MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 336 Eldest daughter gets married

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Chapter 336 The eldest daughter gets married

Naye Dengshi Community.

After Deng Shirong opened the door and the relatives saw clearly what was inside the house, they were all shocked.

Even people of later generations would be amazed when they saw this 640-square-meter large one-story mansion. But in the 1980s, it was really a massacre.

At this time, Zhang's mother was really upset. As early as the beginning of the year, she heard her daughter say that her father-in-law not only regarded the Suifeng Hotel as her sister-in-law's dowry, but also included the house in the Naye Deng Community.

At that time, Zhang’s mother’s attention was focused on the Suifeng Hotel. After all, this was a hotel that could earn tens of thousands of dollars a year. It was a veritable golden chicken that could lay golden eggs. Naturally, the house was not worth mentioning in front of this hotel. .

But she never expected that the area of ​​​​this house would be so large, and the decoration looked extremely high-end. Her in-laws were really willing to use such a house as a dowry for their daughter, and they were indeed very fond of their eldest daughter. Good enough.

As soon as these words came out, all the comrades were shocked!

 Those present are all leading cadres, so they naturally understand the value of Zhu Junjie’s words.

In fact, based on his qualifications and military exploits, he is fully qualified to be promoted to deputy director. Unfortunately, he suffered a disadvantage in terms of cultural level. If he wants to be promoted to deputy director, he will have to endure a lot more.

Others also nodded, it is indeed a match made in heaven!


 After Deng Yunzhen had almost finished her meal, wiped her mouth clean, and asked the stylist to come in and touch up her makeup, someone came over to inform her that the groom had brought someone over to pick him up.

 As a result, Zhang Xiuping's eyes turned red as she spoke.

But no one expected that Zhu Junjie would choose to change careers when his future was bright. This was really unbelievable. Even today, his comrades feel sorry for him when he mentions it.

Zhu Junjie raised his glass and clinked it with several comrades in arms, and said with a smile: "There is no way, my parents are old and not in good health. If I stay in the army for the sake of my future, I really hope to go further, but I can't live with my parents." I feel that it is always a pity to show filial piety in the past.

 In short, this house is absolutely luxurious beyond their dreams.

at the same time.

 This idea was naturally proposed by Deng Shirong and implemented by Zhu Junjie.

At this time, Sister-in-law Zhang also came over and said with deep sympathy: "Yes, the gap is really big. I really didn't expect that the house could be so beautiful. It really opened today." vision.”

 With such a strong backing and guarantee, these elites have no worries at all.

 Then, when they saw my sister who looked like a completely different person, they naturally exclaimed in surprise.

 When talking about his wife, Zhu Junjie said with a smile: "That's right, being able to marry her as my wife is the greatest luck in my life."

Kong Hu took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "Captain Zhu, seeing you praising my younger sister so much, it seems that my younger sister is really an amazing girl!"

Deng Yunzhu, who was also present, was also full of praise and said: "Yes, she is really beautiful. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes but met on the road, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to recognize you, sister. It's really changed too much." ”

She has been married to the Deng family for more than six years. She gets along with this eldest sister-in-law as close as sisters. Now that her eldest sister-in-law is getting married, she is actually very reluctant to do so. There is no way to prevent it.

And Deng Shirong hopes that his eldest daughter's wedding will leave no regrets. Not only does he have to take hard photos, but he also has to take videos. These things don't cost much, but when you take them out and watch them decades later, they are extremely precious. s things.

 The four of them are all high-level cadres, and they all have a life-long relationship with Zhu Junjie.

 As expected of an excellent stylist hired by a big city, he just knows how to talk.

Master Zeng smiled and said: "You're welcome. Actually, Miss Deng, you have a good foundation. What I did was just the icing on the cake to show your beautiful side."

Several comrades in arms showed curious expressions when they heard this. Zhu Junjie looked very talented. Even if he changed jobs, he started out as the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Such a young, promising and good-looking young man should be very popular with girls.

Sister-in-law Zhang nodded and said with emotion: "Originally, our family built a new house with a separate bathroom. It was much better than other houses in the village, and we were quite satisfied with it. But now that I have seen your sister-in-law's house, Suddenly it feels like the place we live in now is like a doghouse, the difference is huge!”

In his previous life, Deng Shirong had posted a lot of wedding videos. The groom was faced with various embarrassments when he went to pick up his bride. The embarrassment was not to make the wedding more interesting, but to break up the bride and groom.

 Public Security Bureau Family Home.

 Nowadays, when everyone talks about sadness, it is normal to shed tears.

Deng Yunheng, Deng Yunsong and other brothers also came in after knowing that their sister had put on makeup.

Deng Yunzhen also couldn't believe that the beautiful girl in the mirror was herself. She looked in the mirror several times before thanking the stylist who came from afar: "Thank you, Master Zeng, your craftsmanship is really great! "

There are also several very important members from the Cultural Affairs Bureau. Some of them are carrying video recording equipment, and some are holding cameras. They obviously want to take pictures of today's wedding and keep it as a souvenir.

Zhu Junjie then added: "What's more, one of her two younger brothers graduated from Peking University and is currently working in the Beijing Planning Commission, with the same level as me now, and the other is studying at Tsinghua University. With such a family background, it doesn't matter if people don't dislike me. "What right do I have to dislike others?"

The bed they just saw in the room was also an eye-opener for them. They had lived for decades and slept on the most ordinary canopy beds. Where had they seen high-end products like Simmons?

There is also a cabinet, which is also big and beautiful.

As we all know, most of our country’s elites are within the system. In order to allow these elites to go out and spearhead the country’s reform and opening up, and accelerate the pace of reform and opening up, the country introduced the “suspension without pay” policy in 1992 to support and encourage careers. These social elites from the work unit went to sea to do business. This "suspension of pay" policy, to put it bluntly, tells these elites to go out boldly and venture out boldly. Needless to say, if they succeed, even if they fail, they can continue to return to work in their original units.

However, with her daughter’s previous vaccination, Zhang’s mother had no other ideas in mind.

Zhang Xiuping praised on the spot: "Azhen, you look so beautiful when you dress like this!"

 Sister-in-law Zhang and Sister-in-law Zhang both looked forward to it.

 After the other party has completed some necessary procedures, he will have his eldest daughter picked up smoothly!

The people getting married included Zhang Xiuping, her sister-in-law, and several of Deng Yunzhen's younger brothers and sisters.

In the early 1980s, self-employed people were looked down upon. At that time, all young people with some skills were employed in government agencies and state-owned enterprises, and at least they had to work in collective enterprises to earn a living. Only those who had no ability to find a job would become Self-employed people make a living on their own.

At this time, Deng Shirong also came in with a bowl of rice. Seeing his eldest daughter's makeup, he felt bright. He had never seen such a delicate and beautiful makeup on his eldest daughter in his previous life until his death. This stylist It's so worth it.

Deng Shirong is quite tolerant. On the one hand, his mental age is already over 90 years old. He even looks down upon life and death, let alone the marriage of his daughter. On the other hand, he had already married his daughter twice in his previous life, and now it was just a do-over, and his daughter's marriage was a hundred times better than in his previous life. This was something to be happy about, and nothing to cry about.

Xu Yongfang smiled and said: "It seems that our worries are unfounded. Junjie and his younger siblings are a match made in heaven!"

Xu Yongfang said: "I don't mean to look down upon you, but compared to being self-employed, it is naturally better to marry someone who works in a public institution."

So I thought about it again and again, and finally decided to change my job and come back. You don’t have to feel sorry for me. I am now the top leader of the County Public Security Bureau. The most important thing is that I have found a very satisfied wife. I think my choice is right. . "

Zhu Junjie shook his head and smiled: "In my eyes, she is definitely the most beautiful, but in the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary-looking girl. The reason why I say that I am lucky to marry her is, That’s because she is a really good wife and mother.”

As soon as these words came out, several comrades couldn't help but look at each other.

“Actually, before the house was renovated, I didn’t expect it to be so beautiful.”

 Because in Bobai County, it is usually children who eat chicken drumsticks, so eating a chicken drumstick before a girl gets married means that she will be a child in her natal family for the last time.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "No, the area of ​​a house in our community is 160 square meters. This is actually the area of ​​four houses. During the construction, I asked the architect to help me design it alone."

 If these words are not modest, it proves that this girl has advantages in other places that are difficult for others to match. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhu Junjie to be so attracted to her.

Not only are the appliances and furniture complete, but all of them are high-end goods. For example, they don’t know how much the sofa they are sitting on costs, but it must be very expensive to sit on it because it is so comfortable and looks so high-end and beautiful.

As for Zhang Guoan, the matchmaker, needless to say, the matchmaker must not be absent when accepting the bride.

However, Zhu Junjie himself was stunned at this moment, how could he care about his four comrades!

 Zhu Junjie said with a smile: "It's not that big. It's the largest and most upscale hotel in our county, and she's just running it."

Everyone was sitting in the living room chatting. Sister-in-law Zhang came up to her sister-in-law and asked softly: "Mei Ping, is your house like this?"

Zhang Xiuping smiled slightly and said: "Sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, you don't have to be envious. Now the wooden clothespin factory run by dad is doing well. If you make more money later, you can go to Longtan Street to buy a piece of land and build a new house. You can decorate this house as a reference and live in a similarly beautiful house, right?”

After all, if you are just a top soldier, then it doesn’t matter if you don’t know a single word, but once you become a leader, it will be different. The higher the level, the higher the level of education. After all, this era is no longer the Anti-Japanese War. During this period, the promotion system became more and more perfect.

Xu Hongliang blinked and asked: "Captain Zhu, what do you mean, my brother and sister's business is pretty big?"

After the wine was drunk, Xiao Guangrong said with great regret: "Junjie, it's really a pity that you chose to change your career. At that time, you were favored by the leaders above and planned to focus on training. If you insist on staying in the army, otherwise I dare not say that you can hope to touch it at the division or even the army level. "

On the other side, seeing the sister-in-law crying, Zhang Xiuping, the sister-in-law, quickly came over to accompany her.

Of course, the most important reason is that her daughter is married and still lives in the same place with them. If it is like in ancient times, it is extremely difficult to meet her daughter once she gets married, then Deng Shirong will have to shed tears even if he is hard-hearted. .

This super big and super luxurious house really refreshed their perception.

 After being shocked by the house, Zhu Junjie and others were shocked by the beautiful bride Deng Yunzhen.

Xu Hongliang, who was still single, said with some envy when he heard this: "It seems that our Captain Zhu has really found the girl he likes. It is really enviable. If he can catch the eyes of Captain Zhu, his sister-in-law must be very beautiful." ?”

Deng Shirong handed the bowls and chopsticks to his eldest daughter, then took out the red envelope he had prepared earlier from his pocket and handed it to the stylist. Then he said a few words of thanks. After the stylist thanked him and went out with the red envelope, he said to his eldest daughter He said: "Eat quickly, eat as much as you can, so as not to feel hungry later. I will tear off the chicken legs for you, so as not to ruin the makeup and waste time."

Zhang Xiuping smiled and said: "The layout of the house is the same, but our house has not been decorated yet, and the decoration style is not like this. When the house is decorated and ready to be moved in, I will ask my sister-in-law to come and take a look."

While Zhang Xiuping and her two sisters-in-law were muttering, family members and relatives also chatted with Deng Yunzhen, who was about to get married.

Now we have entered 1987. Since more and more self-employed people are making money, and the country is also supporting the development of self-employed people, the social status is better than a few years ago. If nothing else, at least it will not be as easy as before. Being bullied, I didn’t even dare to say a word.

 From what he meant, his wife was just an ordinary-looking girl.

 The sad mood was only temporary. Soon everyone calmed down and talked about the details of tomorrow's wedding.

As a bride, although Deng Yunzhen was not as exaggerated as the brides of later generations. She had to put on makeup from midnight until the next day, but she could not just mess around as usual.

To be honest, when encountering such a weirdo, any groom with a temper would rather stay a widower for the rest of his life than suffer this kind of anger. He will definitely slap his **** and leave. Why don't you love me? I won't take care of you anyway. Got it!

After all, it’s great for people in this era to take photos when they get married. How can they dare to take videos?

This professional stylist spent more than two hours to finally come up with Deng Yunzhen’s bridal look, as shown below:

 The pictures I found online, just refer to the makeup and hairstyle^_^

Deng Yunzhen is just an average-looking girl, and cannot be said to be beautiful, but as the saying goes, people rely on their clothes and their saddles. With the help of professional stylists, exquisite makeup and just the right white wedding dress, her looks are really good. It rose slowly.

Although Xiao Guangrong and Xu Hongliang didn't speak, they basically meant the same thing.

Once they entered this festive house decorated with lights and colorful decorations, everyone including the groom, Zhu Junjie, who came to pick up the bride, including taking videos and taking photos, were stunned.

Kong Hu also nodded and said: "The old squad leader is right. Girls working in public institutions are indeed more respectable than self-employed people."

 However, in essence, current self-employed people are still at the lowest level of the contempt chain.

 In view of this, Deng Shirong would naturally not engage in such bizarre operations when marrying a daughter.

Kong Hu and Xu Hongliang also had the same attitude. Many of their comrades who enlisted in the army have died on the battlefield, but only Zhu Junjie survived and was valued by the leaders above.

Because of her good photography skills and considerate service, many people come to her to take photos.

These four comrades vary in age. The eldest is Xiao Guangrong. He is 36 years old and a native of Chaozhou, Guangdong. He is Zhu Junjie’s old leader and has been on the battlefield together. His current rank is also deputy regiment.


The fourth-ranked man is named Xu Hongliang. He is 27 years old and is from Sanya, Hainan. He is also a comrade who joined the army and fought side by side in the same batch. His current rank is deputy company.

Zhu Junjie was drinking and chatting with four comrades.

 Especially those four comrades, who are also leading cadres in the army and have better knowledge than ordinary people, but they have never seen such a beautifully built community.

 Speaking of emotional moments, Deng Shilan, an aunt, was also wiping away tears.

The group of people got out of the car and immediately saw the letters "囍" posted on the ground floor. They walked up the stairs, and when they reached the second floor, someone was already greeting them.

Soon, the bus stopped at Unit 1 of the ninth building.

Several comrades were surprised when they heard this. Although they didn't know what the largest and most upscale hotel in the county looked like, they could feel the weight of it. It was still very different from the self-employed ones they imagined. .

The entry of this large number of social elites into the business world has not only provided a huge boost to the country's reform and opening up, but has also completely changed society's view of the self-employed.

Anyway, Deng Shirong was so angry after watching those videos!

Thus, in 1992, the largest wave of business ventures in history began. According to statistics, 120,000 civil servants resigned and went overseas, and more than 10 million civil servants were suspended without pay. They were later known as the "92 School" entrepreneurs.

The third-ranked man is named Kong Hu. He is 28 years old and is from Hengyang, Hunan Province. He enlisted in the same batch as Zhu Junjie and has been on the battlefield together. His current rank is Zhenglian.

The people present are all close friends, so everyone always talks about something when they are together.

The second in line is Xu Yongfang. He is 33 years old and a native of Wuhan, Hubei Province. He was Zhu Junjie’s squad leader when he joined the army. They also went to the battlefield together. His current rank is deputy battalion. He is also lagging behind in terms of cultural level.

As a result, the nearby state-run photo studio was annoyed. They came over aggressively, smashed her stall, called her a "hooligan" and a "liar", and shouted to the tourists at the top of their lungs: "Self-employed people are unreliable, and they want to take pictures." Our state-run photo studio!”

Deng Yunzhen naturally understood this truth, so she couldn't help but feel a little sad while eating the chicken drumsticks torn by her father's hands. Fortunately, in order to prevent her eldest daughter from crying, Deng Shirong kept talking about other topics while tearing the chicken drumsticks for her. , distract her attention and prevent her from thinking too much.

 In short, it is all kinds of work.

 But it was the first time for Zhu Junjie's four comrades and several of his nieces and nephews to come, so naturally they all showed surprised expressions.

 Therefore, Zhu Junjie, the groom, led a team to pick up the bride early.

The photographers who came back to their senses immediately got busy, taking pictures and taking pictures, trying to record the beautiful scenes in front of them.

Because her in-laws were so kind to her daughter that she had nothing to say. Although her daughter did not tell her the income of Yongjia Supermarket, she did reveal a little bit about it. Just the figures revealed gave Zhang Mu some thoughts. There will be none.

Xu Yongfang also echoed: "Yes, the old leader is right. This choice of yours, Junjie, is really a pity!"

 Make-up is indeed regarded as one of the four major evil arts in Asia by later generations. It is really terrifying.

 Zhu Junjie smiled and said: "Do you think self-employed people are all small traders who set up a stall to sell sewing buttons and the like?"

Since Deng Yunzhen had to get up early tomorrow, everyone didn't chat too late. They went back to their rooms to take a shower and go to bed before nine o'clock.

Father Zhang suddenly said: "No wonder this house is so big. It turns out that there are four houses put together!"

 In this era, when their daughter gets married, parents will prepare a chicken drumstick.

 In this era, getting married is not as difficult as in later generations.

With Zhu Junjie, four of his comrades-in-arms, several female colleagues from the unit, and several nieces and nephews came with him.

Kong Hu immediately asked curiously: "Captain Zhu, what do my brothers and sisters do? How do you know each other?"

 Until the end of 1991, Big Brother, which had been awesome for decades, disintegrated, and our country fell into internal and external troubles.

 The psychological activities of several people cannot be written in ten thousand words...

 It has just entered 1987, and the self-employed are still at the lowest level of society. Therefore, it is inevitable to be surprised when Zhu Junjie said that he married a self-employed person.

What kind of extraordinary girl is that? Can you give me an example?

When the bus entered Naye Deng's Community, several female colleagues from Zhu Junjie's unit and Zhang Guoan, the matchmaker, looked as normal. After all, it had been more than a year since the Naye Deng's Community was built, and they had been here for a long time. I know how many times.

The person who did Deng Yunzhen's makeup and styling this time was a stylist Deng Shirong specially paid to hire from Guangzhou. In the past, it was okay if he didn't have the conditions. Now that he has this condition, he naturally wants to make his eldest daughter's wedding perfect and leave no regrets.

After Zhang’s father came to his senses, he asked, “My dear, are all the houses in your community this big?”

Xu Yongfang, the old squad leader, was the first to ask: "Junjie, with your conditions, it is easy to marry a girl from a public institution. How could you think of marrying a self-employed person?"

Just like the first self-employed person in Hangzhou, she loved photography and was unemployed, so she set up a stall by the West Lake to take photos for tourists.

From this small example, you can see how embarrassing the status of the self-employed in the early 1980s was. They were really at the lowest level of society, and anyone could step on them.

There are those who temporarily increase the betrothal gift money, there are those who scatter all the red envelopes but still can’t knock the door open, and the most bizarre ones force the groom to drink foot-washing water...

Today's wedding process is for the groom to pick up the bride and return to Shanxin Village, Songwang Township, to worship the ancestors, and then return to Suifeng Hotel to hold the wedding ceremony and have dinner. Since the road in this era is not easy to walk, this time It takes several hours at a time.

Zhang Xiuping naturally knew that her father was indeed conservative in this regard, unlike her father-in-law who was so bold that he had no boundaries. She responded and said, "Okay, I will talk to dad later and ask him to buy a piece of land on Longtan Street as soon as possible. I don’t know how perfect it would be if we built the house, turned the first floor into a shop for business, and left the other floors for people to live in.”

Zhu Junjie smiled and said: "Old squad leader, what do you mean by your words? Do you look down on the self-employed?"

 Zhu Junjie smiled and said: "She is self-employed, and we met through a matchmaker."

At this moment, the four comrades looked at Zhu Junjie. The meaning was obvious, is this the girl you mentioned who looks ordinary in the eyes of outsiders?

At this time, the relatives all recovered from the shock. Then, under the leadership of Deng Shirong and others, they visited the layout of each room one by one. After the visit, they returned to the living room and sat on the soft leather sofa. , all the relatives could not calm down for a long time.

 The luxury of this house is really beyond their imagination.

The heart of a girl who is about to get married is extremely complex, with excitement, apprehension, expectations, reluctance, confusion, and sensitivity...

 The next day, before dawn, Deng Yunzhen got up.

They have been together for almost three years, and this is the first time he has seen Deng Yunzhen dressed up so beautifully. She is so beautiful!

Deng Yunzhen was no exception. Under the intertwining of various complicated emotions, she couldn't help crying while chatting with her family and relatives. After all, after getting married tomorrow, she would belong to someone else's family.

Sister-in-law Zhang was moved when she heard this, and she looked at each other, and then said: "Mei Ping, you are right, but you also know Dad's character. If you want him to buy land and build a new house on Longtan Street, unless you ask , otherwise he would not consider it.”

The cars that came to pick up the bride were two passenger buses. These buses were naturally owned by Tenglong Passenger Transport Company, but they were not long-distance buses like those in Guangdong, but short-distance buses from Bobai to Shuangwang.

Because she only went to Shanxin Village, Songwang Township to worship the ancestors of the Zhu family and then came back, when Deng Yunzhen got married, she was not as sad as other brides. Instead, she walked away excitedly accompanied by her relatives. I went downstairs and got on the very festively decorated bus in front of me with the character "囍" on it.

After everyone got on the bus, the bus started slowly and drove out of Naye Deng's community, heading towards Songwang Township.

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion