MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 282 Total profit during the Spring Festival, second-class meritorious serviceman [seeking further orders]

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Chapter 282: Total Profit from Spring Festival Transport, Second-Class Meritorious Soldier [Seeking further subscription]

 After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, schools in various places are also preparing to start school.

Now, Deng Yunzhu, who has returned to school, is already a junior high school student and will finish her junior high school studies in one semester.

Deng Shirong originally had no expectations for this scumbag daughter. He just said to her: "Xiaozhu, there is still the last semester. You will graduate from junior high school. In a few months, you will actually turn eighteen. For you Dad doesn’t have much to say about my grades. I just hope you can get into high school and finish high school successfully.”

Deng Yunzhu is now a real big girl. She is 1.63 meters tall, 1 centimeter taller than her sister. She was a little embarrassed when she heard this, and said with a guilty conscience: "Dad, I will try my best. If you can't get into high school, you Don’t scold me!”

“I have nothing to scold you for. You are not reading for me, but for yourself.”

At this point, Deng Shirong looked at his little daughter and said earnestly: "Xiao Zhu, our family's conditions are really good now. Even if you stop studying after junior high school, I can arrange a job for you casually." , it’s okay to even start a business for yourself.

 But I still hope you can get into high school and finish high school successfully.

Old man Zhu didn't expect that the old woman would secretly pick up a partner for his younger son without telling him. Hearing this, he curled his lips and said, "Don't be too picky. Just find a wife who is diligent and knows how to run a house."

 “Who is being stingy?”

Yuexiu South Passenger Terminal.

 In the second month of the lunar calendar, watermelon planting is about to begin again.

They are all Bobais, so there is not much difference in taste. The Bobai-style white-cut pig's feet instantly conquered the taste buds of a family of three.

  County town.

Old man Zhu said: "Xiaojie, just look at what you want to eat. Your mother and I are both illiterate, how can we understand this thing?"

Old man Zhu saw his young son, who was wearing a green military uniform and looked heroic, and said with the same excitement: "Xiaojie, are you coming back to visit relatives this time, or..."

 For example, which youngster do you like in the future? This youngster is an outstanding college student. Are you, a junior high school student, worthy of him?

Deng Yunhua scratched his head and said the words of Tiger Balm: "Dad, I will try my best."

After talking about his youngest daughter, Deng Shirong looked at his youngest son and said: "Xiao Heng, you are about to be promoted to junior high school. As long as your grades are normal and you can take the key classes, there is no problem. There is still one last semester left, so don't relax. , do you know?”

Deng Shirong praised and said: "There will be more and more passengers in the future. When we can make money in the off-season, our passenger transport company will really rise. What we need to do now is to maintain capital while cultivating ourselves. The tribesmen, if we add ten or even twenty buses before the Spring Festival next year, we will be able to make a lot of money."

 Going to high school is not to help you find a job, but mainly to give you more choices when looking for a partner in the future.

They have lived for so many years and have long been accustomed to the service attitude of the salesmen in supply and marketing cooperatives. Every time they go to buy something, they have to look at people's faces. They don't even dare to ask more questions for fear that they will be impatient if they ask too many questions. The main thing is One swallowed his anger.

Zhu Junjie smiled and said: "Mom, I have money. Besides, this is also to celebrate the country's arrangement of a good job for me. And we don't come here to eat every day. It's okay to come here to eat once in a while."

Mrs. Zhu said with lingering fear: "Forget about the battlefield, my heart is pounding when I mention this. Fortunately, my ancestors have blessed me."

There is no other reason. The main reason is that his parents are old. He is the youngest son in the family. His parents were only born when they were in their forties. He is now in his sixties and almost seventy, and his body still has some small spots. The problem is, if he chooses to stay in the army and continue his development, whether his parents will still be there when he comes back will be a problem.

Zhu Junjie looked at the menu and said: "Then give us some white-cut pig's feet, stewed braised pork, and stir-fried hot pot vegetables."

 When the waiter brought the meal, the family of three started eating.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. As long as you can pass most subjects, you will be able to study in high school.”

The waiter nodded and said: "Okay, please wait a moment, the food will be ready soon."

As soon as he entered the restaurant, a waiter came over to say hello politely. The service attitude was an eye-opener for both Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu.

 Old man Zhu didn’t argue with her and said, “Then you choose slowly!”

 “Okay!” Zhu Junjie responded with a smile.

Old man Zhu said: "Old lady, Xiaojie is now the deputy director of the county public security bureau. He can still afford to have a meal here. Don't look so petty."

Mrs. Zhu took a bite of the sweet potato and muttered: "I didn't know that being a soldier was so dangerous. Our country hasn't had a war in so many years. Who knew that the war would start the second year after Xiaojie joined the army? Who can imagine that even a new soldier like Xiaojie is on the battlefield? Can you imagine that?"

They missed the train to get rich last year. They must not miss the train this year. They have to climb on the train even if they climb out of the window.

Old Mrs. Zhu quickly helped her son up and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, just come back!"

Zhu Junjie answered: "Dad, Mom, I have retired from the army. I will come back to stay with you. I will not leave again!"

Old man Zhu said: "Then find a matchmaker to find a good match for him. Once the arrangements are made, even if you ask for leave, you have to ask him to come back and meet, and then the marriage will be done."

 Zhu Junjie nodded, looked at the waiter and smiled: "Comrade, I would like to ask, what is the specialty dish of your restaurant's master chef?"


 Zhu Junjie plopped down on his knees in front of his parents, and said with red eyes: "Dad, Mom, my unfilial son is back!"

Because the scale of watermelon planting in the entire Bangjie Brigade is getting larger and larger, and other brigades are influenced by their Bangjie Brigade, I am afraid that many people will follow suit this year. Therefore, before the clan members were ready to plant watermelons, Deng Shirong made a special trip I went to a supply and marketing cooperative and discussed the purchase of watermelons with the director of the supply and marketing cooperative.

 After discussion, both parties signed a purchase agreement. The purchase price remained unchanged at 8 cents/jin.

Old man Zhu was so excited that he threw the freshly peeled sweet potatoes into the basket and quickly stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

  The younger son was in the army before, and he never came back, and they couldn't see him. It was extremely difficult for him to marry a wife and have a son.

 Old man Zhu paused and said, "I really didn't expect it."

In the car, Zhu Junjie, who was wearing a green military uniform and a resolute look, silently looked in a certain direction. From now on, he would bid farewell to his military career completely. His heart was relaxed and full of reluctance for his comrades and the military camp.

Old Man Zhu waved his hand and said: "Level is not determined by how many years you have been a soldier. If our little hero hadn't made contributions on the battlefield, do you think he would be at the level he is now? It would be great to become a platoon leader. Now this He worked hard to achieve this level.”

Deng Yunzhu played with the corner of her clothes, nodded and said: "Dad, I understand, I will try my best."

But if you are a high school student, although there is still a gap compared with other college students, you, a girl, have a high school diploma, which is considered to be very good in this era. No matter what kind of family the other party is, at least they will not have a high school diploma. Pick your thorns.

With this military merit, although he was still young, he became a regiment commander in a few years. Although he still had to wear the word "subtitle", he could be regarded as young and promising.

Old Mrs. Zhu held her youngest son's hand and said energetically: "Xiaojie, you are hungry. First, eat a few sweet potatoes to fill your stomach. Later, mom will kill two chickens for cooking. By the way, your eldest brother's family and the second son's family will be cooked." My whole family is called back for dinner.”

 So after much consideration, Zhu Junjie finally chose to give up his promising future in the army and decided to return to his hometown to accompany his parents and accompany them through the last years of his life.

It is worth mentioning that the lychees planted in Naye Village last year have all bloomed this year. However, because they were planted a little later last year, the villagers had to reluctantly cut off the flowers in order not to affect the growth of the lychee seedlings. , intending to let the lychee seedlings grow for one more year before bearing fruit.

As for the brigades connected to the Bangjie Brigade, there are also many people who follow the trend, but the followers are not as exaggerated as the Bangjie Brigade.

 A bus slowly drove out of the station and headed towards Bobai County.

Seeing the fragrant white-cut pig's feet, Old Man Zhu and Mrs. Zhu's eyes widened. They had lived for decades and had eaten white-cut chicken and duck, but white-cut pig was more time-consuming. Feet, they really haven’t eaten them.

“Well, that’s it. You work hard and tell me if you have any difficulties. The more than 3,000 people in the clan are your strongest backing.”

Deng Shirong didn't say anything more after hearing this. Anyway, he is now trying to persuade his children with the mentality of "if there are jujubes but no jujubes, hit the pole". It would be best if they could do it. After all, reading more books is definitely a good thing, even if they do It doesn't matter if they don't, because with him as their father, he can ensure that they can live a good life in this life.

Hearing this voice, Mrs. Zhu, who is 67 years old, became extremely strong. She stood up in an instant and walked out of the kitchen quickly.

When the fat but not greasy braised pork was served, the family of three was full of praise for it.

 At the entrance of Suifeng Hotel.

 Old man Zhu swallowed the sweet potato in his mouth and said, "It's not that you dote on him too much. You can't refuse any request he makes."

Deng Shirong hummed, looked at his fourth son and said, "Xiaohua, you and your second sister are the same. I don't ask you to be admitted to technical secondary school, junior college or even university. I only ask that you two siblings can be admitted to high school and then go smoothly." Graduation is my greatest expectation for you.”

 Old man Zhu also sighed a few words, and even Zhu Junjie was amazed.

Deng Shirong shook his head and said: "There is no need to continue to raise funds from the clansmen. Last year's fund-raising emptied everyone's pockets. This year, even if we get money from growing watermelons and selling them, we still have to keep them for the clansmen to build houses or marry wives. If If the company’s funds are insufficient, it can seek a bank loan.”

 After the waiter left, Mrs. Zhu said with emotion: "This big hotel is different, even the waiters are so polite when they speak."

Zhu Junjie is from Changpo Village, Shanxin Brigade, Songshan Commune, Bobai County. He was drafted into the army when he turned 18 in 1978. When a certain war broke out the following year, he was still a recruit and went to the front line under the leadership of veterans because He fought bravely and was not afraid of sacrifice, and finally achieved second-class merit.

Deng Changyu hummed and said, "I've thought about this too. The company really needs the money now. If it wants to buy twenty more buses next year, it will probably have to continue to raise funds from the tribesmen. The dividends will really have to wait until next year. Let’s talk about making money during the Spring Festival.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhu didn’t say anything more. She and her young son walked into this restaurant that looked amazing at first sight, with a feeling of anxiety and expectation.

Old Mrs. Zhu glanced at him and said, "I have asked a matchmaker to help me find him a long time ago, but unfortunately I haven't found anyone who is a good match for our Xiaojie. It seems that we need to find a few more matchmakers."

Deng Changyu nodded and smiled: "Jiu Gong, I just have this idea. Our company will definitely make a lot of money during the Spring Festival next year."

Of course, this is limited to watermelon with a long shelf life. If it is replaced with other fruits with a short shelf life, naturally it cannot be done like this.

"Hello, welcome!"

Although we are not from the same clan, we are all villagers from the same brigade, so there should not be too many intermarriages between each other. Last year, there was news that the Ye Deng family had a bumper harvest of watermelons, and every household made a lot of money, whether they were Zhou surnamed or official surnamed. Very clear.

In the living room of his home, Zhu Junjie looked at his parents who walked out of the kitchen quickly one after another. The two elders' hair had turned white and there were deep wrinkles on their faces. They looked much older than when he left home six years ago. .

Deng Yunheng said confidently: "Dad, don't worry, although I can't get the first place in the class, I still occupy the top five in the class all year round. It's no problem for me to get into the key class of Shuangwang Junior High School."

The waiter smiled and said: "Our master chef's specialty dishes are plain-cut and braised. What kind of dishes you want to eat depends on your taste!"

 Xiaowang is their eldest grandson Zhu Maowang.

Zhu Junjie smiled and said: "Mom, you have worked hard for most of your life. It's time to enjoy your happiness. Listen to me and go in quickly. I'm already hungry."

Old Mrs. Zhu glared and said: "What do you mean I shouldn't be too picky? Our Xiaojie is the head of the regiment. Do you understand how big an official this is?" Old man Zhu threw away the sweet potato skins he peeled off and said: "I know that our Xiaojie is the leader of the regiment, but marrying a wife is not about comparing whose official position is higher. The most important thing is to marry someone who can be diligent in running the household."

Mrs. Zhu nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "This must indeed be arranged for him. We can't drag it on year after year. If I can't see Xiaojie get married and have children, I won't be willing to close my eyes." !”

Old Man Zhu said with some pride: "Although I didn't expect it, Xiaojie is indeed my descendant. He achieved second-class merit the first time he went on the battlefield, and now he is the leader of the regiment. He really gives me, Old Zhu, a big face!" "

Old Mrs. Zhu shook her head and said: "That's not possible. If you marry our Xiaojie, she will be the leader's wife. You must choose carefully. You have to choose an excellent girl no matter what. Otherwise, how can you be worthy of this person?" The identity of the leader’s wife?”

Deng Yunheng is now a fifth-grade student in primary school. Primary school is still a five-year system. However, Deng Shirong remembers clearly that starting from the autumn period of this year, primary schools in the county will transition from first grade to a six-year system and use newly compiled primary school textbooks.

In response to this, Director Zhou waved his hand and said proudly: "You can plant whatever you want. No matter how much you plant, our supply and marketing cooperative will harvest it all."

Soon, the waiter brought the white-cut pig’s feet.


At this moment, Zhu Junjie was extremely happy that he chose to retire.

Another reason is that his nephew got married last year. He, as an uncle, will soon be promoted to an uncle. As a result, he is still a bachelor. This is indeed a bit outrageous. His parents also wrote in the letter. Use this to stimulate him.

Mrs. Zhu hummed, "That's fine. I thought he would be a soldier for three years and then come back. Who knew he not only went to the battlefield, but also served as a soldier for six years."

I am afraid of comparison in everything. The service attitude of the salesmen at the supply and marketing cooperative is indeed more than a little bit worse than the waiters in this restaurant.

But now, as soon as I walked into the restaurant, the girl came over to say hello with a smile on her face. The service attitude was really great.

After reporting the revenue during the Spring Festival travel period, Deng Changyu concluded: "According to statistics, our company has created a total profit of 416,380 yuan during the Spring Festival travel season. And although the Spring Festival travel season has passed now, there are still many passengers on the bus. , especially the number of passengers from Bobai to Guangdong has never stopped, and there is still a lot of profit every day.”

So, in the following time, the entire Bangjie brigade, not only the Naye Deng family, but also the villagers surnamed Zhou and Guan also started planting watermelons.

Mrs. Zhu also smiled happily when she heard this and said: "Our Xiaojie is really powerful. Look at Zhu Tou San's son, who has been a soldier for more than ten years. When he returns from the army, he will only be a company commander. He is not as good as our Xiaojie." There are several levels!”

 Old Mrs. Zhu said harshly: "I just don't think it's so wasteful to eat a meal."

 After signing the contract, Deng Shirong spread the word when he returned home, letting the tribesmen plant with confidence and not have to worry about sales as much as they planted.

 “Of course I have to choose slowly…”

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Okay, with Director Zhou's words, we can rest assured!"

Hearing these words, the two elders cheered with excitement again. They are already old and have all kinds of minor physical problems. They probably have only a few more years to live. Their biggest wish in this life is to see The younger son got married and had children, and they had nothing else to ask for.


  No big deal, just put your hope in the third generation!


For example, whose son got married, whose girl got married, who got a grandson, etc.

Old Man Zhu was also a little scared, so he changed the subject and said: "Now Xiaowang has married a wife and will be a father this year, and Xiaojie is 24 and still a bachelor. Regardless of whether he retires from the army or not, this marriage is a major event Everything has to be arranged for him.”

Now that they are back, marrying a wife can be put on the agenda. There is hope that their wish will be truly realized, and the two elders are happy from the bottom of their hearts.

 It is indeed a high-end hotel in the county town!

 It wasn’t until they sat down and the younger son asked them what they wanted to eat that the two elders came back to their senses.

 That’s why Director Zhou is so confident. Even if watermelons are planted in the entire Shuangwang Realm, it will be easily digested by supply and marketing cooperatives with sales channels all over the country.

Deng Changyu nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, I understand. Let's take a look at this year's operation first. It would be best if we can earn the money to buy a car before the Spring Festival travel rush. If not, then find a bank loan."


Seeing this majestic restaurant, Mrs. Zhu was a little discouraged and said to her younger son: "Xiaojie, why don't we eat somewhere else? You can tell from one glance that the food here will be very expensive."

At this time, in the general manager's office of Tenglong Passenger Transport Company, Deng Changyu, the general manager, was reporting the Spring Festival revenue to Deng Shirong, the founder of the company.

As soon as Old Mrs. Zhu said this, a very familiar voice in her memory came from outside: "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"


 At noon the next day.

As we chatted, Mrs. Zhu couldn't help but sigh and said: "We shouldn't have agreed to let Xiaojie join the army in the first place. He went to the battlefield the second year after joining the army, which almost scared me to death. Fortunately, Xiaojie Fuda Mingda survived, but he was originally a compulsory soldier for three years and now he has not come back for six years. I am really worried. "

It’s no wonder that Director Zhou is so heroic. Due to the rise of the individual economy, and other state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises also competing for customers, supply and marketing cooperatives across the country are feeling pressure. Now Bangjie Brigade is planting watermelons on a large scale. , which can just make up for the watermelon acquisition in other areas.

However, in the end he chose to change his career.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "The money earned during the Spring Festival this year will not be distributed to the tribesmen. It will be reserved for buying cars next year to continue development. When the money is made during the Spring Festival next year, it will not be too late to distribute dividends to the tribesmen."

 “I got it, Mr. Jiu!”


 Originally, he had served for six years and received intensive training from the army. If he really wanted to stay and develop, he should have great potential.

 In Changpo Village, in an old mud-brick house, two old men were eating boiled sweet potatoes while chatting about their family and family affairs.

So, in this last semester, I hope you can work hard, so that if you really encounter the situation I mentioned, at least your marriage will not be ruined because of your academic qualifications. Think about it for yourself and see what dad said. Doesn't make sense? "

 Zhu Junjie has a total of five brothers and sisters, two brothers and two sisters. The eldest brother is twenty years older than him, and his eldest nephew is only two years younger than him.

 As students across the country return to school, the Spring Festival travel rush that has made the national passenger transportation system extremely busy has also come to an end.

Even the stir-fried hot pot vegetables have a sweet taste that makes people unable to stop eating.

This meal, not to mention Old Man Zhu and Old Mrs. Zhu, even Zhu Junjie had eaten such a delicious meal for the first time.

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 (End of this chapter)

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