MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 345 Deng Yunheng serves as deputy county magistrate

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 Chapter 345 Deng Yunheng serves as deputy county magistrate

 A certain department of a certain department of the Planning Commission.

In the office, Zhao Jing looked at the subordinate she admired very much and asked, "Deng Yunheng, do you really want to work in a local area?"

 “Yes, leader, I really want to decentralize the work to the local level.”

Deng Yunheng nodded first, and then asked expectantly: "Leader, is there any vacancy in the place I asked you to pay attention to?"

 He was successfully promoted to deputy office three months ago. At that time, he told his leader that he wanted to work in a local area and chose XX Province as his work location. Now, after three months, the leader suddenly called him into the office and asked about this matter. It was probably because he had some clues about his job transfer.

As expected, Zhao Jing hummed and said: "There is indeed a suitable vacancy. The deputy county magistrate of Fuqing County in the province you proposed to go to will be relegated to the second line. If you really want to decentralize, I can Help you operate and take his place."

Deng Yunheng was pleasantly surprised and said: "That's great. Thank you, leader. I'll trouble you."

Seeing the surprised look on his face, Zhao Jing said with some sincerity: "Deng Yunheng, I personally think that you should stay and work for another two years. You are already familiar with everything here, and the leaders above also value you quite a lot. , I believe that in two years you will be able to move up to this level, and it is not impossible for you to even be in charge of a department.

Once you are transferred to the local level, everything will have to start over. There is no leader who appreciates you, and you have no foundation as an airborne cadre. You may be hated by others because you are airborne and block other people's roads. Your promotion speed will then be reduced. But it may not be so fast.

 A hotel near the Planning Commission.

 So, you must think twice! "

 “Hopefully, I’ll do my best anyway.”

Deng Yunheng laughed and said: "When I came to the capital to study, I was always alone. Just get used to it. I won't say anymore. If you are hungry, go out to eat quickly!"

Now, Deng Yunheng directly applied to be transferred to work in a local area. In the future, he and the capital will be thousands of miles apart, and it will be even more difficult for the two of them to meet each other.

After Deng Yunheng went out, Zhao Jing sighed with regret. She had always been optimistic about Deng Yunheng and her sister-in-law. She just knew that her mother-in-law liked a well-matched son-in-law, so she did not take the initiative to match them.

 This fate may not be continued.

At the end of this "farewell banquet", everyone sent their final blessings:

Deng Yunheng was very moved when he heard these heartfelt words. It is really a very lucky thing to meet a leader in the system who appreciates you and cares about your future.

Deng Yunheng said: "I don't know yet, but the leader is already helping me operate it, and it is estimated that it will be implemented soon."

 Go back to the second bedroom after get off work.

 After the summer vacation, he did not choose to go back to his hometown. Instead, he came to live with his second brother for a while to experience the working environment in advance.

 Speaking of this, Deng Yunheng asked: "Are you planning to go home or go back to school next?"

Deng Yunsong said: "Didn't Dad tell you to join that big shot when you have the chance? Now that you have the chance to go there, then work hard and achieve some results. If you join the big shot that Dad said, Eyes have become his direct descendants, and I believe that the bottleneck at this level will no longer exist. "

 “Second brother!” greeted Deng Yunsong who was reading a book.

Deng Yunheng said with a smile: "For those of us who come from universities, promotion is really fast in the early stage, but once we reach the level of the office, we start to have bottlenecks. Whether we can be promoted depends on whether we have the destiny."

Deng Yunsong said happily: "This is a good thing. When will you take office?"

“County Magistrate Deng, I wish you a bright future and good progress.”

As a result, during the Spring Festival this year, Deng Yunheng and her sister-in-law met unexpectedly. They thought they could spark a little love. Unfortunately, they did not work in the same ministry. They did not meet for the second time in the past six months. Chance.

Deng Yunheng said directly: "Xiao Song, I am ready to leave the capital."


Deng Yunsong was surprised and said: "Second brother, are you going on a business trip?"

 “Thank you, leader!”

Deng Yunsong was also present at the previous conversation between his father and his second brother. Hearing this, he suddenly said: "Second brother, is there a suitable position for you in XX province?"

Deng Yunsong seemed to be in a dream and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that in just two years, my second brother, you would become the deputy county magistrate."

“County Magistrate Deng, I wish you smooth sailing and good progress.”


Deng Yunsong hummed, and then sighed: "Second brother, after you leave, I will be the only one left in the capital."

Deng Yunheng said: "You haven't had a good tour of this capital yet. During this summer vacation, you can go out and have fun with your fellow villagers. It would be even better if you could contact local classmates. They know what fun places are there." Is not fun."

Zhao Jing saw that he was determined, so she stopped trying to persuade him and said, "Well, since you have made a decision, I will help you operate it!"

If his father hadn't pointed the way for him and asked him to find a way to become a direct descendant of a certain big boss, then Deng Yunheng really wouldn't be in a hurry to be delegated and wait until he was promoted to a senior position in two years.

However, this kind of opportunity is rare now. If you miss it, you will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse to find such a suitable position.

Therefore, Deng Yunheng was moved, but his belief in his heart would not be shaken. He just said gratefully: "Thank you for your leadership. I know that leading you is for my own good, but I already have my own plans for future development. I I am willing to work hard at the grassroots level.”


Deng Yunheng nodded and said: "Deputy Magistrate of Fuqing County."

Many colleagues were seeing Deng Yunheng off, and it was not limited to the department where Deng Yunheng worked. Some colleagues from other departments who had a good relationship with Deng Yunheng were also here. Zhao Jing, the leader of the department, would naturally not be absent, even the more appreciative one A certain director of Deng Yunheng also came over to show his face.

Deng Yunsong said: "I'll forget about going home. I'm too lazy to go back and forth, so I'd better go back to school. There are also many of our fellow Guangxi folks who stay in school and don't go home."

You have also been working in the system for two years. You should understand the age advantage in the system. If you move up the level earlier, you will have the opportunity to see a higher scenery. Once you waste too much time at a certain level, the potential for upward advancement will be will become smaller and smaller.


a week later.

Deng Yunheng said: "It's not a business trip, but it's sent to the local area to work."

“County Magistrate Deng, I wish you good luck in your official career and may you be promoted step by step.”

 “County Magistrate Deng, I wish you...”

Deng Yunheng thanked them all. Although he had only worked in the Planning Commission for two years, this was his first stop after taking up the job. In terms of personnel, due to his strong work ability and high emotional intelligence, he got along well with all his colleagues. It's quite harmonious.

After having a "break-up meal" with his colleagues, Deng Yunheng returned the two-bedroom apartment he had lived in for two years to his work unit. Having handed over his work, he no longer wasted any time and boarded a flight to XX Province the next day. airplane.


 Three days later.

 Fuqing County.

Deng Yunheng officially took office and became a deputy county magistrate of Fuqing County Government. Moreover, he was not a low-ranking deputy magistrate, but had a heavyweight prefix - executive added in front of the deputy magistrate.

 With the addition of the word "executive", the weight of the deputy county magistrate is completely different, and he directly becomes the number two figure in the county government.

The power of this position is still very great. Just look at the departments that Deng Yunheng is currently in charge of. He is currently in charge of the Finance Committee, the Construction Committee, the Land Bureau, the Industry and Commerce Bureau, the Grain Bureau, the Foreign Trade Bureau, the Medical Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and many other departments. The Plant Business Office, the People's Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, and insurance companies are all heavyweight departments.

Moreover, he also has the functions of guidance, coordination and supervision over other deputy county magistrates, and he has real power.

But then again, the greater the real power, the greater the responsibility. Almost most government documents involving people, money and property require him as the executive deputy to study and sign for approval. These require him to assume leadership responsibilities.

 For people with insufficient abilities, they are quite afraid to take on this kind of leadership responsibility.

 So the biggest frustration of the executive deputy is that his career development is not proportional to his responsibilities.

A person like Deng Yunheng with excellent work ability will naturally not be afraid of such a challenge. You must know that if the executive deputy does a good job and does an outstanding job, there are still many examples of him being directly promoted to county magistrate. This is what he will do next. A goal to work towards in a year or two.

 Strive to achieve results within one or two years, and then sit on the throne of the county magistrate.

Just when Deng Yunheng started working hard, he had no idea that he was in the right place by chance!

 In the previous life, XX County was established as a county-level city directly under the jurisdiction of the province in 1990 and was managed by the provincial capital city.

If Deng Yunheng can successfully be promoted to county magistrate within one or two years, and then promoted to top leader before 1990, then when XX County is established as a county-level city directly under the jurisdiction of the province, he can take advantage of this huge opportunity to take a further step.

 Because the top leaders of county-level cities directly under the jurisdiction of the province are basically high-ranking secretaries, who are qualified to become one of the dozen or so people in the provincial capital city.

As long as he becomes the top leader before establishing a county-level city, he will be promoted to the next level without having to do anything.

Of course, only the first-in-command has this benefit, and others, including the second-in-command, do not enjoy this benefit.

 So, whether Deng Yunheng's official career can really take off depends on whether he can become the top leader of XX County before 1990.

Once you can do that, you can not only take advantage of this rare opportunity to go further, but you can also truly team up with a big boss.

 It can be said that the time, place, people and people are all in good hands.

However, Deng Yunheng faced great challenges if he wanted to be promoted to secretary in such a short period of time!

…   Shapi Township is located in the southern part of Bobai County, Yulin, bordering Changshan Town and Qingping Town in Lianjiang, Guangdong Province to the east, Dam Township to the south, Longtan Town and Shuangwang Township to the west, and Nabu Township to the north. It is fully 100 kilometers away from the county seat.

From the perspective of the county seat, Shapi Township is naturally a very remote township, but because it borders Guangdong, the location is still good. In addition, Laohutou Reservoir, the only large reservoir in the county, belongs to Shapi Township. Pi Township, so its development speed is much faster than Shuangwang Township.

Of course, that was the previous life. In this life, Shuangwang Township had Deng Shirong, and its development speed was completely different from that in the previous life.

A Zhang Qi’s natal family is in Rongpiao Village, Shapi Township.

At this time, Zhang Qi returned to her parents’ home carrying a few pieces of pork, a few packets of candies, biscuits, and hair.

 In later generations, no one was short of meat, so when visiting relatives, they usually brought fruits, candies and biscuits. Even in rural areas, few people would bring pork to visit relatives.

 But in this era, carrying pork to visit relatives still occupies the mainstream.


 “Seventh sister!”

 After returning to her natal family, Zhang Qi felt the enthusiasm of her natal family.

While A Zhang Qi was greeting her parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, as well as her nephews and nieces, she couldn't help feeling a little emotional. She had been married to Naye Village for more than ten years. Every time she went back to her parents' home, whether it was her parents or her brothers and sisters-in-law, she felt that She doesn't have much enthusiasm.

Especially when she gave birth to four or five daughters in a row and suffered excessive treatment from her mother-in-law, no one was willing to stand up for her when she went back to her parents' home to complain.

Until their family grew lychees and watermelons with Jiugong, and then invested in the passenger transport company, and then Jiugong took the lead in raising funds to build a community in the county. This whole set of operations not only made their family make money, but also made them the Deng family. The reputation has been established.

Now in the entire Bobai County, no matter which town or town you are in, when it comes to the Nayedeng family, who doesn’t know it?

A Zhangqi is now a member of the Naye Deng family, and her status has also risen with the tide. It is no longer the same as before. In the past few years, she has very clearly felt the changes in her natal family's attitude towards her.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Zhang Qi persuaded her brothers from her mother's family to grow watermelons together, which made her brothers make a lot of money in the past few years.

After greeting each other, Zhang Qi distributed the pork, candies, biscuits and hairpins he brought to his three sisters-in-law.

Her natal brothers had already separated their families more than ten years ago, so when she came she had divided the things, one for each person.

After the three sisters-in-law carried the things back, they each grabbed a chicken or a duck from home, and then helped their mother-in-law cook together.

  The usual gossip was ignored. When the meal started in the afternoon, Zhang Qicai said while eating: "Eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, third brother and third sister-in-law, the main reason I came back this time is to borrow money from you."

Brother Zhang was surprised and said: "Qimei, your Jedeng's passenger transport company only paid dividends this year, and now lychees and watermelons can be sold for a lot of money. How can you be short of money?"

 Er brother Zhang also answered: "Yes, Qimei, it is logical that you cannot be short of money at this time. Did you have a quarrel with your brother-in-law?"

 Mother Zhang also looked at her daughter and said, "Sister Qi, what's going on? Is there really a quarrel?"

 “It’s not what you think.”

Ah Zhang Qi shook his head and explained: "Originally, there was no shortage of money, but our clan leader is planning to take the lead in establishing a food company. Our family wants to buy more shares, so we want to come to you to borrow some money, and the company will pay dividends in the future. You can also share some more money.”

Brother Zhang suddenly said: "So that's it, of course it's no problem. How much do you want to borrow?"

 Sister-in-law Zhang didn’t say anything when she heard this, so she acquiesced.

Of course, now, if a few years ago, if her husband dared to agree directly without her consent, she would definitely fall out on the spot, but her sister-in-law is no longer what she used to be. She lent her money to Mrs. Zhang It’s okay.

Others had the same idea, and one after another said that it was no problem, and asked Zhang Qi how much he wanted to borrow.

Ah Zhang Qi said: "Eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, third brother and third sister-in-law, please lend me all the idle money you have, as much as you can. In the last passenger transport company, our family only held 2 shares. Nowadays, the company's dividends are getting higher year by year, and people with low shareholdings don't know how much they regret it.

Now we finally have another opportunity, and this time our family must seize the opportunity and hold more shares. "

Brother Zhang nodded and said: "Indeed, if your family could hold more than a dozen shares in the passenger transport company, you would have an income of tens of thousands a year without having to do anything. Now that your clan leader wants to establish a new company, it is worth investing more money in.

I just built a new house last year. I don’t have as much money as my eldest and second brothers, so I can only give you 2,000 yuan. "

 Brother Zhang said: "Sister Qi, I can give you 3,500 yuan."

 Brother Zhang said: "Sister Qi, I can get you 4,000."

Mother Zhang then said, “I’ll also raise 500 for you, so you’ll have 10,000.”

A Zhang Qi thanked him one by one, and then promised: "When this food company makes money and starts paying dividends, I will give you another big gift."

She said this very seriously. If the share dividends of the food company are as large as those of the passenger transport company, then these 10 shares will be able to get a lot of money every year. It is also appropriate to prepare a big gift for the brother of the mother-in-law.


While the whole Naye Deng family was busy selling lychees and watermelons, Deng Shirong was not idle either. He went to Xinguang Farm in Lingshan and spent 1.4 million to purchase 1,000 tons of Gui-flavored lychees. The amount purchased was more than last year. Doubled.

 Then I went to Shanghai, Wuxi, Nanjing, and Hefei, four cities that are relatively close together, and sold them to fruit wholesalers at an average price of 2.2 yuan/jin.

Last year, because Deng Shirong made a time lag, Guiwei lychees were sold to fruit wholesalers all over the country at an average price of 2.5 yuan/jin.

This year, he did not play with the time difference, but honestly sold the Guiwei lychees according to the market season, so the price was 30 cents per catty lower than last year.

However, because the number this year has doubled compared to last year, we still make much more than last year.

 Last year, 500 tons of lychees were sold for a total of 2.5 million yuan. After deducting the purchase price of 700,000 yuan, the net profit was 1.8 million yuan.

 This year, 1,000 tons of lychees were sold for a total of 4 million yuan, minus the purchase price of 1.4 million yuan, resulting in a net profit of 2.6 million yuan.

 After I came back, I started buying wood pineapples and ground pineapples non-stop. When I buy longan in July, I will go out again and there will be another big wave of income.

There is one more thing worth mentioning, that is, as schools begin their summer vacation, the construction of Naye Primary School is also in full swing.

In order not to affect the students' classes, this teaching building was planned to be built during this summer vacation, so all the idle laborers in Bangjie Village spontaneously came to help, and the construction progress naturally progressed by leaps and bounds.

As for the school’s new desks, they have been ordered several months ago, and carpenters are working day and night. After the teaching building is completed, the new desks can be arranged.

In addition, the new ancestral hall of the Naye Deng family is still under construction.

It has been more than a year since the construction of this ancestral hall began. The project is nearly halfway progressed and is expected to be completed before August next year.

The reason why it takes more than two years to complete is that the various carvings in the ancestral hall take a lot of time. Ordinary workers cannot help at all with these tasks. It requires the carving masters to slowly polish them. This is why the construction of the ancestral hall is slow. main reason.


 Naye Village.

 Deng Shirong’s family.

At this time, the college entrance examination results have come out. The results of the youngest daughter Deng Yunzhu are as stable as ever, and she failed the exam without any suspense!

Seeing his youngest daughter's unhappy look, Deng Shirong said: "There's no need to be unhappy. This result is expected. Compared to you who dropped out of school after graduating from elementary school, you are now a high school graduate. Among women of this era, you have already It’s considered a high degree of education.”

Deng Yunzhu said speechlessly: "Dad, you are really good at comforting people."

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "This is the truth. What university did your deskmate go to?"

  When mentioning this, Deng Yunzhu said with some envy: "She was admitted to Beijing Normal University."

Deng Shirong praised: "It's a key university, it's really good."

Deng Yunzhu said: "Fortunately, her family changes did not affect her. If her parents were reluctant to part with the money and forced her to get married, her life would be ruined."

Deng Shirong had long heard from his youngest daughter about her deskmate, and said: "Her parents were barely qualified and did not push their daughter into the fire pit because of her son's mistakes. If you help her later, she can be admitted to a key university in this era." , those are very promising people, there is no harm in making more friends like them.”

Deng Yunzhu nodded and said: "I know that if I hadn't helped her in the past few months, it is still unknown whether she would have had such a good mentality to cope with the college entrance examination, and whether she would have achieved such good scores!"

Deng Shirong hummed and said, "You have graduated from high school now. The hotpot restaurant in Nanning is already under renovation. It will be completed in about one or two months. When the bursary club is finished tomorrow, you will go to Suifeng." Go to the restaurant and learn from your sister how to manage a restaurant.”

Deng Yunzhu blinked and said, "Dad, are you sure you can let me go to Nanning alone to do business?"

Deng Shirong said: "You are not going alone, your elder brother and sister-in-law will also go."

Deng Yunzhu only had poor academic performance, but her reaction ability was still very fast. She asked, "Dad, are my eldest brother and sister-in-law going to Nanning to open a branch of Yongjia Supermarket?"

Deng Shirong nodded and said: "Yes, your eldest brother and sister-in-law's supermarket is on the first floor, and your hotpot restaurant is on the second floor. The place where I originally lived was on the fifth floor, but it was still being renovated and it was not finished so quickly, so I can only rent a place for you to live in first, and then you can move back in when the fifth floor is renovated. "

Deng Yunzhu listened and felt something was wrong. She asked in shock: "Dad, you bought the land and built this building in Nanning yourself, right?"

Deng Shirong smiled and nodded.

Deng Yunzhu:Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

 (End of this chapter)