MTL - Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation-Chapter 792 Uniform Xianwu

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On the following days, Tian Xingzong conquered the entire Qingzhou with the wind and sweeping leaves, including the Zongmen, which had previously been able to compete with Tianxingzong. As Jiang’s expected, the lords of these sects were sealed as gods. The Fengshen monument has grown stronger. These people believe in Jiang Xiu, and the disciples believe in them. Qingzhou has become a region controlled by God. Qingzhou is not small. Therefore, the growth of merit is not small.

The faint, the faint yellow soft light appeared on the seal of the gods. If there is no accident, it should be the light of merit. Jiang Xiu once saw it in ancient books.

The strongest force, the power of merit, is one of them. It is far above some so-called avenues of law and is another higher level of existence.

"Master, Haozong, invisible, ghosts change the door..." Swordsman returned to the sect of the sect, and the sects of the sects were taken to Jiang Xiu. In fact, without him, Jiang Xiu already knew that all the major gates The lords are on his monument.

"The land of Qingzhou has been under the control of Master!"

The elders and disciples below shouted in unison.

“Congratulations to the Sovereign, He Xi Zongzhu!”

In fact, Jiang Xiu became a martial art. In fact, this is more thorough than a unified martial arts. Jiang Xiu did not rule Qingzhou, but became the emperor of Qingzhou.

"Next, Lingzhou!"

The following people face each other, but then they feel a burst of excitement. The lord is not only the Qingzhou that ruled the Tianhangzong, but also the nearby Lingzhou. It seems that there is a wild vision for the hegemony of the mainland.

They are wrong. What Jiang Xiu is doing now is to prepare for returning to the earth. The big fate is not to be said. He must be perfected.

At the moment, he is the perfection of the merits of the gods.

Since this method is useful, then go on. When he is full of gods on the monument, he will stop. Before that, then he will boldly go forward.

"Starting from the big gate, the sects under the control of the big gates will be put aside!"


Then the swordsman came out with the kings of the gods, and the water mist was not too lonely to go out toss. Jiang Xiu’s thoughts should be correct. The more the gates, the more the gates below, the more people involved. More, the more merits you get.

With the power of the Lingxi Pavilion, coupled with the strength of the Tianhangzong, even the Lingzhou Bulk, facing such a huge force, is helpless.

However, Tian Xingzong expanded the map at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it also triggered the chaos of Lingzhou. Many people tried to resist, even in a line, but in the end it was futile.

One, and another lord, Xian Wang, went to Jiang Xiu’s seal of the gods and became the king of his book.

However, in three months, Lingzhou also returned to the map of Tianxingzong.

"Next state, Yanzhou!"

Since there is still space in the gods of Fengshen, Jiang Xiu will naturally not stop. He will continue to expand the influence of Shenxiu and make up his merits.

"Next, Fengzhou..."

The layout expanded very quickly. After one and a half years, Tianhangzong unified the ninety-nine seas and seventy-seven areas of Kyushu. It almost won the entire Xianwu continent. Of course, there are places where large areas of people live. Some are too hidden. If there is a remote, Jiang Xiu will give up, there is no need to waste that energy, and the merits will not rise too much.

At this time, when I look at the seal of the gods, the above is already full of names, and the power of this monument has long been different from the past.

Jiang Xiu also discovered a point. It turned out that with the passage of time, with the slow spread of Shinto, the people of the gods gradually increased, and the merits of the gods on the monuments increased.

But it seems that there is not a one on the line. You must know that this is already the majority of the entire Sinwu mainland. If there is no accident, this should indeed be no immortal. To what extent the power is reached, Jiang Xiu has no way of knowing it, but now There is really no way for the repair to make a spurt of growth.

Unless it is time, thousands of years, the gods will have a qualitative improvement, but Jiang Xiu can't wait, the current seal of the gods has been completely different from the original, the whole golden light, the original face has been It was completely covered by the light of merit.


Swordsman is busy enough this time, although there are other Zongmen's other lords to help, but it is really tired.

"Swordsman, the teacher is leaving."

auzw.comSwordsman was greatly surprised: "Leave, Shizun, where is this going?" At present, the entire Xianwu continent is already the Tianxingzong Heaven, and Jiang Xiu’s is unprecedented. The world is supreme, where can he go?

Jiang Xiu said: "Earth, the hometown of the teacher!"

"The teacher must go?"

Jiang Xiu nodded heavily: "Where the leaves fall back to the roots, where should they go, it is necessary for the division to find their own origins, in order to complete the edge, so we must go back."

At that time, Jiang Xiu sent a seat to the sword in the earth.

"Let the disciple go with the master."

Jiang Xiu shook his head: "No, this time you go back, how do you not know the future? You are a teacher, a lot of inconvenience, not to mention, Tian Xingzong controls the world, Wan Zhans surrender, you have to do things. a lot of."

The sword smashed the ground: "Master, the disciple is afraid of doing bad!"

In the face of the arrogance of the world, many of them are the predecessors of Jiang Xiu. Even the fall of the river may not be able to withstand it, let alone the sword, his pressure is of course great.

Jiang Xiu said: "Don't worry, as long as you believe, you can... believe in yourself!"

"My brother, what do you say to your apprentice?" Gay's **** swaying from the outside, and hearing his voice, Jiang Xiu's goose bumps fell to the ground, and even called his own brother.

"Call you over, let me help my apprentice!"

The water mist said: "Is this still used by me? Now the entire Xianwu mainland has made you unified, and has become an unprecedented Emperor, who dares to offend your apprentice."

Jiang Xiu said: "I have to go. Jianni is a younger generation. It is not enough to cultivate. You have to help him a little more."

"Want to go?"

Jiang Xiu said: "Leave for a while..."

His gaze was a bit stunned. The so-called departure for a while, even he did not know how long it was, but this time, the opponent he faced was likely to threaten his life.

At the beginning, he was disheartened to leave the earth. Now, he has to go back again. There is some resistance in his heart, but he still has some expectations when he thinks of his parents.

"Don't worry, Zongmen has me looking at it!" The water mist finally said a word.

Jiang Xiu only knows that he has returned to the Sinwu Continent from the earth, and he has never returned to the Earth from the Sinwu Continent. On the same day, Jiang Xiu started his enthusiasm and rushed into the sky and entered the space universe.

According to the memory of his return, he came to the door of the situation. At that time, he waited for the space sky, so this time he had to wait for the space sky.

This time, the luck was a bit back, and the waiting time was a bit long. It seemed to wait for a few years. However, this time and space is a mess, and I don’t know how long the outside world is.

When the sky appeared, Jiang Xiu gave up the resistance and was involved in the vortex of the universe.

The repair of Jiang Xiu lost consciousness. I don’t know if consciousness is closed, or time is stopped in the whirlpool. Since time has stopped, everything stops naturally, and there is no way to think about it.

Similar to the seal, sleep.

I don’t know how long it took. Jiang Xiu’an was quietly lying in the dark space. Slowly, he finally opened his eyes. He felt that he had passed a century or even longer, but this space is given to He has a familiar feeling.

It should be the space in which the earth is.

"Is it back here?"

Jiang Xiu stood up, his eyes sweeping through the dark space, like a cosmic prodigal son, walking in the direction of the earth, the last time he returned to the Xianwu continent, and the war, and this time back to the earth, there is no fear at all. .

The emperor’s cultivation is where the top is there. The great races in space never dare to provoke him. In fact, there are many strange races in the space of the Sinwu mainland. In the end, they all entered space. They could not find the chance to become a **** in the Sinwu mainland, and they entered the space to find.

He saw a blue planet.

"Earth, I am back!"

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