MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 163 Instant noodles

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Lin Chaoxi felt funny, and the classmates of Yan didn't seem to be awake to all the problems.

“Although the white pepper beef tastes great, I still recommend the classic braised beef noodle.”

She walked over and stood beside him, laughing and smiling.

Yan Zhi nodded to her. They picked up a box of braised beef noodles with each other, ripped the package, poured hot water into the water room, and waited for the noodles to open.

At this extremely deep night, the atmosphere is very comfortable in the warm and boiling water room.

They both stayed in the boiling water room for a while. Lin Xiangxi realized that he did not leave, probably waiting for her.

The light of the water room chandelier shrouded him, and Lin smiled and smiled. Because of fatigue, a lot of words were said without brain thinking: "Let's find a place to eat together?"

"Okay." He paused and said, "Would you follow me?"

Lin Chaoxi was a bit surprised.

She held the noodles, followed by the squatting, and walked away from the other side of the machine room along the promenade. A few steps up, there is a slightly higher platform. The surroundings are very dark, and the path of the dragonfly sits down and sets the noodle bowl aside.

Lin was sitting next to him, and he was not too close or too far away from him.

In the beginning, none of them spoke.

In the distance, the campus is covered by street lamps. The brighter places have exquisite landscapes. The street lamps turn around the playground and the pearl chain is the same.

Compared with the whole campus, they seem to be covered by the night, like a drop of ink falling into the clear water, to isolate a confusing and translucent world.

Lin Chaoxi was wearing a blanket, holding hot noodles in his hands, and felt that the night wind was not so cool.

"How to find this place?" Lin asked.

"I wanted to come very early." He stayed with them for two nights and didn't sleep. It looked a little lazy. When he talked, the ending was a bit low. "At the time I opened the school games, I came here. When I came out, I saw two. A classmate in sportswear secretly eats instant noodles here."

“Is it very embarrassing?”

"Yes, at that time, the playground was better than the relay, and the atmosphere was very good, but I didn't have a chance to try it."

"This episode is rarely a year old." Lin smiled.

She could almost imagine the scene at that time. The students who had just finished the competition were hot and snotted, and the playground was full of voices. They hid upstairs and ate sweat, very happy.

"So now, what do you feel like sitting?" she asked.

"When I try to say it again." He took the instant noodle bowl around him, opened the fork and opened the seal, and slowly took a few mouthfuls. Finally, he replied: "It is still better to see others eating."

"It doesn't matter with the taste, it is to pay for the feelings." Lin Chaoxi also opened the noodle cup, half lifted up and said: "Cheers."

In the distance, the night is drooping, and the stars are scattered like drills.

He held the instant noodle bowl and actually touched her gently.

Lin Xixi satisfactorily pulled out the fork, opened the cover, and took a large mouthful of noodles. He asked, "What are you talking about?"


"Wow, I went to throw the shot and got the third place."

"Our school has sports students, and your ranking is very good."

"Yeah, I also feel that I am lucky." Lin Chaoxi took a mouthful of noodles and asked, "Have you not participated in anything?"


She smiled and said: "I am afraid of being watched when playing, shame play?"

"It was busy during that time."

Lin Zhaoxi thought about the time period of the sophomore sports meeting: "College student math competition?" She paused. "Is there still a time for the US game?"


"I didn't find a teammate sitting here to eat noodles during the US competition?"

He took two faces and gave a slight chewing sound.

After Lin Chaoxi finished this sentence, holding the noodle bowl with one hand, the other hand holding the forehead, not letting her see her expression. When it was over, it was hard to sit with the male god, how did she start to talk.

Note, note is born.

The voice of stunned interrupted her messy thoughts.

“My teammates pay more attention to health care, which means they must eat well during the game.”

Lin Chaoxi squatted and then understood. ‘My teammates pay attention to health care’, which means that they all go back to eat and sleep. I only have one person.

She laughed: "So you still advise us to find like-minded friends?"

"So you know, it's really a matter of experience."

I have a question and answer, and occasionally ask her some questions. They chat casually and say where it is.

This feeling is too comfortable, in the dark, there is a comfortable wind and a hot noodle bowl, and the breath is a noodle aroma.

They also talked about high school and talked about Anning City. Lin Chaoxi was very afraid of confusing the two memories, so I was a little cautious.

She can feel that she is trying to pick her up and keep chatting with her.

But the barriers still exist.

Whether it is 12 years old, 15 years old, or even 22 years old, Yan Zhi is the same person for her.

But for her, she is totally different.

The noodle bowl bottomed out, and Lin sang the last bite soup, knowing that the night time was over.

The stars are fine and gentle.

She held the noodle bowl and stood up in a blanket. The instant noodles have been eaten long, leaving half of the bowl of soup, placed around, but did not mean to go with her.

Lin Chaoxi looked back and looked at it.

He still wore a very simple white shirt and a gray coat. In the moonlight, he was still sitting, and his legs were lazily laid on the steps, very casual.

"You should go to sleep for a while."

"I am not sleepy." Lin was standing there, suddenly he didn't want to go, he wanted to say something to delay the time. "I used to have a stage. After studying hard, I learned how to keep my brain running with least sleep."

"How to keep?"

"There is no distraction in my heart. I only have to learn in my heart. I don't want to learn anything."

"now what?"

"There is only a game in my heart...except for the game...whatever, I don't want to."

The last few words spit very lightly.

He smiled faintly.

She waved her hand and said, "Then I will go to work first."

He nodded.


Later, Lin returned to the computer room, or finished the can of Red Bull.

There is already a hot soup in the stomach, so I don't feel uncomfortable, but I am very motivated.

When the day was almost lit up, she finally completed all the procedures. A clear escape path, first presented in the form of data.

Pharaoh woke up and began to take over her job and complete the analysis of his field of expertise. Lin Zhaoxi and Aguang started to study traffic simulation software.

If this is just a question, then the results come out and they can stop.

But this is the game, the picture form is easier to visualize the results, let the judges grasp the key points. In this case, the role of traffic simulation software is very important.

Still half a day, or as Zhou Aping, the ancient man respected by Lao Wang, said. Lin Chaoxi and Aguang began to study traffic simulation software, and before the end of the morning, they made the first question that they were very satisfied with.

At noon on the third day, a team had submitted a paper and left the computer room.

The solution starts to stay in the computer room, there is a printer in the next room lounge. When the computer room is at the extreme, the sound of the printer next door can be heard from time to time.

Whenever a group submits and leaves, a small-scale sigh will erupt in the computer room.

Compared with others, their team's progress is still far behind, but they are not in a hurry.

A light succeeded him in writing a question, Lin began to drink her third can of red bull today. With a good spirit, she began to officially modify the paper.

For this modeling competition that will submit tens of thousands of papers in total. The first round of the teacher is not able to read the paper from beginning to end, and the abstract is often a crucial part.

She began to modify the sentence one word at a time, selected the wording, and kept the text streamlined and fluent.

Next, she continued to improve the main body of the paper according to the abstract style and wording. By 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Aguang also completely completed the second question.

His sentence is: "Would you like to go to sleep?"

When people rely on one breath, all the drowsiness is pressurized under the eyes, and the body is too tired to move.

Lin Chaoxi shook his head: "I may not climb again if I lie down."

"Oh, then you don't sleep, let's sleep first." Ah Guang finished, and pushed the keyboard with Pharaoh and fell directly.

Lin Chaoxi is a little bit dumbfounding.

One-third of the computers in the computer room have been darkened, and the night winds are not blowing the instant coffee in the air and the heavy oily smell.

I didn’t know where to get a recliner and lay a blanket with a small plaque.

Outside the computer room, there was a box of things coming in.

His logistics work was done very carefully, and the things in the box were sent to each classmate who was still working.

When she was sent to Lin Xixi, she discovered that it was actually a double sandwich. Slightly warm, it should have been booked in a convenience store long ago, just after getting hot.

I’m going to go a little bit for a while, I’m thinking about what I said last night. Sure enough, after a night, I knew what children in the night and night need.

This evening, she had no chance to spend the night with her.

At three in the morning, she finally completed the final promotion and evaluation part of the paper, which means that the whole paper was finally completed.

But after finishing, after the touch-up, it is actually touch-up.

The next work is boring to the extreme and requires great patience.

She wakes up Pharaoh and Aguang and asks them to check the model formula and data section. She continued to look at their own papers from the beginning to the end, comparing the first-class awards on the official online formula to see if there is a narration or lack of clarity.

In short, the last one, the solution does not sleep, and it has always been in the classroom. He occasionally walks around or talks to someone simply, and his voice is quiet and peaceful.

Four o'clock in the morning is the time when people are the most sleepy and have the worst mental strength.

Finally, some students cried at this time, probably found that it was too late to complete the entire paper, and the team members of the same group had a temper.

He took the initiative to go out and shouted out the classmate. They stayed outside for a while. When the classmate came back, he had a soaked noodles on his body.

But the classmate who just cried was still sitting down. Lin dynasty heard dull and hesitant, accompanied by snoring, but the clear and pleasant keyboard knocking sounded.

This feeling is actually very good, you know that some people around you are working hard with you, and some people say nothing, but silently accompany you.

After a while, at this point in time, another third of the team completed the paper and submitted it. She actually only took a look at the estimates made. The actual number of people leaving may even be more than he estimated, but she still focused on a short 18-page paper in front of her.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the sky is already bright, you can't judge the time from the sky.

A Guang reviewed the revised paper again.

Lao Wang said: "You will see the screen soon."

The meaning of this sentence is probably: already almost, can be submitted.

At this time, the solution also came to their side.

Lin Zhaoxi held the mouse and changed a typo that she had just discovered. She said to the solution: "Give me another hour."

7:35, this is the time on the project schedule that they expect to submit the paper. There is not much one point, and a lot of points.

The paper was printed out, and the pen was picked up. Finally, I signed my name in the column of the instructor.

Lin Xiangyang looked up and yawned heavily.

"Do you know if you want to answer the national first prize?" The solution said very silently.

The sunlight outside the window was so bright and glaring that the way she looked and looked at it was vague.

Lin Zhaoxi focused on nodding, very demented and asked: "What happened?"

"So you better go to sleep now, don't hang up in the defense."

Although the angle is wonderful, it is definitely appreciated.

Lin Chaoxi took out her little blanket from her bag and said to Laoguang and Lao Wang: "The rest of the papers and md5 code are submitted to you. I can finally go to sleep on the sofa downstairs..."

She walked out of the classroom lazily, only listening to Pharaoh and shouting behind him: "Remember to cover your face!"

She smiled at the morning sun. 2k novel reading network

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