MTL - Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation-Chapter 790 More than people?

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"You are the river?" Every era has a strong man of every age, and everyone in every age thinks that the strongman of his age is the strongest. Although Jiang Xiu is very famous, but the black and white palace The **** is very disdainful to Jiang Xiu.

It is believed that the world has overestimated Jiang Xiu. The reason is that there is no real genius in this era. Jiang Xiu is only a tall man in the dwarf.

"Yes, the deity is the river!"

The **** looked up and down, and smiled coldly: "I asked the Tianzong Emperor Sect of the Emperor to fall down the prestige. I saw it today, but I am so, how do you want to marry this water?"

"The Lord of the Palace advises you, don't bother yourself, the black and white palace is not what you get."

After all, Jiang’s reputation has been overwhelming. Although the **** is not eye-catching, he also knows that it is not easy to retain such a king-level powerhouse. At least four.

Hula, all of a sudden is six, like him, black cloak, white with a weird mask, judging from the breath, all the colors are the king.

Presenting a surrounded posture will be the siege of the Jiang Xiu group.

Jiang Xiu swept his eyes, his eyes passing by in the body of the seven emperors, watching them look more flamboyant, cold smile: "Why, want more people to bully fewer people?"

The black ghost laughed proudly and was not ashamed of it. Instead, he was proud: "What is it?"

"It means that people are bullying more people!"

The reverse leaves and the red leaves are a sinking face. Jiang Xiu came a little late. If they have not been injured, a total of three Xian Wang plus Jiang Xiu's super strength is not without a chance.

"Gang brother, are you coming alone?"

The river fell down against the Tianhangzong. As everyone knows, the Tianxingzong thirteen celestial kings, with a few people coming over is also easy, not much, and then called two, should be able to cope with the past.


Jiang Xiu looked at the **** and laughed: "Is there more people than the deity? The deity really doesn't want to bully you, but since you have issued such a request, you can only satisfy you."

"come out……"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the world shook, and everyone felt amazed at this moment, feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

More than a dozen lights of Shinto were lowered above the sky, and each light of Shinto was turned into a person. Those who were killed by Jiang Xiu in the Lingxi Pavilion, and each of them was a **** king.

As soon as these people appeared, the seven emperors in the black and white palace opposite were stupid on the spot, and the people at the Hongye Mountain Villa all cheered up, and they were going crazy.

A dozen **** kings, one appearance, still afraid of you seven?

The situation has changed dramatically and the situation has suddenly reversed.

From being absolutely suppressed, it suddenly became a bully, more than a person... The joy of joy has not ended, and more fried, Jiang Xiu shouted: "Come out!"

Another dozen or so Shinto light descended from the sky, and it was a dozen people who turned the gods. These ten people came out again, and they were thirty before and after. The thirty gods were arranged behind Jiang Xiu. The momentum, that feeling... is big.


The people of Hongye Mountain Villa all shouted excitedly, and the excited goose bumps were all up.

It is worthy of being the lord of the Heavenly sect, and it is a big deal!

After a sudden out of a dozen, I was already scared to death, and the result was a dozen more.

The reverse leaf and the red leaf face all showed excitement and stability.

The river has always fallen down the river!

"come out!"

Jiang Xiu actually shouted again, and a dozen more gods appeared.

"come out……"

"come out……"

"Give the deity out..."

Hey, all forced, and then look at the people in the field, Matsushita, all people, all are gods, dozens, dozens of gods, street fights, you call a dozen people out To scare the individual, you can imagine the power of dozens of kings.

But this is not over yet!

"come out!!!" "Come out!"

Hundreds, hundreds of people, and the last ten of the rivers of the Shinto light of the people of the strong breath, is simply suffocating, this is the old cabinet owner, the second cabinet owner... six roads and seven roads Xian Wang.

The opposite of the black and white palace, the seven emperors, like the thunder and lightning, like a mourning test, stunned.

More than one hundred gods!


Say good to ten people or less, say good, seven hit one, without such a joke.

The people behind the Hongye Mountain Villa are also awkward. They know that Jiang Xiu has a very good way. He is a celestial patriarch and a lot of friends. Everyone admires his genius and is willing to help him and give him face. But this tone called more than a hundred gods, it is a bit too tiger.

"how is it?"

Jiang Xiu faintly looked at the black ghost palace of the black and white palace. "Is it better than people? Then we will see who is more."


The **** swallowed a hard mouth.

"Jiang Zongzhu, is there any misunderstanding?"

Jiang Xiu did not speak, and Hongye sighed and said: "The nigga, you are also one of the palaces of the black and white double palaces. It is so shameless. I just didn't want to destroy my Hongye Villa, but also encircle my Jiang brother. Now Why did it become a misunderstanding?"

The face of the **** is now covered by the mask, otherwise it must be ugly.

"Misunderstanding is indeed a misunderstanding."

Black and white double palaces are very mysterious, and all disciples like to cover their faces and wear masks of green and fangs, giving a feeling of cruel and sullen.

"Misunderstanding, this deity is also a misunderstanding."

Just now, if Jiang Xiu said this, the **** would not believe it, but now... be surrounded by hundreds of gods, and if you don’t believe it, you can’t believe it.

In the face of such forces, he believes that there is no sect in the world who dares to follow Jiang Xiu's hard steel.

"Jiang Zongzhu, this is our old grievances of the black and white double palace and the Hongye Mountain Villa. You can't make it. Let's get involved. Today's business is over. What do you think? From then on, the black and white double palace and the red leaf mountain village's grudges are written off, and later meet. It’s a stranger."

The red leaves are slightly heart-warming. His power is too weak now. There is no strength to compete with the other side. The reason why Hongye Mountain Villa is in such a secluded place, and not famous in the Xianwu continent, is that it is afraid of being known by the black and white double palace. If it can be solved. This hateful, that Hongye Mountain Villa can be unscrupulously developed, this is what he has been very eager for.

"Red leaves, what do you mean?"

The black ghost asked the red leaves.

Hongye really wants an answer. Jiang falls down. He does not have this qualification. He is still determined by the river. Jiang Xiu’s eyes are cold and looking at the nigga: "The deity is always heard, you can see the black and white double world. To be far stronger than my Tian Xingjian, if, today, you can really win me, then let you go."

The **** heard the words but it was a joy. "That, this is what you said. There are so many people present to testify. The heavenly patriarchs can't say anything."

Jiang Xiu sneered: "Of course not!"

"The Lord of the palace can be rude." The voice was lost, and the nigger's body swept out two black and white clouds, like a dragon snake, entangled in the past with Jiang Xiu, and did not pay attention to it by Jiang Xiu, just like Jiang Xiu won.


Jiang Xiu sneered a sneer: "Cottage dog..." Perhaps in the past, Jiang Xiu would be very curious about the fact that the black and white double world can hold up the black and white palace and establish the power of the martial arts for hundreds of thousands of years, but the Lingxi Pavilion was given by him. When it is empty, there is of course a so-called black and white double world.

A weird scene still appeared. The nigga's body became black and white, like two people, one in the mirror and one outside the mirror.

Could it be that this is the black and white double world, and then I saw black and white punches at the same time, one positive and one negative, one black and one white.

Sure enough!

However, Jiang Xiu had no interest in research, raised his hand slightly, did not look at it, and took a knife to the far-end skyline, and the inch slid across the sky.

It is both black and white, which is bound to be related to time and space. This is a journey across time and space. It brings out a touch of blood and erupts with unparalleled power. The immortals who stand behind the **** are horrible. Calling, I flew out like a donkey, and died on the spot. In their bodies, they were given a shot by the light of the knife.

The **** also fell in the pool of blood, under the mask, widened a pair of eyes, dying did not understand, Jiang Xiu's a flying knife how so powerful.

"All dead?"

The red leaves and the reverse leaves that saw this scene were all smashed. The seven princes were killed by Jiang Xiu.



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