MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 779

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Speaking of this, I am afraid that the king-level beast masters who died in their hands will be so angry that they cheat their corpses.

Holy crap, is there any reason for it.

These king-level beastmasters couldn't stand the attack of the shadow crowd, and as a result, a Xingyao-level beastmaster ran out, and the shadow crowd was only one step away from being destroyed.

Is this reasonable.

After releasing the Destruction Ray, the Destruction Flame Dragon turned back at a 90-degree angle, spewing a second Destruction Ray towards the void next to it.

Su Bai was a little surprised, thinking that the Destruction Yanlong had not woken up and had missed it.

But reacted quickly.

It's the few surviving beastmasters!

Obviously, Destruction Yanlong sensed their breath, and then launched an attack directly.

After all, in its view, whether it is Su Bai or Ansan, or the beastmasters who are lurking, they are all enemies.

For the enemy, of course, there is no need to show mercy, just kill.

After the destruction ray shot, a few figures fell out of the void in embarrassment and immediately fled.

It's a real run away.

The four beastmasters, divided into four directions, used all their strength to flee frantically.

Ansan cursed loudly, "I knew those **** weren't dead!"

But soon Ansan couldn't scold anymore.

Although Destruction Yanlong turned around to pursue the beastmasters, Behemoth remained indifferent and charged straight towards him and Su Bai.

Then, the broken star beam cannon came.

The power of the mythical skills launched by the king's top beasts cannot be underestimated.

Even Su Bai didn't dare to stand up to him, and if he couldn't overturn the car, the fun would be great.

With the emergence of the variable Bechymos, the battle between Su Bai and Ansan naturally could not continue.

Su Bai also couldn't resist Behemoth's attack to kill Ao San.

After all, he is also a king and intermediate-level beastmaster. If he is ruthless and uses the power of Behemoth to die together, it can still be done.

Of course, if Ansan really wants to fight to the death, then Su Bai is not afraid.

The big deal is that only the Silent Demon Phoenix is ​​left, and the rest are sent out to fight Behemoth, which is not impossible.

And dark three originally planned to fight to the death and the net was broken.

But then I thought about it later, is it bad to live, why should I die?

So he retreated decisively.

It's just that when they came, they were the menacing shadow trio, and when they left, they were the solitary bare commander.

This huge contrast made An San, the iron-blooded man, couldn't help but redden his eyes.

It's so miserable.

But that's what fighting is.

If you want to kill, you have to be prepared to be killed.

Su Bai fought all the way, and he already had this kind of consciousness.

When Ansan retreated and the four hidden beastmasters were chased by the destroying flame dragon all over the world, Su Bai took back the gluttonous blood vine and released Yu Bingtong and Zhang Zifeng.

With the power of the Shattered Star Beam Cannon, the gluttonous blood vines cannot be stopped.

Continuing to protect Yu Bingtong and Zhang Zifeng will limit their mobility.

And Yu Bingtong and Zhang Zifeng had already known about Bechymos' arrival.

Such exaggerated energy fluctuations cannot be hidden. .

Chapter five hundred and thirty fifth battle with Behemoth again

Zhang Zifeng felt that he had returned to his original passion years, fighting for survival every moment.

How happy it was at that time.

It's just that when he became a saint of the Eternal Life Society, he basically didn't fight much.

After all, there are so many subordinates, there is no reason for the boss to start the younger brother to watch.

Therefore, Zhang Zifeng always sent the beastmasters under his command to fight.

Unless it is a truly unstoppable enemy, he will consider his own end to fight.

But such opportunities are few.

In most cases, Zhang Zifeng is sitting on the sidelines.

But now, after entering the star exploration ship, Zhang Zifeng's life has changed again.

So exciting.

In comparison, Behemoth, who came after him, was nothing at all.

Zhang Zifeng calmly looked at the huge beast rushing towards him, very calm.

The mere king's top beast, don't let him lose his temper.

After all, he has seen anything more exciting than this.

For example, Su Bai's move was instantly darkened.

Another example is the king of beasts who had previously penetrated the formation.

Those are big scenes that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

"I'm just a star-level beastmaster. How can He Dehe participate in such a big event."

Zhang Zifeng couldn't help sighing, then hugged his head and ran away.

Behemoth's Starbreaker Beam Cannon is coming.

Yu Bingtong has the prophecy technique and has a subconscious evasion of attacks, so he has already controlled the immortal Qingluan to change his position in advance.