MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 335 Relatives were shocked

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Chapter 335 Relatives were shocked


 A certain hotel.

 Song Yu and Deng Yunheng were eating while chatting about the recent developments of fellow Peking University fellows.

Song Yu took a sip of the soup and said with emotion: "Zhao Changzheng is really amazing. When he graduated, he chose to go to Tibet to work. We all thought that in that kind of It’s very difficult to think about the place. I didn’t expect that only three and a half years later, he has become the deputy county magistrate of a certain county, and he is worthy of being the old president of our Guangxi Fellows Association.”

Deng Yunheng smiled and said: "President Zhao is indeed powerful, but Sister Song, you are equally powerful. You two are currently the only two deputy directors among the Guangxi fellows we have a good relationship with. You, the deputy district chief, are not as valuable as President Zhao’s deputy county magistrate.”

Song Yu shook his head and smiled: "It's different. The difficulty of promotion is different. If you can stand out from a place like Xi Zang, your future future will be much better than someone like me who follows the steps."

Deng Yunheng said: "There are indeed some differences, but when we work in the system, in addition to our own work ability, we also care about opportunities. Whether we can seize the opportunities when they come is the key to promotion. Who among us will have a better career in the future? Shun, we can’t tell yet, we’ll have to wait at least ten or twenty years to find out.”

"It's not that exaggerated. It's just that my dad has made some small achievements on this road, and I have lived up to his expectations and been admitted to the best university. Of course, he put all his hopes on me. Raise me to excel."

Deng Shirong said: "It seems that in a few years, a senior like you will be able to catch up with her father, and with her academic qualifications, it will be a matter of time before she surpasses her father."

 But now we are in the 1980s. Although it is not as exaggerated as in ancient times to get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, women will basically get married when they are around 20 years old, and it is still considered a false age.

Deng Yunheng hummed and said, "She is still single. In her current position, it is not easy to find a suitable partner."

 After dinner, Deng Shirong and his family took his relatives back to Naye Deng's community, where they will be arranged to stay tonight.


At that time, I thought about taking everyone out together next time, but after I took the train once, I completely gave up this idea. Taking the train was really too painful. "

Deng Yunheng, who had been fooled, breathed a sigh of relief, and then greeted his father, elder brother, sister-in-law, elder sister, younger brother, and younger brothers.

It’s a rare family reunion, so Deng Shirong personally cooked and made a spicy pot base full of aroma. In this cold weather, nothing can compare to hot pot.

Zhang Xiuping also looked shocked. She was greatly touched by the achievements of her peers.

Song's father said helplessly: "This is the only way. However, with Xiaoyu's identity, it is not practical for her to find her by herself. It is best to find a reliable person to help introduce her, so that the success rate is higher."

Song Yu said: "Well, you go back first. I will definitely attend your sister's wedding."

It has been more than a year since the Naye Deng Family Community was handed over to the tribe. Many tribe members have already decorated it and moved in. They naturally said hello to Deng Shirong when they saw it.

Only Deng Shirong was not surprised. Although he did not know much about officialdom, he understood that as long as those who came from Peking University had decent emotional intelligence and were not too unlucky, it would not be difficult for them to get to the department level. The only difference was that they would be late. It's just a matter of getting up a little earlier.

Deng Shirong said: "It is indeed not easy. Your senior sister is not outstanding in figure and appearance, and if her conditions are not as good as hers, she may not like her. If her conditions are no worse than hers or better than hers, others may not like her." She, this is not a good thing, and the situation will become more serious as time goes by. "

Deng Yunheng hugged Xiao Dong'er, and Deng Yunsong hugged Dongzi.


Father Song sighed again and said: "It is really hard to find such a person in Bobai. The only person who is worthy of our Xiaoyu is her fellow student from Peking University. Unfortunately, Xiaoyu is three years older than him." Years old, and it seems that they have no intention of doing so. What a pity!”

Deng Yunheng said: "Let Uncle Song and the others have a headache!"

Soong Yu is already 26 in virtual age, and will be 27 in the New Year soon. There is no need to worry about this age in future generations. Many girls don’t get married until they are thirty, and Soong Yu is only 25 now.

Deng Shirong said: "Science and technology are advancing, and the times are developing. Just because trains are slow now does not mean they will always be so slow. I guess the country is already studying how to speed up trains. In another twenty or thirty years, I am afraid there will be no need to fly, just to travel by plane." It takes more than ten hours to reach Beijing by train.”

When the eldest daughter got married in her previous life, her husband's family had three tables set up. I heard (due to customs and habits, Deng Shirong in his previous life did not attend his daughter's wedding, so these are just what the children who got married said) the food was also very good. It was shabby, only a few shreds of pork were seen, and apart from a dish of braised pork, there were no other decent dishes.

Even though they work at Suifeng Hotel, they have hosted not just a hundred but dozens of banquets. Their experience is extremely rich and they can host a banquet casually without having to be as prepared as they are now.


Seeing Deng Yunheng and Deng Yunsong, Xiao Donger and Dongzi jumped up with joy and rushed towards them immediately.

  County Government Family Court.

 Otherwise there are no opportunities, and there is no support from leaders who appreciate you. It would be extremely difficult to cross this threshold.

Song Yu said: “We still have a few days until the holiday!”

Deng Shirong answered: "Six years ago, I told Azhen and Azhu that when Yunheng was admitted to university, I would take them out to see the world. But when Yunheng went to university, Aping My sister has been pregnant for several months and is not suitable for traveling, so I didn't mention it.

Mother Song frowned when she heard this, shook her head and said, "I don't suggest you do this. If my sister-in-law introduces a partner to Xiao Yu, and then Xiao Yu doesn't like her, wouldn't that mean she's refuting my sister-in-law's face?"

Tomorrow is Deng Yunzhen’s wedding day. Today all relatives and friends from her hometown came to the county seat by car.

Song Yu said with emotion: "I was promoted to deputy district chief just three months ago. After receiving the news, my father was so happy that he got drunk that night. My mother said that for several days after that, the smile on my father's face was... He never stopped, even when his subordinates did something wrong, he never got angry.

 In a blink of an eye, time has arrived on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month.

Others also showed surprised expressions when they heard this. The fact that rural people in this era could fly was no less shocking than the ability of later generations to fly home on private planes. After all, you can't fly today's planes if you have money. You can't even buy a plane ticket with a letter of introduction from an organization above the director level.

Song's mother thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's okay. Then when you ask your sister-in-law to introduce the person, you'd better say it first. Don't let your sister-in-law have a bad opinion of our Xiaoyu because of this matter."

Deng Yunhua was the first to exclaim: "Third brother, did you and second brother come back by plane?"

As they were talking, Mother Song sighed and said, "Xiaoyu will be 27 years old soon. She is doing well as an official and is better than you as a father. But she still has no partner at this age. I am a good person." It’s tasteless.”

Deng Yunsong nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Yes, my second brother's employer sent me a letter of introduction, and I also experienced the feeling of flying. It was really a hundred times more comfortable than taking a train. Returning from the capital Nanning can be reached in just a few hours, unlike the train which takes days and nights. It’s really too slow.”

Deng Yunheng hummed and said, "It's the deputy director."

Deng Yunheng laughed and said, "Yes, my second uncle has a salary now!"

Deng Yunheng said: "I didn't ask for details. I only know that she is in charge of the Water and Electricity Bureau, Agricultural Machinery Bureau, Zoning Office, and Relocation Office."

Of course, that is the feeling of later generations. In fact, in this era, after everyone is used to such stairs, they don’t feel much.

 Now, it is inevitable that relatives will be surprised when they see this obviously much wider staircase.

After hearing this, the daughter-in-law laughed it off and didn't take it seriously at all. Just like before video calls came out, many people heard that they could talk face-to-face with people thousands of miles away. Nine out of ten people thought so. Incredible.

Deng Yunheng smiled and asked: "Xiao Dong'er, we haven't seen you for such a long time. Do you miss your second uncle?"

Although they had known about Nayedeng's community for a long time, none of the relatives present had come to see it. They had only heard how beautiful the community was. Now that they saw it with their own eyes, they understood why others praised it so much. It really is. Beautiful beyond their imagination.

 The greening and layout of the entire community amazed all the relatives.

While walking up the stairs, the relatives were surprised again.

 But what Xiaodong'er said next made him stop laughing: "Second uncle, now that you have money, have you bought me a gift when you come back?"

  When mentioning this, Song's mother was also filled with regrets. Looking at the entire Bobai, Deng Yunheng was the young man that the couple most valued. Not only was his family well-off, but his own abilities were also extraordinary. It was a pity that his Xiaoyu was three years older than others.

 “I miss my second uncle!”

Deng Yunheng nodded and said: "Uncle Song is already over fifty. Even if he can successfully become the county magistrate, if there are no other opportunities, it will be difficult for him to be promoted after completing his term as county magistrate. And Sister Song is so She is a deputy at a young age, and there are many opportunities for promotion. It will be a matter of time before she surpasses her father. "

Song's mother said: "How about we lower the requirements and only look at the man's character, not his family background or even his own ability. In this case, the search scope will be wider, unlike now where we are unable to find anything."

After chatting about transportation, Deng Yunheng asked: "Dad, my sister is getting married, have you sent an invitation to Uncle Song?"

Song's father was a little worried when he heard this, and said: "It's really a big deal. I have gone through the sons of the county government and celebrities from all walks of life, and I can't find anyone who is worthy of our Xiaoyu. This daughter is too Excellent but troublesome!”

Song's father pondered: "My old leader works in Nanning and will retire soon. After drinking the wedding wine of Director Zhu and Boss Deng's daughter in a few days, I will go to Nanning to visit the old leader and ask my sister-in-law to help the little girl." I’m looking for someone.”

Deng Yunzhu asked curiously: "When we saw airplanes flying over the sky in the past, the airplanes flew higher than the clouds. Xiaosong, when you took the airplane, did you pass through the clouds?"

“Anyway, I am a woman and I don’t have much ambition in my career. If my father hadn’t asked me to take this path, I would have chosen to go into business after graduation.”

 “Nine Dukes!”

“Even if everything goes well, it will be ten years later!”

As soon as he mentioned this, Deng Yunsong couldn't help but said excitedly: "Dad, I'm afraid you don't know that my second brother and I didn't come back by train, but by plane."

Even the higher levels are not too difficult for the elites of Peking University, and they can be promoted with a little effort. The only ones who can hold on to these Peking University elites are provincial level and above. At this level, it’s not just about academic qualifications and work ability. Unless your work ability is incredible, you can make extremely impressive political achievements in any position. .

Next, the two continued to chat about the development of other fellow villagers. However, among their well-played fellow villagers, currently only Zhao Changzheng and Song Yu have crossed the threshold of the department level. The other fellow villagers at most have positions. Adjustments are made, but they are still at the department level. If you want to be promoted to deputy director, you have to continue to work hard.

Song's father said: "I think you are worrying too much. I just asked my sister-in-law to help introduce the partner. Of course, it is up to the person involved to decide whether it succeeds or not. Our country now advocates free love and opposes arranged marriage. As cadres, we must set an example, even if it ends up being No, we will accept this, and my sister-in-law should also understand."

Zhang Xiuping couldn't help but ask: "Yunheng, your senior Song is the same age as me and is already quite old. She seems to be still single now?"

Deng Yunheng coughed awkwardly and said: "Well, Xiaodong'er, my second uncle doesn't know what kind of gift you like, so my second uncle prepared a big red envelope for you and will give it to you during the Chinese New Year. Then you can give it to you if you want. Would you like to buy it yourself?”

Mother Song said: "There are a lot of matchmakers in Bobai, but we don't know any matchmakers in Nanning."

Mother Song sighed: "On the basis of good character, if you can have a good family background or be outstanding yourself, then it is naturally good. But can you find such a person in Bobai?"

Deng Yunsong shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that it passed through the clouds. The plane flew much higher than the clouds. When I looked out of the window, I found that the clouds were under the plane, and they looked very beautiful. pretty."

Deng Shirong asked: "What departments is this senior sister in charge of?"

Deng Yunheng smiled and said, "Uncle Song will not know how happy he will be when you become a master."

 Xiao Dong'er seemed to understand, and then asked: "Second uncle, now that you have joined the work, will you have money?"

 Xiao Dong'er said oh and said happily: "Thank you, uncle!"

Deng Yuntai sighed with emotion: "We haven't even taken a train yet, but I didn't expect you to even take a plane."

Deng Yunheng said with a smile: "Second uncle is no longer a student. Second uncle has already joined the work, so he doesn't have as many holidays as before."

While waiting for the food to start, Deng Shirong asked: "Yunheng, Xiaosong, it is the peak period of the Spring Festival now. Will it be difficult for you to buy tickets when you come back?"

Deng Yunheng said: "Then we won't wait any longer. We'll go back by car tomorrow. My sister is getting married, so you must come for the wedding banquet!"

Song's father said: "What's the use of having a good character? If you want to be worthy of our Xiaoyu, you must have a good family background or be outstanding yourself!"

After finishing the meal, Deng Yunheng asked: "Sister Song, when will you have a holiday?"

Just now, Song's father and Song's mother were talking about going to Suifeng Hotel for a wedding banquet in the next few days.

Mother Song said: "It's impossible to find a suitable partner in Bobai. When Xiaoyu comes back, I'll urge her more and let her find it in Nanning. It's also the capital city after all. Excellent men." There are still quite a few.”

Deng Yunzhen said: "Today's transportation is considered to be good. In ancient times, going out was a real hardship. Going from Bobai to Beijing to take the exam could not be done in two or three months in ancient times. Not to mention eating and sleeping on the road, it would be impossible. Fortunately, you will encounter bandits and lose your life accidentally. "

Deng Yuntai was surprised and said: "The deputy district chief of Nanning Xincheng District, this should be the deputy director, right?"

Deng Yunsong nodded repeatedly and said, "Dad is right. I was really scared of taking the train when I was sent to school before!"

This staircase was paved by Deng Shirong with ceramic mosaics with colorful patterns. Not only does it look stylish and beautiful, it is also much wider than the staircases of this era.

 In short, the food at tomorrow’s banquet must be praised by all the guests who come over for the wedding banquet.

In the afternoon, the master chefs of Suifeng Restaurant also began to make various preparations for tomorrow's banquet. They all worked hard and put forward their lifelong learning to make tomorrow's banquet a success. alright.

 “Head of the clan!”

 “Uncle Nine!”

Father Song nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

In the same way, if Deng Shirong had not witnessed this miracle with his own eyes, he would not have believed that trains have undergone earth-shaking changes in just twenty or thirty years.

Deng Yunzhen widened her eyes and said, "That Sister Song is so powerful. She is only one year older than me. She is the same age as my sister-in-law, and she has become such a high-ranking official?"

 “Third uncle!”

Deng Yunheng was right. At this time, Song's father and mother were indeed worried about their eldest daughter's marriage.

Zhang Xiuping said: "Didn't you listen to what Dad said? Taking a train means you are suffering. There are all kinds of unpleasant smells in the carriage, and it is crowded with people. It is inconvenient to go to the toilet, and the train speed is also slow. If it is like If the second uncle and the third uncle go to the capital like that, they will have to ride for several days and nights. I don’t want to take such a train. "

Deng Shirong nodded and said, "Sent it. At the county government, I sent invitations to several leaders I know well, including County Magistrate Song, the father of Senior Sister Song. Then your brother-in-law sent invitations to all the leaders."

 Hearing what my mother said, I gave up the idea of ​​going into business. "

Although there has always been a saying among the people that "a female is a junior, she holds a gold brick", but when it comes to talking about it, unless the woman is much better than the man, or the man likes women older than him, otherwise the woman is three years older than the man. If you do, you will be disliked.

He originally had limited knowledge about the levels of officialdom, but his brother entered the officialdom, and his brother-in-law was also in the officialdom, so he began to pay attention to this aspect. Naturally, he did not understand the details, but the general classification of levels , he still knows.

Father Song shook his head and said: "That won't work. Our Xiaoyu is already the deputy district chief. It is not impossible to be promoted to the district chief in a few years. That would be equivalent to the county magistrate. How can we find a good-for-nothing partner? ?”

Soon, the group of people arrived at the unit in the ninth building. Because the ninth building is in the community, the bottom of the building is not like the buildings along the street, but it is made into an open public area. There are several table tennis tables.

But this banquet is different. This is the married daughter of their big boss, and there are many leaders among the guests attending the wedding. If such an important banquet cannot be held well, then how can they have the nerve to stay and be master chefs? !

Stairs of this era all have the same feature, that is, they are built very narrow for the sake of economy. Not only is it difficult to move things, but also makes you feel uncomfortable when going up and down the stairs.

"You really dare to think that if you go to sea to do business, it would be strange if Uncle Song doesn't break your legs!"

 The next morning, brother Deng Yunheng got on the bus of his own passenger transport company. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to Bobai.

Song's mother said: "It's not that it's all good. It's just about choosing someone with good character!"

In this life, Deng Shirong wanted to make up for the debt he owed to his eldest daughter in his previous life, so he naturally wanted to make this wedding a splendor, especially the food, which was not only complete with chicken, duck, and fish, but also found opportunities to use the flower crabs, crabs, and crabs stored in the system space. A lot of extremely delicious seafood such as prawns and mudworms were also produced.

Xiao Dong'er nodded her head and asked, "Second uncle, why did it take you so long to take a vacation?"

Deng Yunheng said: "Just pay it. My Senior Sister Song is quite amazing. She has been promoted to the deputy district chief of Nanning New City this year."

 At this time, a group of children were playing table tennis.

 “Second uncle!”

In recent years, under the leadership of Deng Shirong, except for Xiao Donger and Dongzi, all the other daughters-in-law in the family can eat spicy food, and they have basically reached the medium spicy level, which is already very impressive in Bobai.

Deng Yunheng said with a smile: "Sister, what you said makes sense. We are uncomfortable taking the train now. If it were an ancient person, it would only take a few days and nights, let alone sit in the seat and endure it. He is probably willing to spend the time lying on the toilet.”

For a girl like Song Yu, who is about to turn 27, if she doesn’t have a partner yet, her parents will have a headache no matter where she ends up.

Soon, the group followed Deng Shirong to the second floor.

When Deng Shirong took the key and opened the door, a group of relatives walked in with curiosity. After seeing the extremely luxurious decoration inside and the space that was so large that they could not imagine, each of these relatives were shocked. Got to be stunned.

 (End of this chapter)

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