MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 780

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Seeing this, Zhang Zifeng regained the essence of being a scholar again, and stayed by Yu Bingtong's side.

If it is someone who doesn't know it, they must think that Zhang Zifeng is a loyal guard and give him a thumbs up.

But Yu Bingtong knew the situation, so he gave him an angry look.

The enemy is coming, why don't you go up and fight.

Zhang Zifeng returned with a firm look.

Don't go.

Su Bai was shocked to see Yu Bingtong and Zhang Zifeng's "eyebrows", filled with emotion.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zifeng is so old that he can usher in the second spring of his life, which is simply admirable.

Fortunately, neither Yu Bingtong nor Zhang Zifeng knew what Su Bai was thinking, otherwise they would have to join the enemy and help Bechymos kill this bastard.

Very far away, although An San was escaping frantically, he was very imposing, and his voice floated over from a distance.

"Boy, wait for you to die!"

Su Bai was furious, and wished he could rush over to kill him with the annihilation demon phoenix.

It's a pity that he was blocked by Behemoth's star-shattering beam cannon, so he could only give up.

In addition, Su Bai was also worried that it would be bad if Yu Bingtong was injured by Behemoth when he went to hunt down Ansan.

As for Zhang Zifeng, it was not within the scope of Su Bai's worries at all.

Seeing Ansan running away, Su Bai simply ignored him.

Anyway, his soul breath has been recorded, and he can find it out with a shadow chaser at that time.

Under the circumstance that no one could leave this planet, no matter how far Ansan ran, where could he go.

Now, Su Bai's battle target has changed from Dark Three back to Behemoth.

"How do I remember that I only fought with it not long ago?"

Su Bai recalled.

Since entering this star exploration ship, the target of his battle has changed from a beast to a beastmaster, and from a beastmaster to a beast.

Went around and went back.

Driving the annihilation magic phoenix, Su Bai went straight to Behemoth.

There was no chance to officially fight before, and this time, I can't miss it.

Originally, Su Bai was still worried about whether Yu Bingtong would call for another retreat, but Yu Bingtong did not stop until he brought many pets to fight with Behemoth.

"You hit it first, and I'll try to see if I can find the information about Nangong Wentian."

After Yu Bingtong shouted, he lowered the height and continued the unfinished work.

Previously, she had been investigating the nearby waters, trying to find out the clues that Nangong Wentian had left behind when he arranged it here.

It was only because of the ambush of the shadow crowd that it had to be interrupted.

Now, she can continue the work again.

Zhang Zifeng thought for a while, and felt that it should be safer to follow Yu Bingtong, so he also lowered his height.

Although Behemoth was held back by Su Bai, his attack didn't have long eyes, and the star-shattering beam cannon was a super long-distance skill.

If you are accidentally rubbed, you are afraid that you will die on the spot.

Originally, Su Bai was still worried that Yu Bingtong would be accidentally injured.

But on second thought, instead of worrying about her, it is better to think about how to defeat this peerless beast.

Although Su Bai gained a lot of experience points by violently beating the blood-eating vine, and successfully rose to the top level of Xingyao, but after all, he is not the king level.

It is still a bit difficult to kill Behemoth.

That is the king's top beast.


While thinking about it, the Demon Suppressing Turtle and Behemoth collided fiercely, making a loud noise.

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

However, the Demon Suppressing Tortoise did not have the blessing of the air-breaking fire ring. Although it was a water-type battle pet, it could not stand on the sea and sank directly into the water.

Su Bai didn't care, if the water-type pets could be drowned, it would be a big laugh.


The annihilation magic phoenix stepped forward, and after activating the lava purgatory, released the world-annihilating explosion.

Manic flames filled the sea, completely shrouding Behemoth's huge body.

Behemoth's size is large, but the coverage area of ​​the Destruction Blast is larger.

Comparing the two phases one by one, they fell directly into the disadvantage.

Before the flames dissipated, the four-winged angel's rain of holy light arrows had already condensed and fell towards the flames.

Ow ooh.

Behemoth's roar of pain resounded in the flames.


Although the Holy Light Arrows are small, they are numerous and extremely sharp, and can easily pierce the thick skin of Behemoth.

Being stabbed so violently, even Behemoth couldn't hold back, and couldn't help but scream.

The abyss queen standing on the back of Death Ice Wing raised her hand and threw the twenty abyss guards down.

The abyss guards who were wearing flames landed on the back of Behemoth precisely, and then took up the battle axe and chopped.

puff puff.

The sharp blade kept tearing the flesh and widening the wound.

The rest of the pets also used their skills.

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction