MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 285 Can't be obliterated 02 devout believers

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This is a pity, and Xie Tao is guilty of the six hands that come from him to press six light groups at the same time.

It is convenient for the light group to be merged into one!

Xie Tao said: "If you don't want to be late, let's go!"

Jiang slanted and pulled him.

Xie Tao turned to look at him, Jiang Yan smiled and said: "I am not too useful."

Thank you.

The river **** reveals an extremely rare state of mind. This man who is not afraid of fear during the week will actually show such a lack of self-confidence: "I have been working hard all the time, and I can hardly do anything."

Xie Tao passed his quasi-world and recognized the value of his existence.

Xie Tao repaired his quasi-world of collapse and continued his life.

From beginning to end, Xie Tao has been paying, and he...

Xie Xiao smiled, and sure enough, under the old rogue appearance, there was a sensitive heart.

He approached the river and looked at him seriously: "What do you think, when other players face the dangers in the quasi-world, I fall in love with you in your world."

The river is a slant.

Xie Tao said: "You gave me a fatal injury in the first world. In the second world, you gave me the abilities... Every soul is reluctant to hurt me. No matter what the bad situation, they choose Believe me, guard me - like you."

It is true that every world that Xie Tao has traveled seems to be in the redemption of the river.

Conversely, I think that every world is not saving Xie Tao.

From the very beginning, to all the disappointed teenagers, now to the brave Xie, he has experienced the best path of growth.

Xie Tao is unique to the river.

Jiang Xie is not the only one for Xie Tao.

Jiang Yan bent his lips and smiled: "Small."

Xie Wei looked at him: "Well?"

River ramp: "I love you."

Xie Tao also smiled. He held his cheek and printed it on his lips: "If you love me, just live!"

The river was bright in the slant, and kissed him back: "You are also."

The best protection for a lover is to protect yourself.

Because losing love is more cruel than death.

Xie Wei met the black light group, and the white sheep slanted to sleep.

There are six fuzzy figures on the black light group. Xie can't see them, but I know this is the river.

The low voice seems to have broken through the endless darkness and has been passed here hard.

He asked him: "Is it me?"

Xie Ying should say: "Yes."

When entering this world that will be obliterated, Xie Tao has already made enough preparations.

Jiang Tiao said that the central government does not carry personal feelings. He does not understand what eccentricity is, and his will is all in balance.

Instead of maintaining a central balance, it is maintaining the balance of resources in thousands of worlds.

It is true that there is a thank-you, the world that has collapsed can be repaired. Once it is repaired, such a high-level world will bring a virtuous cycle to the central government. Unfortunately, this is limited.

The collapsed world is like a parasitic tumor to the central government. It is very likely that he can't wait for the doctor to cure the tumor, and it has been eroded by the tumor.

So he needs to remove the cancer that has deteriorated very badly.

The central government does not care about the life and death of the river. He sees only a thousand worlds.

He released the repair task and released the killing task, which is not contradictory, because it is a means of treatment.

It is true that the former is milder and the treatment is better, but in an emergency, the latter can also avoid excessive deterioration.

Xie Tao understands this, so I am well prepared.

He knows this is a hard battle, and he must win!

At the moment of opening his eyes, Xie Tao seemed to hear the sound of the river slant: "--I am."

Xie Xiao smiled, he certainly knows that he is, still a lot!

It’s wonderful, Xie Tao is alone, but she doesn’t feel lonely.

He opened his eyes and was a little surprised.

This is an extremely empty place, surrounded by darkness, like a clouded wilderness, without the slightest smoke.

Xie Yu moved and was surprised to find that he had no body...

He couldn't feel his limbs, he couldn't feel the feeling of being down to earth, but he was floating in the air.

He tried to bow his head and found himself shrouded in a black mist, or should he say that he was a black mist?

I don't know.

Xie Tao tried to move, he swears that this movement in his consciousness is just a small step, but his body seems to have pulled out a hundred thousand miles.

It stands to reason that there is no darkness in the surrounding, and there is no comparison. People can't know how far they have gone, but Xie Tao can clearly feel that he has moved around at least three times around China!

what's the situation?

Xie Tao’s various strange characters have been used, but I have never tried this situation...

Is the world that will be obliterated very unusual?

And this is still the world that will be obliterated. Xie must be treated with caution!

Xie Tao looked around for a while and found that it was still empty and dark.

The black around him is not the same as the black fog of his body.

The surrounding area should be lighter, and the black fog as his body should be much heavier, just like an ink painting, with a pen and a weight.

Xie Tao feels that her body is a group of black fog, and this place... The ghost knows where this is!

Xie Wei went on, he was the equivalent of a teleport, and he didn't know where he was.

However, this dark area is like an endless, flooding the entire space.

Xie Tao is not in a hurry, he continues to walk with his patience, thinking about going out sooner or later.

I don't know how long I have gone, and I can't know how far I have gone. Xie Wei heard an intermittent sound.


What is messy?

First of all, the language is very strange. Xie Tao can only understand a few of the pronunciations. Others are either too vague or they don't understand.

This is strange. Most of the players in the center have mastered the lingua franca. As long as they are the language in the quasi-world, they are not incomprehensible.

Xie Tao walked toward the sound source, wondering what he said and wondering who he really was.

After walking about two steps, Xie Tao saw a slightly flashing point, which exudes a very weak brown light.

Such a color is easily submerged in such a dark space, but Xie Tao can see clearly, even if it is as insignificant as a grain of dust in the universe, Xie Tao has seen it accurately.


Xie Zhen thought, he remembered the colors of the remaining six constellations.

Libra seems to be a brown light group before? Is this the scales?

Xie Tao thought so, approached the little brown spot.

The closer he gets, the more clearly he sees it.

This small spot is very small, as small as a drop of water, but through this little waterdrop, Xie Tao sees the world outside the dark.

This perspective is very interesting, like watching a movie in a movie theater, in the dark, but seeing the vast world on the screen.

Xie Tao saw a young girl with dark hair and black hair.

He was born white and lovely, but his clothes were ragged and his hair was messy. A pair of black scorpions was great, but no children were innocent. The inside was dark and hovering with endless hatred and resentment.

Xie Zhen was cold and not looking at him, but he was stunned.

The boy spoke up, and there was a vocabulary in Xie’s unclear voice: “You are...”

Xie Wei can't understand the words behind him. He is a little surprised. Can the boy see him?

Xie Tao tried to make a sound, but found that the sound only echoed in the darkness and could not enter the "waterdrops".

So the boy could not hear it.

Xie Wei feels like a moviemaker trying to talk to someone in the film. How could it be done?

He no longer speaks.

The boy went down on one knee, and the hair between his forehead fell, his voice full of piety and unrecognizable resentment.

Xie Tao couldn't understand what he said, only to blur out the power.

Is he begging him for strength?

Xie Wei feels that this dark-haired boy is very likely to be a young Libra, but because it is separated by "water drops", it is not so real.

If you want strength... how can he give him strength?

This thought moved, a very fine black mist rushed to the water drops, like ink drops, quickly polluting the clear water.

Xie Tao saw the drops of water lingering in the dark mist and saw more things.

The place where the boy is located is actually a dead sea.

There was a disgusting corpse lying under his feet. The purple blood was full of unknown, and the white children were full of surprises and horror.

Xie Tao Rao saw more big scenes and was still shocked.

How is this going?

The boy stood in such a place, and he didn't even have a little expression. He was not afraid of this hellish scene. He was not afraid of rancidity and bloodyness. He was not afraid of darkness and coldness. He stood there, his eyes staring straight at Xie Tao.

Xie Tao couldn't see his reflection from his eyes, it was all black, and his eyes had only endless black.

The boy reached out and stretched over to Xie Zhen.

At that moment, Xie Tao thought he was going to grab his heart.

However, the boy just caught the black mist, and his white palm was eroded halfway and touched the black fog.

That is the tender palm of the hand, but at the moment it is flesh-and-blood, and the blood that is sucking is like draining all the blood in the boy's body.

Xie Tao was distressed for a while, but unfortunately it could not do anything.

The boy died biting his teeth, and the blue veins on his face were obviously suffering from great pain, but he didn’t mean to let go. He held the black fog that almost swallowed him, like the dead. Grab the last driftwood.

After a long time passed, the black mist was completely integrated into the boy's body. He stood up straight and had a black line on his wrist.

It is a complex rose flower with distinct petals and vivid life, but because of the pure black color, it is thick and unknown.

The boy bowed his head and kissed his lips on the black rose flower. He whispered, "...willing to be your loyal slave."

Xie Tao finally understood his words. The next moment, he felt that he had left the darkness in his body and came to the "waterdrops".

Xie Tao finally saw all the sights.

This seems to be a magnificent hall, but at this time the blood has flowed into the river.

The main hall became a tomb, carrying countless bodies.

Xie Tao saw the boy jump, and the young child turned into a black dragon in the sky.

This is indeed the river slope, maybe the scales are oblique, then the question is coming, what is the world going on? !

What is his own situation?

How does Xie Tao feel that he is full of three villains?

The author has something to say: Libra reports~

Xiaosheng Bibi: It's really not because I am Libra, so Libra is a dragon, really not!

You can blindly guess the races of other constellations. [Additional: I said that the remaining six are basically not animals.] [Dragon:? ? ? 】