MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 344 There are too many trump cards, and every time you play them, you will always be the best.

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Chapter 344: There are too many trump cards, and you will always be the best when you play them

Although the food company has not yet been established, Deng Shirong is already making relevant preparations for the products after the establishment of the food company.

Food companies are a big category, and there are really too many products that can be operated. However, food has to be eaten one bite at a time. Of course, Deng Shirong will not take out all the products at once. That would be unrealistic and too childish.

 The first product he selected was instant noodles, which was positioned as a flagship product by Deng Shirong.

Although there are all kinds of foods, there are really few that are as versatile as instant noodles.

 Nowadays, it is the era of rapid rise of instant noodles. There are already hundreds of instant noodle production lines across the country, but they are only local instant noodle products. At present, none of the instant noodle manufacturers in various places can truly become popular all over the country.

However, instant noodle products that will become popular across the country will soon appear. Last year, Huafeng in Guangdong developed a package made of chicken soup and seafood, and launched Huafeng's first instant noodle product - Sanxian Yi Noodles.

As shown below:

This instant noodles can be said to be a product that really became popular across the country in the 1980s.

With this product, Huafeng became the first generation overlord of my country’s instant noodles market.

 At this time, this product is beginning to explode. In the next one or two years, this instant noodles can be seen all over the country.

Of course, no matter how powerful his opponent is, Deng Shirong, who has the memory of his past life, will not take it seriously, because he has too many trump cards. If he plays any one of them, he can easily defeat the opponent. .

If you look at it from this life, although Deng Changyu is a high school graduate, he is nothing special when looking at the whole family. Even his family conditions in Shanggaohang Village can only be ranked in the middle, which is very inconspicuous.

At that time, he was already extremely wealthy. He directly purchased a building in Bobai County and installed an elevator for his own residence. It can be said that it was a prosperous place.

Deng Shirong lit a match, took a few puffs of cigarette, and then said: "Don't be mentally burdened. I will tell you how to develop the food company. You are responsible for implementing it and practice it slowly for a while." , you will naturally be qualified for this position.”

To build a factory here, we first occupy this precious land. When this area develops in the future, we can move the factory to other places at any time, and then transform the factory into a large shopping mall or hotel, etc., which is very good. choose.

Deng Changyu is the aforementioned tribesman who went to Guigang to open a feed factory. From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, the feed produced by his company can be said to account for half of the entire Bobai market, and Also sold to other cities.

Rather than doing this, it is better to select someone from the clan to take office, at least to ensure that the other party will obey the command 100%.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "That's right, it's you."

 “Jiu Gong!”

Although the instant noodle production line in this era is still relatively advanced in Xiaozhi, Deng Shirong decided to support domestic enterprises. Anyway, it is not its production equipment that determines whether instant noodles can be popular.

 “It’s basically all done.”

 After all, the development prospects of passenger transport companies cannot be compared with those of food companies.

Deng Shirong plans to purchase this instant noodle production line in China.

Deng Changyu couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this, pointed at himself, and said with surprise: "Jiu Gong, did I hear that right? You want me to be the general manager of the food company?"

 Hence, Deng Shirong is now thinking about where to build the factory and how many instant noodle production lines to introduce.

 Besides, the main person in charge of this food company is Deng Shirong himself. The general manager is just a person who implements his ideas. Those arrogant talents may not necessarily carry out his orders to the letter.

Deng Changyu did not directly answer whether he was willing or not, but asked: "Jiu Gong, why did you choose me? There are so many people in the clan, no matter in terms of seniority, education, or ability, I am not at the top. Yes!”

Deng Shirong took the chimney and tobacco matches, chatted with him for a few words, and then said: "When we held the clan meeting before, I already proposed to establish a food company. This food company has a higher status in my heart than the passenger transport company. Gao, I plan to let you serve as the general manager of the company. I wonder if you are willing? "

Deng Changyu was relieved when he heard this. If Jiu Gong was responsible for guiding him, there would definitely be no problem. He quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, Jiu Gong. I will strictly implement your instructions and hit wherever you tell me."

The address of the first instant noodle factory is naturally set in Bobai County. This goes without saying, but we must also be prepared to establish a branch factory, because once instant noodles are sold out, they will need to expand rapidly. Occupy the national market.

But Deng Changyu, at the beginning of the 21st century, was already recognized by the Naye Deng family as a rich man with a net worth of over 100 million.

Deng Changyu nodded, then handed over the chimney and tobacco matches and said: "Jiu Gong, you burn the smoke."

Deng Shirong stuffed the tobacco into the mouth of the chimney and said with a smile: "I selected you because I am naturally optimistic about your ability and think you can manage this food company well, so I asked you if you would like to be the general manager."

Deng Shirong reminded: "Although I am not 100% sure that this food company will make money, I am still 90% sure. Anyway, you should try to raise as much money as possible to invest in it!"

Deng Changyu knew that Jiugong was trying to remind him, and said gratefully: "I understand, I will definitely work hard to raise money and try to get more shares in the food company."

After all, the Naye Deng family in later generations also has many talents, and there are a lot of people with a net worth of tens of millions. However, there is no conclusion as to which one of them has a net worth of hundreds of millions. What is said is just a guess, and there is no concrete evidence. evidence.

However, Deng Shirong knew that he was the first billionaire in the Naye Deng family in his previous life. As for whether he was the only billionaire, Deng Shirong was not sure.

Deng Shirong smiled and said, "You have to arrange things at home. When this year's lychees and watermelons are sold, the food company will be established. Then you, the general manager, will have a lot to do. I guess I can’t take care of my family anymore.”

After deciding to select someone from the clan, Deng Shirong went through the clan members and finally selected Deng Changyu from Shanggaohang Village.

 Being able to start from scratch and eventually become a real billionaire, there is no doubt about Deng Changyu’s business ability. This is why Deng Shirong chose him.

 Otherwise, it is very likely that you will make wedding clothes for others.

Shanggaohang Village is right next to Naye Primary School and not far from Naye Village. Deng Shirong walked there and arrived at Deng Changyu's house in a few minutes.

 For the general manager, is it better to choose someone from within the family, or is it better to hire someone from outside?

Originally, external recruitment was the most suitable, but this era is not like later generations, where there are a lot of talents. Talents in this era are very rare. These truly capable talents either join the system or start their own business. You are the only one. What can a newly established food company do to attract others to join?

Deng Changyu, who was sitting at the door and burning cigarettes, saw Deng Shirong coming and immediately said hello.

With Jiu Gong’s approval, Deng Changyu nodded excitedly and said: “Of course I am willing, but I’m afraid that if I don’t do it well, I will embarrass you, Jiu Gong.”

In Shuangwang Township, there are several small benches placed at the door of every household, and Deng Changyu's family is no exception. Deng Shirong sat down on one of the small benches and asked: "Have the lychees grown this year?"

Although it was still early for the establishment of a food company, Deng Shirong decided to talk to Deng Changyu first.

After inspection, Deng Shirong selected an open space opposite the south gate of the Deng Community in Naye, which was the treasure land where the Baozhongbao Group was located.

Deng Changyu said: "Okay, Mr. Jiu, I will definitely arrange things at home."

After identifying the location to build the factory, Deng Shirong began to search for the general manager of the food company. This is a very important position, more important than the general manager of the passenger transport company.

 Later on, for some unknown reason, his feed company became difficult to run. Deng Shirong did not pay much attention to its subsequent development, so he did not understand it.

Deng Changyu’s house is also a brick house that was built last year. It has only three rooms and a kitchen, which is enough for their family of five.

Deng Shirong hummed. It was still early for the company to be established, so he didn’t say much. After chatting for a while, he put down his chimney and tobacco matches and left.

Watching Jiu Gong go away, Deng Changyu thought about how to raise more money. Borrowing from relatives and friends was one way, but this method could only raise small amounts, and it would definitely not be able to raise big money. If he wanted to raise big money, there was only one person. The solution is to find a bank loan.

However, you have to discuss this matter with your wife. If your wife supports it, then go to the bank and try to see if you can get a loan. If your wife does not support it, then ask relatives and friends to borrow as much as they can.

Just as he was thinking about it, his wife Lu Guiying also came back from Lizhi Mountain.

Deng Changyu immediately said: "Guiying, come here and discuss something with you."

Lu Guiying asked: "What's going on?"

Deng Changyu said with a smile on his face: "Jiu Gong came to see me just now. Do you know what he said to me?"

Lu Guiying sat down on the small bench and asked curiously: "Jiu Gong came to see you? See how proud you are, what did he say to you?" Deng Changyu said with high spirits: "During the clan meeting before, Jiu Gong Didn't he say that he wanted to set up a food company? He just came to see me and wanted me to be the general manager of this food company."

Lu Guiying heard this and said with surprise: "Jiu Gong asked you to be the general manager of the food company? Are you kidding me?"

Deng Changyu said happily: "Who would make such a joke to you? Of course it is true."

Lu Guiying couldn't help but said with joy: "That's really great!"

Deng Changyu said: "Jiu Gong also told me that this food company is 90% sure to make money. He asked me to raise as much money as possible and buy more shares. Our family currently has only a few thousand yuan in cash. , even if you include the income from lychees and watermelons in June, it is only ten thousand yuan, which is not enough to buy many shares.

 So, I want to go to the credit union tomorrow to see if I can borrow some money. What do you think? "

Lu Guiying responded directly without any hesitation: "Loan, of course, you must not miss this opportunity. Tomorrow I will go to the credit union with you to ask. You can borrow as much as you can. It must be in this food company." Take more shares.”

Deng Changyu said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be more confident than me!"

Lu Guiying glanced at him and said: "Who is Mr. Jiu? He personally said that he is 90% sure of making money, which means it is basically 100% profitable. It's just that Mr. Jiu is used to leaving some leeway when talking to leaders. , I won’t just finish my words.

 Our family missed out on the previous passenger transport company and only invested 3 shares. Now that we have such an opportunity, we cannot miss it again.

  Otherwise, there will be no point in regretting it when the food company makes money and pays dividends. "

Hearing these words, Deng Changyu looked at his wife with admiration and praised: "Guiying, you and I have been married for seven or eight years. I really didn't expect you to have such insight and courage. Then This matter is settled. Tomorrow we will go to the credit union to get a loan and see how much we can borrow. "

“Although I haven’t read as much as you, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

Lu Guiying rolled her eyes at him, and then said: "Let's see how much we can borrow first. If it can be borrowed, I will go back to my parents' house to talk to my brothers about this matter, and ask them to help borrow some, so that we can get more money." The money was invested in more shares.”

Deng Changyu hesitated and said, “Is this appropriate?”

Lu Guiying said: "If there is anything inappropriate, you don't have to worry about it. I will tell my brother myself."

Deng Changyu nodded and said, "Okay, if they are really willing to help with the loan, they will certainly not be able to treat you brothers badly."


In addition to Deng Changyu and Lu Guiying, there are other clever members of the Deng family in Naye who thought of going to a credit union for a loan.

These days, although credit is out of control, banks have already begun to tighten loans, and the difficulty of loans is no longer the same as before. However, tightening loans does not mean that loans will no longer be issued, but the review is much stricter than before. We only lend to those high-quality customers, unlike before, we can lend money to both people and ghosts.

As for the members of the Nayedeng clan, it is no exaggeration to say that every one of them is a high-quality customer that the credit union needs to win over.

 Hence, people who can think of getting loans from credit unions will definitely own more shares than other ethnic groups when a food company is established.

  Exactly as the saying goes, success is reserved for those who are prepared.


 Time is in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, it’s the sixth month of the lunar calendar.

  The college entrance examination in 1987 is about to begin.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Deng Yunzhu invited Li Shuqin to have dinner with him at a small restaurant in Songwangwei.

Due to family changes, Li Shuqin has been receiving help from her deskmate Deng Yunzhu in the past few months. The relationship between the two parties was already good, and now it has heated up rapidly. They have become inseparable good sisters in school.

While eating, Deng Yunzhu sighed: "Shuqin, whether you study well or not, the treatment you get from your parents is really different!"

Li Shuqin smiled and said: "Needless to say, it must be different!"

Deng Yunzhu said: "When my second brother and third brother were taking the college entrance examination, my father was very interested in them. When it was my turn to take the college entrance examination, my father dismissed me with just one sentence."

Li Shuqin asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Deng Yunzhu said: "Just four words, just try your best."

“Sister Zhu, I think Uncle Deng is right. Just try your best!”

 “At least say a few more words to encourage me!”

“Reading is not a fight, and encouragement is of no use.”

Deng Yunzhu smiled and said: "I know it's useless, it's just talk. If my dad really has any expectations of me, then I will have a headache."

Li Shuqin took a deep breath and said: "Sister Zhu, to be honest, I really envy you. There is no pressure at all when facing the college entrance examination. I didn't have much pressure before, but since my **** brother did what I did After selling it, I really feel a lot of pressure now.

 Because I have no way out now! "

Deng Yunzhu comforted him: "Relax, who said you have no way out?"

 Li Shuqin smiled bitterly and said: "What retreat do I have now? If I can't get into college or junior college, I have no other choice but to get married."

Deng Yunzhu put his arms around her and said: "You are completely unfounded. With your grades, you can hope to get into key universities. Ordinary universities and junior colleges are a sure thing. As long as you take the exam with ease and show your true strength.

To take a step back, even if you really can't get into college or junior college, you don't have to worry about getting married. My dad has already prepared a good career for me. I'm worried that I don't have anyone to help me. If you If you don't pass the exam, come and help me. I won't treat you badly.

 So, there is really no need to worry blindly, just take the college entrance examination with peace of mind. "

Li Shuqin widened her eyes and asked, "Sister Zhu, are you serious?"

Deng Yunzhu nodded and said, "Of course it's true. When the college entrance examination results come in, I will most likely leave campus and take over the career that my dad arranged for me."

When Li Shuqin heard this, she felt extremely grateful to this sister. Needless to say, she had been helped in various ways during this period. Now, on the eve of the college entrance examination, she was given such a reassurance that she could take care of herself without any pressure. Taking the college entrance examination, such a sister is really worth cherishing for the rest of her life.

"Sister Zhu, it's settled. If I don't get into university or junior college, then I will work with you to earn a living; if I get into university, then I will learn more and come here after I graduate. Sister Zhu, you.”

"Okay, as long as you don't mind my small temple when you arrive, I will welcome you, a talented student, to come at any time."

“Sister Zhu, what business has Uncle Deng prepared for you?”

“My dad has told me about this a long time ago. If nothing else happens, he will open a hotpot restaurant in Nanning.”

 “Hot pot restaurant? What is this?”

“Similar to a restaurant, this hot pot is a way of eating food. It tastes very good. Everyone who has eaten it praises it. It is a very promising business.”

“I see, I’m going to get to know this hot pot better later.”


 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion