MTL - Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation-Chapter 791 Unified Qingzhou

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"This, how is this possible?" The red leaf and the counter-leaf 睹江修一刀杀七七王, the eyes are protruding, and the four princes can work together to kill the singer, this is a deep-rooted thinking, but Jiang Xiu thoroughly Subverting this point, this scene is too big for the vision of the double leaves, the impact of thinking.

"I haven't seen you for decades, Jiang brother is so powerful!" After the shock of the red leaf and the reverse leaf, the heart was stunned. It was possible to catch up with Jiang Xiu's tail before, but now it is completely invisible.

Jiang Xiu’s stamina is too strong.

Both of them were defeated in the hands of the nigger, but the nigga, together with his six descendants, could not stand Jiang Xiu's knife. The red leaves looked at Jiang Xiu's eyes and changed.

"If you beat someone else, you will destroy the whole family. If you beat it, you will say that it is a misunderstanding. There is such a cheap thing under the sun." Jiang Xiu looked at the body of a place, and even disdain.

"Lei Qianqiu!"

He called the old master.


Jiang Xiu looked at him: "You should know where the black and white double palace is, bring a few people, and the deity wants this sect to be removed from the mainland."


After that, the old master went with a few people into the light of Shinto.

"This old man is so strong and powerful..." Futaba noticed that the atmosphere of the old cabinet owner was strong, and there was a tendency to overtake the king of the king. This should be close to the so-called emperor.

"Jiang brother..." Hongye said: "Today..."

Jiang Xiu put his hand on him and didn't let him go on. The friends said that they would see it. Before Jiang Xiu came, it would take a few days, and the other party was also a good drink.

"Love crying, in the future, you will not have to worry about the revenge of the black and white double palace, you can develop the peace of mind..." Jiang Xiu knew that Hongye would always be afraid of this matter, but the previous Tianxingzong was ranked. The strength is not as good as the black and white double palace. Jiang Xiu does not dare to take the Tianxingzong to fight the black and white double palace, so it is also powerless.

But today, it is to help the old friend.

"Ha ha ha, it is planted, it is planted..." Hongye laughed: "Happiness, really happy, I feel the shackles on my body, it seems that I took it down at once, and the whole person is relaxed."

Hongye Mountain Villa is happy, but looking at Jiang Xiu’s eyes is strange. He is now down to this point. Jiang is the culprit, and Jiang Xiu, who was incarnate by Jiang, has saved him. He also formed a friendship. In the face of Jiang Xiu, his mood is quite complicated.

Jiang Xiu's booth opened, and the second cabinet owner took out a book and placed it on Jiang Xiu's palm. "Reverse leaf, this is the hardship of the complete version of the hardship..."

"What?" The reverse leaf has widened his eyes, and the bitter sword has long been lost. It is said that the bitterness is the result of this set of swords breaking through the void. "How come you!"

Jiang Xiu said: "You don't care about this. The lord promised you, to help you repair the sword, this sword is handed over to you, I believe it should be enough to make up."

"Of course, of course..."

Some of the embarrassing things in the reverse leaf were originally the problem of their own swords, but they were only seen by the other side. In fact, they also complained about Jiang Xiu, but the problem was magnified, and the reverse leaves fell.

He took the book and immediately looked up.

For the seven dead kings who died on the ground, Jiang Xiu knows that he will seal the gods, and he will be able to seal up the monuments. However, these unimportant characters, Jiang Xiu really do not look up.

According to Jiang Xiu’s entry into the virtual world on the earth, the gods on the seal of the gods must be limited. He does not want to be cheaper.

"Gang brother, please come inside, there are kings of God..."

The Hongye Mountain Villa has a large feast for Jiang Xiu.

Here again, Jiang Xiu really has the feeling of being separated from the world. In fact, it is not long afterwards. Sometimes, Hongye Mountain Villa will not come for more than ten years or even decades. But this time, the mood is completely different, but this will Not yet in the autumn, the maple leaves have not drifted all over the sky, but looking around the valley, it is still a large piece of fire.

The mountains are very quiet. During the walk, I smell the smell of the fragrant trees, and the pleasant prestige of the mountains. Jiang Xiu’s heart is moving.

At this moment, he really felt the existence, the eye-catching red, the bright and the heart-wrenching, and even the moving. If he changed his sensible person, he might want to cry.

Before Jiang Xiu first came here, he always felt that he was incompatible with this Xianwu continent and felt that he should belong to the earth, but when he set foot here, he really felt his existence, he really belongs to The earth can also belong to the Xianwu continent.

He is both Jiang Xiu and Jiang Jiang! Since then, when he thinks about the earth, he will come here. As long as he comes here, what happened on the earth will appear more clearly in his mind, reminding him of the time. The scene, and the mood at the time.

Perhaps this is the so-called action.

"Jiang Xiong, some years have not come, can there be changes here?" The red leaves are around.

"No, the original taste!"

Jiang Xiu answered the absent-mindedness. He recalled the parents who were far away from the earth. I don’t know how the earth is now and how long it has passed.

"What is it, Jiang brother seems to have something to worry about!"

Jiang Xiu felt something like it. Looking up, it was a fiery maple leaf falling from the tree, floating and smashing, and finally landed on the ground. In a few months, it would merge into the ground. Jiang Xiu sighed. Said: "The leaves fall back to the roots, I think I should go back. Where should the problem come from?

"Go back, is it only a few days before Jiang brother will return to Heaven?"

Jiang Xiu shook his head gently, but he did not say anything.

"How is the reverse leaf?"

Hongye said: "He, back to the hardships, I can't wait to go back, this is still giving you face, or else I will leave the day, who is carrying a royal class and does not hurry back to retreat, it is estimated that He won’t come out again for decades."

Jiang Xiu smiled and finally flattened the pit.

"They are back, I should go!"

I saw a dozen or so Shinto lights flying above the sky, and fell in front of Jiang Xiu. It was the boss and his party who came to destroy the black and white palaces with their repairs.

"Fortunately, not insulting, the black and white double palace has been destroyed, one does not stay!"

Jiang Xiu slightly decapitated.

"Well, let's go back to Heaven."

A few days later, Jiang Xiu returned to Tian Xingzong, and the Zongmen once again resounded. He saw that Jiang Xiu had returned with hundreds of gods. One stone stirred up thousands of waves, law enforcement elders, water mist and others. I saw it again.

The last time I flicked three fairy kings, a fairy king-level demon came back. Well, this time I directly brought you more than one hundred gods, without such a play.

"I will wait to see the Lord!"

Jiang Xiu went to the throne of the Supreme Lord in his main hall. "All are exempted," and he himself turned to the throne and turned around: "The deity must rebuild the peak of the gods, and later many of them will gather for the gods." Since then, Tian Xingzong has been separated from the Ministry of the Gods, and the two are separated from each other.

"I am waiting for the sect of the Lord!"

"I am waiting for the sect of the Lord!"


Up to the elders, down to the disciples, the emotions were exhilarating, and they shouted in unison. After Jiang Xiu regained his demise, the Tianxingzong grew rapidly, not only destroying the dead enemy Taihuazong, but also ushered in so many reinforcements.

The former Tianxing sect called the 13th King, and now it is called the King of the Kings.

It is also difficult for such a force to look at the entire Xianwu continent.

Some disciples shouted the first in the world.

Inside the main hall, there is a sand table with all the sacred doors of Qingzhou. Jiang Xiu stepped down and said: "Swordsman, lead the sons of Zongmen, with a few princes, all the sects of the sects ""

Sword said: "The teacher must be unified in Qingzhou!"

Jiang Xiu slightly decapitated, his real purpose is not to unify Qingzhou, but to seal the monument and accumulate merits.

"Remember, just kill the sovereign!"

Some of the swords are unknown, but the swordsman told me that the swordsman certainly understands that Jiang Xiu can be a **** of the sect, regardless of the sect of the sect. Its hands control its sect.

If there is no accident, this can increase the influence and increase the merits of sealing the monument.

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