MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 320 Excellent Deng Yunheng

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Chapter 320 The Excellent Deng Yunheng

 The twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Yongjia Supermarket officially closed.

After Zhang Xiuping finished counting the accounts, Deng Yuntai simply said a few words to thank the employees for their hard work, and then paid the employees one by one. Zhang Xiuping even took out the red envelopes that had been prepared and gave each employee one red envelope.

 Employees who received their wages and red envelopes were very happy.

After the salary was paid, Deng Yuntai announced with a smile: "Okay, from now on, our supermarket will be on holiday. We will officially go to work on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. If you need to take a car back to your hometown to celebrate the New Year tomorrow, come here before ten o'clock in the morning. A car will be dispatched then." Sending everyone back."

The employees all responded and said they understood, and then went back to the dormitory together with smiles on their faces.

When all the employees left and only her family was left, Zhang Xiuping said happily: "Dad, it has been four months and a few days since the supermarket opened. The total turnover is more than 680,000, and the profit should be 15 Around 10,000 yuan, which is more than what Suifeng Hotel makes in a year.”

Deng Shirong nodded and smiled: "Yes, we will continue to increase the variety of products next year. The more complete the variety of products, the more competitive we will be. We also need to train more cashiers to prepare for the opening of supermarket branches in the future."

 Zhang Xiuping asked in surprise: "Open a branch?"

This is the first time that Deng Yuntai and his siblings heard their father mention the opening of a supermarket branch, and they all had surprised looks in their eyes.

Facing a leader of this level, Deng Yunheng, who has already embarked on a career path, can still be uninhibited at all and treat the other party as a classmate and parent, which is considered very powerful.

Chen Bangli nodded and said: "Okay, after the Chinese New Year, we will rent a shop in Nayedeng's community."

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "Well, you can go to Beihai or Yamaguchi. Anyway, you can go to a few places and compare the prices. Buy wherever the price is cheaper. These dry goods can be stored for a long time. If the three of you, brothers and sisters, make In this area of ​​business, you can directly supply our restaurants. This is a very stable sales channel, and with your own sales, making money will definitely not be a problem. "

After dinner, Deng Yunheng stayed for half an hour to drink tea, then stood up and said goodbye: "Uncle, aunt, it's getting late, so I'll go back first!"

 “Okay, thank you, uncle.”

 Back to the two-story building on the street, those who haven't showered yet start lining up to take a shower.

First, it was to repay Tang Mingjie’s warm reception when he visited Deng Yunheng’s house.

Deng Shirong said: "Let's rent a smaller shop in our Naye Deng community. The shop selling dried seafood does not need to be too big. Our community will definitely be the richest community in the entire county in the future. People like me will be high-end seafood in the future." I am a regular customer, and the business of opening a seafood restaurant here will definitely be good.”

Tang's father and Tang's mother hesitated for a few words before saying to their son: "Xiaojie, I'll see your classmate off."

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "I'm not thinking about it, but I'm already doing it. I'll tell you the details after I finish it!"

 The twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Tang’s father is the deputy director of a department of a certain ministry, and Tang’s mother is a middle-level leader of a state-owned enterprise.

Tang Mingjie responded and walked out with Deng Yunheng.

When Deng Yunheng was still a student, his social skills were already outstanding among his peers. Now, after half a year of training in ministries and commissions, his social skills are even more outstanding than before.

 Chen Bangguo and the other three were overjoyed when they heard this.


Zhang Xiuping has become accustomed to her father-in-law's vision and courage. After all, her father-in-law dared to spend more than 300,000 yuan to build a building in the county a few years ago. Such vision and courage are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Now she wants to buy land in Nanning. Building a building is a normal operation for my father-in-law.


 Chen Bangguo and the other three were all excited when they heard this.

"You are welcome!"

Deng Shirong said: "I have let you work as a purchaser in a hotel for several years just to hone your abilities. Now you are already a very qualified purchaser. I suggest you open a seafood dry goods store specializing in selling sandworms, crabs, etc." Dried seafood such as meat, shrimps, squid, and salted fish are very profitable.”

Chen Bangguo was moved after hearing this and asked: "Uncle, are you going to Beihai to buy these dried seafood?"

Second, they had a very good impression of Deng Yunheng. Knowing that he was staying alone in the capital to celebrate the New Year, they should invite him to their home for a meal out of emotion and reason.

Chen Bangguo immediately replied: "Uncle, we all want to go out and have a try, but we don't know what to do."

So, based on the above reasons, when Deng Yunheng came over, he was also warmly received by Tang's father and Tang's mother.

After the others left, Tang's mother sighed: "What an outstanding child. He has only been training in the ministry for half a year, and his words and deeds are more stable than before!"

Now that Yongjia Supermarket has opened, there is no need for Deng Shirong to hide the branch plan. He revealed: "The supermarket is so profitable, of course it has to open a branch. The next plan is to open a supermarket in Nanning. I am already making preparations. Probably the supermarket in Nanning will be opened in the year after next!”

Third, Deng Yunheng has already joined the work, and entered the ministry. Although it is only a small department now, and it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Tang's father and Tang's mother, he has a clean background, good academic qualifications, a smart person, and strong social skills. In their opinion, sooner or later, a person will be able to succeed, and they would like to see their son make more friends with such outstanding talents.

Thinking of his father's generous business, Deng Yuntai couldn't help but ask: "Dad, you don't want to buy a house and build a building in Nanning, do you?"

Deng Shirong looked at Chen Bangguo, Chen Bangli, and Chen Bangfeng, the three nephews who had worked in the hotel for several years. Thinking that he had given the two nephews directions, the nephews could not favor one over the other, so he asked: "Bangguo, Bangfeng" Li, Bangfeng, now that Dashi has gone out to work alone, and the hot pot restaurant business has started, do you three brothers and sisters have any thoughts about going out to work alone? "

Although their eldest uncle treats them well, they would rather go out and become their own boss than work in a restaurant. The eldest uncle never mentioned this matter before, and they just stayed and worked in the hotel. Now that the eldest uncle asked about it, he obviously wanted to show them the way, and of course they were happy.

 Unexpectedly, he guessed it right, and Deng Yuntai was really convinced.

 Deng Yunzhen and others also have similar ideas.

Chen Bangli asked: "Uncle, where do you think it would be better for us to open a store?"

In fact, when he was invited to be a guest for the first time, Deng Yunheng learned the identity of his parents from Tang Mingjie. They were not the low-level officials Tang Mingjie had mentioned in the dormitory before, but high-ranking leaders.

There is a reason why Father Tang and Mother Tang repeatedly invited Deng Yunheng to visit their home:

“Well, when I go back tomorrow, I will also tell your parents about this. If you have any difficulties, just tell me and I will definitely support you.”

In addition, this was the third time he came to Tang Mingjie's house as a guest, so Deng Yunheng was not at all restrained when facing Tang's father and Tang's mother.

At their level, once they choose to go out to local areas, they will be municipal bosses who hold great power. For a rural person like Deng Yunheng with no background, they are already very powerful.

Deng Yunheng was once again invited to visit Tang Mingjie, his former roommate.

Tang's father nodded and said: "He is indeed a talented person. He is good at observing people's words and expressions. He is impeccable in speaking and doing things at a young age. Sooner or later he will be able to get ahead in the ministries."

Mother Tang sighed with emotion: "It would be great if our Xiaojie had this ability!"

Tang's father was also a little emotional when he heard this. Under their words and deeds, although his son had a certain political foundation, there was still a clear gap between him and his classmate.

To put it bluntly, if his son continues to pursue an official career, even with family help, Tang's father has already seen his upper limit, and he will never exceed his current level.

As for his classmate Deng Yunheng, as long as nothing goes wrong, there is a 70% to 80% chance that he will surpass his current level.

Of course, this is only based on his experience, and politics is actually the most unpredictable thing. The career path can be said to be full of risks, and of course it is also accompanied by countless opportunities. In addition to ability, what step can you take? Depends on people's choices and luck.


When sending Deng Yunheng out, Tang Mingjie let out a long sigh and said, "Yunheng, to be honest with you, in the past six months of working, I feel that I am not suitable for politics, and I have no interest in working in the system at all."

Deng Yunheng was a little surprised when he heard this and asked: "You are not interested in politics, so what do you want to do? Go into business?"

Tang Mingjie nodded and said: "Yes, I think business may be more suitable for me. There are not so many restrictions and I am free. I can do whatever I want. How cool!"

Deng Yunheng said: "Have you ever mentioned this idea to your uncle or aunt?"

Tang Mingjie shook his head and said: "No, my parents and even my grandfather hope that I can enter politics, so they have trained me in this direction since I was a child. If I don't listen to their choice and go into business, they will probably be very disappointed, right?"

Deng Yunheng said: "You may have just started working and haven't adapted to it yet. You can try it for a while. If you are still not interested in this path, then have a frank chat with your uncle and aunt and share your thoughts." Tell them and maybe they will understand you too.”

Tang Mingjie sighed with emotion: "I hope Uncle Deng is still open-minded and can let you choose the path you like."

Deng Yunheng smiled and said: "I come from a rural family and have no background. It doesn't matter to my father which path I choose. You are different from me. Your uncles and aunts in politics can help. Naturally, I hope you can continue to take this path." It’s a road, so there are gains and there are losses!”

Tang Mingjie said with relief: "That's right. Then I will try to adapt to it for a while. When I really can't hold on anymore, I will tell my parents. I hope they can understand my choice by then!"

Deng Yunheng nodded and said: "Well, the melons that are forced are not sweet. My uncle and aunt must know this truth. As long as you communicate with them well, I believe they will understand."

Tang Mingjie waved his hand and said: "Okay, let's not mention these unhappy things. You will stay in the capital for the New Year this year. Do you have any plans?"

Deng Yunheng said: "There are only a few days of vacation in total. What arrangements can I make? I guess I will spend it with Xuemei Liu and the others!"

Tang Mingjie said in surprise: "Xuemei Liu will graduate next year, won't she go home to celebrate the New Year?"

Deng Yunheng said: "She went back during the summer vacation. There were too many people taking the bus during the Spring Festival. It's normal if she doesn't want to go back."

Tang Mingjie thought of his experience of taking a train to Guangxi the year before last. He still felt his scalp was numb. He said very understandingly: "That's true. It took me several days and nights to sit on this train. It was really unbearable!"

Deng Yunheng said with a smile: "Now that we are also working, we don't have to squeeze in the train like before when we go home. We can ask the employer to issue a letter of introduction and buy air tickets. It takes a few hours to fly to Nanning. This is much faster than taking a train." Coming."

Tang Mingjie smiled and said, "If you can take a plane, it will be easy for you to go home!"

  While talking, the two of them had already reached the intersection outside.

"Okay, don't send me off. Go back quickly. I'm leaving. Bye!" "Well, just call me if you need anything. Bye!"


 Deng Shirong’s family returned to their hometown on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the clan members were called together to open a student aid society, and outstanding students among the clan were rewarded based on their final grade rankings.

After handing out the rewards, Deng Shirong looked at the clan members below and said, "Dear clan members, this year we have raised funds to build a community in the county, which has made everyone's money tight. However, the most difficult time has passed. Now the community in the county is It has been built, and the profit of the passenger transport company is higher than last year. We will pay dividends to everyone after the Spring Festival is over, and then everyone will have money to renovate their houses in the county. "

 “Haha, I’m just waiting for the passenger transport company to pay dividends!”

“Last year, the passenger transport company earned more than one million yuan during the Spring Festival travel period. This year, the company added five new buses. So it should be no problem to earn 11,200,000 during the Spring Festival travel season, right?”

"This is definitely no problem. I heard that the company's daily profit now exceeds 30,000 yuan. Last year, the company's dividend was 500 yuan per share. I don't want to ask for more this year. As long as we can maintain this dividend standard, then we have It won’t be as tight as it is now.”

 “I’m just waiting for the company to pay dividends and pay off debts!”


Hearing the discussion among the tribesmen, Deng Shirong said with a smile: "I know that when we raised funds to build houses at the beginning of the year, many tribesmen owed a lot of debt in order to get one or two more houses. Even if the passenger transport company's dividends were paid out, It may not be enough to pay off the debt, but this is not a big problem. I will definitely make a lot of money from watermelon planting, and it should be no problem to pay off all the debts. "

Deng Yungui knew Uncle Jiu well and knew that he would definitely have something to say, so he asked, "Uncle Jiu, do you have any other plans?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "I do have an idea that I want to discuss with everyone."

“Jiu Gong, if you have any ideas, just tell me and I will definitely support you.”

“Uncle Jiu, whether it’s money or effort, as long as you speak out, we will definitely support you.”

“Head of the clan, just give me whatever you want.”


The tribesmen have seen how much Deng Shirong has contributed since he became the head of the Naye Deng clan. At this time, his prestige in the clan has surpassed that of previous clan leaders, and the clansmen have reached the level of incomparable respect for him. The point of brain support.

When the old clan leader Deng Shian saw this, he was extremely pleased. Deng Shirong was his chosen successor as the clan leader, and the more brilliant he was, the more face he would gain.

Deng Shirong stretched out his hand and pressed down, and said with a serious expression: "The country compiles history to know its rise and fall; local chronicles compile to know its evolution; families compile genealogies and build ancestral halls to know its roots. These are the three pillars of Chinese civilization.

Especially the construction of ancestral halls, which are a place for clans to worship their ancestors and promote the culture of ancient sages and sages.

It is a symbol of a family, a place where a family educates its descendants to aspire to be successful, a place where they can respect their ancestors, and a place where they can respect their ancestors. A major event for Xiaze Houkun.

 It is a feat, a monument, and the wish of all the people. "

Deng Shirong’s opening remarks made the tribesmen below look at each other in shock.

Except for the minority tribesmen with a high level of education, most of the tribesmen did not understand what they heard. They only knew that the clan leader was talking about the ancestral hall.

As the village secretary and old clan leader, Deng Shi'an also has a certain cultural background. After listening to Deng Shirong's opening remarks, he understood what the clan leader wanted to do, and immediately asked with some excitement: "Clan leader, what do you mean? , do you want to rebuild the ancestral hall?”

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "Yes, I do have the idea of ​​rebuilding the ancestral hall. Our Deng family's ancestral hall has been built for hundreds of years. The last reconstruction was decades ago, and it has experienced another crisis in the past few decades. After all the turmoil, the ancestral hall is actually very dilapidated and should have been rebuilt long ago.

 It's just that everyone knows about the previous situation, and everyone's living conditions were not good in the past few years, so no one mentioned the matter of rebuilding the ancestral hall.

However, the development of our Naye Deng clan in the past two or three years, let alone in Shuangwang Township, even if we look at the whole county, no clan can compare with ours. This ancestral hall is a symbol of the rise and fall of the clan. A prosperous family, four At this time, sacrifices are enjoyed and the incense continues; for a declining clan, the ancestral hall is dilapidated and the incense is cut off.

The living conditions of our Nayedeng family are getting better and better now, and it is imperative to rebuild the ancestral hall. "

“The clan leader is right, our Jedeng family’s ancestral hall is very dilapidated and it’s time to rebuild it.”

“This ancestral hall is the inheritance place of our Nayedeng family. No matter how much we value it, I also support the reconstruction of the ancestral hall.”

“During the turmoil more than ten years ago, ancestral halls in many places were even demolished. We managed to save the ancestral halls with great difficulty. Now that the ancestral halls are dilapidated, we should really rebuild them.”


 Knowing that the clan leader had the idea of ​​rebuilding the ancestral hall, the clan members all expressed their support.

The name ancestral hall first appeared in the Han Dynasty. At that time, ancestral halls were built in tombs and were called tomb temples. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi's "Family Rites" established the system of ancestral halls, and from then on, family temples were called ancestral halls.

At that time, there were hierarchical restrictions on the construction of ancestral halls, and private citizens were not allowed to build ancestral halls.

By the time of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, "many people had established temples with their ancestral families." Later, only those whose surnames had been emperors or feudal lords could be called "family temples", and the rest were called ancestral halls.

In ancient times, the ancestral hall was also the place where clan leaders exercised clan power. Anyone who violated clan rules would be educated and dealt with here until they were expelled from the ancestral hall. Therefore, it can also be said to be a court of feudal morality.

The ancestral hall can be said to be a folk museum, and it can also be said to be a history of family changes.

Bobai County has a rich clan culture, and attaches great importance to ancestral halls both now and in future generations. Every surname has its own ancestral hall. It is no exaggeration to say that in Bobai, whether a clan group is united or not is awesome depends on their performance. The ancestral hall can be estimated to be almost the same.

Seeing that the clan members were all supportive, Deng Shirong said with satisfaction: "Since everyone agrees to rebuild the ancestral hall, let's plan slowly next year. This matter is not urgent and can be done slowly. We must build our ancestral hall into the most magnificent one in Guangxi and even the country." A grand ancestral hall that can last at least two to three hundred years."

 In later generations, the ancestral hall of the Nayedeng family had to be rebuilt every ten or twenty years.

The main reason why reconstruction is so frequent is that there is no good planning, or the funds for reconstruction are not in place. After more than ten years, the built ancestral hall cannot keep up with the development of the times. It looks petty and is a last resort. It can only be rebuilt, which can be said to be a waste of people and money.

 In this life, Deng Shirong, the leader of the clan, would naturally not make such a mistake.

This ancestral hall should either not be built. Once it is decided to build it, then build it into a magnificent ancestral hall that is ranked among the best in the country. This will not only avoid the fate of continuous reconstruction for future generations, but also show the awesomeness of the Naye Deng family. Let the tribesmen become more united.

 Hearing these words, all the tribesmen were very excited and built the most magnificent ancestral hall in Guangxi and even the country. Only their tribe leader dared to say such a thing, and other tribesmen did not even dare to think about it.

As the facade of a clan, the ancestral hall is built better and the clan members will naturally be prouder of it. This is something everyone is happy to see.

After the clan members discussed it for a while, Deng Shirong said: "Okay, today's assistant association will be held here first. I will discuss with the clan elders first about rebuilding the ancestral hall and come up with a charter. Waiting for the Spring Festival transportation At the end of the day, when the passenger transport company distributes dividends, I will tell you in detail how to do it.”

 “Okay, clan leader.”

The tribesmen responded one after another, and then left together.

The clan elders and those who were prominent in the clan stayed to discuss rebuilding the ancestral hall with Deng Shirong, the clan leader.

 With the development of the Internet in later generations, Deng Shirong saw videos of ancestral halls that cost more than 10 million yuan on his mobile phone. Oh boy, they are really majestic and beautiful.

So when communicating with the clan elders, Deng Shirong said directly: "I plan to hire a specialized architect to design the reconstruction of this ancestral hall. It is estimated that the overall cost will be at least one to two million or more. However, in addition to charging the necessary population fees, Other than that, everything else is free to donate, so it won’t put too much burden on everyone. What do you think?”

One or two million in this era is much more valuable than tens of millions in later generations. I believe that we can build an ancestral hall that ranks among the best in the country.

Deng Yungui was shocked when he heard this and said: "Uncle Jiu, if you spend one or two hundred thousand, you don't know how good the ancestral hall can be built. With one or two million, what will it look like?"

Deng Shi'an was also stunned and said: "Yes, Lao Jiu, it costs one or two million to build an ancestral hall. Isn't this too scary?"

Deng Changxiong, Deng Changbao and others also showed shocked expressions when they heard this. In fact, the amount was completely beyond their imagination.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "If we just build the most beautiful ancestral hall in Quan Shuangwang or even Bobai, then one or two hundred thousand is indeed enough, but if we want to build an ancestral hall that can still be ranked first in the country even after decades, , it cannot be solved by one or two hundred thousand."

Deng Yungui said: "Uncle Jiu, I support your idea, but I'm afraid I can't raise so much money just by relying on voluntary donations."

Deng Yunqiang also answered: "Yes, Uncle Jiu, otherwise the whole clan will be divided equally."

“It’s definitely not possible to split it equally, because the burden on the clan would be too heavy!”

Deng Shirong waved his hands repeatedly and said: "After all, everyone's family conditions are different. It's enough for each person to contribute 10 yuan to give them a sense of participation. The rest will depend on the voluntary donations of the tribesmen with good conditions. Anyway, this ancestral hall will be built. It is necessary to build merit monuments and merit walls.

Once this ancestral hall is built, it will not need to be rebuilt for at least a hundred years, let alone two or three hundred years. I think many tribesmen want to build the merit monument and merit wall, and a lot of donations can be obtained here.

Furthermore, this ancestral hall cannot be built all at once. It will take at least three or four years from preparation to construction to completion. By then, everyone's economic conditions will improve, and more and more clan members will be willing to donate.

If you still can't raise that much money in the end, the worst case scenario is to ask the passenger transport company to sponsor it. "

Everyone nodded repeatedly and was very excited. After investing so much money to build an ancestral hall, they couldn't even imagine how beautiful the ancestral hall was. And the merit monument and merit wall set up in the ancestral hall, who wouldn't want to be named on the list?

In the realm of Shuangwang, the merit monument in the ancestral hall generally means that after an individual's donation reaches a certain amount, he is eligible to leave his name on the merit monument. The larger the donation, the higher his ranking on the merit monument will naturally be. .

The merit wall is a wall monument erected for the family unit. There are generally wall monuments of different specifications. Wall monuments of different grades not only have different positions, but also have different written contents. The highest grade wall monuments , usually the whole family's commendable resume will be engraved on it, and the lineup will definitely be full.

 This is also an important reason to encourage the tribesmen to donate enthusiastically.

For example, now, tribesmen with relatively strong financial strength, such as Deng Changbao and Deng Changxiong, are already secretly planning that once the construction of the ancestral hall begins, they must build a top-grade merit tablet on the merit wall.

They will never be absent from something like this that can make them stand out.

“Jiu Gong, have you thought about the donation standards for the Merit Monument and Merit Wall?”

“I haven’t thought about this yet. I will find an architect to design it later. After the overall cost of the ancestral hall is determined, it will not be too late to set the standards.”

“Well, let’s wait until the overall cost comes out first!”

 (End of this chapter)

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