MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 51

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It had been more than half an hour since Lin Zheng and Song Anshu went back, they were talking and laughing as if nothing had happened, only Lin Zheng's still red eyes reminded Shi Qi and Yu Chuanbai that she had just cried.

The two of them didn't expose it, they simply 'despised' the two of them after they fell out of the toilet and started the next topic calmly.

"Hello." Lin Zheng raised her hand to greet the waiter.

The waiter came over and asked politely, "What do you need?"

"Help me get two bottles of beer, room temperature."

"Okay, wait a moment."

As soon as the waiter left, Shi Qi frowned, and said disapprovingly: "The beer tastes bad and your belly bloats, why don't you drink fruit, or hawthorn juice? Their hawthorn juice is super delicious."

As Shi Qi said, he was going to call the waiter who hadn't gone far, but Lin Zheng stopped him and took a sip of his saliva, "I suddenly want to drink, so I won't get drunk at all."

Shi Qi didn't know how to refute, so he quickly glanced at the opposite side, and saw Song Anshu nod his head indistinctly before giving up, and said reluctantly: "Then drink less, isn't Teacher Gu coming to pick you up later? She didn't Like us to drink."

Mentioning Gu Nanzhi, Lin Zheng's expression changed obviously, the corners of his lips were raised high, but the light in his eyes was very dim, "Do you think I'm not good enough for Teacher Gu?"

Lin Zheng asked this question abruptly, and the few people didn't know how to answer for a while. After a moment of silence, Song Anshu who was opposite said lightly, "Yes."

As soon as the words came out, Shi Qi immediately became angry, "How do you talk? Zheng'er is good-looking and good at studying, what can't be worthy of her! Teacher Gu..."

"Seven." Fearing that Shi Qiyi would say something belittling Gu Nanzhi in a hurry, Lin Zheng interrupted her and shook her head, "It's your skin to look good, and it's your duty to study well. Both of what you said are the same as' It doesn't matter if I treat her well, but there is no reason to pay unilaterally when I like her. Compared with her kindness to me, I really don't deserve her."

"Zheng'er..." Shi Qi felt wronged, "You are not here, so you must not be nice to Teacher Gu."

Lin Zheng smiled, "I'm not here, and there are phone calls, WeChat, and videos. As long as I think about it, there are many ways to treat her well, but I don't have any." Even when she knew that she was 800 meters in the physical test, she got angry with her and felt She deliberately hid on the computer to watch her own jokes. Thinking about it now, Gu Nanzhi might just be trying to get to know her and pay attention to her in as many ways as possible.

Gu could this person be willing to 'treat' himself so badly?

"She spent the best five years as a woman waiting for me, who is far from mature."

Lin Zheng lowered his eyelids, blocking the gaze of several people.

Shi Qi was right next to Lin Zheng, no matter how she hid, she could still see her regret. They are all growing up and letting go, it's okay to be separated, left and right are not good for each other, I'm not good, Lin Zheng and Gu Nanzhi... Hey, she probably has to think about the years she owed Teacher Gu for the rest of her life.

Hum—the phone on the table vibrated briefly.

Shi Qi glanced at it, saw that it was Gu Nanzhi's WeChat account, and hurriedly reminded Lin Zheng, "Zheng'er, Teacher Gu is looking for you!"

Lin Zheng blinked, and suppressed the emotions in his eyes to look at Gu Nanzhi's WeChat: Zheng'er, it's half past eight, when can I pick you up?

Such a cautious tone suddenly aroused Lin Zheng's thoughts that were not completely hidden, and her world was instantly blurred by tears: "Now, come now."

Gu Nanzhi: Good.

The conversation ended in three sentences, Lin Zheng kept her head down and did not move. She rested her forehead on the edge of the table, and her vision changed repeatedly before it was clear and blurred. It was not until Gu Nanzhi sent a WeChat message that she had arrived that Lin Zheng quickly Back to her: Can you come up for a while? My friends are all there and I want to introduce you to them.

As a 'beloved'.

Lin Zheng didn't say this, not because she was embarrassed, but because she wanted to stay in front of her and tell her personally.

Gu Nanzhi replied quickly: Yes.

Lin Zheng didn't say any more, she sat up and greeted Gu Nanzhi's appearance with the most dazzling smile.

In less than five minutes, Gu Nanzhi found Lin Zheng and the others under the guidance of the waiter.

"Teacher Gu." Shi Qisan and the others habitually stood up to say hello, Gu Nanzhi smiled, "You're welcome, everyone sit down."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu." They sat down tacitly.

Lin Zheng didn't move, but when Gu Nanzhi looked at her, his smile was obviously softer than before, "Are you full?" she asked.

Lin Zheng didn't speak, and turned to reach Gu Nanzhi's hand hanging by his side.

Gu Nanzhi understood it, and took the initiative to catch it and hold it tightly.

Lin Zheng stood up with strength, stood next to Gu Nanzhi, held hands with her, and got very close, "This is Gu Nanzhi, the person I like."

Before Gu Nanzhi came up, she had rehearsed this scene countless times in her mind. When Lin Zheng said it, she still felt her heart beating faster and her body trembling.

Lin Zheng withdrew his hand a little from Gu Nanzhi's palm, facing her palm, turned around and held it again—fingers interlocked, the safest way to hold hands.

Gu Nanzhi turned his head, and the two looked at each other and smiled, some words were self-evident.

"Thank you for being with her in the past, and me in the future." Gu Nanzhi followed Lin Zheng's words, very short but sincere, her water-soaked eyes were still warm even through the cold lenses.

As soon as Lin Zheng heard Gu Nanzhi's words, tears welled up, but he still suppressed them forcefully.

In happy moments, why cry.

Lin Zheng half hugged Gu Nanzhi's arm, leaning against her sideways, with a bright smile on his face, "We'll meet again another day, Teacher Gu and I will leave first."

"Okay." Several people spoke at the same time, watching them leave step by step. From the beginning to the end, Lin Zheng clasped his fingers with Gu Nanzhi, occasionally turning his head to look at her, the love in his eyes was so enviable.

"Song Anshu, when did you know that Zheng'er liked Teacher Gu?" Shi Qi asked.

Song Anshu leaned against the back of the chair, pinched the phone between his fingers and turned back and forth, "It's very early, so early that she didn't even notice it."


Gu Nanzhi's car was parked on the side of the road, and when he got down, the traffic police uncle who worked tirelessly was about to post a ticket. Lin Zheng hurried over and bowed and admitted his mistake. His cute appearance made Gu Nanzhi recall the past for no reason.

Who would have thought that repeated soft-heartedness would eventually bring back a girlfriend.

"Girlfriend." Gu Nanzhi recited these three words in a low voice. Every time he said a word, the curvature of the corners of his lips became higher. Let go, "Zheng'er, I have something, I'll ask for your opinion first." Gu Nanzhi said.

Without hesitation, Lin Zheng said, "Say it."

"Next time, when we introduce each other to our friends, can we change our identities?"

"What for?" Is the person you like not good? Still, Lin Zheng suddenly became nervous.

Gu Nanzhi didn't show off, and told Lin Zheng the three words that had already melted in his mouth, "Just say, she is my girlfriend."

Lin Zheng looked at Gu Nanzhi, who was favored by the moonlight, and couldn't move his eyes, "Why do you always think more than me, farther than me, and more comprehensive than me?"

"Hmm..." Gu Nanzhi dragged his voice, as if he was really thinking seriously, "Maybe because I am many years older than you, I met you at an immature age, and because of my status as a student, I formed a habit of thinking .”

"Will you feel tired?" Lin Zheng murmured, "I didn't do anything for you except to trouble you."

Gu Nanzhi looked at the scattered lights on the street, and gently stroked Lin Zheng's tiger's mouth with his fingertips, "I'm not tired, but I'm afraid, after a long time, you will fall in love with others."

"No!" Lin Zheng's denial blurted out.

"Yeah." Gu Nanzhi put Lin Zheng's cold hand in his pocket and said, "I know."

Lin Zheng knows everything about her mind and body, from obscurity to outburst, from restraint to silence, including the phrase "the person I like is unique and no one can replace it" at the freshman welcome party, she knows it all.

Only when I understand it will I think over and over again how to deal with myself behind the code name of "Physical Test 800 Meters".

I don't want Lin Zheng to be sad, and I can't get over the hurdles in my heart, so the delay will last for many years.

Gu Nanzhi's worries used to be real, and they were often repeated, making her restless.

Now, finally, the dust has settled.

Gu Nanzhi was indescribably happy. After she finished saying "I know", she had been waiting for Lin Zheng's response. After waiting for a long time, she didn't say a word. When she turned her head to look, her eyes were actually red.

Lin Zheng cried, Gu Nanzhi saw it.

Because I cry, it's rare.

Gu Nanzhi suddenly realized that he had some bad tastes, and he felt very happy to see Lin Zheng's red eyes for him, so he deliberately teased her and said, "Why, do you really fall in love with someone else just because I haven't been looking for you?"

Lin Zheng shook her head, one time was not enough to shake her head desperately, she shed all the tears.

Gu Nanzhi's happiness suddenly turned into distress, "I'm talking nonsense, don't cry."

Lin Zheng laughed and shed tears, "Yeah, I know, oops, I don't know what's going on, let's go, we'll be surrounded again later."

Lin Zheng pulled Gu Nanzhi to the side of the car and asked her for the car keys. Like she used to take care of herself, she opened the passenger door for her, closed the door after she sat in, and then went around to the other side Start the car.

Gu Nanzhi 'cooperated' throughout the whole process. To be honest, it feels really good to be cared about, but... the little girl seems to be in a bit of an abnormal mood today.

Gu Nanzhi felt uneasy. While Lin Zheng was driving, he took the time to send Song Anshu a WeChat message to ask him what was going on. He gave a vague answer, only saying that he told Lin Zheng something, but he didn't specify what it was, but Gu Nanzhi made a rough guess. Get, nothing more than to say how 'poor' she is.

"Zhenger." Gu Nanzhi called her.

Lin Zheng looked at the pedestrians at the intersection and gave a low 'hmm'.

"I will wait for you to grow up, I am still young, I have enough time, you don't have to worry." Gu Nanzhi sighed from deep in his throat, very lightly, "I enjoy the feeling of taking care of you, if you are too fast When I grow up and become independent and self-reliant, I feel lost instead, like…”

Gu Nanzhi organized his words and added, "It's like suddenly losing the focus of life and the center of life, do you understand what you mean?" Clearly, it seems that it is still a waste of a love brain, and the words will not convey the meaning at the critical moment.

Lin Zheng understood, she gripped the steering wheel tightly, and tried to smile, "Understood, okay, I'm not in a hurry." Don't rush to grow up, but learn to give in the shortest possible time.

Gu Nanzhi laughed, and he didn't know what he was laughing at. The vague words in his throat seemed to be speaking to himself, "The relationship is between the two of us, how to deal with it, how to talk about it, outsiders can't get involved, just go with your heart."

Lin Zheng couldn't hear clearly. After the car entered the basement and parked, she asked her slowly, "What did you just say?"

Gu Nanzhi shook his head without explaining.

Lin Zheng didn't ask further, just looked at her, her heart beating very slowly, "Why only one high school?" She asked.

Gu Nanzhi turned his head and looked at Lin Zheng hesitantly, choosing the latter between concealment and honesty, "One aspect is that my eyesight is getting worse and worse. The main reason is that I can't continue to focus on that profession."

"Why?" It was still the monotonous question, but Gu Nanzhi hesitated, "Because of one person."

"Who?" Lin Zheng was asking the answer that was ready to come out.

Gu Nanzhi looked at Lin Zheng, his dark eyes seemed to draw her into his own world.

Lin Zheng gave up struggling, and followed her eyes sinking bit by bit, and then, at a certain moment, the sky brightened.

"You." Gu Nanzhi said.

Lin Zheng's heart sank, and soon he hung up.

Gu Nanzhi's voice was like an invisible thread, pulling her and letting her fly, "When I started to be sure of my heart for you, I couldn't look at teachers as a pure profession. When I looked at students, I always thought of you. You, think if you are still here, will you be able to answer the question more perfectly? If you are here, will you squint your eyes and smile when you call me 'Teacher Gu', respect me but not be afraid of me, if you are..."

Gu Nanzhi smiled, and his ups and downs suppressed many emotions, "If you were here, I would feel that education is not so boring." But you are not here, and I can't go against my oath when I joined the job and make it boring.

Gu Nanzhi's thoughts were light, but there was a sound on the ground, beating on Lin Zheng's heart. She remained silent, looking at Gu Nanzhi through the dark light of the basement.

Suddenly, Lin Zheng hooked the back of Gu Nanzhi's neck with his hand and pressed his lips down.

Gu Nanzhi lost his mind for a short while, and soon turned to the customer, pressing her tongue heavily, and rubbing the sensitive skin behind her ears repeatedly with fiery fingers.

The heavy breathing and the ambiguous sounds made when the lips and teeth entangled made the already narrow space even more cramped.

I don't know who started it first, but when Lin Zheng's low panting turned into a soft moan, Gu Nanzhi realized that she had moved from the driver's seat to his side, and was straddling her at the moment, using her lover The hottest kiss in the room to convey the deepest heart.

Someone came home in the middle of the night, and Gu Nanzhi was startled by the sound of the car driving into the basement. The hand on Lin Zheng's waist unconsciously squeezed. kiss Me…"

The sound of the car approached, and then the sound of people faded away.

Lin Zheng lay softly on Gu Nanzhi's shoulder as if she had just been fished out of the water, biting her half-naked shoulder.

Gu Nanzhi raised her head, breathing heavily, "Unhappy?" she asked.

Lin Zheng let go, but didn't move away. The numb and painful lips from Gu Nanzhi's kiss pressed against the place where the teeth marks were left on her shoulders, "No."

"Yeah." Gu Nanzhi responded, but he was still not at ease, and he touched Lin Zheng with his palm and stroked it back and forth.

As the aftertaste faded away, Lin Zheng hugged Gu Nanzhi tightly, and murmured in her ear, "Zhizhi, isn't your birthday coming soon?"

Gu Nanzhi was busy with work, and the time was tight, so he thought for a while before answering slowly, "Well, about half a month."

"Do you have something you really want?" Lin Zheng asked, as long as Gu Nanzhi asked, she would definitely try her best to satisfy her.

Gu Nanzhi moved his numb legs, and hugged Lin Zheng even tighter, "It's true, I've been thinking about it for a long time."

Lin Zheng sat up from Gu Nanzhi's arms and asked her excitedly, "What?" It seemed that it was not Gu Nanzhi who wanted to get the gift, but herself.

Gu Nanzhi was in a happy mood. She lowered her eyes slightly, and pulled up the clothes in front of Lin Zheng bit by bit, then raised her head and looked into her dark eyes, "You."

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