MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3826 Shura's Change

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, Update the Eternal God Emperor as soon as possible! "One or six total sects, for the water to live in the north."

In the north of the light and shadow of "River Map", a fiery cloud and six dark black holes are displayed. There, the sound of the water is turbulent and the waves are magnificent.

The source of Zhang Ruochen's "Shaoyin" of the four images and the source of the water of the Five Elements, the Divine Sea, has changed, and it will automatically appear on the north side of the Divine Ship.

"Two and seven are the same way, and live in the south for the fire."

The light and shadow of the river map, the "sun" of the four images, and the fire of the five elements, resonate, and a sea of ​​disillusioned stars appears in the south of the divine ship.

"Three-eight is a friend, and Mujudong is a friend."


"Forty-nine are friends, and you live in the west for the king."

"Fifty the same way, for the earth to live in the middle."

Zhang Ruochen evolved to this stage again.

It has been the 805th time in the thousands of years since reaching the Five Elements Consummation in the Temple of Time.

"It can't be stabilized at all. I want to evolve from the four elephants and five elements into the world on the "River Map", it seems that the gap between the mortals and my current cultivation base is even bigger. This path should be correct, but how to do it step by step Where are you going?" Zhang Ruochen thought to himself.

Fifty-five is the number of heaven and earth, in other words, the whole world.

Wanting to go to the sky in one step is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Zhang Ruochen thought of something, raised his left hand, and a brilliance appeared in front of his palm.

In Guanghua, the light and shadow of "Luo Shu" are presented.

"Luo Shu" is different from "River Map", there are only forty-five cloud clusters in total, twenty-five white cloud clusters representing the yang attribute, and twenty black cloud clusters representing the yin attribute.

The total number of clouds in the two lights and shadows adds up to exactly 100, 50 for yang and 50 for yin.

If the two are combined, yin and yang can be balanced.

"River Map" is a layout of five elements, while "Luo Shu" is a layout of nine palaces.

The only thing the two have in common is the middle palace.

Whether it is "River Map" or "Luo Shu", at the center are five fiery white clouds.

"Zhonggong? Could it be that all things in the world are derived from these five points?"

"The Taoists say that the number of Xiaoyan is five, one for water, two for fire, three for wood, four for gold, and five for earth. It may be a feasible strategy to complete Xiaoyan first and build the middle palace!"

Zhang Ruochen seemed to be empowered, dispersing all the clouds, and his body took off from the divine ship.


With a wave of his arm, a steady stream of yin-attribute rule divine patterns flew out from the sea of ​​​​the source of the water, which gradually converged into a cold black cloud.

Concocted in accordance with the law, Zhang Ruochen's four-image vision and the divine world under his feet flew out the regular divine patterns one after another, condensed into five clouds, and gathered around him.

The yin and yang attributes of the five cloud clusters are not unified, and they must be converted into yang attributes first.

This is not difficult for Zhang Ruochen, who has perfected the five elements.

As the five cloud clusters continued to revolve around his body, and the rules were intertwined, the light from the cloud clusters became brighter and brighter, releasing heat that was far more terrifying than the stars.

The rules of heaven and earth in the starry sky boiled with it.

Even the stars hundreds of trillions of miles away began to deviate from the original running route, as if being pulled by some kind of force, and then revolved around Zhang Ruochen.

This kind of power of "moving the stars and pulling the world" shocked both the Ice Emperor and Afuya.

"Is this about to break through?" The burial man felt incredible.


The sky above the **** ship exploded, and five cloud clusters burst.

Time and space were smashed into billions of miles, and countless stars were annihilated.

When Zhang Ruochen appeared on the divine ship again, his body was tattered, pitch black as charcoal, and blood was oozing everywhere.

"Failed?" Afuya said.

Zhang Ruochen coughed and coughed up blood, but his mental state was very good, and said: "I always feel that it is only a little bit short, and there must be something wrong. However, the direction is right, and "River Map" and "Luo Tu" must be combined. book together."

Although the Ice Emperor felt sorry for Zhang Ruochen, he also breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood was very complicated.

If Zhang Ruochen destroys the immortality and immeasurable that is really so easy, it would be too shocking. After all, the Ice Emperor is also a great figure in the ancient times.

The burial person could feel the subtle emotional changes of the Ice Emperor, and giggled, saying, "Are you feeling the pressure?"

"I'm not as strong as him now, what pressure can I have?" The Ice Emperor shrugged and smiled.

The corpse said: "Jiwang has reached immortality and immeasurability."

The Ice Emperor's smile gradually subsided, and he said, "I will catch up with them."

The corpse buried human said: "For the undead blood, the profound meaning of the sea of ​​blood and heaven is the most powerful, and it can continuously strengthen their own blood. More than half of the profound meaning of the sea of ​​blood and heaven must remain in the temple of the undead, and the master of the temple has only control. , without the right to bring all the profound meanings out of the temple."

"If you become the new Hall Master of the Temple of Immortality, you will be able to control more than half of the Profound Truths of the Sea of ​​Blood and Heaven, and become the nominal ruler of the Heavenly Dao of Blood Sea. With the help of master-level Profound Truths, with your talent, indestructible and immeasurable are just around the corner."

The Ice Emperor was silent for a moment, and said, "The heavens of the **** world, I'm afraid they won't let me become the master of the palace."

"My Lord of the Temple of the Undead Blood Race, it's none of their business. If they block, they will directly move their clan and go to the Sword Realm." Only when another immortal and immeasurable is born can the situation be suppressed. The times are getting more and more turbulent, who knows when the disaster of genocide will be ushered in?"

Zhang Ruochen's injuries gradually healed, and he looked at a dark red hazy nebula in front of his eyes and said, "What is that place?"

Ice Emperor said: "That is the Veil Nebula. There are more than 300 stars and dozens of life planets in it. It seems that we have already driven out of the starry sky desert and are about to enter the prosperous area of ​​the Celestial Universe and the Yellow Spring Galaxy. Passing through the Veil Nebula , the defense line of Wuding Divine Sea and Starry Sky is not far away!"

"There is a situation." Zhang Ruochen said.

Hearing this, the Ice Emperor and Afuya both released their spiritual senses to explore the Veil Nebula hundreds of millions of miles away.

Zhang Ruochen stretched out his arms and spread out his five fingers.


Aura and thousands of rules erupted from the palm of his hand, and in an instant, countless clouds appeared in the void.

A huge handprint crossed the distant star field and appeared in front of the Veil Nebula.

It is Shang Tian's unique skill, the Great Way of Heaven and Eight Skills.


Nebula shook violently, and the space was torn apart.

Inside the broken space, a tributary of the Santu River appeared.

On the river, there was a gray dead air, and carrion corpses floated.

Several figures flew on this tributary, as fast as a spot of light.

These figures were wrapped in a ball of light.

Inside the ball of light, the five divine formations were running rapidly, bursting out with two kinds of power, defense and streamer, which were obviously a kind of escape treasure.

Several people in the ball of light fully motivated the divine formation, and all the auras gathered together.

Sword God Fengchen stood at the center of one of the formations and said, "No, it's the seal of the Great Dao and Heavenly Desolation. Could it be that there are gods of the merchants nearby?"

In another divine formation, a deity of the Shura tribe with horns said very worriedly: "With such a strong power, could it be the deity of Shang Tian? We fled along the Santu River to the heavenly universe?"

"The attack from the rear is coming again!"

Master Yixuan stood in the center of the aperture, his face was as pale as death, there were three blood holes the size of the mouth of a bowl, his internal organs were completely broken, and black blood was constantly spilling out of the wound.

Fortunately, Zhang Ruochen opened the sundial in Baiyi Valley and invited her and Fengchen Sword God. Her cultivation base has reached the limitless, otherwise, she will definitely not be able to last.

Behind the tributary of the Santu River, dense shadows flew out.

These shadows were arranged in an army formation, all wearing armor and holding spears.

At the front of the shadow, stood two tall gods as tall as mountains, one with a spear and the other with a spear.



With the sound of two long whistles, dense spears flew out of the shadow army.

Like a rain of arrows, it fell to the few people who fled ahead.

In an instant, the entire Veil Nebula collapsed, hundreds of stars were annihilated, and those living planets naturally turned into fly ash earlier.

Zhang Ruochen derived the Great Dao Tianhuang Seal again, crossed the void, and photographed it.


All the spears and spears that flew towards the Northern Division of Xuan Xuan and the Sword God Fengchen exploded, turning into wisps of black mist.

"It's not Shang Tian, ​​it's Zhang Ruochen."

Sword God Fengchen was overjoyed, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "The sky is endless for us, we finally met the savior, and now the unlucky ones, it's them!"

The Asura deity with a pair of horns endured his injury and laughed loudly: "Come after me, your next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

The nemesis has The real death is ahead. "

The North Division of Xuan Xuan looked at the divine ship that was getting closer and closer, and saw the figures of Zhang Ruochen and the Ice Emperor on the ship. The spirit and energy that he had been holding on all of a sudden dissipated, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

The ball of light disappeared, and her body fell straight down.


Zhang Ruochen moved to her side, grabbed her arm, helped her control her figure, and regained her standing posture.

At the same time, the vigorous energy of life poured into her body.

Master Xuan Bei rushed forward and hugged Zhang Ruochen tightly, his eyes were full of endless hatred and murderousness, but also full of tears, he gritted his teeth and said, "The ancestor has fallen, and the life and death of the temple master is unknown... Shura Temple..."

"Needless to say, just leave it to us here, you heal first."

Zhang Ruochen knew what a strong and arrogant woman Xuanbei Shi was, how could she cry if she hadn't collapsed to the extreme? How could it be possible to see him and hug him instinctively, as if grabbing a life-saving straw and seeing hope?

This is physical and mental injury, seeing the light in the dark.

The northern division of Xuan Xuan gradually recovered his emotions, let go of the arm that hugged Zhang Ruochen, the tears in his eyes had disappeared, and said resolutely: "It's Luo Yuluo, and her shadow army."

Zhang Ruochen was slightly surprised.

I thought that the initiator of the great change of the Shura tribe should be the Qinglu God King, but unexpectedly, a legendary existence appeared out of thin air.

Luo Qiluo, as famous as Asura, is "one mountain and one sea" in the history of the Shura tribe, and it is the real ancestor, not a reputation boasted by later generations.

Ashura, leaving Mount Ashura.

Luo Xunluo, left the Asura Battle Soul Sea behind.

Because the monks of all ethnic groups must go through the baptism of the Asura Battle Soul Sea before they can become the Asura tribe. Therefore, Rachela is also known as the mother of Shura!

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