MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 319 Naye Deng's reputation is rising

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Chapter 319 Naye Deng’s rise to fame

After New Year's Day in 1986, tribesmen in Naye Deng's community moved to new homes every now and then. They were able to decorate their houses so quickly because they didn't have much requirements for decoration. For these tribesmen, a simple decoration was enough. It's already a very nice house.

 Every clan member who moves to a new home inevitably invites relatives and friends over to celebrate.

As a result, exclamations could be heard from time to time in the Deng family community in Naye. They were all uttered by relatives and friends invited by the Deng family to celebrate. Ninety-nine percent of these were relatives and friends from the countryside who met for the first time. It's hard not to be moved when you visit a beautiful community like Naye Dengshi.

As more and more tribesmen move to new homes, their relatives and friends inevitably have to brag about it in the village after coming back to broaden their horizons.

 After all, their relatives and friends are awesome, which is also a kind of bragging capital for them.

Relatives and friends have relatives and friends. After the phenomenon of human-to-human transmission occurred, the name of Nayedeng's community spread throughout the county. Naturally, as Nayedeng's community became famous, it spread from person to person. It's Naye Deng.

 Nowadays, the Naye Deng family is synonymous with unity and wealth!

Don't underestimate this kind of reputation. In a place like Bobai with a strong clan culture, a clan that is both united and wealthy has a strong intimidation force. Don't say that your clan members are walking around outside, but at least others know about you. Anyone who is a member of the Ye Deng family will give three points of face.

 Therefore, Deng Shirong really didn’t counter-offer, he nodded directly and said: “Okay, then it will be this price, but in terms of quality, you have to give me the best.”

Naye Dengshi Community.

At this time, A Bao was sitting at the door of the store with a hookah and burning smoke. His face full of sorrow was shrouded in smoke.

Abao blurted out: "There are 832 kilograms of sandworms, 1358 kilograms of squid, 635 kilograms of shrimps, 1844 kilograms of flower crabs, 2231 kilograms of prawns, and 3670 kilograms of mudworms."

 When she mentioned this, Ou Guohua couldn't hide the smile on her face.


Now that the operation of Yongjia Supermarket is on track, Zhang Xiuping is now free and no longer has to guard the supermarket every day.

 “Well, then I’ll leave first!”

After entering the 1990s in the previous life, there were more and more gangsters (gangsters) in Bobai, and even many robbers were born.

 Hepu County.

 Hence, we can only continue to increase the number of buses to cope with the increasing number of passengers every year.

Abao smiled and said: "I hope so, but even if the seafood business is good, the competition pressure here is very high, and it is still difficult to make money!"

 In this regard, Deng Shirong is the most knowledgeable.

As for the future, if you feel that the decoration is old-fashioned, you can just renovate it when the time comes. Anyway, the family does not lack the money.

With the official arrival of the Spring Festival, factories in various places have begun to take holidays, and buses all over the country have begun to be full. The 30 buses of Tenglong Passenger Transport Company are no exception. All the buses returning from Guangdong are full.

 A Bao immediately beat his chest loudly: "A Biao, don't worry about the price, I will definitely give you the best price!"

 So, I hesitated and hesitated, but in the end I couldn't make up my mind.

After chatting with the little sisters for a while, Zhang Xiuping asked: "Afang, Ahua, when do you plan to close the door and go back to celebrate the New Year?"

Zhang Xiuping said: "Just be busy if you are busy. It is good to be the master of your own business. Just like this year, you have made a lot of money by opening a clothing store. All the money can go into your own pocket, and you don't have to hand it over to your mother-in-law like before." ”

 It is worth mentioning that even in the off-season, the income of passenger transport companies is much higher than before.

Ou Guofang said with a smile: "You can go back after selling this batch of goods. Sister Ping, when do you plan to go back?"

Deng Shirong chose European and American style decoration for his eldest daughter, which is the most fashionable and trendy decoration at present. Although in his opinion, the effect of this decoration will gradually fall behind in more than ten years, he has to say that within three to five years, this decoration will be The decoration style is still very awesome.

 So the price difference between high-quality seafood and low-quality seafood is very large.

Seeing Deng Shirong arrive, Abao handed over the chimney with a smile on his face and said, "Biao, let's burn the chimney first. All the goods you want are here!"

It’s a pity that the buses from Bobai to Guangdong don’t have many passengers at this time, and they often even run empty to Guangdong. Otherwise, if the buses are full both ways, the passenger transport company will really make crazy money!


Abao knew how big the big customer in front of him was. When he heard him mention the words "big business," his eyes suddenly lit up and he asked, "Ah Biao, how much do you want this time?"

 At present, more than a ton of prawns are all raised in barrels and pots. The ones raised in barrels are fine and can be picked up directly, but the ones in pots are more troublesome.

Abao took the money, a stone fell to the ground in his heart, and his face smiled like a chrysanthemum: "Okay, Biao, I will have the goods ready for you when the time comes."

 “Okay, Abiao, walk slowly!”

Deng Shirong was still very satisfied after hearing this. When he came here to buy five years ago, sandworms were 3 yuan/catty, squid was 3 yuan/catty, flower crabs were 5 cents/catty, prawns were 8 hairs/catty, and mud crabs were 8 cents/catty. The price of worms is 3 cents per catty. Now the price has generally increased, but the increase is not huge.

So during this period of time, Zhang Xiuping, who had nothing to do, took her children to the Ou sisters' clothing store from time to time to talk about their family's problems.

In addition to the increase in the number of passengers in the county, another reason is that the passenger transport company has adjusted its strategy and started to pick up passengers from cities passing through from Bobai to Guangdong.

Deng Shirong took out twenty large coupons from his pocket and handed them over, saying: "Boss, this is the deposit. You take it first. I will come over to receive the goods the day after tomorrow."

In order to get these goods, he really spent a lot of effort in the past two days. He not only mobilized all his relatives, friends and villagers, but also went to other villages to buy dry goods door to door, and finally scraped together so much. The goods are coming.

 After paying the money, Deng Shirong said: "Boss, please bring the goods to me at the intersection."

However, this kind of routine could easily deceive customers in the 1980s and 1990s. In later generations, customers have become more and more sophisticated. In addition, customers who can afford to buy hundreds or even thousands of yuan per pound of seafood are well-informed. As a character, it would be impossible to deceive others like this, and it might even ruin your reputation.

 Two days later.

Deng Shirong put the chimney aside and said with a smile: "Boss, I will give you two days to get these three kinds of dry goods: sand worms, shrimps, and squid. I will take as much as you can get, as well as flower crabs, prawns, and mud crabs." The same goes for these three kinds of fresh goods, I want as much as you can get.”

A Bao sighed, then handed the hookah over and said, "Biao, let's burn the hookah first."

 Big business, this is definitely a big business that he has rarely encountered in his life. As long as he seizes this opportunity, his son may have money to marry a wife and build a house...

Deng Shirong took the chimney, sat down on the stool next to him, and said: "Don't worry, boss. In the past few years, everyone has not had much money. In a few years, more and more people will have money. This seafood business will Naturally it’s getting better and better.”

 Up to now, there are already five seafood restaurants on Shankou Street. Faced with such huge competition, it’s pretty good that he can make money to support his family!

To be honest, he has also thought about moving to another place to run a seafood restaurant, but after working here for so many years, he can still make money. But if he moves to an unfamiliar place and has to start over, is there any gain? Making money is a problem.

At this time, Abao's family and many relatives were present at the seafood store. The store was filled with all kinds of dried and fresh seafood, and the quantity was staggering.

As the passenger transport company's business grows, the profits it generates will become higher and higher. The company no longer needs to seek bank loans for its subsequent expansion. The annual profits generated by the company alone are enough to cope with the company's expansion.

Needless to say, the location chosen by Deng Shirong is at the intersection of the later Shankou Expressway. If Bobai goes to Nanning, he can also take this route. This place is more convenient by car, but in this era, no one is building houses around it. , except for the occasional car passing by, it is basically sparsely populated.

In the end, it was Deng Shirong who paid for it and asked the boss to send someone to buy ten pairs of wooden barrels and put all the prawns in the basin into the wooden barrels. This solved the problem.

While the tribesmen are busy moving to a new home or renovating their own houses, seeing that the Spring Festival is approaching, Tenglong Passenger Transport Company has added five new buses.

Ou Guohua hummed and said, "Yes, I have to clean up after I go back, make grey-water and sweet deer, etc. I also have to make offerings to my father-in-law, return blessings, etc. In addition, my little one is still at her parents' house, and I have to go back to my parents’ house to bring him back for the New Year, which is really busy.”

In the past few years, he didn't have much pressure, but now his son has grown up and wants to marry a wife, the house at home is old and needs to be built new, and there are two children who also need to spend money to study. Money is used everywhere. Pressure comes naturally.

 The five newly added buses were purchased with profits from this year's off-season, and the company still has hundreds of thousands of working capital. You can imagine how profitable the passenger transport company will be this year.

 Those who don’t know how to do it will be cheated to death without even knowing it.

This year, the total profit of the clothing store of the two sisters exceeded 20,000 yuan. Each of them can share tens of thousands of yuan. They can control such a large amount of money by themselves. It can be said that they can spend it how they want, just like before. Gone are the days when your mother-in-law would nag you for anything like fruit snacks.

 Soon, the Spring Festival of 1986 officially arrived.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words. After Deng Shirong burned a few cigarettes, he said: "Boss, I'm here this time to discuss a big business deal with you."

According to rough calculations by Tenglong Passenger Transport Company, if long-distance buses in this era can maintain a passenger occupancy rate of about 15%, they can maintain their capital, and if they can have a passenger occupancy rate of 70% to 75%, they will undoubtedly make a lot of money.

Ou Guohua nodded when he heard this and said: "As the New Year is approaching, everyone is busy preparing New Year's goods. Supermarkets do have the best business at this time."

Seeing the motorcycle owner, Abao vaguely felt that he looked familiar.

Zhang Xiuping said: "In previous years, when the New Year's Eve was approaching, both those who ate commercial grains and those who were doing business were busy, and there was little business in restaurants, so they had to go back earlier. But this year, it is different when we open a supermarket. Business is at its best at this time, and we won’t be able to go back until 27-8 at least.”


  Unfortunately, this was impossible. Just half a year after he opened the seafood restaurant, a competitor appeared.

Deng Shirong did not intend to break this rule, but his family's house allocation, in addition to his son, also included his daughter. He also decided to allocate it according to age. The eldest son is on the first floor, the eldest daughter is on the second floor, the second son is on the third floor, and the younger son is on the third floor. The daughter is on the fourth floor, the third son is on the fifth floor, the fourth son is on the sixth floor, and the younger son is on the seventh floor.

Of course, he also understood that if he had not said that he would buy unlimited quantities, the boss would not have given such a low price.

Hearing this, Ah Bao suddenly remembered who the other party was, and said excitedly: "Ah Biao, it turns out it's you. I haven't seen you for several years, and I almost didn't recognize you."

Even in later generations, those who bought nearly 20,000 yuan worth of seafood at a time were truly big customers, let alone in this era, which directly refreshed their cognition.

 Hence, what is being renovated now is the second floor allocated to the eldest daughter.

  Needless to say, this is very simple to transport. Flower crabs and mud worms are also fine. The only troublesome thing is the prawns. They need to be raised in sea water and will die if they are left out of sea water for a long time.

Abao nodded repeatedly and said, "Don't worry, Abiao, this is not our first transaction. I will definitely give you the best quality."

Seeing that the boss still recognized him, Deng Shirong got off the motorcycle and couldn't help but smile: "Boss, I haven't seen you in a few years, is your business okay?"

On this day, Zhang Xiuping brought Xiao Donger over again.

It is already 1986 in the Gregorian calendar, and the price of seafood is getting more expensive year by year. Taking advantage of the current price, Deng Shirong rushed to the mountain pass, planning to hoard a batch of seafood, whether it is for his own family or not. It's good to eat it or keep it for a few years.

 According to Bobai's rules, the eldest brother is on the first floor, the second brother is on the second floor, the third brother is on the third floor, and so on.

The quality of this seafood is very particular. Take dried sandworms as an example. It is a slight exaggeration to say that each high-quality dried sandworm is as big as a thumb, but each one is as long as a ballpoint pen on your index finger. It's normal. Low-quality dried sandworms may not be as long as a pencil finger.

A Bao has been in the seafood business for several years, and he has an idea of ​​the cost. He directly gives an extremely low price and says: "A Biao, I'll give you 5 yuan/catty for these sandworms, and the same price for shrimps. You get 5 yuan/catty for squid, 8 hairs/catty for flower crabs, 1 yuan/catty for prawns, and 4 yuan/catty for mudworms. What do you think?”

Deng Shirong smiled and nodded: "Yes, there is no upper limit. I will take as much as you can get. As for the price..."

The same goes for dried squid. High-quality squid has large and thick meat, while low-quality squid has small and thin meat.

 Tenglong Passenger Transport Company has entered a virtuous cycle of development.

Deng Shirong smoked a few cigarettes and said, "Okay, how much does it cost in total?"

Zhang Xiuping smiled and said: "You go back first, don't wait for us. You still have a lot of things to do when you go back, especially Ahua. You have already separated the family and are living alone. All the things at home are waiting for you to go back and sort them out. It's not like before." "

Yamaguchi Town is right on the seaside. If you open a seafood restaurant here, the customers you face are not locals of Yamaguchi. They rely on customers from other towns to come to support you. If it was just his family doing seafood business, they would definitely make a lot of money in the past few years. money.

 “Then it’s settled!”

I still remember that one day in the 1990s, some Sanzi drove a motorcycle through Naye Village and saw a house on the roadside raising many large capons. The two Sanzi stopped the car and went directly into the village. At someone's house, they caught three or four large capons in front of the owner, then got into the car and left in a swaggering manner.

When Abao heard this, his eyes widened instantly, and he said with shock: "Abiao, are you serious? You want as much as I can get?"

Ou Guofang sighed: "We originally planned to go back with Sister Ping, but if you can't go back until the 27th, then we will have to go back first!"

Another important reason why we choose European and American style is that the decoration speed of this style is relatively fast. Unlike the ancient style decoration that incorporates the characteristics of various dynasties, it takes a lot of time to achieve the desired effect.

 In this process, not only the owner of the big capon witnessed it with his own eyes, but also other villagers, but none of them dared to say a word and just watched helplessly as the chickens were taken away.

So the whole family and relatives set out together and began to transport the dried seafood and fresh goods to the intersection more than a thousand meters away.

As soon as these words came out, Abao was so excited that his whole body trembled!

The house of Deng Shirong's family is being renovated. It was originally planned to be renovated after the new year, but the eldest daughter has decided to register after the new year. She doesn't know when the wine will be served, so the house assigned to her will have to be renovated first.

 A Bao responded readily: "No problem!"

Take dried sand worms as an example. The bigger they are, the more valuable they are. Many seafood shops buy the goods, which are generally divided into three grades: large, medium and small. In order to maximize profits, merchants will select some medium-quality sand worms for filling. Put them into high-quality sandworms to sell, and then select some of the lower-quality ones and put them into medium-quality sandworms to sell.

Ten thousand to twenty thousand yuan is really nothing to Deng Shirong now, and buying so many goods is enough to feed his family for a long time.


 Shankou Town.

Although he is the first person to open a seafood shop in the town since the reform and opening up, doing business does not mean that you will make money if you start it early. A Bao's seafood shop has been operating for more than five years, but the business It's always been smooth.

  He remembered that this was a super big customer he met the year he first opened a seafood restaurant.

“I don’t like to bargain. Boss, just tell me what kind of preferential price you can give me. If the price is right, then the business will be done!”

Deng Shirong rode his motorcycle to Abao Seafood Restaurant again.


 When A Bao reported this number, his family and relatives were still a little confused.

A Bao was burning a cigarette and thinking about something on his mind.

Therefore, after everyone left, Deng Shirong took all the seafood into the system space without any scruples, and then left in style on a motorcycle.

Before the Spring Festival travel season begins, major universities have gone on holiday, and buses in various places have begun to be full.

This is the result of clan disunity. If the Naye Deng family in the previous life were as united as they are now, let alone two people, even two hundred people would not have the courage to enter the village and take away other people's chickens. .

As long as the charge for this thing is not too much and the performance is not very obvious, and the customers do not know enough about seafood, the merchants can double their profits.

 “Sigh, business is not easy to do, I can barely support my family.”

Now another year has passed, and the number of people in the county going to Guangdong to work has increased again. After the Spring Festival, these 25 buses will definitely be in short supply. After all, Tenglong Passenger Transport Company has always insisted on operating according to regulations, never exceeding the number of passengers, and the passenger capacity is indeed There is no way to compare with other oversized buses.

 There is no problem in making money to support the family, but trying to make a fortune from this seafood shop seems to be hopeless at the moment.

All kinds of data were already printed in Abao's mind, and he answered directly: "Abiao, sandworms are 4160 yuan, squids are 7469 yuan, shrimps are 3175 yuan, flower crabs are 1475 yuan, prawns are 2231 yuan, and mudworms are 1468 yuan. The total is 19,978 yuan.”

 The previous twenty-five buses included six buses each taking the Shenzhen and Guangzhou routes, three buses from Dongguan, and two buses each from Foshan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, and Huizhou.

 Therefore, even in the off-season this year, the passenger occupancy rate of the company's 25 buses has remained between 70% and 75%, which can be said to be very good.

Suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle came from ahead. When he looked up, a beautiful motorcycle drove towards him and stopped in front of his shop.

Deng Shirong took the chimney and immediately observed the dried and fresh seafood in and outside the store from the perspective of system space. He found that they were all seafood of relatively good quality. He was very satisfied and asked: "Boss, how much seafood are there in total?" ?”

 In short, as the whole county of Naye Deng becomes famous, it is absolutely impossible for something like this to happen again.

On a popular street, there is a seafood shop called A Bao. This seafood shop is the first seafood shop in Yamakou Town after the reform and opening up. The owner, A Bao, is a middle-aged man in his mid-forties. people.

At that time, this big customer not only rounded up all the dried seafood such as sandworms and squid in his store, but also ordered dozens of kilograms of flower crabs, dozens of kilograms of prawns, dozens of kilograms of mudworms and other fresh products. It was him This is the largest customer I have met in the past few years since I opened the store. The impression is quite profound.

It was broad daylight, and the owner was also at home. To go in and catch someone else’s big capon like this was really not an ordinary act of arrogance.

Just when Abao was wondering where he had seen him before, the motorcycle owner smiled and greeted him: "Boss, long time no see!"

Ou Guohua said with a smile: "Yes, life now is truly promising."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiuping and Ou Guofang couldn't help but smile at each other.

 (End of this chapter)

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