MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 281 Gambling is banned for the whole clan, and the prestige skyrockets [Five consecutive rises, big boss]

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Chapter 281 Gambling is banned for the whole family, and the prestige skyrockets [Five consecutive rises, the boss is awesome]

 Poxin Village.

 Zhang family.

Hearing that the initial investment to open a large-scale brick factory would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan, Zhang Zhenfa, who lacked courage, shook his head and refused immediately. Sister-in-law Zhang and Sister-in-law Zhang, who had been excited before, looked at each other and saw it in each other's eyes. timidity.

 If the business only requires a few thousand yuan investment, then they may be willing to do it without too much hesitation.

They can invest tens of thousands or even more than 100,000. This amount is too high for them. If something goes wrong and they lose money, the consequences will be too serious.

Not to mention that with such a large investment, the two women cannot make the decision.

Zhang Shouguo was also shocked by the amount of investment. However, he did not shake his head and refuse like his father did. Instead, he asked: "Pingmei, the investment in this large-scale brick factory is too big. If we don't build a large-scale brick factory... It’s just a small brick factory similar to that of a brigade, so the investment won’t be too much. What do you think?”

Zhang Xiuping said: "If you build a small brick factory, you really don't need to invest so much money, but you will earn less after investing less. This is directly proportional, and the competitiveness of small brick factories is definitely not as good as that of large brick factories. Instead of choosing to build a small brick factory, we might as well build other factories that we don’t have here!”

Deng Yuntai, who had been listening, couldn't help but answered: "My two uncles, at my father's suggestion, are planning to open a wooden clothespin factory. This is a factory with low investment and good development prospects. If the eldest brother and the second brother have If you are interested, you can try this.”

“What major matter is the clan leader going to discuss at this clan meeting?”

“The clan meeting was only held on the 29th. It’s only been a few days. The clan leader held an urgent clan meeting again and invited so many clan members to attend. It must be a major matter to be discussed.”

“I can’t guess, but what is certain is that the matters discussed in this clan meeting must be related to most of the clan members.”

As for the richest man in the commune, I don’t dare to think about that. After all, Longtan Commune also has a large number of talents. In the past few years of reform and opening up, everyone has shown their talents, and there are many people who have developed well!


Even Zhang Zhenfa, who lacked courage, couldn't help but perked up after hearing this, because this was an idea given to his two brothers-in-law by his in-laws, and there was no need to doubt his in-laws' vision and ability to make money. This proved that this wooden clothespin factory must be There is much to be done.

 In short, once a person participates in gambling, his entire life is ruined.


  The reason for convening this special clan meeting is unknown to all the clansmen, and the clansman who notified them did not say it. They only told the exact time and place of the clan meeting.

“Is there something wrong with the passenger transport company?”

 In the crowd, people from all clans were talking a lot, speculating about the content of this clan meeting.

Although the small store his family opened can earn several thousand yuan a year, because the store has not been open long enough, and he spent several thousand yuan to build a new house last year, he only has cash on hand. There is less than three thousand yuan left, which may not be enough to open a wooden clothespin factory.

 After all, this is a factory, not a small shop like the one they run now. Even if the investment is small, it still costs several thousand yuan.

By the time Zhang's mother had cooked the Huishui Zhi, Fa Zhi and Fan Xin Zhi and brought them out, Zhang Zhenfa had been convinced by his son-in-law and decided to take time to meet his son-in-law's two uncles after the Spring Festival, and then make preparations together. Wooden clothespin factory.

I previously took the lead in establishing a passenger transport company, and now the company’s business is booming. As long as all brothers and nephews do not participate in gambling, everyone will become rich in the future and live a happy life that is ten times or a hundred times better than others.

So, the father and son then asked each other about this wooden clothespin factory.

The clan meeting is held at two o'clock in the afternoon, but clan members from all villages came early to participate.

After Zhang Zhenfa made the decision to open the factory, Sister-in-law Zhang and Sister-in-law Zhang both had smiles on their faces. Although their family is now one of the best in the village, there is still a gap compared to the annual income of their sister-in-law's family, which exceeds 100,000. very huge.

Deng Shirong came to the old ancestral hall and greeted Deng Shian, the brigade secretary, and the prominent people in the villages one by one.

As the saying goes, you will lose nine out of ten times you bet. As long as you take part in gambling, you are not far away from bankrupting your fortune.

He is not afraid of competition between his uncle and his uncle when he mentions this. Nowadays, the demand for wooden clothespins is huge both at home and abroad. The foreign trade department has been buying them. Basically, they buy as much as they produce, so there is no competition at all. statement.

The news that the clan leader is going to hold a clan meeting in the old ancestral hall has long been spread among the clan, and this clan meeting is different from the past. In the past, it was enough for each household to send a representative to attend the clan meeting. This time, the leader of the clan requires clan members aged 16 to 70, both male and female, to come and participate.

 “Here comes the leader of the clan…”

When the time came for the clan meeting, Deng Shirong came up to the stage and said: "Brothers and nephews, I am calling you all to come to the clan meeting this time to discuss an extremely important matter with you, which is to ban gambling. Gambling is prohibited for the entire clan. "

As soon as these words came out, all the people below showed surprised expressions.

"You are overthinking this. This clan meeting was decided on the first day of the Lunar New Year. If there was a problem with the passenger transport company, why would we wait until today to hold the clan meeting? It would have been held on the first day of the Lunar New Year. The clan has met.”

 As for people of other age groups, it’s up to them to come or not.

“That’s true, but apart from the passenger transport company, what other things need to call so many tribesmen to participate?”

As for the funds to open the factory, Deng Yuntai, the son-in-law, didn’t even need to ask his father-in-law to ask. He just said with a smile: "Dad, if you are short of money to open the factory, just tell Ping Mei and let her give it to you first."

  After borrowing money from relatives and friends but unable to borrow any more, people often choose to take desperate risks. Those who are employed may be bold enough to embezzle public funds for gambling, while those who are unemployed are likely to embark on the road of stealing or robbery.

“The clan meeting will begin soon, and we will immediately know what we are going to discuss!”

Even if your self-control ability is relatively strong, you will gamble when you have money, and you will not gamble when you have no money. Then this kind of life is meaningless, because no matter how much money you make, it is all for others, and sooner or later you will be gambling. Give all the money on the table to others to spend.

 And if he opens another factory at home, his income will definitely skyrocket. By then, he will not only be the richest man in Poxin Village, but also the richest man in the brigade.

After saying that gambling was banned for the whole family, Deng Shirong said sincerely: "Gambling has been a bad habit that has been extremely harmful to families and even society since ancient times. In the old society, gamblers often sold their wives and children for gambling. .

Deng Yuntai did not hide anything and told his father-in-law and two uncles everything he knew.

At about 1:40 in the afternoon, a large number of tribesmen gathered at the entrance of the old ancestral hall. Many tribesmen even brought their families to attend the tribe meeting.

 During the Spring Festival, everyone is busy visiting relatives.

These words are a reassurance for Zhang Zhenfa.

By the time all the relatives in each family had left, it was the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Especially those clan members who like to gamble looked at the clan leader in disbelief. Obviously, they did not expect that the clan leader would come out like this.

 After losing all the money at home, they will borrow it from relatives and friends. This kind of money is basically borrowed and never repaid, because gambling is a bottomless pit, and no amount of money is enough to fill it.

 Zhang Shouguo and Zhang Shoumin's eyes lit up when they heard this.

However, if you participate in gambling, it will be useless no matter how much money the passenger transport company makes for you. This money will always be given away to others.

 So, I held a clan meeting today with the purpose of banning gambling for the whole clan. No gambling establishments are allowed to appear in our village where the Jedeng clan is located, and all clan members are no longer allowed to participate in gambling.

If you feel that you can't live without gambling and you must participate in gambling, then you should withdraw the shares of the passenger transport company and leave them to other tribesmen who need them. This is much more meaningful than giving flowers to others! "

As soon as Deng Shirong finished speaking, Deng Shi'an clapped his hands and said, "Well said, the harm of gambling is indeed too great. Almost every day in our Bangjie Brigade, couples quarrel or even fight because of gambling, and they lose their family's money because of gambling. There are absolutely no people who can’t even afford salt for the New Year.

 In the past, everyone was poor, so there was nothing to say about it. Now, the clan leader has taken the lead in setting up a passenger transport company, and everyone can live a good life. It would be really shameful to continue to participate in gambling at this time.

Therefore, I support the clan leader’s idea of ​​banning gambling for the whole clan. If there are clansmen who are unwilling to comply, then you should return the shares of the passenger transport company and give them to other clansmen in need. From now on, you will be a living or dead clan. I won't care anymore. "

Deng Changbao also expressed his position: "The clan leader and the secretary are right. Gambling is really out of the question. Brothers, under the leadership of the clan leader, our Naye Deng clan is now embarking on the road of prosperity for the whole clan. Brothers and sisters, if If you participate in gambling, you will be holding back the clan! "

Deng Yungui nodded and said: "I also agree with the whole clan banning gambling. Gambling will make you sink deeper and deeper. Once you get stuck, there is basically no hope of getting up. Moreover, those who gamble are not recognized by their relatives. I hope that the clan will participate." The gambling brothers and nephews should quickly wake up and take advantage of this opportunity to quit gambling, and then follow the road to wealth with the army. "

“What the clan leader said makes perfect sense. If anyone is unwilling to stop gambling, then he should withdraw his shares in the passenger transport company to avoid benefiting others.”

“Sir, did you hear what the clan leader said? If you dare to bet again in the future, I’ll see if I break your legs.”

“Supporting the leader of the clan and gambling will not end well. Brothers and nephews, please wake up!”

 “Support the leader of the clan and support the ban on gambling for the entire clan!”

"Support the clan leader..." The reputable people in each village responded one after another, and other clan members who did not participate in gambling also echoed loudly.

In the crowd, Ajuba said to her husband Deng Changqi, a gambler: "Did you hear it? Jiu Gong said that from now on the whole family will quit gambling. If you don't want to quit, then you have to withdraw your shares in the passenger transport company. If there is no passenger transport company, If you own shares, you can figure out what our family will become in the future."

Deng Changqi had no idea that the clan-wide ban on gambling was due to him. At this time, his mood was extremely complicated. He also knew that gambling was not good, but he had never been able to quit. Now a clan leader came forward to force the clan members to quit gambling. Moreover, he was threatening to take the shares of the passenger transport company, and he also wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of his gambling addiction.

 However, he felt very unwilling because he had lost money recently.

The gambler's psychology is very strange. If he wins money, he is not allowed to gamble. Although he regrets it, he can quickly accept it. After all, he has taken advantage. But if he loses, it would be really uncomfortable to ask him to stop gambling before he has won back his capital.

However, no matter how unwilling he is, Deng Changqi must quit this bet. Compared with the little money he lost, the shares of the passenger transport company are his only hope of becoming a rich man in the future. Of course, he will not be stupid enough to give up.

 At least, it is impossible for Deng Changqi to give up at this moment.

 As for whether he can quit gambling, Deng Changqi himself doesn’t know.

On the stage, Deng Shirong and other clan members had finished talking, and then continued: "Then it's settled. From today on, the whole clan will ban gambling. Everyone will supervise each other. If you see any clan member participating in gambling, report it." A clan member can take over his family's shares in the passenger transport company. If he doesn't have money to replace it, he can pay the debt first. This is a benefit for whistleblowers.

 In short, if one person participates in gambling, the whole family will suffer. If any tribesman does not want to lose his or her shares in the passenger transport company, then he should take care of himself and his family to avoid something like this that no one wants to see happen. "

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

You should know that in every village now, many tribesmen participate in gambling. If it is a separate family, there is nothing to say. Gambling or not will only affect your own shares in the passenger transport company, and will not affect others.

 However, it is different for those large families that have not yet been divided.

According to the clan leader, if one person participates in gambling, the whole family will suffer. If one person in such a large family participates in gambling, the whole family's shares will have to be given up. The consequences are too serious.

However, no one questions the clan leader’s decision. It is natural to handle the affairs of one’s own family by oneself.

 Therefore, some tribesmen warned their children or brothers and sisters on the spot, and some even talked about their own parents.

“Sir, did you hear what the clan leader said? If you still dare to gamble and let your family lose their shares in the passenger transport company, I will beat you to death.”

"Third brother, the leaders of the clan have made it very clear. If you still can't control yourself in the future, then you can separate your family and live alone, so as not to hurt us."

"Dad, we told you not to gamble before, but you didn't listen. Now the leader of the clan has made it very clear. If you still can't control yourself, then divide the family and give us the shares of the passenger transport company. Otherwise you won’t be able to keep it.”


As parents, brothers and children started to revolt, the tribesmen who participated in gambling did not dare to say anything. Now that the leader of the tribe suddenly did something like this, they had to quit gambling, otherwise the consequences would be too serious.

Gamblers usually lose their minds after losing completely at the gambling table. They use all means to raise gambling capital to recover their losses, such as borrowing loan sharks, selling everything they can sell at home, embezzling public funds, etc. wait.

 But before going to the gambling table, these gamblers were all sober in the world, and naturally understood that the shares of the passenger transport company must not be lost.

Deng Shirong and other tribesmen had finished discussing, and then continued: "The whole tribe that I said prohibits gambling, not only in these ten miles and eight villages, but also strictly prohibits gambling even when going out. If any tribesman participates in gambling outside, unless You have done this without being aware of it, otherwise as long as there is a trace of news coming back and it is confirmed that you participated in the gambling, your family will have to give up the shares of the passenger transport company.

 So, don’t take any chances, either quit gambling completely, or withdraw your shares in the passenger transport company as soon as possible, so that no one will care about you anymore. "

As soon as he finished speaking, all the tribesmen cheered loudly again.

At this point, Deng Shirong’s decision to ban gambling for the entire clan was implemented with the support of all clan members.

 When the meeting ended, the gambling-loving tribesmen were all dejected. They knew that from this moment on, gambling would be out of their reach, unless they were really willing to give up their shares in the passenger transport company with a bright future.

 But they are not fools, so how could they give up their shares in the passenger transport company?

Ajuba and her husband Deng Changqi walked home together. Deng Changqi was listless. During the Chinese New Year, he lost all the money at home. He was originally thinking about how to get some money to make up for it, but now By doing this, the leader of the clan had completely blocked his hope of making money.

If he no longer participates in gambling, he will never be able to win back the money he lost, and he will naturally lose his energy.

 Compared with this, Ajuba was in a very good mood.

Although the family has no money now, and her husband has lost everything, but as long as her husband no longer participates in gambling, the current difficulties will only be temporary. In a few days, she will put the two pigs at home together. Sell ​​it, and then buy watermelon seeds and plant them after you have the capital. When the watermelons mature, you can sell them and you will naturally have money on your hands.

What's more, her family has invested in 4 shares in the passenger transport company. As the company grows, they will make more and more money.

 In short, as long as the husband does not gamble, their family will definitely get better and better.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ajuba's mouth tilted up involuntarily, and he couldn't hold it down anymore.

There are many families similar to Arjuna's family. People who participated in gambling before were dejected on the way back, but their family members were all smiling, happier than during the Chinese New Year. The clan leader's move completely The clan's ban on gambling was used too well.

After all the clan members had dispersed, Deng Shi'an looked at Deng Shirong and said with emotion: "Lao Jiu, the most correct thing I have done in my life is to convince you to become the leader of our Ye Deng clan. ”

 This is the highest compliment, and Deng Shirong quickly said a few words of humility.

 Afterwards, the two people of the same generation chatted for a while before going home.


In the next few days, the atmosphere of the whole clan completely changed. No one gathered to gamble anymore. Those clan members who were addicted to gambling, in order to divert their attention, focused on eating and drinking, and began to invite friends to eat and drink.

Their family members were very tolerant of this. Not only did they not object, they were good at cooking and even cooked for them.

Compared to a gamble that can destroy the whole family, the expense of just eating and drinking with friends is easily acceptable to their family members.

 After all, whether it is quitting smoking or gambling, the initial stage is the most difficult, and they must be given an adaptation period.

 The news that the entire Naye Deng family had quit gambling spread throughout the entire Bangjie Brigade that day, and then quickly spread to other brigades and even other communes.

The Nayedeng family is a surname with more than 3,000 tribesmen. With so many tribesmen having established kinship relationships with nearby brigades and communes simply through marriage, such a big event naturally spread quickly.

"The Ye Deng clan is really amazing. Last year, they made a lot of money growing watermelons. Not long after, they raised funds to set up a passenger transport company. I heard that they can earn at least 400,000 yuan just by relying on this Spring Festival transportation. I didn't expect it. Now the whole family has quit gambling. If this can be implemented, no other surname in the entire Songshan Commune can compare with the Naye Deng family. "

"I agree with what you said. Everyone knows the dangers of gambling. Now that the entire Yedeng family has given up gambling and united to develop the economy, it can be said that the future is bright!"

“It’s indeed powerful. I heard that these things were all started under the leadership of the leader of the Nayedeng clan.”

“I’ve heard about this too. Well, Uncle Jiu, who in our village doesn’t know his name now?”

“It would be great if our clan also had such a powerful clan leader!”

“Well, it’s okay for the leader of our tribe to organize people to fight, but to lead the tribe to make a fortune, he doesn’t have that ability.”

"There is no need to think about this kind of thing. As for clan leaders like the Yedeng clan, not to mention that our clan does not have them, other clans cannot have them. However, all clan leaders who have the ability will first focus on developing their own economy. How can there be any Let’s lead the clan members to make a fortune together!”

“That’s right, the Yedeng family is really lucky to meet such a clan leader!”


After the passenger transport company made huge profits and the entire clan was banned from gambling, not only did Deng Shirong's prestige in the clan reach its peak, but the prestige of other surnames also skyrocketed, especially in the realm of Shuangwang, where almost everyone knew about Naye Jiu. Uncle's name.

Prestige is invisible and intangible, and it really doesn't play a big role in normal times, but when you really use it, you will know how beneficial it is to have high prestige.

To give a very simple analogy, if a certain place is to be developed, and the developer needs to acquire land, but there is an ancestral grave of a certain surname, you are not allowed to touch it. Even if the government comes forward, no one dares to touch it and insists on taking away the ancestral grave of that person. If the ancestral graves are moved, it is likely to cause a turmoil, and the leaders in charge cannot bear this responsibility.

However, if you leave this matter to someone with high prestige to handle it, they will probably give you face and discuss moving the ancestral tomb.

 In short, no matter what a person with high prestige does, others will be willing to give you a favor, and you will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

  To paraphrase a later saying, Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relations.

 (End of this chapter)

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