MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 50

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Lin Zheng wanted to swallow back what she just said. How much mistake did she make in her previous life, and she will be bumped into on the spot for doing 'bad things' in this life! And this Shiqi, what kind of plastic best friend, I know to send her to the 'execution ground' with my own hands!

Lin Zheng stared at Shi Qi, wishing to make a hole in the back of her head, while the latter calmly watched Gu Nanzhi and the students walk towards them after talking.

"Teacher Gu, why are you here?" Shi Qi asked.

Gu Nanzhi glanced at Lin Zheng, who was looking embarrassed, and smiled, "There are a few students who want to apply for the college entrance examination, I'll bring them over to have a look."

"Isn't the score here pretty high?"

"Well, the student resources have been getting better and better in recent years, and the admission requirements have also increased a lot."

"Oh, then you students are quite powerful, your courage is commendable."

"Well, the children study very seriously."

As Gu Nanzhi was talking, his eyes drifted to Lin Zheng's side again. When she didn't know before, Shi Qi might continue to talk to Gu Nanzhi without knowing it. Now that she knows the relationship between the two, she has to Rapidly growing into a considerate and caring young lady, she took the initiative to say: "I'll go buy a bottle of water, and you and Zheng'er can chat for a while."

Gu Nanzhi glanced at Shi Qi, and only praised, "Thank you."

Shi Qi waved his hand and strode away.

Lin Zheng had nowhere to hide, and because of what he said just now, he was embarrassed to look back at Gu Nanzhi, looking extremely embarrassed.

Gu Nanzhi walked up to Lin Zheng, stared at her for a long time before speaking again, "Zheng'er, there are some things that you don't need to tell your friends so clearly."

Gu Nanzhi who spoke was somewhat embarrassed, but after all, he was old and could hold back. Lin Zheng was different, he was already extremely embarrassed, and his ears turned red with embarrassment when the person directly said it, "I didn't mean it, Qi is too annoying .”

"Well, I understand." Gu Nanzhi was very talkative, but Lin Zheng didn't know how to answer it, so he picked up a random topic, "How long have you been here?"

Gu Nanzhi thought for a while and answered her, "It will take less than an hour, for safety's sake, I will send them home after the visit."

"Is it far from their home?" Lin Zheng asked sourly, didn't she get this kind of treatment when she was a student of Gu Nanzhi, okay, the children nowadays are really getting more and more "unbelievable".

Gu Nanzhi suppressed a smile, squeezed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger and pushed them up, "A little bit."

"Okay." Lin Zheng stopped pretending completely this time, and said depressedly, "Then be careful on the road."

"Okay." Gu Nanzhi agreed, his tone sounded a bit 'obedient'.

The sourness in Lin Zheng's heart suddenly dissipated.

It doesn't matter, anyway, Gu Nanzhi already belongs to her, what she gives to others is her kindness, and what she gives to affection.

The difference of one word is thousands of miles apart.

"Where are you eating tonight?" Gu Nanzhi asked.

Lin Zheng shook her head, "I don't know, I'm just here to make money, go there in a daze, go in a daze."

"Well, send me a location when you arrive."

"doing what?"

Gu Nanzhi walked up to Lin Zheng, put his hand over her head, and grabbed the petals floating down from the air, "I will take you home, you have to be treated like others, this is the bottom line."

Lin Zheng felt her face was hot, her bad 'jealousy'...

"No need." Lin Zheng still wanted to save face for himself, "I'll take a taxi, and if it's late, Song Anshu and the others will definitely send me off."

Gu Nanzhi put his clenched fist in front of Lin Zheng's eyes, and denied her refusal, "You were close before, and it was understandable for Song Anshu to send you off, but now he is just an outsider, so it's his turn no matter what."

"Okay." Lin Zheng smiled from ear to ear, she reached out to catch Gu Nanzhi's fist, "Then I'm almost done talking to you."

"Okay, I'll remind you too." Gu Nanzhi slowly let go of his fist, as if he was putting something in Lin Zheng's palm. Lin Zheng turned his head to look at it, but there was nothing in his palm.

"What?" Lin Zheng asked puzzled.

Gu Nanzhi withdrew his hand and put it in his pocket, smiled and looked at her shoulder, "I didn't catch it, it fell on your shoulder."

"Huh?" Lin Zheng turned her head to look over, and sure enough, there was a peach blossom quietly lying on her shoulder, so red that it caught the eye.

Lin Zheng couldn't hold back, and quickly moved to Gu Nanzhi's lips to kiss her, then stood in front of her with his hands behind his back, smiling brightly.

The peach blossoms in March, the people in March, are equally as intoxicating as they are.


When Shiqi came back from shopping, Lin Zheng, who was alone, had already come down and turned around under the peach tree for a dozen times, and no more flowers fell on her, so she was surprised, "Why did Teacher Gu keep talking?" Come, it will come, has eyes?"

Shi Qi bit a piece of ripened fruit juice, drooling sourly, "Peach Blossom, Peach Blossom, if you don't run after those who want to, how can you be worthy of people calling it that?"

Lin Zheng suddenly felt relieved, "Yes." She has a lot of peach blossoms, and this one is all she wants, and it is enough.

Shi Qi couldn't bear Lin Zheng's expression of "spring", so he stuffed her with a sour fruit and said, "Let's go, Song Anshu and the others have already rushed over."

"Oh, good." Lin Zheng took a bite of the fruit, his expression calm as usual.

Shi Qi suspected that the one he gave her was ripened by himself, "Isn't it sour?" she asked.

Lin Zheng nodded, "Sour, but I don't feel sour."


"Because it's sweet in your mouth."

Shi Qi, "..." Who will save this woman who has been dazzled by love?


When the two arrived at the appointed place, Song Anshu and Yu Chuanbai had already ordered pots and dishes and were waiting for them. When he saw Lin Zheng, Yu Chuanbai stood up excitedly and said, "Ms. Didn't want to kill me."

Lin Zheng patted Yu Chuanbai's saliva on the shoulder pretending to be disgusted, and said, "You don't want to play with me, how dare you say you want to kill me?"

Yu Chuanbai scratched his head, and said humbly: "Training every day, time doesn't allow it." He is a sports school student, and time is the future. Although Lin Zheng and the others are busy with projects, they have a little free time.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Zheng felt a little sympathetic to him, "Kung fu pays off. Didn't you still get the ranking in the World University Basketball League last year? You can also win glory for the country."

Yu Chuanbai felt a little embarrassed when he was praised, "It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, sit down quickly, Lao Song will answer the phone, and come over later."

"Okay." Lin Zheng and Shi Qi took their seats.

I haven't seen each other for a few years, and the childhood friendship not only hasn't faded, but has also become deeper because of missing it for too long.

When Song Anshu came back, Yu Chuanbai didn't know what he said, and Shi Qi laughed and fell on Lin Zheng.

Song Anshu's displeasure about being disturbed by the school's private affairs suddenly improved. He walked over and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

Yu Chuanbai covered his mouth with his hands, and whispered to the two girls openly, "Is it impossible to imagine that our aloof Young Master Song also has such a tits?"

"Hahaha!" The two couldn't stop laughing.

Song Anshu was neither angry nor annoyed, he sat down slowly and said: "If you can make a smile on your face, it's not a waste of acquaintance."

"Yo, you can tell jokes now." Lin Zheng was surprised.

Song Anshu didn't reply, the table was silent for a while, only the red oil pan was boiling vigorously.

"How have you been these few years?" Song Anshu spoke again, his tone suddenly lowered, and the lively atmosphere on the table was made a little sad.

Lin Zheng turned the water glass casually, with a smile in his eyes, "It's good, life and study are going smoothly, my dad lasted for a long time, and even the doctor thought it was unbelievable later, he was also very peaceful when he left, there was no special accident , the only one may be that I am with Mr. Gu."

Lin Zheng's last sentence was too calm. It took Song Anshu and Yu Chuanbai a long time to understand what she said. The latter was too shocked to speak. As for Song Anshu... gave her a long-prepared "congratulations".

"Old Song, are you not surprised at all?" Yu Chuanbai still couldn't help asking, and smiled awkwardly at Lin Zheng when he finished, "I don't discriminate against homosexuals, it's just too sudden, there was no warning at all before."

"Yeah." Lin Zheng smiled frankly. Discrimination is okay, she doesn't feel ashamed to like the same sex.

On the opposite side, Song Anshu took a sip of saliva, and his Adam's apple slid up and down with the movement of swallowing, "Do you really think that there is a sudden feeling in this world? It may be a long-term relationship. At first, it was just a normal relationship, and it will only be when it reaches the point where it is about to explode. Suddenly realized."

Yu Chuanbai nodded confusedly, accepting this answer, but in the past, the friend who grew up together turned into his "teacher's mother", which was too scary, so Yu Chuanbai was always polite to Lin Zheng after dinner , From the bottom of my heart, I feel that she is the generation that I can't afford.

Halfway through eating, Lin Zheng suddenly had a stomachache, and ran to the toilet. When she came out again, Song Anshu, who had followed him at some time, was leaning against the diagonally opposite wall, and it seemed that she was waiting for her.

"Let's chat?" Song Anshu said.

Lin Zheng wanted to refuse, subconsciously, she felt that Song Anshu would say something she didn't know, and these things might have something to do with Gu Nanzhi. Okay, of course she is willing to listen, in case it is bad...

"Let's go." She still wanted to hear.

The two went down the first floor along the safe passage.

The wind outside was so strong that Lin Zheng couldn't open her eyes. She walked backwards with her back to the wind, looking back at the road from time to time.

After walking for a while, Song Anshu said without warning, "I told her about the conversation you heard between Teacher Gu and Teacher Xu."

Lin Zheng didn't react much, and wrapped her clothes tightly to block the wind, "It's okay, just say it, no matter how much you resisted at the time, we are together now, and the result is what I want."

"I said it the day you left." Song Anshu added, his voice was dark, as if he was restraining something.

A thought came to Lin Zheng's mind, and she wasn't quite sure, "Did she go after me? Then, then..." Lin Zheng rubbed her hands impetuously, "Then there was a car accident?"

"Yeah." Song Anshu often recalled the adventures of that day, but he was always vague and afraid to see the whole picture, "I never thought that things would turn out like that, but I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable all the time, and I was afraid that Teacher Gu would miss it."

Lin Zheng couldn't breathe, "I understand, eyes, her eyes..."

"I just woke up and couldn't see anything. After a period of treatment, I barely recovered."

"..." Lin Zheng's face changed a little bit, she lowered her head, and relied on her imagination to restore the original picture. Every frame was soaked in blood, and she suddenly began to be afraid of festive red.

Lin Zheng's reaction tore Song Anshu's guilt. This was the punishment for his impulsiveness back then. He had to bear it, and he had to tell the truth about what he knew. "After being discharged from the hospital, Teacher Gu will go back to teach as usual. You know her ability, and it won't take long. In one year, you can become the grade leader and director, and you will be promoted all the way.”

"But she only took one class." Lin Zheng finished the rest for Song Anshu.

Song Anshu is not surprised, Shi Qi also knows about this, and she will definitely tell Lin Zheng, but there is one thing she doesn't know, "Teacher Gu spent a lot of effort to transfer Shi Qi to her class, she said Shi Qi is your good friend She doesn’t feel at ease if she is placed under the hands of others. I am with teacher Zhou Qing in the rocket class, and Yu Chuanbai is with teacher Li Li in the parallel class. Teacher Gu said hello in advance. She did this for us, and for her own sake. Love the house and the crow."

"She has to worry so much by herself, it must be very hard." Lin Zheng smiled ugly. The pressure of the third year of high school was so great. In addition to her own job, she also cared about her friends. It is estimated that even the gods can't support it, let alone the body. The damaged Gu Nanzhi.

"Whether it's hard work or not is secondary. She started to face up to your intentions and her own decision is the final result." Song Anshu said in a slow tone, "It was only later that I realized that Teacher Gu's refusal at that time had her considerations, identity, Age is a problem, and there may be other reasons, as for what, I don't know, she hides it very deeply, and you have to discover it by yourself."

"Okay." Lin Zheng felt pain in his heart, and his voice was unsteady due to the wind, "What else do you know? Tell me together." It made me feel sorry for her before, and I will try my best to "love" her in the future.

Song Anshu talked a lot, saying that whenever Gu Nanzhi had time, he would go to the city where Lin Zheng was to see her, go silently, and then return alone, saying that she never missed any important moment of Lin Zheng in the next few years—the first I was the host of a school-level event once, won the prize in the first competition, passed the acceptance of the project for the first time... and the only college entrance examination.

"Lin Zheng, do you know that Teacher Gu went back and forth between the two cities and accompanied you throughout the college entrance examination?"

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