said: "There is no relationship with the soul. If my world is broken, I will think more pessimistic."

In the days when the earth was alone in a dilapidated building and had not been out for months, if Xie Tao’s emotions could affect a small world, I was afraid that it would be darker and more pessimistic.

Jiang is a sweet heart, and he is not honest.

Xie Tao is angry again: "You are finished!"

When he said it was in the quasi-world, he thought about it for many times to give this guy abstinence!

River ramp: "If you don't do anything, you want to hug you."

I don’t know how to hold it.

This kind of taste is the rich vocabulary of Jiang Xie, and I don't know how to tell it.

It’s only a matter of embracing someone who loves you in life.

The two were tired of talking for a while and also exchanged information about these worlds.

Xie said: "I was too careless, and I suddenly met two souls."

It’s so terrible that the two are together, and they have given the souls their own fertile soil. They swallowed the knives and they didn’t change their colors.

River ramp: "Maybe you are not careful..."

Xie Yiyi: "What do you mean?"

The river slanted toward the light group: "These quasi-worlds are still related to this place. Maybe Virgo can't wait, deliberately letting you fall and hit him."

Xie Yan big eyes: "Is this OK?"

River ramp: "Why not? The state of Houqing..."

He paused and said nothing.

Xie Tao understands that the state of Hou Qing is indeed too serious. Perhaps the quasi-world has collapsed too much, so I hope Xie Zhen first brought him back?

Xie Tao couldn't help but feel tight: "There are still six light groups left. Is there any quasi-world that is also very serious?"

The river slanted and flashed.

If Xie Yi was in the past, he would ignore it, but after experiencing so much, he is simply a locust in the belly of this bastard, and his character is clear to him.

Xie Tao asked: "What you said before... The central government will not issue the task of obliterating your collapsed world. It is a fake!"

The river **** has obviously stopped.

Xie is anxious: "Is it going to be released!"

Jiang leaned and sighed: "The central government probably won't take care of me because I am your husband..."

Xie Wei: "..............." There is still a mood skin!

Xie Tao said: "If any collapsed world is accepted to obliterate the task, then..."

Obliteration is to completely obliterate the entire quasi-world, even the soul can not survive, when the time ... ... what should I do?

The chill came to the top of the head, and Xie couldn’t help but stunned.

If the river is slanted, he definitely has no courage to live alone.

Jiang slanted and distressed, and put him in his arms: "Don't worry, even if someone receives the task of obliteration, it will not be completed."

Thank you for your help.

River ramp: "The lowest level of quasi-world design I designed is also s. This level of quasi-world is the task of obliteration. It may grow into a super-god-level. There are not many people in the entire center."

Xie Tao did not believe him: "Do you still need a few people? One person is enough!"

He knows that the owner of the Yunge Pavilion is a god-level player with the same name as X!

The river slanted the Qing dynasty and said: "The old N-day bag, rarely died."

Xie Tao will not be fooled by him: "If it is the only super-god mission in the center, is there a task that has not been cleared by X?"

Jiang skew: "..." The children are getting harder and harder to fool.

Xie Tao thought that there was nothing wrong with it.

The higher the task level, the higher the rewards.

The owner of the Yunge Pavilion has long been lacking, but X is always standing in front of him.

Whoever wins the position, who is not good? Who is willing to be crushed?

What's more, this guy in the river is another arrogant, but the Fan Yunge cabinet owner has a bit of temperament and will want to win him once.

If the central government releases the obliteration task, the Yungege master will not know that this is the quasi-world of the river-slope design, but it is certain that the river inclination has certainly not completed such a high-level task, then...

How to look is worth a try!

Xie Tao thinks of this, the river **** naturally understands.

He relieved him: "Even if the old N really went, it is impossible to make a soul. Don't forget, the soul is me. If the quasi-world is upgraded to the super-difficult level, the soul will also break free from the limit, which is equivalent to the peak period. I am." Jiang squinted and blinked. "In the performance of the martial arts, the old N did not win me once."

Xie Tao sneered: "Does the soul have the skills to have a few lives?"

River slope: "..."

In the center, the river **** and N are one-on-one, but there is no fairness in the world of collapse.

It's like a full-level player to brush the highest Boss, even if the player is much weaker than Boss, but the final winner is only the player!

Xie Tao wants to panic, just want to hurry into the quasi-world, and bring the souls out!

What is the so-called fear of anything...

Just as Xie was full of uneasiness, the remaining six light groups suddenly changed color.

The light groups that originally represented the color of their respective constellations became black.

The mirror-like light group also became a spiral, and the deepening black was filled with a thick unknown.

Xie Wei clenched the hand of the river.

Jiang’s backhand held him and his voice remained calm: “Don’t be afraid.”

Xie Zhen’s voice trembled: “Are they being released to obliterate the task?”

The river is inclined: "Well."

In such a sinister moment, Jiang's powerful psychological qualities are fully revealed. He experienced too many lives and deaths, and countless times on the edge of the cliff. Those experiences have tempered his more dangerous and calmer mentality.

This infected Xie Wei, and Xie’s panicked heart calmed down. He sighed with a sigh of relief: "We are still repairing the task, we must take the soul before them!"

River oblique temperature channel: "No problem."

At this time, it was like sensing the voice of Xie Zhen, and the six black light clusters merged into a huge black vortex.

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