MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 162 concise

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In a sense, the b and a questions are at different levels of difficulty.

After half an hour of lunch, there is no more free time.

The three of them sat back in front of the computer and started to work intensely.

This is the case with the modeling contest. The same topic, different teams will have different solutions. Not to mention the difference in method selection in the process, and the implementation of the results is even more varied.

Lin Xixi is also very clear that the method they chose is doomed to their process will not be easy.

In the afternoon, the weather was getting hot, like it was going to rain, and the air conditioner was turned on in the classroom. Everyone has a copy of the manuscript paper and a reference book. Knocking on the keyboard and mouse clicks, one after another, but the discussion is getting smaller.

Their progress is slow compared to other teams.

After all, the actual design of the traffic problem, the model design will obviously be more complicated. And the reality of the city given by the organizing committee, the real meaning more variables.

What to consider and ignore in the assignment process is a problem that needs to be carefully measured.

Lin Zhaoxi has seen a large number of papers in related fields, but that was 7 years ago, and the new research in 7 years did not know much. Fortunately, she did not give up after she came back, and she has roughly reorganized it.

In the absence of suspicion of Pharaoh and Aguang, she quickly found relevant key papers. After the work was done, everyone studied together, and at this point, the time has arrived in the evening.

When I looked up again, the sky outside the window was almost dark, and Lin Biao frowned, forcing himself to stop.

The biggest advantage of their group is their focus, but sometimes it's too focused to make people ignore time.

"You haven't started writing yet?" Some students passed behind her, saw blank documents, and whispered a question.

"Time is still early, don't worry."

Both Agong and Lao Wang are immersed in the paper and have no time to answer. Lin said that.

"Wow, don't you look at the group? Lao Zhang, their group is almost finished writing the rough draft, you haven't even written yet?"

"So fast," Lin said.

"Oh my God, you actually chose b." The classmate looked at the screen of Pharaoh again, shocked.

"Yeah." Lin said.

"Tai Yi Gao people are daring, isn't it more sure? Lao Zhang chose a, which is said to have been simulated with this question before, so the paper is particularly fast."

"Oh, that's no wonder."

Probably her attitude was not salty or not, the classmate was conscious and boring, shrugged and went straight.

Pharaoh returned to God and frowned. "Are we slow?"

Lin Chaoxi opened a form, the above is a timetable according to project management, she pointed to the deadline for reading materials: "In fact, okay, anyway, is the compression point to sleep."

"That's the way, go at our own pace." Teacher Wang said very chicly.

Lin nodded nodded. Aguang did not participate in the discussion from beginning to end. He kept reading the papers and materials and kept taking notes and excerpts.

The 72 hours are very short. If they are in percentage, their task completion may be less than 15%, but the time has passed 12% and 3.

Even so, they decided to put a lot of energy into the preparation. The more prepared, the clearer the direction, the fewer times the adjustments need to be made later, and the whole paper can be completed with one bang. This is their idea.

Mouth said to compress sleep time, but until midnight, Lin Biao still let Pharaoh and Aguang stop.

There was one third of the people in the computer room, the air conditioner was turned off, the windows on both sides were open, the night wind traversed the classroom, and some books and plastic bags on the table were sizzling.

According to the experience post, there are few people staying up late on the first and second days of the game, and everyone will definitely not sleep on the third night. But because they are destined to spend more than other teams because of the topic selection, they have to use the wheel method and take turns to rest.

"You go back to sleep for a while, come to me tomorrow morning." Lin said.

Pharaoh: "Girls can't stay up late."

Lin Zhaoxi: "I am not a girl."

A Guang yawned a lot and his tears came out: "Go to sleep together, work together."

A light is stubborn, it is very difficult to do, and Lin Biao’s eyebrows.

"Any questions?"

The sound of the sound is heard.

Lin Chaoxi licked his lips, only listening to Aguang said: "Lin dynasty will not go to sleep with us, I want to stay up all night."

Although the words are correct, but in the end it sounds weird, Lin Chaoxi held his forehead, and sighed weakly.

Hey: "Too much unity is not a good thing. For the game, winning is the only purpose. Only the advancement and dedication to win is meaningful."

Lin Xixi does not know how long it is? Why are these issues particularly clear and sometimes almost cold, but he is right.

She stood up and said to Pharaoh and Aguang: "It is now time for you to start modeling and let me go to sleep for a while, and change me to stay up late when I write programs and papers tomorrow night."

She packed up her things and took out the small blanket that she had prepared before she got out of her bag.

"You are not a day student, where do you go to sleep?" asked the old king.

"I don't want you to say, I have long been optimistic about the sofa on the first floor of the library."

"How long have you not gone downstairs?" Ah Guang also asked.

"You forgot his nightingale or what we brought." Pharaoh said.

Lin Xixi is not clear.

At this time, he took out the phone directly and opened a picture of the WeChat group.

It is a real-time photo of the library sofa, and all the sofas have been occupied by the participating members.

In the dark, a bag is bulging in every position, which looks very comical.

Lin Daixi was so angry and funny, and simply took the quilt to the other classrooms on the same floor next door.

She found an empty classroom, put a few chairs together, lay on it, and made a sleep.

In fact, after a whole day of strong brain activity, she could not sleep, only to close her eyes and raise her spirits.

In the confusion, she always thinks of some new ideas, and will take out the phone and record the key points.

Wake up and sleep, she just rested for six hours.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the alarm sounded. Lin had just climbed up. Before I had time to collect the blankets and tables and chairs, I bumped into the classmates who entered the classroom.

The chairs in the classroom were together, with a blanket on them, and the boys were at the door.

Lin Chaoxi quickly categorized the tables and chairs, folded the blankets, finished the hair with his hands, and quickly escaped from the classroom.

When she passed by with the boys, she listened to each other and asked, "Are you participating in the modeling competition?"


"That's not easy, I want to participate next year, come on."

"Ah...thank you!" Lin said.


At 7 o'clock in the morning, the day is already very bright.

Lao Wang and A Guang also stayed in the engine room, but they were basically in a state of detention.

Lin Chaoxi was shocked to find that both of them had completed the problem analysis and model assumptions, including all the formulas and rough algorithms used.

Lin Chaoxi sat down beside them and read the results of the two-person cooperation together from beginning to end.

She communicated with them a few questions, and finally said: "I probably understand, then hand it over to me, you should go to sleep first, set a 12 o'clock alarm clock."


Laoguang and Lao Wang also have no nonsense, stand up and leave.

Lin Chaoxi carefully looked at the things that Pharaoh and Ah Guang did. Their two accomplishments of models and algorithms are obviously deeper than her. According to this, Lin Zhaoxi began to write a review of the papers.

Another morning time passed, and the reason why Lin Chaoxi noticed noon was because some students were preparing to enter the computer room with instant noodles, and they were immediately taken out by other hungry students.

Time is tight, everyone knows this.

The idea was interrupted, and Lin Zhaoxi finally remembered to take the phone. She sent a letter to Aguang and Pharaoh and asked them to bring a sandwich.

At 12:30, the two arrived at the computer room on time. Lin Chaoxi sent a copy of the finished thing to them, and took advantage of the opportunity for them to read the rough draft. She picked up the sandwich and ran to the outdoor gallery to eat it.

The campus is shrouded in the rain curtains of late spring, and the whole campus is covered with colorful umbrellas.

When she came back, they almost finished reading.

In the word document, the outline of the thesis has been formed, and the review has been completed. And to do this, the solution to the entire problem has a clear framework. And then, from theory to concrete practice.

It’s only a day and a half to say it, but the 72-hour schedule is actually running low. Looking at the situation in the classroom, some groups have finished the paper and began to modify the touches, but they have not even started writing the program.

Lin Chaoxi and Aguang chatted about python. Light God is very simple to open the online tutorial directly, said "you write first, I will learn first", and learn from the tutorial.

Almost in the evening, he turned off all the tutorials and said, "The ancients don't bully me."

"Which ancient man?" Lin asked at random.

"Zhou Aping said that any software, as long as you study hard, can always learn in one day. And I am smarter, so I got it for a long time."

Lin Zhaoxi: "Who is Zhou Aping?"

"You forced us to look at the author of one of the award-winning experiences."

Lin lingered silently for a while, then folded over the computer screen and began to study together with Ah Guang.

Because of the complexity of the problem, he and A Guang were writing programs and tuning parameters one night later.

Although accurate, they did not even complete the answer to the first question. However, Lin has already felt that the efficiency is amazing. After all, if the same problem is let her do it alone, it may take a week or two, but there is Aguang and Pharaoh, and this process is significantly accelerated.

The role of these two great gods is not limited to this, and their accomplishments in mathematics are indeed very deep. After their analysis, Lin Zhaoxi even had a clearer and clearer idea of ​​the car accident in Laolin.

She also secretly recorded a number of key points, ready to perfect her car accident prediction model after the game.

Time has passed without knowing it.

After the formal running of the procedure, Lin sang was sore and swollen. Ah Guang has fallen asleep on the table, and Pharaoh is still in a state of dying.

Lin Chao pushes them and says, "Let's go to sleep."

The two men walked out of the classroom like a mummy, and fewer and fewer people stayed in the classroom. Some students squatted directly on the table and screamed loudly throughout the classroom.

But Lin Lin did not feel noisy, but had a sense of tranquility.

She opened a can of red bull and took a sip. There are still functional drinks to drink, which is much better than her and Bao Xiaomeng staying up late in the garage.

But it should be a cold drink, she felt a pain in her stomach, and then she was full of hunger. She licked her stomach and apparently ate dinner, but she was hungry again.

Like the stomach, the room is also very cold. It rained during the day, and the rain stopped at night, but the temperature dropped.

She put down the red bull and took out the blanket from the bag. The letter written by Lao Lin fell out again.

Lin Biao bent down, this letter is like Comrade Lao Lin himself. Always under the bag to pretend to be as deep as it is, but suddenly suddenly embarrassed, like caring about her, want to help her.

In fact, it is still helpful.

After the analysis and reconstruction of Lao Wang and Aguang, Lin dynasty understood the words written by Lao Lin in the letter.

The world is huge and complicated.

Her biggest concern before was whether she was considering enough factors in the process of predicting a car accident and how to deal with many unexpected situations.

But the ideas of Pharaoh and Aguang are simple, because they are faced with a problem, not a real life-and-death problem. So what should be considered and what to ignore, their choices will be more rational and concise.

Lao Lin writes - we are just trying to understand the world and trying to get close to the truth. This is actually like the statistician Box's famous saying that "all models are wrong, but some are useful."

She does not need to consider all the issues in the car accident prediction, and the best models are sometimes the most succinct. It seems to be the case in mathematics and even in almost all fields of science.

In the computer room, some students opened small snacks, and the bags sent out the sound of the cable. Lin Chaoxi draped a small blanket and walked to the lounge next door.

With the night setting, the lounge is brightly lit.

She stood at the door and squatted.

In the lounge, the cockroach is facing her, and he faces the high-faced instant noodles, which seems to be ruining for what to choose. 2k novel reading network

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